The 80's # 1 hero

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Ok guys I posted a video of 'The Most beautiful (Girl in the Room)'

Yes, I know it's weird but please give it a chance, or at least to the part where they talk about Dave.

 *Tori's P.O.V.*

Once again today I am put yet again in an awkward positon. All three of us were. All of a sudden the song The Most Beautiful Girl (In the Room) by Flight of the Conchoreds soundeds from Kacy's direction.

Kacy looks around completely confused. Then her face goes red, "Oh. Oh my gosh that's my phone," Kacy said as she looked at grocery store boy number 2 who by the way, looked extremely confused.

"Uh do you mind she said pointing to the front pocket of her jeans which was currently pressed up against his right leg. "I just have to um uh grab my phone. Thank you," she said scooting herself back a bit so that she could reach for her phone.

After she grabbed her phone from out of her pocket she looked at caller ID and said, "Uhhh.. it's just Jackson."

Spencer and I bursted out into laughter, "Why is that the ringtone for your brother?" I said between pants from me trying to catch my breath.

"Well because he most certaintly is the most beautiful girl in the room duh guys even Dave thinks so," she said in a duh tone refering to the lines of the song that played. Kacy pushed the answer button and began to speak.

"Jackson I'm a little busy right at the moment, so make it quick." There was a moment of scilence then her face turned to confustion. "Wait where did you say you were? "...."Uh-hu. Alight thats what I thought you said. I just wanted to know if I heard you correctly." "Yes ok you have my word I won't tell Tori squat, but it might take me a bit to get over there." "Alright by Jackson."

I narrowed my eyes at her, "What was it that your not supposed to tell me?," I asked Kacy raising one eyebrow in the process.

Kacy starts to laugh and says, "well you see I may have left your window open after I dove out of it. I don't see how I could have closed if I tried but anyway, Jackson tried to climb through your window and now he is stuck there." She started to laugh even harder.

"What is it about the concept of doors that your family doesn't seem to be able to grasp?" I said trying my hardest not to let out a laugh.

I'm not gonna lie imagining a buff guy like Jackson with his legs dangling out of my window was pretty funny.

"WILL YOU GUYS QUIT LAUGHING!," Eric yelled. I turned to look at him. And oh boy let me tell you, he was seethingly mad.

The tention rose pretty quickly and I was pressed tighter against Luke's chest. Again.

Kacy was the first one to speak, "As much as I'm extremely flaterd that you want to be so close to me, but I need to leave," she said pointing to herself. "Oh and I need Spencer and Tori to come with me," she said as she looked up at Luke and the guy that was holding Spencer.

Then we looked at each other and we all had the same looks on our faces curiosity with a hint of confusion. Spencer was the first to voice our thoughts.

"What are your names anyway?" Spencer says looking three of them.

The guy holding Spencer to spoke up, "oh sorry about that babe, I'm Alec," he said as he gestured to himself. He pointed to Luke then to grocery store guy number 2 and said, " that's Luke and that's Jason."

"Oh ok and umm... Why are you holding us?," Spencer asked them as she looked at the three boys.

They all glanced at each other. Then all of their eyes glazed over.

I waved my hand in front of Luke's face, but he didn't seem to respond. He had a hard expretion on his face, almost as if he was having a really serious deep thought.

And from the looks of it all three boys had the same expression on their faces. Alright this is wierd.

Spencer and Kacy looked at each other then to me, "Whelp this is our chance," I said to them. So we each tried to slowly move away from our abducters.

I slowly took Luke's arm and removed it from around my waist. Yes, success. I thought as I smoothly moved my way out of Luke's grap. Kacy and Spencer both got out as well.

We high-fived each other by jumpping up into the air at the same time and kicking our feet out behind us. It was a freeze frame moment. "We've gotten so good at that," Kacy commented after we landed.

"Alright gang lets go get Kacy's brother out of my window," I said jumping into my super hero stance with my legs spread apart, one hand on my hip, and the other in the air. Kacy started to laugh and said, "What are you doing? You look like you could be in a bad 80's music video," she let out cletching her stomach in laughter.

"You know what. Those 80's producers would have loved to have me in their videos!," I said as I turned around and started to walk.

Not looking where I was going, I ran face first into the one person I hated the most. Eric.

He took advantage of my battered state and pulled me into him.

Seriously! Why? Why today universe do you put me in the most awkward uncomfortable situations!? I tried to wiggle my way out of his grasp. I failed miserably and let out a squeal as his grip became tighter around my waist and that's when Luke decided to regain focus.

He let out one of the most intimadating growls I have ever heard. Wow there has been a lot of growling going on today.

"Let. Her. Go. Now.,"Luke said through his teeth. His voice had taken a sense of power. I turned around to see that his eyes were no longer their beautiful deep blue color. No, they were pitch black.

When he looked at me his features softened a bit and conceren and worry washed over his face. But the emotions faded fast as Eric slid his hand farther down my waist. My eyes widened and I tried one last time to escape from his grasp, But like the first time I had no luck.

I let out a whimper. Never before in my life have I felt so weak, so violated. Today has got to be the wort day I have ever experienced.

Eric smiled down at me. It was definately not one of the most comforting smiles I have ever received. This smile was more menacing and scary, and I was definately scared.

Then all of the sudden I felt two large somethings came out from behind me and rap around my waist. They started to pull me in the direction at which they came until my back made contact with the brick wall that is Luke's chest.

It was amazing how much safer I felt here in Luke's arms. I let myself lean into Luke's warmth. It was weird, there was a small electric current that ran through the both of us. I would have been seriously concerned if this were any other guy holding me, but with Luke it just seemed natural.

He had sub contiously wrapped his arms around me to where my arms were pinned at my side. I'm guessing so that there was not a chance that I could run away from him again.

Luke was glarring at Eric the whole time, but neither man backed down. They just continued staring at each other and suprisingly they didn't even blink.

It was really quite impressive, well at least for me. I would have began to cry by now because of my eyes becoming so dry.

I could see Kacy's gears moving in her head. She was clearly debating something, but I didn't know what exactly. She looked at Eric then to Luke and made up her mind.

Kacy cleared her throat, "Uh right.... so if you're not going to let go of Tori it looks like you're going to have to come with us." Kacy said pushing Luke towards the direction of my house.

Well, she at least tried to push Luke, "dear lord boy," she grunted. "What did your mother feed you growing up protein shakes, falcon eggs, and rocks?"

A laugh came out of no where and from the looks of it it emitted from Jason. "Man, you're cool!," he said to Kacy and she blushed, but didn't stop in her quest of getting Luke to move.

Luke didn't argue. Instead he began to walk with me in his arms towards the direction of my house. Still glaring at Eric as we past, he rested his chin on the top of my head.

*Luke's P.O.V.*

There I was having a mind link conversation with Jason and Alec, we were debating with each other whether or not we should tell the girls about werewolfs. We decide that we should wait and let them know some other time. When I came back to reality what I saw made me ticked as hell.

I saw Tori in That worthless scum of a boy's arms, and when he slid his hand down Tori's waist my wolf became even more pissed off and frankly, so was I.

No one touches my mate like that except me.

All I wanted was for Tori to be in my arms away from harm and other males but, mostly other males.

She let out a whimper and my heart broke as she struggled to get out of his grasp. She needed me.

So, I said with all of my Alpha power I could muster, "Let. Her. Go. Now."

But when he didn't let her go, I took my chances and reached out and took Tori into my arms pulling her against my chest.

Having Tori so close to me made my wolf calmed down, but I still had the urge to rip Eric's head off.

She leaned into me. I know she felt it too, the warmth that vibrated off of us. The tiny pops of electric sparks, so soothing as they trailed up our arms in the places where our skin made contact.

My mind was so caught up in Tori and so focused on killing Eric that I didn't realized that some one had said something.

Then I felt something at my back pushing me forewords.

Kacy's voice soon surfaced from behind me, "dear lord boy, what did your mother feed you growing up protein shakes, falcon eggs, and rocks?," She said as she struggled in getting me to move.

Jason laughter boomed and he spoke up, "Man, you're cool."

I just began to walk in the direction Kacy was pushing me, as long as I didn't have to let go of Tori I was fine with it.

As we past Eric I kept my gaze on him as if to say, 'I'm watching you.'

The little punk knew darn well the message I was trying to convey because his stupid little face changed to fear. I was satisfied with that and so I rested my chin on Tori's head and kept walking.


We had walked through probably the strangest neighborhood I've ever seen.

Never before had I witnessed a man eating an orange with its peal on, until now. Tori was looking at the man as well, but with a confused look on her face, "whelp that's strange, he was eating a banana the same way when I left."

"Really, a man is eating the peals off fruits that clearly don't need them and your worried about the type of fruit he's eating?," I said in a questioning tone.

"Yes, I have excepted the fact that my neighbors are a little odd," and as if on que a part of the man's orange fell towards the ground. Tori smiled to herself. She looked so gosh darn cute when she smiled.

We finally reached Tori's house and it was obvious because it was the only house on the block that had a boys rear-end hanging out of the second story window.

Tori stepped out of my arms and stood beside me, which mind you I wasn't too flattered with, but for the sake of my relationship with Tori I won't push her.

"Hi Jackson," Kacy said in a cheery voice.

"Kacy will you just get me down already. My legs are starting to go numb," he complained.

A boy walks out of Tori's house holding car keys. He looked like Tori but had soft brown eyes instead of Tori's vibrant green ones.

He looked up and smiled at every one and said, "hi Tori, Kacy, Spencer, and three other guys I don't know. Oh wait and Jackson. How's it going?"

The boy stuck in the window said, "wait...? what! you knew I was up here and you didn't even try to assist me!?"

Tori's brother laughed, "yeah. It was pretty funny watching you get up there. I don't see how you managed it though," he said looking around at the side of the house.

It was true it did seem nearly impossible that he could have gotten up there because there literally was nothing along the side of Tori's house let alone her yard. Well that's not true there was a bird bath by the door and a nice wind chime, but other then that pretty much nothing.

Kacy squeaked and jumped up and down with excitement bubbling out of her. "Oh my gosh Jackson, are you Spider Man?"

" What? No Kacy I'm not Spider Man!" Jackson said with frustration.

Kacy's new found excitement left as quickly as it came.

Tori's brother spoke up with a smug look on his face, "I got to say, you have much less agility then Kacy did at attempting to use that window it was actually kind of sad," he said as if he was reminiscing on the moment.

"Aww man, you knew I left?" Kacy said sounding disappointed.

"Uhh yeah, you and your brother seem to forget that Tori's room is right over the living room which has a fairly large window," he said pointing towards the large white paned window to his right.

"Oh," Kacy said with a little disappointment in her voice.

"Brennon, where are you going with my car?," Tori asked looking at the keys in her brother's hand.

"Oh, mom wanted me to go to the store and pick up some more eggs so she can bake cookies," Tori's brother, who apparently happens to be named Brennon, looks up at the sky. He puts his hands in his pockets, acting like he was admiring it.

Then he goes on with his thought and says, "And seeing how you brutally ended the life's of those poor eggs that last time, I figured I should go get them."

Tori's eyes widened and she started blushing, "thanks Brennon for the reminder."

Brennon smiles and says, "Don't mention it," waving his hand at Tori as if he had just preformed an honorable deed.

Brennon's eyes shift towards me and his smile became bigger, "and you must be the cute boy whom Tori sacrificed a bunch of eggs on."

I'm starting to like this kid.

"What makes you say that?," I ask.

"Well you're the only one here with dried egg on your shirt and you're standing really close to my sister. Argo, you're cute egg guy," he said.

And with that he started walking towards Tori's car, but not before tossing Tori's keys up into the air catching them with the same hand and saying, "whlep Jackcon good luck getting down from there you handsome devil you," and he drove off.

"Brennon! You jerk!," Jackson yelled. "Take me with you!" The boy was wiggling all around the place trying to get out of Tori's window.

A head popped out of the down stairs window on the front left side of the house. It was a woman who looked like an older version of Tori but share the same eye color as Brennon.

"Jackson dear, would you like some cookies?"

Jackson quit his last attempt at breaking free and went limp, "yes Miss. Conners," he said in defeat.

"Ok then dear just checking."

She turned her head and said, "Oh Tori you brought guests with you," she said looking at Jason, Alec, and I.

She put one hand on the side of her mouth in a secretive way and mouthed 'they're hot' but she put an entasis on the word hot. Tori groaned and slapped one hand to her face. I let out a chuckle.

"So do you boys want some cookies?," Tori's mom asked.

I smiled and answered, " No thanks Tori's mom we have to be leaving soon, but thank you for your offer."

She waved her hand towards me and said "You're welcome dear and call me Jenna. Tori's mom makes me sound old," she scrunched up her face at the word old.

Then she went back through the window and kept on with what ever she was doing before.

"Ok, that was... weird," Kacy said nodding her head in the process.

"We should go," I said looking at Tori. She looked a little sad at my leaving, but forced a smile and replied with an ok.

Ouch. All I wanted to do on that moment was comfort her, but I didn't know if she wanted me to.

She turned and made her way to the front door with Kacy and Spencer right behind her.

"Lets go get Jackson down," Kacy said in a reluctant tone.

Alec, Jason, and I turned and walked back to Main Street which is where we left my truck. We could still her the girls in the distance.

"I think your mum has the hots for Luke," we heard Kacy say. We All laughed but kept walking.

We reached my truck and got in it and drove back to the pack house.

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