The word that Must Never be Uttered... Run

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Sorry about this, you should read Man if Only I were a Princess first before you read this one. Go ahead if you must, but I warned you. 

That's right folks, I'm starting this chapter off in Luke's point of view.

* Luke's P.O.V.*

It's been two weeks since I lost Tori. Two Whole days without my mate. I think I'm going to die.

Fricken drama queen. It's your fault our mate is lost. My wolf said irritated. It feels like the time when Tori stopped talking to me. I have been getting a lot of mood swings. I shut myself away, people are more irritating then before I think it's best not to be anywhere near them.

I was at the house now sitting in my office trying to figure out what happened to Tori.

Was she kidnapped by what ever came through our borders that day?

That has to be it. That's the only explanation I can think of.

How is that going to get our mate back? My wolf growled.

Hey, I miss Tori too, so you can either help me or keep complaining.

Whatever. He stopped talking and began to play through images in my head, trying to find away that could help.

I already sent warriors to Thor's territory. To get her back, if she even is there. I haven't heard anything back form them or really from Thor's pack. I'm starting to doubt that he is the reason for Tori's disappearance or maybe I should just go to war and then they will talk to me. 

The office door opened and Max walked in. "Alpha, we caught the Luna's sent."

I didn't ask questions. I just ran for the door with Max trying to catch up behind me. We got outside and he started to lead the way. We ran almost to the edge of the border when the sent of vanilla and ginger filled my air ways.


I looked around to see if there were any signs of struggle. There were none. There was a strange sent that filled the air mixing with Tori's, kind of like a flower had exploded only in this area. Yet, it was still familiar to me. There was a hint of a sent all around that I knew I should know but I couldn't quite place it. Alec and Jason came up beside me.

"What no fight?" Jason asked looking around at the scene. "Did she just hand herself over?" He was right. There were no signs of struggle. 

"Luke, I found something," Alec said as he walked up to a tree. He picked up the pair of gym shorts and shook them. A piece of paper fell towards the ground. I picked it up. It had handwriting on it that looked to beTori's.

Luke, Sasquatch has taken me. Call Christina.

Christina? Why would I wan't to talk to her? More importantly, why does Tori want me to talk to her?

"The Heck. Who is Sasquatch?" Jason asked while looking over my shoulder.

"I have no idea." I said sounding a little zoned out.

"We should go back to the pack house and call Christina. If Tori thinks she is important then she must know something." Alec said.


"Kacy. Spencer. We need your help," I called up the stairs. They haven't been taking this Tori being kidnapped thing lightly. Kacy looked like she has wanted to say something for days. It's a little weird actually. I don't like how she walks into my office and just stares at me trying to say something then just hurries out the door. It gets really awkward. Spencer just doesn't seem to be talking at all, well at least when Jason, Alec, and I are near. Alec is getting worried. I can see it on his face sometimes.

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