On a Hunt

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Dedicated to GraceAleya :) For Making such awesome covers!

There I was dragging Kacy to the mystirous castle. She didn't look too pleased when Jocelyn made Kacy take the end of the rope that she tied herself to. Me and Kacy were on a leash while Jocelyn held the middle of the line pulling us forward.

Finally, we made it back to the castle's front law and went inside. Jocelyn left us to wonder the place after locking the front door and hedding to her room up the stairs.

I don't know what happened to getting us Ice cream part of her list, but that never happened. I was disappointed too. I really wanted some icecream. After Brennon band me from it, I 've never been the same. Kacy and I went to the lounging room and took a seat on the red velvet couches. As we sat down, dust flew everywhere causing each of us to have a couching fit.

Kacy had finally shooed the dust away from her face and looked up at me, "Why the hell did you capture me?"

I couldn't look her in the eye. My reasons were selfish, I knew that, but I needed her help. What would have been better would have been capturing Spencer. She's book smart and probably read about every abanboned castle known to man.

Kacy would not let up with her intense glare, "Well..." she insisted.

"I need your help." My voice came out as a mere whisper as I looked towards my lap.

"You need my help. Tori, it better be something really important because mum is making pudding tonight! And you know how much I love that woman's pudding!" She pointed her accusing fingure in my face. "Not to mention the fright that this act of yours just caused Jason. Do you know how torn up Luke is right now?" At those words, my heart ached with pain. I looked away from Kacy and in another direction as tears threatened to escape.

"He won't come out of the office. All he can do is sit there beating himself up for letting you get captured." She went on.

"Not to mention the fits that he throws..."

"Kacy, Stop!" I comanded. I could feel the pain and misery that coursed through Luke. I haven't been oblivious to it. Ever sense Luke and I 'Fully Mated' different things have been happening. Our bond was stronger. It was like we became more intune with one another. So, every now and then I have a sense of what he feels. I am told that this bond is much more intense when between two werewolves, but with me being human, this will have to do. And honestly, I wouldn't want to know what the real thing felt like right now. Too much pian.

Kacy sat there awkwardly in silence then spoke up solfty, "What is it you need help with?"

After pulling myself back together for the time being I answered her, "I need you to help me find the little girl."

"You brought me here for what?" Kacy asked all confused.

"I brought you here to help me with my dream I had, to find the little girl..."

"I'm sorry Tori, run that by me again..."

Then I realised, I had never told Kacy nor Spencer about my nightmare. "Oh yeah." my aweha moment finally came.

"You see, well... I had this dream that Sasquatch was chassing me and there was this little girl and then Sasquatch ate her."

Kacy gave me the look of no return as her mouth hung open in utter confusion and slight anger. "So you're telling me that your hunch of a little girl roaming the place, was just in a bazaar nightmare you had?!"


"Tori!..." She threw her hands up in the air waving them around. Speechless beyond compare. Literally,  as she failed about, nothing was spoken. Her mouth was moving...but I knew in that moment what Kacy would say. And for the most part, I was glad that nothing was coming out.

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