To The Books!... Kind of...

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So, I just learned that the correct trem for third in a pack is Gamma and not Omega, so I will be making some changes. 

The walk to Luke's was a quite one, no one dared to say a word. Honestly, it was a little awkward.

The tension was high as Finn tried to walk as close as possible to Kailee, but Luke and Adam kept on cutting him off. Luke had let go of me to make shielding Kailee easier. And the parents, all they could do was stare at Kacy, Spencer, and me.

Cam could only smile at me. It got a little creepy. And when I looked back, she would give me the thumbs up, I don't even know why. Was it because both of her children have found their mates? Or because I helped tie a couple of shirtless men to a tree?

She was the only one in her family that didn't seem mad about the mate that was chosen for her daughter. Actually, she was filled with complete and utter joy. After a while, I just stopped my wondering and let the weird continue.

As for Brennon, he was now asleep in the arms of a buff shirtless man. I think he was just extremely tired from running so much, and from his melt down. It's safe to say that he needed some rest.

What a strange day it has been and it's only two in the afternoon.

As we walked our way through the yard, Spencer and Kacy moved in close to me as Kacy whispered, "We're going to the library to find out more about this Thor guy." I nodded. I have to admit, I am curious as to what makes this man so powerful that even Adam is concerned.

When we walked into the house, Luke and the other boys walked straight down the hall with Finn behind them. They entered a room that looked to be an office and shut the door. The shirtless man laid Brennon on he couch, where he curled and continued to sleep peacefully. The adults went into kitchen, leaving Kacy, Kailee, Spencer, and I alone in the living room with a passed out Brennon.

Kailee looked worried, still staring at the door to the office. " Ok, so we are going to go to the library Kailee, if you want to come along..." Spencer offered.

" Yeah, yeah ok," Kailee answered uneasily. Her eyes never left the door as she followed us.

On our walk there Spencer and Kacy moved in close to speak with me. " Hey umm, should we tell Kailee that we know about... you the wolf thing?" Spencer asked.

I looked back at Kailee and I could see that she was not paying any attetion to us. She seemed more distracted if anything. She looked as if she were in a deep thought. I don't think that it's all about Finn being questioned either.

I nodded, "Maybe she could be of help, and besides I think we should give her something else to think about for the time being."

So, when we walked into the library we went back to the spot we had first found while being there. The three of us sat on the couch while Kailee pulled up a seat a crossed from us. "Kailee?," Spencer asked, "What can you tell us about Thor?"

This seemed to bring her out of her daze as she looked at the three of us in shock. "Why do you ask?" she said in suspicion.

"I'm just going to go ahead and say it! No need to beat around the bush. " Kacy said throwing her hands into the air. "We know about werewolves."

Kailee was stund, "H-How?"

"First day we came over, and you led us to the library, I wanted to come here to look for some answers," Spencer admitted, "I found a book that explained what mates are and put the pieces together."

"Does anyone know that you know about...?" Kaile asked as everything started to sink in.

"Your mom knows," I answered, "but she is the only one."

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