
Від ShelbyWinds

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A futuristic society of warrior-class and citizens fighting a war of survival. Kadance encounters and helps t... Більше

Prelude Bandro
Prelude Ship
Prelude Gaia
Prelude High Command
Bonus Chapter - Tanker


230 32 0
Від ShelbyWinds

The moment is stopped from becoming too heated when Tommy's voice comes over the com unit, "Jayse is Boss Lady there?"

Jayse curses under his breath for Tommy's timing then slyly gets back at him, "Yep, she made us breakfast and sent the others off to bed." Jayse smirks at Tommy's groan.

Kadance pushes on Jayse, "Not nice Jayse, not nice at all. Now let me talk to our Lady Faire please." Tommy says trying to keep his tone light and having a hard time doing so. Kadance holds out her hand for Jayse's com unit. Jayse sighs and hands it to her.

"Now hit the showers and bed. If it makes you feel better you can set the perimeter device. I'll monitor things out here. You look beat and need sleep. Now go." She kisses him to take the sting out of her words. He growls softly but sets the perimeter charge. He knows how to set it but only Tommy knows how to deactivate it. He silently heads off to bed. A shower right now is too much effort.

Once Jayse is off to bed Kadance turns back to the monitor and speaks to Tommy, "What's up Tommy?" Kadance says it tiredly, although she's gotten more sleep than either Tommy or Jayse she feels like she hasn't slept in days. She plops down in the chair facing the monitor rather than sitting in it.

"I thought you should know, your family home looks fine. The security isn't much and what there is is very outdated. It surprises me your father didn't install better security here. Anyway I'll take care of that. The house is cared for by an older couple and their daughter. It's clean, I mean it's not bugged or rigged. You can move in today if you wish. I'll put the rest of the team to work when you get here." Tommy's words act like a shock of energy to Kadance. Adrenaline starts pumping through her bringing her wide awake.

It takes a moment for Tommy's next words to work into her brain. "The old couple, they say you were a real scamp when you were younger. They're really excited to have you back. If you want I'll start on security measures here. Once everybody gets up pack 'em up and come home." Kadance's eyes fill with tears. She thought she'd never see her home again and now she can go back home. She can't speak because she's fighting the tears.

Tommy had expected a response and then looks at his vid monitor. "Oh, hey my lady Faire no need to cry." Tommy's voice turns soft and coaxing.

Kadance waves at him and shakes her head. Once she feels sufficiently under control she manages to speak, "Thank you Tommy. I just never thought I'd be able to go home again. I just never thought about it it was too sad for me. Thank you, Tommy, thank you. I miss you." Kadance says struggling with the tears.

"Hey, my lady, no need to miss me. You can talk to me while I work , how 'bout that?" Tommy says rather hopefully. He'd come here for her to give her back her home, but he missed her presence terribly. "That way we can keep each other company. Usually I work alone but I'd rather have you to talk to if you don't mind." His talk seems to do the trick and her tears dry up. Tommy lets out a silent sigh. Tears terrify him and Jayse. They'd do anything to keep from having to deal with her tears.

The next few hours fly by with Tommy gently teasing and flirting with Kadance. He loves to hear her laugh and tries to make her laugh as much as possible. Finally he says in all seriousness, "You know you need to make an official statement Kadance. Doing what we did last night was fine for the short term, but your uncle's death and the turning upside down of the company is going to cause some mass hysteria if they don't find out soon what's going to happen. You need to set up a press conference sooner rather than later to calm everyone."

"I've lived in the shadows for so long Tommy, I'm not sure that I can stand living in the spotlight. I truly am not able to run this company." Kadance says her joy drying up like a flower in a drought. She's lived too long controlling her emotions to let the fear show but Tommy knows and talks to her. In the end she reluctantly agrees to have Tommy set up a press conference for the next day.

Tommy keeps a strict eye on Kadance and every time he thinks she gets close to losing her calm he makes her laugh once more. Kadance understands what he's doing and is thankful for it. At times the flirting would get deep and would need to lighten up. But it was all good and helped her keep her mind off of her new reality.

"The others are starting to wake up Tommy. Oh, we can't leave. Jayse activated the perimeter he's getting to be as paranoid as you. You'll have to come back and deactivate it. Borrow one of the estate's conveyance's, two will be more comfortable than one anyway with everyone's things. It'll be better this time to not put all the stuff in my little boxes. Some will be inevitable but it'll be faster for some things to not be placed inside." Kadance says as she is distracted by Jayse putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Oh, by the way the lawyers have been trying to contact you, they need to meet with you ASAP." Tommy says bringing Kadance's full attention back to him.

"WHAT!" Kadance says in a surprised voice that brings everyone's attention to her and stills Jayse completely. "How long have you known this and not said anything to me?" Kadance's voice has gone soft like Jayse's does when he's angry.

"Peace Kadance, if I had known earlier I would have said something. The older caretaker lady just told me a bit ago. I took the liberty of setting up a meeting with them at your family house for later today. I've got enough security up that with us it will be safe enough. Since everyone's up you can be out here within a couple of hours so you'll still have time to prepare yourself before the meeting." Tommy says softly trying to turn her ire. But he'd made a mistake and Kadance picked up on it.

"Tommy, if you just found out about it how could you have set up the meeting already?" Kadance asks softly. She feels Jayse's hands tighten on her shoulders slightly before relaxing once more. She reaches back and covers his hand with hers.

Tommy sighs, "I'm sorry Kadance, I set the meet up the same time I set up the press conference, I didn't tell you because I thought you'd freak. You've had to go through a lot in the last twenty-four hours and I didn't want you to have to deal with everything all at once. I'm sorry."

And he really was because he just realized that he had lied to Kadance earlier. He panics because Kadance had warned them that she doesn't tolerate liars. "I didn't mean to lie to you Kadance, I'm use to saying whatever I need to and I'm not used to being careful about the truth to anyone. And yes, Jayse I am aware that you are listening and yes, I have lied to you. But I've never lied about anything important and you know it."

Jayse sighs, "He's right Kadance. He's lied to me and everyone. It's just the way he is. He's tried harder for you than he ever has before. But he has never lied about anything important ever. I don't think I've ever seen him scared before but right now he's terrified because he didn't mean to but did lie to you and he needs you. Please give him another chance Kadance, it's not easy changing a lifetime habit."

Kadance well knows how difficult changing habits can be. She's done it before and it's hard not to slip. Still the pain she feels from that lie can't be ignored. She's torn and she hurts. She stands up and leaves the room. She needs to think and she needs to be alone. Jayse lets her go.

Jayse pick up the com unit. "Oh Tommy, you blew it big time. I'm not sure that she can forgive you." Jayse's voice is heavy and sad. "She left and locked her door. Let her cool down and maybe things will be alright again."

"Jayse," Tommy's voice is full of anguish. "I didn't mean to hurt her."

"I know, and deep down she knows. But she's been betrayed so often. You saw more than the rest of us. I know you did. You found some of the other incidents that she didn't talk about. You know more than the rest of us how hurt she's been. You have to be completely truthful with her." Jayse is hurting as well, because if Kadance decides she can't forgive Tommy then Tommy will leave.

"I'll do whatever she says Jayse. If she wants me gone then I'll leave. If that is what she wants than take care of her even if she doesn't like it." Tommy says sadly. "I'll be there in under an hour. You might want to start packing up. My stuff is ready to go. If she wants me gone someone else will need to drive the conveyance because I'll leave immediately."

Jayse nods unable to speak. He understands the message that Tommy leaves unspoken. If Kadance can't forgive him than he'll test himself against the scanners again and this time he won't try to get missed. "Don't do it dammit, Tommy."

"Jayse I know you understand. She calms your demons. She does the same for me. My children are dead. Sigma is dead. There is only you and her. And if she can't forgive me there is only you and your place is with her. That leaves me alone with my demons and rather than destroy everyone else I'll destroy me. I don't want to kill the civilians, Jayse or even other warriors, but without her I'll go over. I'm close to the edge now. It'll be the only thing I can do to not kill you all. You know it Jayse. Your fast damn fast but you couldn't find me if I go rogue. None of you could. It's the only thing I can do to protect everyone.

"Just do your duty Jayse and protect our lady. I'll protect her the only way I can." Tommy says. He has no real hope of her forgiveness. He had found other incidences of betrayals Kadance had gone through. He knows that she means what she says and she had told them to never lie to her. With heavy heart he request the use of the conveyance with the greatest space and leaves to go back to the bunker.

Tommy enters the bunker and everyone picks up their stuff. Tommy waits until everyone but Kadance has left then goes to her. She is turned away from him. "I know I was wrong Kadance. I know that I'm sorry won't fix things. I'll do whatever you want."

"Tommy," Kadance starts then stops as she fights to maintain control. "I know you didn't mean to lie to me and the lie you told was to help me. As you saw it you were helping me. I can understand that, but how can I trust you? I need absolute truth and honesty from those I keep nearest to me."

"I understand Kadance. I would never do anything to hurt you." Tommy says earnestly, "I will do whatever you want. If you want me to stay, I will gladly stay by your side. If you want me to leave I'll do that as well." He's already tapped into the computer and programmed it so he knows exactly where to go should she send him away. He's actually planning his route.

"So I've decided. I want you to stay," Tommy looks at her in astonishment, "but," Tommy allows a ghost of a smile there's always a but, "you'll be with me when we meet with my lawyers. I was going to send you off to bed to get some sleep. Unless you think it would be better if I had the whole team with me?"

Tommy is astounded. He gets to stay. Still dazed he shakes his head, "No, that would be a sign of weakness. I know that sounds corny, I'm not familiar with civilian life, but warriors shouldn't take in a whole group of warriors to face one lone civilian. But I'm not the best choice for you to have with you either." Tommy says.

Kadance shakes her head. "Jayse will be setting up the security details after touring the grounds. You've already told me that you want Rackem and Candlen to work on security to make it airtight. I'm sorry but I still don't trust Borden alone with me. You read people almost as well as Jayse or Borden and I do trust you. Although if you ever lie to me again..."

"I won't Kadance. I won't." Tommy says tears unashamedly falling. He hadn't even dared dream that she would be this forgiving. "I make stupid mistakes but if I survive them, which I have, I learn from them, I hope anyway." Tommy hugs her. She pulls back and wipes the tears from his eyes.

"I put your things in one of my little boxes. We should go now the others are waiting. And I'm getting anxious." Kadance says giving Tommy a half smile. Tommy gives her a big kiss and sends her out.

"Go out to Jayse. I know the way and I'll catch up. Not even Jayse would have found all my things. Go and I'll see you at your home." Tommy gives her another kiss and softly sends her out to Jayse. As soon as she steps out Jayse is there as Tommy suspected he'd be and escorts Kadance to their conveyance. Jayse gives Tommy a little nod before he leaves. Tommy knows it was a warning and a congratulations nod all in one. He's not offended by it because he understands just how stupid his lie was and all it could have cost him.

Once they leave Tommy goes through and gets all his little toys he'd stashed. He is impressed by how many Jayse had recovered, about half, but there was still a significant pile once he is done. He starts storing them about his body. It's been years since he's worn this many weapons and it takes him a bit to get used to the feel of the weight they add. Once he's done he goes out to the conveyance and is surprised to find Rackem there waiting for him.

"I thought Jayse would keep all of you with him." Tommy says to hide his surprise.

"So he wanted, but Kadance overrode him. She says this way I could be a link between Candlen and you and you could tell us what you've done and want done while driving. Since it made sense and Jayse wants you concentrating on the road and not your com unit he gave in." Rackem says dryly.

Tommy chortles with laughter. "I can just imagine Jayse. He doesn't give in easily and doesn't like it when his wishes are scotched. I bet it was a real battle of wills. Amazing that they managed to do it so quietly."

Rackem shudders, "I think the only reason they were able to do so is because they didn't want to bring you in on it. But it's definitely not something I want to see again. I'd go through hell for either of them but I don't know what I'd do if I had to choose between them."

Tommy pauses as he steps up to get in the drivers side. He looks at Rackem seriously, "Run if it ever comes to that. Run and hide. You are far more likely to live if you do. Because if it ever gets to the point where you have to choose, something has gone wrong terribly wrong and I'll be dead." Tommy says under his breath, "and you all will be dead soon if it goes that far." Rackem looks at Tommy. He knows he wasn't meant to hear that last part and so shows no fear at the words.

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