How to Escape From Said Kidnapper

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It's been another three weeks of being stuck at this old rundown castle and it's starting to get on my nerves.  That and the fact that Jocelyn might murder my unborn child!

I'm still not used to that one. It's hard to picture me as the parent type and it's strange to think that I'll actually have a life sometime in the near future. But, as awesome as the future may appear, right now, I have to think about the present. Figuring out how to be free again.

Kacy and I spent all night coming up with a plan. Today was our only chance to break free because today is the day that Jocelyn is going to kidnap Spencer. I followed Jocelyn's lead and came up with a list:

Step one: Confuse and stress out Jocelyn. While victim is still confused, take master key.

Step two: Wait for Jocelyn to leave. Then, break for freedom.

Step three: Get to Spencer before Jocelyn...

And that's about as far as Kacy and I got before Jocelyn came barging into our room demanding that we go to sleep. Luckily, she wasn't paying much attention to what we were doing. She also did not notice that I snuck out of my room later on in the night and spent my time knotting up her capturing rope.

"How are we going to do this?" Kacy whispered from behind me.

“Follow my lead" I simply replied and began to glide my way over to Jocelyn.  Still keeping my distance, I took her organized list that she made for this location off of the table behind her. She was far too busy to notice as she was bent over looking in the basket by the door. I carefully slipped the list into my back pocket and took my position back beside Kacy.

Jocelyn got up from the floor holding my knotted masterpiece, "I'm not taking the two of you with me this time because that would be too many people I have to worry about all at once." Jocelyn said as she tried to untie the tangled rope in her hands.

Kacy and I both stood there and nodded.

Kacy waited for the right moment when Jocelyn became irritated. She then stepped up, "Here Jocelyn, let me help you with that."  Kacy began to pull on the rope making it tighter. As she was doing so, Kacy's foot was caught in one of the loose loops that was lying on the floor, and started to clumsily trip, taking Jocelyn down with her.

They hit the floor with a scream.  "Get the hell off me now!" Jocelyn growled. Getting up as fast as she could, Kacy hurried behind me.

Jocelyn let out a small scream in frustration, "forget this stupid rope!" She tossed it aside and got up off of the floor. Jocelyn looked on the table for her plans, but they were nowhere to be found.

"Ahhh screw it!" she opened the front door and turned the lock on the handle, "I'll be back with the Gamma Female!" Jocelyn declared as she slammed the door behind her.

Kacy and I waited a few minutes before we rushed to the nearest window.

We watched as Jocelyn fell out of sight and into the neighboring woods.

I looked over at Kacy, "Did you get it?" She gave a sinister smile and held up the master key.

"Easy as pie"

I gave a huge grin, "Shall we?"

"We Shall" Kacy and I skipped to the front door and unlocked it. As we opened the two large oak doors, the fresh air surrounded me and filled my lungs.

"Ahhhhh, it feels great to see the outdoors again." Kacy exclaimed as she twirled around.

I laughed and pulled out Jocelyn's list from my pocket. Maybe we could have the advantage of knowing what her plans are:

Step one: Gather supplies for kidnapping.

Step two: Lock girls in castle prior to my return.

Step three: Cross border and hope Gamma Female will be easy bait.

That's all? "This list is useless." I tossed it behind me and grabbed Kacy's hand. "Looks like we have to go with the element of surprise."

We both ran as fast as we could through the forest. I just hope we make it to Spencer before Jocelyn does.

Kacy and I seemed to be making good timing. It wasn't but fifteen minutes later that we passed the pack border sign. We both crossed without as much as a cautious step. It didn't seem to be at all worrisome if any guards were to see us because after all, we are the Luna and Beta Female.

I made sure to avoid the trail Jocelyn and I took last time. It would be a catastrophe if we were to have a run-in with Jocelyn. Especially sinse we made it this far into freedom. Instead of coming in through the front yard, Kacy and I came from the back. We swiftly ran to the kitchen window and peered in to ease the curiosity that bubbled inside of us.

Alec paced around the room while Jason and Luke sat at the table looking glum and miserable. A knot formed in my stomach. How was I going to tell Luke about our future child and its awaited fate?

I can't think about this right now. I shook it off and looked over at Kacy, nodding for us to keep going.

We have to get to Spencer.

Luck would have it that right as we were about to around the corner leading into the front yard, that Spencer came around that very corner towards us instead.

Kacy screamed and tackled Spencer causing Spencer to scream along with her. They both lied on the ground screaming. Spencer stopped looking confused.  "Kacy, why are you screaming?  You tackled me." Kacy stopped screaming looking just as confused.

The back door slammed.  I spun around on my heels to see Alec, Jason, and Luke all looking like they were about the have a heart attack. Kacy and Spencer seemed to notice as well because both of them looked very concerned as their eyebrows rose in weary.

At first, no one dared to move. Almost as if, we would all fade away and this moment would just be another cruel deserving dream. God, I sure hope this isn't a dream.

My questioning ceased to exist as Luke broke the stillness and wrapped me in his arms.

Then everyone else came unglued.

"Kacy!" Jason yelled with excitement.  He looked as happy as an eight year old on Christmas day. He ran to Kacy picking her up of the ground and pulling her close to him. Alec helped Spencer up from the ground and the all three boys carried us into the house.

Before Luke entered the back door I took one look over his shoulder to make sure we were truly safe. And as far as I could see, Jocelyn was nowhere in sight.

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