A Weekend Away // l.s.

By aussie_direction

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❝ I think sometimes, a new place can give you a new perspective on things and, well, you being here with me h... More

Volume i - Chapter 1
Volume i - Chapter 2
Volume i - Chapter 3
Volume i - Chapter 4
Volume i - Chapter 5
Volume i - Chapter 6
Volume i - Chapter 7
Volume i - Chapter 8
Volume i - Chapter 9
Volume i - Chapter 10
Volume i - Chapter 11
Volume i - Chapter 12
Volume i - Chapter 13
Volume i - Chapter 14
Volume i - Chapter 15
Volume i - Chapter 16
Volume i - Chapter 17
Volume i - Chapter 18
Volume ii - Chapter 19
Volume ii - Chapter 20
Volume ii - Chapter 21
Volume ii - Chapter 22
Volume ii - Chapter 23
Volume ii - Chapter 24
Volume ii - Chapter 25
Volume ii - Chapter 26
Volume ii - Chapter 27
Volume ii - Chapter 28
Volume ii - Chapter 29
Volume ii - Chapter 30
Volume ii - Chapter 31
Volume ii - Chapter 32
Volume ii - Chapter 34
not an update
Volume ii - Chapter 35
Volume ii - Chapter 36
Volume ii - Chapter 37
Volume ii - Chapter 38
Volume ii - Chapter 39
Volume ii - Chapter 40
Volume ii - Chapter 41
Volume ii - Chapter 42
Volume iii - Chapter 43
Volume iii - Chapter 44
Volume iii - Chapter 45
Volume iii - Chapter 46
Volume iii - Chapter 47
Volume iii - Chapter 48
Volume iii - Chapter 49
Volume iii - Chapter 50
Volume iii - Chapter 51
Volume iii - Chapter 52
Volume iii - Chapter 53
Volume iii - Chapter 54
Volume iii - Chapter 55
Volume iii - Chapter 56
Volume iii - Chapter 57
Volume iii - Chapter 58
Volume iii - Chapter 59
Volume iii - Chapter 60
Epilogue (Part 1)
Epilogue (Part 2)

Volume ii - Chapter 33

8.3K 349 324
By aussie_direction

Harry's POV

We decided to just sit around the campsite for the whole day, just being lazy and having fun. After all, it was a pretty mild day and we were all tired from the previous days anyway.

Liam and Gemma eventually came and joined Niall, Louis and I, along with a very grumpy Zayn at around midday, though Niall was quick to cheer him up.

He kissed him on the cheek and held him tight as he sleepily climbed into his lap and closed his eyes, returning to his sweet sleep.

I sighed as I watched them. The last time I saw Niall this happy was with his last girlfriend, Maddy. He was devastated when they broke up and cried for days. I remember holding him and trying to cheer him up, but what can you do when your best friend is suffering from a broken heart?

She was his first love and I don't think he'd ever get over her, until now.

Him and Zayn seemed so happy and I was so happy for them, I couldn't help but smile as I watched them.

Louis must have seen me because he squeezed my hand to grab my attention.

"Hey," he said with a smile.

"Hey," I replied and leant forward to kiss him lightly. He hummed against my lips and once I'd pulled back, he pulled me into a hug and I rested my head on his shoulder.

I felt him kiss the top of my head as I closed my eyes.

I stayed like that and held Louis' hand tight in mine until he got up to take his hoodie off. Even then, he reattached them and gave it another affectionate squeeze before he started rubbing circles on it with his thumb.

It made me hum contentedly as I leant back in my chair and closed my eyes, finally happy with my life.


A little after breakfast, we realised we were running low on food. We'd only been planning to stay for the weekend so we didn't bring much and even with Liam and Zayn's additions, the food had only stretched so far.

"There's literally no food in here." Liam complained as he rummaged around through the esky.

"Babe, there's still some bread and salad. Make a sandwich." Gemma suggested from where she was sitting with the rest of us.

Liam just grumbled in response but did as she said.

"We'll go!" Louis volunteered as he looked at me with a smile and then back at Liam who was searching through the stash.

"What?" he asked, not looking up from the esky.

"Harry and I can go into the town today and grab some food." He offered again.

"Yeah alright, and remember to pick up some more ice too, so we can keep the meat fresh." Zayn added.

"Um, yeah. That might be a good idea." Liam announced as he pulled a bag out from the melted ice.

He crinkled his nose in disgust as he held it away from his body.

"This is just disgusting." He continued.

"Oh my god, Liam. Throw it away!" Niall exclaimed as he leant away from it.

It was dark brown and mushy and could have been meat at some point. I cringed as he put it into a rubbish bag and returned to his food.

"Okay, so we'll get ice." Louis confirmed with a laugh. "And something for dinner. What else?"

"Well how much longer are we planning to stay?" Zayn asked looking around the group.

"Whenever, I guess. We have nothing to do." Liam said to Zayn as he sat down next to Gemma with his sandwich.

He took a bite and frowned. "And add bread to your list. This is stale." He added.

"When do we go back to school, Harry?" Niall asked.

"Uh, next week, I think." I replied shrugging my shoulders. "So we're right to stay for a while."

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm kinda getting over this whole 'roughing it' experience." Gemma announced, moving around uncomfortably in her chair. "I have like, no clean clothes left. And I feel dirty."

"I'm liking it," Liam replied, looking down at her as she snuggled up against him. "I like being out here with you."

"That's sweet, Li. But I kinda want to go home." She replied.

"Yeah, I agree with Gem." Zayn added, making Niall gasp in fake shock. "Chill out, babe." He reassured him before kissing him on the head. "I just mean that I miss home too. And my comfortable bed. I'm sorry, but not matter how you sugar coat it, no tent is more comfy than my bed."

Niall grumbled a little but snuggled into Zayn's outstretched arms anyway.

"Maybe we should just stay a couple more days then?" Louis suggested.

"Yeah, like, 4?" Liam asked.

Gemma laughed out loud. "HA. No. More like 2."

"3?" Niall tried to reason but she shook her head.

"2." She repeated.

While they were arguing, I zoned out of their conversation and turned to Louis so I could lay my head on his shoulder.

"You can get comfortable, babe." He whispered in my ear, so I did.

I moved so I was sideways, my head on his lap and my legs over the arm of the chair. He started stroking my head and running his fingers through my hair while our other hands were still entwined and laying on my chest.

It was so relaxing and I felt like I could lay there in his arms forever.

Niall cleared his throat, making me open my eyes to see them all staring at us.

"Um, guys?" he interruped. "Can you like, maybe stop and help us figure this out?"

I huffed. "Fine, but I'm not moving." I replied with a laugh. "This is actually so comfy!"

"It's okay, babe. You don't have to." Louis whispered as he leant down closer to me and pecked my lips.

"Guys!" This time it was Zayn calling us out.

"Okay, okay." Louis laughed. "What's the question?"

"How much longer do you wanna stay?" Gem asked me.

"Um, whenever. I don't mind." I replied.

"Okay, then you're on my side." She announced. "That's three votes for me, and two for Liam." She poked her tongue out at him.

"Lou?" Liam asked.

"Uh, I'm good to go home, actually. I think I have work on Saturday too so, maybe 2 days?" he admitted.

"YES!" Gemma exclaimed, before she caught herself. "Not that this hasn't been an awesome trip," he covered, making us all laugh.

"So two more days then?" Niall confirmed.

"Yep," Liam replied.

"Okay, now that's settled," Zayn said, looking to Louis and I. "You two, go get us food."


After sorting through the rest of the food to decide what to buy, Louis and I walked through the woods and to the national park carpark where climbed into the car and drove down to the little seaside town we saw from the hill.

It was quaint and the drive down through the hills was gorgeous. He held my hand in his the entire time he drove and with the ocean view in front of us, I couldn't ask for anything better.

We wandered through the supermarket, picked out some food, making sure to grab a few bags of ice. On the walk back to the car, I spotted an ice cream shop.

I love ice cream and it had been a while since I'd had any. This town was so cute and the shop just looked so charming, I couldn't help but want to go in.

And besides, who wouldn't want to go on an ice cream date with Louis?

"Oh my god." I said as I saw it. "Lou, can we please get ice cream? Please?" I practically begged him.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow and laughed before kissing my nose.

"You're so cute." He commented as he shook his head. "Yes, we can get ice cream."

"Yes!" I exclaimed, making him laugh again.

"C'mon, let's put these in the car, and then we'll get you some ice cream."

Once we'd gotten to the car, I quickly put my bags in the boot and then helped Louis with the ones he was holding.

Then, we walked back to the store, hand in hand before going in. He had to let go of my hand to open the door for me and before I got a chance to hold it again, he put his hands in his pockets to grab out his wallet as we approached the counter.

"Hello. Welcome to Calder's ice cream store. What can I get you?" the girl behind the counter asked us with a beaming smile.

Her name badge read, Eleanor and she seemed pretty nice.

"Um, I'll have just a single scoop of vanilla, please." Louis ordered before turning to me "Harry?"

I was scanning the rows of flavours when I heard him chuckle. I just looked up and playfully glared at him before I placed my order.

"I'll have a single scoop of chocolate, please." I asked the girl.

"Sure, that'll be $7 thanks." She said with a bright grin.

Louis opened his wallet and payed. I felt kinda bad for making him pay, but I left my wallet at home. I smiled and leaned into his side when he was done and I felt him wrap his arm around my waist and kiss the side of my head.

Then, Eleanor looked up from the register with Louis' change and saw us. Her smile immediately fell as she handed the money over.

I frowned and stood up straight, grabbing my ice cream from the counter and leaving the shop. I only knew that Louis followed me because I heard a bell and the store door close.

He must have seen her face too because the moment we left the shop, he reached for my hand and pulled us to a stop.

"Hey, don't worry about her, okay?" he soothed me. "She's just stupid. She doesn't know us and she doesn't know how we feel."

I nodded, but kept my eyes on the ground.

I couldn't help but be upset at Eleanor's reaction. It was a similar expression Louis wore when I told him I loved him. It was just mean and made me feel like there was something wrong with me.

"Hey," Louis cooed again. "You're beautiful, truly. And you don't need to worry about her. Please, c'mon, let's just go eat our ice cream and forget about her."

I looked up and smiled a little. No matter how many times he told me, I would always feel butterflies in my stomach when he called me beautiful.

"Yeah, okay." I replied with a small smile, making him smile too. Our feelings were written all over our faces and I didn't care.

He held his hand out to me and I took it so as we walked through the streets of this picturesque town, ice cream in hand, everyone would know how we felt.

And I was happy.

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