The Destiny.

بواسطة shafsgallery

2.3K 347 63

Something remains scaring us. Something remains troubling us. Some pains feel so fresh, when they has to get... المزيد

The Nightmare.
A Key.
Shoe Lace.
its better to go
half truth
the balcony
Hazel nut
the beginning
Pinky promise
fast and furious
15th july
fondness and longing
My Noccoila
forgiveness is better.
the kind.
Warm and soft
find me if you can
that barbeque day
voice from the past
call from the past
melancholic night
prince charming
one day.
silent whispers
extra extra
it just got started
sixth sense
The basement
Show time
Better After

the trial

34 8 2
بواسطة shafsgallery

Chapter- 28 the trial.

"Did they find out the culprit?" Yumna asks.

"Yes, Arhaan finally caught that guy," I say. "Who is it?" She asks. "Bro I'm running out of time. I'll tell you in detail after I come back. Hopefully." I say and gets up to leave.

"I pray that Danyal would be safe and come back secure" Yumna whispers but I pretend to be deaf here. Since when she started caring about him. Anyways I shake my head.

"Yumna. Zoya. I'm leaving" I say aloud running down from the stairs goes right at the seat opposite of my shoe rack and quickly takes out my sneakers and starts wearing it.

"Okay..all the best" Zoya and Yumna wishes me together.

I smile and thanks to them.
They smile too.

"Pray that everything goes well," I say and rush out and receives the call. It's Arhaan.

"You know what to do right" He states.

"Yea Arhaan I'll be there on time. Don't worry." I assure him and

"Take care dear." He said and I nod and ends the call.

John pov.

"Hey, Mr.jackson!! You have to prove me innocent.." I order him. " I trust you, you can take how much money you want but you have to prove me innocent," I say last time to my lawyer before the trial starts.

"I am and I will try my best," he says and taps my shoulder.

I hope everything goes according to my perspectives. I've to win this case and has to run from this city as soon as possible.

I sigh.

"Who is the person taking the case from another side?" I ask and bite my bottom lip.

"Umm.. the layer Robin with his prosecutor Bert. But I heard that Bert isn't well.. so Bert's investigator that is Arhaan Khan is going to lead." He states and starts arranging the papers.

"Oh, Crap!! I heard he protests well!" I gasp.

"Ya! But we'll try our best!! As there are 50-50 chances according to the evidence." He says looking at me with his eyes up from his spectaculars.

"We wiped out the cues let's see how they'll win this trial besides Arhaan is the most tougher to make him lose but this time let us see what happens" Mr Jackson claims.

"To be clear!! We ain't here to see what happens..Mr.jackson!" I raised my voice. "We have to win this trial I want to be free..if not then I'll cancel your license" I yell demanding him.

"Y-yea" he hesitates.

"Good" I creep out.

It's true that there was me behind Amanda's accident. It's bad to kill your own ones but what should I do I was in need of money. mom and dad named their property only on Amanda.

They loved her since she was born until they escaped their breath. They forgot me and Jake...Jake doesn't even care because he too loves Amanda did I. Since after Jake was born, mom dad forgot me and focused only on the Jake and I every time has to compromise and then soon Amanda came..and snatched the leftover love from me..and all I can do was to take the money... yes I'm jealous and also I hate them.. they snatched everything from me... Let me just get free and I've to send Jake far away too... Not too far..but very far away from where he cannot come back again!!

Arhaan pov

*The trial on*

"Your honour, as we know that Amanda's case in which she attempted suicide but that wasn't a suicide actually... Amanda herself declared that there was someone behind the scene who forced her to jump from the top of the building.." Mr.Robin says.

"..I have the evidence" he turns around to see me and I place it on his table.

"Jake!" I gesture at him.

".. Yes, your honour Jake... Jake is the evidence and I please you to call him in the statement box" Mr.Robin asks and gives a Lil bow.

Judge Carl accepts the order and
Jake comes in the statement box and he's done with all the formalities.

"Tell us what Amanda told you when she gained consciousness." Layer Robin asks him to say.

"Yes your honour, Amanda herself states that she didn't suicide but somebody forced her...when I visited her in ICU she was hesitating at some extent.. she cannot narrate me the whole story but I understand what she wanna say.." he claims and sighs.

"Thank you, Jake please come and take your seat," Mr Robin Lee says and Jake came to his seat and sits.

The opposition was so tough to get through but our layer is doing his best!! the pieces of evidence which were, the footage and the pictures everything suddenly got erased and he wasn't able to do anything and now he had to prove John as a culprit because he is!! I'm damm sure John is behind evaluating the evidence. I closed my eyes and inhaled Deeply trying to get calm.

I blankly stare at John without realizing that I'm actually staring at him from so long. I finally blinks and came back to my senses.

Here Mr.jackson is trying his best to prove him innocent.

"Your honour my prosecutor. Brett sudden gets into a health issue. So I would like you to please Mr Arhaan Khan to continue it." Mr.Robin asks the judge and the judge agrees.

I come near the statement box and the Robin takes his seat.

"So Mr.Arhaan do you have any pieces of evidence?" Mr.Jackon raises his brows looking at me immensely, in short giving me a look of pity.

I grind my teeth. "Your honour, as we know Amanda after gaining her consciousness stated that she did not commit suicide somebody forced her... And when Amanda was going to say who was it then suddenly nurse came in and informed Jake that there's a call for him at the front desk and is urgent and after that Jake went to receive.. however when he returned Amanda was losing her pulse.. the doctor said her brain is dead and at that time there were only two people in- Amanda and her elder brother John..." I narrate and looked at John.

"How come a person gaining her consciousness can suddenly have a braindead?" I add.

"Also when we want to do an autopsy the so-called elder brother John drops his crocodile tears and begged us not to take Amanda for the autopsy..." I pause.

"But for your kind information Amanda already sends for the autopsy" I announced and I can see John's and his lawyer's jaw drops.

I smirk.

"WHY!?" John yelled and stand.
"Why the hell did you do that Jake? How can you let them do an autopsy?" John yowls

Huh. This guy's acting skills are the worst.

"Shut the hell up!" Jake yells back.

"Keep it silent!everybody will get a chance to speak." The judge. Carl Bangs.

"Your honour" I gasp and show him the photographs of Amanda's neck which were blueish-green before the autopsy. And I connected to the projector so that everybody can see.

"As you can see the bruises on her neck is nothing but the reaction of a drug or so-called Belladonna.. which caused her braindead just in minutes" I claim and turn to look at John who is completely surprised.

"And yes, here is the footage of the Mr.Ryan the father of Emily who gave him the address from where he can get this drug," I claim and play the video.

I can clearly see John's jaw drops.
The cold sweat freezes on his forehead.

I smirk "your honour, the John has gold teeth plus he isn't having teeth and also he wears his silver ring on his right index finger as shown in this video and also claimed by the Ryan," I say.

Everybody at the trials starts gossiping and focuses on John. "He is the culprit" shouts one of the members from the crowd.

"Keep patience!" The judge bangs and the lawyer Jackson stands up straightening his tie "your honour, what if this footage is know it can be created by someone easily. They are just trying to dig in my innocent as a culprit" Jackson says and I clench my jaw.

"Do you have any clue which directly focuses on my client?" He asks.

I grinned my teeth and swallow "Well, the results of the test are here!" I say twisting my lips.

"Amanda's nurse, Sarah who knew this. Your honour I would like you to please Sarah in the statement box" I ask the judge and his orders.

Sarah walks in and stands to get nervous. "Sarah tell us what you know about John did with her sister, Amanda" I gently say her and she nods inhaling deeply.

"Your honour, John used me just for the sake that I'll help him to get rid of his family, I was not knowing this before but now I understood his intentions.. he acted as he liked me and every time asks me about Amanda. I thought he's concern about his sister but no!" She stops getting tears in her eyes.

I look at her and blinks to calm her down. She sniffs. " He said me to call him when Amanda was awake, he asked me to call Jake out.. and claim that it's an urgent call and I did what I've been told..but..after that.."

"She's a lier!!!!"

"She's a lier!!" John shouts.

"YOU ARE A MURDERER," Sarah yells at him.

"Shut the hell up" he's a voice full with aggressiveness.

"Mr John we order you to keep quiet or else we have to take any harsh attempt..." Judge state.

"He said me to give her an injection, I asked him what is that.. but he told me that doctor itself says me to inject on Amanda... I wasn't knowing that it was a drug. I swear." She cries. "After.." she sniffs. "After... I injected, just a few seconds later she starts breathing rapidly...And.." she hiccups. "..then Jake came in the room.." she inhales deeply wiping her tears with her sleeves.

"Thank you, Sarah, you can go back and have your seat," I say with a weak smile and she nods. "Thank you" I gesture.

"As we know that John has given her the drug and we've sent that injection to autopsy as well," I claim.

"They are all liers... why would I kill my own sister!!" John cries, duh! pretending to be emotional.

"And where are the results?" Lawyer Jackson asks raising his eyelids.

"HERE!" A familiar voice came from behind. I turn back to see who is it.

It's Ayaat. For a second I'm surprised but I feel confident.

She walks straight in front of the judge stands a few steps back and gives me a blink.

"Well, your honour I would like you to please her at the statement box," I say.
The judge bangs and she stand in the statement box.

*After the formalities*

"I'm Ayaat, Danyal's junior and Amanda's classmate. I know them for more than a year...and also I'm assisting Mr Arhaan...Well, the tests have come and it is clearly proven that the reason for her brain dead is the drug or so-called the belladonna.

I pass the test papers to Arhaan and he gives it to the judge.

"..Your honour, I would like to say that Amanda was really upset from the behavior between Ayaat and Danyal" Jackson interrupts.

I can see Ayaat clenching her.

"And I've got the evidence, pleased you to call the Suzain, the Amanda's best friend."

A girl with blond hairs with formal dressing walk from her seat and stands in the opposite statement box.

"Suzain, John's girlfriend" Ayaat murmurs.

"What?" I gawk and look at John who is smirking at me.

"Your honour, yes, Amanda was really upset as the Danyal was changing his behaviour towards Amanda which was bothering her allot and that day she run-up to the terrace crying and-

"NOO!" Danyal yells getting up from his seat probably before letting her says her complete sentence.

"No, your honour, Amanda misunderstood me and then we sat and clarified the misunderstandings between us..after this, we were happy and I don't know what happened to her suddenly" Danyal narrate.

"Your honour, Danyal is right," Ayaat says this time.

"Mr.Jackson you don't need to enlarge this situation, I've the evidence what Amanda clearly stated" Ayaat informs and hands me a DVD.

The offended people was so surprised hearing my statement... I collected every evidence which was hidden by John. But I pity him because I found it.

I play the footage where Amanda is giving her statement that Danyal isn't the reason but there's someone close to me who is responsible for my situation.

Jake gets teary eyes. I give him some hope with a blink and a weak smile.

"All the evidence are here in front of you my honour, where Amanda is giving her statement that Danyal isn't the reason and plus she is braindead just because of the drug which was given by the John through the IV fluid and yes Mister Ryan also stated that he gave the address and here is the fake medical insurance from where he bought the Belladonna." I justify and inhales deeply.

The crowd again starts gossiping and John's gawked, Jackson's try to protest but failed. "I'll never forgive you all" John speak. And finally, the judge claimed John as the culprit.

The moment of relief runs in me. All praise be to be lord Almighty.

Jake gets teary eyes and came near me and hugs me. "Thank you! Thank you, Soo much Mr.khan"

"Anytime dear brother, calm down and take this," I say and handle him the paper. "What's this?"

"Insurance money, your brother was planning to take all of this money and decided to shift to another country," I say and he hugs me again "Thanks a lot"

So sorry for a Lil lengthy chapter.
And please please vote, comment you opinions and please share my book
Thank you so much
Finally, it will come soon what we've been waiting for...
Stay tuned.
Thank you again.
Xoxo <3

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