Forbidden Love • Peter Hale

By xoxobohen

102K 2.3K 321

| A Peter Hale Love story | Luna McCall is Scott McCall's twin sister. Since the divorce of their parents, L... More

I // Meeting
II // Betrayed
IV // Mercury
V // I'm Back
VI // Theo Raeken
VII // Do You Hate Me?
VIII // Date Night
IX // Nightmares
X // Accident
XI // Reunited
XII // Renovation
XIII // He's Back In Town
XIV // Rafael
XV // Don't Turn Him In
XVI // Birthday
XVII // Paris
XVIII // Please Don't Leave
IXX // Break
XX // Why Now
XXI // Back Again
XXII // I Love You
XXIII // Prom
XXIV // Emily
XXV // The Past Is The Past
XXVI // Automatic Pilot
XXVII // I Worry

III // Dread Doctors

6.7K 152 31
By xoxobohen

"Mom won't be home soon, she's working a night shift at the hospital, so I was thinking of going to see Stiles. You could come with, I'm sure you've got some catching up to do." Scott says walking into the living room.

I look up and put down the book about the supernatural that I was reading. "Yeah, I'd love to" I smile. "Just let me change into something else really quick." I say, looking down at my sweatpants and oversized sweater.

Scott nods and watches me as I head upstairs. It has been a few weeks since I found out my dad has basically lied to me, my whole life. I'm still having a hard time processing that, and usually when I'm alone, I try not to think about my dad. So I think about the blue-eyed werewolf I met a few weeks ago. Peter Hale.

I change into a black tight jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt. I grab a red with black flannel and then I head downstairs to see Scott waiting for me.


"O my god! Remember when you came over and stayed the night without mom or dad knowing! You sat in the closet for hours, waiting for them to go to sleep and then, you came out and lied in bed with me.." I shouted out, trying to contain my laugh. "Sheriff Stilinski was so angry! Mom and dad could laugh with it, but your dad, damn..." I laugh uncontrollably.

Stiles and Scott started laughing too by the memory. You've been catching up all night. Stiles is about to say something, but gets interrupted by the ringing of Scott's phone.

"It's Lydia." He says, looking up at us. He answers it and stands up.

"Is that bad?" I ask Stiles confused.

"Well, she usually only calls when she finds a dead body, so yeah, it's bad, I guess." Stiles says.

I raise my eyebrows and look at Scott. I can only hear his side of their conversation.

Then Scott puts his phone away. "Malia and Lydia found something."

I frown and wait for him to say something more than that, and apparently so is Stiles.

"That's all they said. They couldn't tell us over the phone, they told us to meet at Derek's loft." Scott says.


Stiles opens the big door to Derek's loft and we walk inside. Malia, Lydia and Derek are already standing around the table on the other side of the room.

"Why can't you kids just go anywhere else, this is not a day-care." A voice sounds. We walk further and see Peter, who looks slightly irritated about the fact that they're having a pack meeting in Derek's loft, reading a book, on the couch.

Scott rolls his eyes and sighs, ignoring Peter. We walk to the table. "What happened?" Scott asks, looking between Malia and Lydia.

"Well, we went to Tracy's house, hoping it would trigger Lydia's Banshee 'thing'" Malia says, earning an eye roll from Lydia. "Instead we found this" She says, throwing a book on the table.

"Dread Doctors" I read the title out loud. "The cover looks pretty terrifying, so I really don't want to know what it's about."

"Little girl scared of a horror story?" Peter scoffs from the couch. What is wrong with him? A few weeks ago he was so nice, but ever since he only got bitchier. I pretend not to hear his comment and turn my attention back to the pack.

"What should we do with it?" Stiles asks.

"Oh, I don't know!" Peter says loudly, "I wouldn't read it. That's what you definitely don't do with books." He says sarcastically.

I sigh. I mistook him completely. Everyone seems to ignore Peter's comment.

"T.R. McCammon" Scott says. "Can we find anything about him?"

Lydia shakes her head. "No, it's a dead end."

I grab the book at look through it. The last page catches my eye. "Guys, look at the acknowledgements."

I hand the book to Lydia. "For providing scientific perspective and invaluable insight this book is dedicated to Dr. Gabriel Valack." She cites.

"Valack?" Stiles asks.

"I know where to find him." Lydia says.

"Let's go then." I say, ready to go.

"Luna. I don't want you to come" Scott says.

"I want to help!" I shout.

"What could a helpless human like you do?" Peter comments snarly.

Scott and I both shot Peter a look, but I knew Scott agreed with him. "You're staying, I don't want you in danger."


I paced back and forth, biting my nails. Would everything go okay?

"Are you sure you're Scotts sister, you seem more related to Stiles," Peter comments. "And stop doing that, you're getting on my nerves." Peter snarls.

I sigh. "What if they're dying? We can't do anything from here." I bite my nails again. "I should have gone with them."

"Yeez, they'll be fine." Peter says, not looking up from his book. "And besides, you heard what Scott said."

"How do you know they'll be fine? Maybe they're stu-" I say, but get cut of by someone opening the door. My eyes shoot up to see a badly wounded Scott, walking in, being held up by Stiles and Lydia. Kira walks behind them, she looks tired. "Did you speak to him? Did you speak to Valack?"

"Yes, but then the Dread Doctors came." Lydia answers.

"Did the Dread Doctors do that to Scott?" I ask worried, pointing at my brother.

"No... Once we were inside, Scott and Kira couldn't get past the barrier of mountain ash. But Kira weakened their security system, because she's a kitsune, that's how the Dread Doctors got in." She sighs. "Kira's body was full of electricity and Scott had to carry her outside, otherwise she was going to die."

My head spins because of all the information. "It was a trap," I say slowly. "They must've known Kira would have such effect on Eichen House, someone told them you were going to be there."

Stiles nods. "Yeah, I guess so" He sighs.

"What about the book? Did he tell you what to do with it?" I ask.

"He said it's a tool to open your eyes to the Dread Doctors. By reading this, suppressed memories make it's way back to the surface. Like that, you'll know if they did anything to you." Lydia says.

"Then we should all read the book." I state.

A U T H O R ' S
They've got the book *gasps*. What do you think is going to happen next? Comment and vote please!

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