Falling For The Suspect ✔️

By frozenyogurtxxx

18.6K 665 225

Chase Rivers is anything but safe, or at least that is how he is painted in his small home town. As the numbe... More

Chapter 1 ~ Sage
Chapter 2 ~ Chase
Chapter 3 ~ Sage
Chapter 4 ~ Chase
Chapter 5 ~ Sage
Chapter 7 ~ Sage
Chapter 8 ~ Chase
Chapter 9 ~ Sage
Chapter 10 ~ Chase
Chapter 11 ~ Sage
Chapter 12 ~ Chase
Chapter 13 ~ Sage
Chapter 14 ~ Chase
Chapter 15 ~ Sage
Chapter 16 ~ Chase
Chapter 17 ~ Sage
Chapter 18 ~ Chase
Chapter 19 ~ Sage
Chapter 20 ~ Chase
Chapter 21 ~ Sage
Chapter 22 ~ Chase
Chapter 23 ~ Sage
Chapter 24 ~ Chase
Chapter 25 ~ Sage
Chapter 26 ~ Chase
Chapter 27 ~ Sage
Chapter 28 ~ Chase
Chapter 29 ~ Sage
Chapter 30 ~ Chase
Chapter 31 ~ Sage
Chapter 32 ~ Chase
Chapter 33 ~ Sage
Chapter 34 ~ Chase
Sequel ~ Falling For The Disappeared

Chapter 6 ~ Chase

599 27 2
By frozenyogurtxxx

Chase's POV

Throughout my room, the alarm is blaring and unceasing. I look over at the clock that reads 7.43. With a grunt, I scan my room and heave the covers off me. I get in the shower and get ready. As I storm downstairs my mother's voice calls out from the kitchen.

"Would you like any breakfast?" she calls after me, hoping my response is going to be different from every other morning.

"Nope," I tell her as I grab and an apple, kiss her on the cheek and leave without a second glance.

I jump in my car and speed off to school, thinking about the day before me. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. I sure as hell couldn't be bothered to walk through the corridors again and have everyone's eyes on me watching, and whispering behind me, as I go through the day. I liked lurking in the shadows assessing others, observing and calculating. It was hard when everyone's eyes were on me. I was usually the one that everyone tried to not think about.

Scanning the car park for my usual spot I notice a white car parked in my spot, my brows crinkle in confusion. You've got to be kidding me. Everyone knows this is my car parking spot, it might as well have a bright red sign saying Chase Rivers on it. To say I am annoyed is an understatement. Is someone really wanting to challenge me, if so they have chosen the wrong day to do it. I would have thought they would be afraid that I might make them go missing along with Brett, considering everyone already thinks that I have something to do with it.

Immediately catching my attention is who steps out of the car. I should have known. Of course, this little auburn red head would have the nerve to park in my spot. Is this girl obsessed with me or is she just plain clueless? My anger increased as I sped off in search of a new spot tightening my hold on the wheel making my knuckles go white. I considered nudging her car with mine, after all, mine was a wreck there would be no damage to my car but hers, and with her father being the detective and all, I don't think she the right person to be picking a battle with. I find one far away from my usual spot, in front of the doors and as if the universe hates me, I hear the bell ring. Great. I am late. I wouldn't be surprised if the detective questions me on this as well considering how close he has been watching me recently. At least I can say it is his daughter's fault for parking in my spot.

Stalking into school and looking around the empty corridors I let out a grunt of annoyance. Biology is the class I am meant to be in right now. I walk in noticing how almost all sets of eyes in the classroom snap to me, including the teacher. What was going on, no one ever really cared if I existed and now I'm the centre of everyone's attention.

"Mr Rivers, late again I see. Care to explain why?"

"Well you see I was told to go to hell and on my quest to find it I got side tract. But no worries because I've finally found it," I reply not caring to give her a second glance as I saunter down an isle and dump my books onto the table with a loud thud.  I ignore the shocked looks of my classmates as I sit down and look at the clock, noting that I shouldn't have even bothered to come to this class considering how long was left.

My eyes scan the class and I notice the reason for me being late is sitting right next to me, drawing away in her notebook trying to not pay attention to what was happening around her or even bothering to look up at me, unlike with the rest of the class. I smirk, unlucky for her, if there is one class that you should pay attention to or at least look like you're concentrating, it is this one.

"Ms Hill, would you like to tell us the answer to the next question?"

My smirk widens as I watch her head snap up at the sound of her name. Sage squirms in her seat as her cheeks turn red in embarrassment. It is quite pleasing to watch. Not many things brought me enjoyment these days but this was one of them as I turned to stare directly at her.

"Errrrrrr yea its ummm..." the sound of the bell rings through the classroom, making Sage sigh in relief. Damn, I was actually enjoying watching the good girl scramble, I think as I smile to myself.

I stalk out of the classroom and go to my locker just as an announcement rings over the speakers, catching the attention of everyone in the corridor.

"Can all students please report to the assembly hall immediately," the principle's stern voice announces filling the corridor.

I let out an annoyed sigh and head in the direction of the hall with a frown on my face. Walking in I realise I'm one of the last students to enter. My eyes meet with the familiar ones of the detective and the principle, I give them a smirk as I sit in my seat, making the principal frown back at me, his dislike for my attitude apparent.

The quiet whispers that are filling the hall are hushed as the principle speaks up.

"As you all know, Brett Reed is a student who has been attending this school up until a few weeks ago is missing," his gaze scans the room stopping at me and I raise my eyebrows and roll my eyes in annoyance.

The whispers start up again as some people glance up at me to see if I have any reaction. Too bad for them I keep my face blank as I stare ahead. Some people just need to mind their own god damn business.

"Silence please, as I was saying, there has been no new information on his whereabouts and we now have to assume the worst". You could hear a pin drop with how silent it was. 

I could feel one pair of crystal blue eyes stand out among the rest, they were wide with fear and curiosity as she turns and glances straight at me. Our eyes lock making her look away almost instantly. She must have heard the rumours, the talk of other students. The unspoken new rule of Maple High. To steer clear of Chase Rivers at all costs.

Just one look told me everything I needed to know. I know what she's thinking. The same thing almost everyone in the room is probably thinking.

Everyone's minds and opinions on what happened were already made up. Not that I was bothered. I couldn't care less what they thought. These people meant nothing to me. They never had, and nothing was going to change now.

I waited behind as everyone left the hall, followed by the principal and Detective Hill.

"Mr Rivers," the detective says with a curt nod of the head.

"Mark," I say with a cocky smirk.

"It's Mr Hill for you," he corrects me not looking pleased with my response.

"No worries, Mark," I say as I flash a cheeky grin, satisfied that I could get under his skin so easily.

And with a smirk, I get up out of the seat and walk out of the hall.


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