Exotic Butters(Hetalia High S...

Oleh cocklesandmuscles

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Hey quick author's note, please proceed with caution because this story is something I deem problematic. If y... Lebih Banyak

Mischief and Mayhem
Young and Indifferent
On The First Day Of School
Therefore, Arthur Is Not Allowed In The Kitchen
Pandora's Box
A Note from Author Chan(Please Read!!!)
The 'Family' Visits
Unlucky Events, But It Led To Something Wonderful~
Toni and Gil's Adventures!
Now All He's Missing Is The Maid's Outfit
The Green-Eyed Monster
The Calm Before the Storm
Til Death Do Us Part
Hangovers Are A Bitch
The Definition Of Perfection
And That's Exactly What He Got
All That Glitters Is Not Gold
Hopefully, Blood Won't Be Shed...
The Domino Effect
Promises You Can't Keep
Blood Is Thicker Than Water
Caught In A Predicament
Just Right

Fangirls and Fanboys are Everywhere...

878 48 214
Oleh cocklesandmuscles

"Psst, Arthur.... Aaarttthuurr~"

"Shut up you bloody wanker!" Arthur shouted and smacked Francis' hands away as he snuggled back into the warmth of the covers.

"You gotta get up, you need to go to school, remember?" The French teen told him and shook him ferociously. It was a wonder how he did so, as he had two heavy bags on each shoulder.

"Okay, okay, I'll get up, mom," Arthur stated as he sat up and rubbed his eyes to get the sleep out.

"Yes, I'm a fabulous mother, amn't I?" Francis said, flipping his hair to add emphasis to his point. Arthur rolled his eyes at his action.

"The doctor said you're good to leave right now, the blood test showed nothing wrong and your temperature is back to normal," Francis said.

"Although, he said to not strain and use your hands much and that you should maybe take a break from writing and stuff," he added.

"I guess I can get away with most of the schoolwork then, thank God," Arthur agreed, relieved.

"So um... Do you have any normal clothes that I can change into?" Arthur asked, pulling at the neck of his baggy mint coloured hospital clothes and cringed(like me cringing at my writing)

"Oh yes! I forgot!" Francis exclaimed and took Arthur's bag off his left shoulder, dug through it and handed Arthur his clothes.

"I just picked out something comfortable for you to wear and suits the weather, is it okay?" Francis queried.

It was a plain white t-shirt, a green hoodie, denim jeans and his green pair of converse. It was very simple and casual, and it was a surprise that Francis picked it our for him. He did say he looked for something comfortable, but it was still quite unusual for the French who is usually very picky about his clothing.

"Oh... Thank you..." Arthur muttered, embarrassed.

He was about to pull off the disgraceful clothing he was wearing when he remembered who was standing in front of him. At that thought, he immediately stopped and blushed bright red.

"Could you at least turn around?!" Arthur asked, still red in the face.

"Oh, of course! Sorry," Francis said and turned around instantly.

Arthur was still paranoid that Francis would turn around so kept his eye on the French teen for two minutes. As much as he waited for the frog to peek over his shoulder, it didn't happen, which was scary on it's own.

Either way, Arthur decided to change into the clothes he was handed while he still had the opportunity.

"Are you done yet?" Francis asked after a good seven minutes of facing the wall.

"No! Give me some time!" Arthur expressed, exasperated.

"Okay," The French teen agreed and continued staring at the ivory coloured wall.

After another five minutes Francis repeated the question.

"I'm still not done, be patient!" The Brit ordered.

"It's been over ten minutes, do you need any help?" Francis asked nicely, earning a loud no from the younger blond.

"Are you sure?" he repeated, to which the British didn't answer for a few moments. Arthur contemplated on what to answer for a bit.

"Okay... I need help..." Arthur mumbled, almost inaudibly.

Francis snickered lightly at the Brit's quiet ask for help and was lucky Arthur was too busy struggling to get his shirt on that he didn't notice.

The British teen had half his left hand awkwardly through the arm hole, and the right was struggling to get his neck through. It was a pitiful, but kind of humorous sight to see. He looked kind of like a dog with a cone around it's neck and no matter how much it tried, cannot get past it.

"Wow, why didn't you call me earlier? You could have saved a lot of time," Francis questioned and he set the bags down onto the ground to help Arthur. The blond took out Arthur's arm so they can start from the start, once again revealing the Brit's scrawny, but a tad bit muscly, chest. Francis got his arms through the armholes and then pulled the shirt down to cover his once bare chest. Arthur was blushing madly whenever Francis' cool fingers came in contact with his hot skin.

After he finished helping him get his shirt on, Francis asked if he needs help getting his trousers on as well.

Arthur, who was already a blushing mess, blushed brighter and insisted that he could take care of it himself.

"We only have twenty five minutes left to get to school, are you sure you can do it yourself?" Francis queried. Arthur nodded strongly.

The French blond turned to face the off-white wall again, and Arthur rushed to get his jeans on. His arms were slightly throbbing now, but he couldn't care less. His top was one thing, but help with his trousers? No way in hell would he let the bloody frog look at him in such a state.

No matter how much he tried, he couldn't win and he realised time was ticking away. There was no other way but to let Francis help him...

"Mon cher, there's only twenty minutes left, are you nearly done or do you need help?" Francis asked.

'No way! I won't let a slimy frog dress me!!! Who knows what he'd try? Though, he does seem sincerely concerned... But that's probably one of his tricks! Ugh, what do I do?!'

"Fine..." Arthur agreed reluctantly after considering all his options and deciding on the easiest way. He shut his eyes tight, not wanting to see what's happening.

He felt the grip of Francis' hands on the waist band around his slim waist, then the ugly pair of hospital trousers being dragged down to his ankles, exposing his warm skin to the room temperature air which seemed suddenly cold to him. Francis' cool hands brushed lightly against the warm skin of Arthur's ankles, moving his legs out of the mint coloured pants that was once around his waist but now lies strewn on the floor.

Francis grabbed the pair of jeans that was lying on the bed and prepared the jeans for Arthur to get into them. The Brit instinctively reached up and grabbed onto the French teen's golden locks for balance. If Francis was annoyed by Arthur messing up his fabulous hair, he didn't show it. He quickly jumped into the legs of the jeans, wanting this over as fast as possible. Francis pulled the jeans up to Arthur's waist and to him it felt like it was taking an eternity. A relieved sigh left Arthur's lips, thinking that it was finally over when he had a sudden realisation that Francis had to button up his jeans and the zipper.

The Brit reddened at the very thought of Francis' hands being that close to his nether regions. The French tugged where the button was and closed it. He then pulled up the zipper, and Arthur let out a breath that he didn't even realise he was holding. Francis looked up to meet Arthur's eyes, and saw that the British blond was as red as the tomatoes that Antonio did not get.

"That wasn't so bad now, was it?" Francis asked when he saw Arthur's flustered, but slightly relieved face. Arthur didn't reply, just looked out the window, trying to avoid Francis' eyes.

Francis slowly crawled onto the edge of the bed and leaned a bit closer, grabbing Arthur's chin gently and turning his head to face the French.

"Oh come on cher, there's no need to be shy. This is gonna be a regular occurrence for a few weeks until you can actually use your hands," Francis stated in a hushed voice, sending tingles up Arthur's spine.

The British male thought about what Francis said, and realised the unfortunate truth. He wouldn't be a able to use his arms for a while, so Francis would have to help him dress, eat and-.... Oh my God, he'd have to help him bathe!(be excited for that one😏)

He paled at his thoughts; a very quick transition between a bright red face to a ghostly pale one.

"What's wrong Arthur?" Francis asked worriedly, and leaned in more, so much that there was only a two fingers width between their lips touching.

Arthur moved back into the bed as much as possible, but Francis leaned in closer as well, so he was now stuck with no where to move back, and Francis' face inches before his.

'This couldn't get worse..." Arthur thought to himself, miserably. Of course, that wasn't the case.

There was a light knock on the door, then it was opened and in came Ms. Héderváry, looking as happy as always. She looked to the pair who were in an awkward position, Francis practically on top of Arthur, face merely inches away from his, and Arthur was pushing himself back as much as possible, crushed in between Francis and the bed. and instantly stopped in her tracks, her face going into an unreadable expression. A moment later she turned red and looked as though she was having dirty fantasies about the duo. A trail of blood leaked from her nose as she tried to contain giggles.

"Um... Ms. Héderváry? Are you okay?" They asked her.

"Oh yes! Perfect! Amazing! I... Uh... I can leave so you can finish off whatever you were doing! I'll just go stand outside-"

"No! We weren't doing anything!" Arthur argued and tried to push Francis away from him. He didn't succeed, but Francis moved away anyway and sat on the edge of the bed instead.

"I knew they had a thing for each other..." The nurse whispered to herself silently and wiped the blood from her nose away, and thankfully, neither Francis nor Arthur heard her.

"Francis, you're gonna be his caretaker right?" Elizabeta asked, to which the French male nodded.

"Okay, well you've got a few responsibilities," she said.

"Firstly, you need to make sure he doesn't use his hands until they heal. That goes to you too, Arthur," Elizabeta ordered. Francis nodded and Arthur crossed his arms but nodded lightly as well.

"Secondly, Francis, you have to make sure he takes his pills, he can only have three painkillers a day and no more. This will last you about two weeks so you'll have to go to the pharmacy if you need more," she continued.

"And lastly, you'll have to re-bandage his bandages once every two days and after he showers." Elizabeta finished with a smile.

Francis replied with a happy "of course!" and Arthur kind of looked away but muttered a small "yeah."

After a quick check up and farewells from Elizabeta, the two were on the bus to school.

Francis paid for both of their tickets, which Arthur wasn't happy about, saying that he could pay for his own, but he didn't have a single penny in his pockets.

They both went and sat down, Arthur still grudgy about the ticket problem.

"Here's your phone, I figured you'd need it." Francis said and fished out Arthur's phone from his pocket and placed it in his hand.

Arthur looked at the phone, then at the French with a suspicious look.

Francis realised why he was looking at him like that and rushed to make it clearer.

"I didn't try to get in, I swear! I'm not that bad!" The blond stated and raised both his hands as if to show that he's innocent.

Arthur's suspicious gaze remained in him for a few moments and then he looked back to his phone.

"Although I have to say, that green bunny with the wings on your lock screen is adorable! Almost as much as you, cher," Francis told him, to which the Brit blushed rosy red.

"Firstly, he's mint, not green, and secondly, he has a name!" Arthur shouted.

"Okay then, so what's his name?" Francis asked.

"Flying mint bunny," Arthur stated proudly, puffing up his chest.

Francis was tempted to burst into laughter and tried his best not to, although it was a failed attempt. He started chuckling, and within seconds was laughing his ass off.

"Hey, what's so funny?!" The British teen questioned angrily.

"N-nothing, nothing at all," Francis answered and wiped a tear from his eye. Arthur hit him on the shoulder, crossed his arms and turned around to face the opposite way.

"Aww, Arthur, don't be angry with me!" Francis pleaded.

"Don't make fun of flying mint bunny! He has feelings too, ya know," Arthur ordered.

"Wait... He's a real thing?!" Francis asked, bewildered.

"Uh, duh! Of course he is! Wow, you're awful! You're lucky he wasn't around and didn't overhear your nasty comment." The Brit told him.

Francis looked at Arthur like he lost his mind.

"Maybe we should go back to the hospital. I'm sure they have a psychology department," Francis said jokingly but he was also worried. Hopefully this was just a joke and Arthur wasn't actually a lunatic.

"Excuse me?! I'm not crazy! Flying mint bunny's real, you probably just can't see him. He's always with me, except I can't seem to find him now... He's always flying around our house along with the fairies and unicorns, and they all kept me company yesterday after you left," Arthur stated.

"Why can't I not see all these... Creatures... then?" The French queried.

"Only pure people can see flying mint bunny, unicorns, the fairies and other magical creatures," Arthur started to explain.

"Only pure people can see them?"


"And you can see them, right?"

"Yes, I can. Where are you going with this?" Arthur questioned. He didn't like the grin on Francis' face. Then, his chartreuse eyes widened as he realised why he was smirking.

"Does that mean you're a vi-"

"Shut up! There's probably kids around!" Arthur shout/whispered and covered Francis' mouth.

"So is that a yes, or a no?" Francis asked after he tore Arthur's hands away from his mouth.

"I will not answer that, and anyway, it's none of your business, frog!"

"Oh hon hon hon, but if you are, I can help you fix that~"

"Shut your mouth you bloody pervert! And anyway, by 'pure' I meant children, although they tend to forget as they grow older. Some other people can see them all throughout their life though. Only a selected few can see these magical creatures. I happen to be one of them," Arthur explained.

"That's nice! Do you know anybody else who can see your imaginary magical friends?" Francis asked.

"Hmm, not at the moment but I'm sure I can find someone in the school who ca-.... THEY ARE NOT IMAGINARY!" Arthur protested loudly, and the people around them all turned around and looked at him weirdly.

"Sorry..." The Brit apologised and hung his head in shame.

"Okay, okay. When you find someone who can see them as well, tell me. Make them admit all your little creatures are real. And you better not have paid them to say it or something, okay?" Francis told him, to which Arthur nodded, a victorious look on his face even though he hasn't even completed his task yet.

"Fine. But I wanna make a deal. What do you have to do as a puni-...." Arthur stopped mid sentence to correct himself. Francis, being the slimy frog he is, would probably assume the innocent word in a dirty way, so he decided to replace it.

"....Forfeit when I win, and what would I have to do as a forfeit if you win," Arthur added.

"Okay. You get till the 30th of October to prove your theory, that's plenty of time, and if you do, somehow then..." Francis pondered.

"Why don't you say what I have to do if you win first?" The French proposed as be had no ideas. Well, he had plenty, but it wouldn't be appropriate to say out in front of the Brit.

"Sure. If I win, you have to.... Do all the chores in the house for the whole month of November. That means the cooking, cleaning, washing the dishes, etcetera, " Arthur replied.

"I do most of those already but... Deal. And if you lose..." Francis topped for dramatic effect.

"You have to dress up in a maid outfit of my choice," Francis declared with a smirk.

Arthur blushed wildly, and waved his hands frantically in front of Francis' face.

"No way! I will not wear anything of the sort!" Arthur argued.

Francis smirked and a devious look spread over his face.

"So does that mean you know you're gonna lose?" Francis asked mischievously.

"What? No! I'll obviously win!" Stated the Brit.

"So why are you scared?"

Arthur contemplated for an answer for a minute, and then finally decided to give an answer.

"I'm not. I know I'm gonna win, so you better get ready to clean the whole house for a month," Arthur sassed.

"So is that a deal?" The French blond questioned.

"Deal." The younger male agreed and both shone competitive looks at each other.

Few minutes later, it was their stop and so they got off the bus and went to the school with five minutes to spare before class started.

Most of the students were in class at the time, so there wasn't the usual block in the hallways. This made life so much easier for the pair.

"Okay, I got my books for class, are you done yet?" Francis queried, hanging his bag over one shoulder.

Arthur was fidgeting with the lock, trying his hardest to open it but failing.... Like usual.

Francis chuckled at his miserable attempt, and offered to open the locker for him. Arthur insisted he could, but as time went on and he kept on failing he realised it's probably best to let Francis open the lock for him.

"What's your pass code?"

"I won't tell you! That's my own business."

"Either you could co-operate and let me help, or don't, and be late to class," Francis told him.

The British blond sighed, and stepped away from his locker to let Francis open the lock.

"8404..." Arthur admitted in defeat.

"You better not tell anyone or use it yourself, okay?! If I find out you opened up my locker without my permission I'll have your head. And I mean it," Arthur threatened.

Francis nodded and put the numbers into the lock, opening it. Arthur was about to get his books but before he could do anything, Francis had gotten to taking out the books already. He wanted to complain that he could get his own books but Francis quickly shoved the books into Arthur's bag and he was done in a fraction of a second.

"Um... I could have took my books out myself but anyway, thank you," Arthur mumbled quietly.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that," Francis said. He had heard what he said perfectly, he just wanted him to repeat it.

"Thank you..." Arthur repeated himself, kind of irritated.

"Oh pardon moi again, could you repeat that once more?"

"I said thank you, you idiot!" Arthur shouted, huffed in annoyance, then ran off to class. Francis lightly laughed, closed the locker and followed him.

They got to class with five minutes to spare, and everyone was inside already. As there was no teacher, they were all shouting and laughing very loudly.

Antonio happily waved them over from where he and Gilbert were seated.

It seemed as though Antonio didn't remember the.... 'Tomato' thing, which was a good thing. He didn't want a grudgy Spaniard to make his miserable day even more so.

"Francis! Arthur! How are you two?" Antonio asked, cheerfully as usual.

"Good," both answered simultaneously, and blushed lightly.

"Well, isn't that wonderful?" Antonio said, his eyes darting over to stare intensely at the Brit. It didn't look venomous at first, but if you looked close enough you could see the distaste in his eyes and his voice. Arthur knew exactly why he was looking at him like that. He was wrong, the Spaniard was grudgy.

"Erm... I hope the ol' tomato incident is behind us," Arthur stated sheepishly. Antonio just smiled at him.

"Of course! I don't keep grudges for long," the Spanish agreed.

"Peace," Antonio declared and put out his hand to shake. Arthur extended his hesitantly, and Antonio shook it violently. Arthur hissed in pain, and Francis tore in between them and broke them apart.

"Antonio!" Francis reprimanded the older and pulled Arthur into a comforting embrace, tucking his head into his chest overprotectively as if he was shielding him. It was like something a mother would do when their child got into a fight or got hurt.

"Let go of me!" Arthur shouted and tried his hardest to get out of Francis' bear hug by smacking him on the chest. Francis just gently stroked his hair soothingly.

The Spanish male pouted and didn't say anything else.

"Antonio, look Arthur in the eye and say sorry." Francis deadpanned with a serious look.

Antonio looked cautiously at Francis, and huffed.

Francis didn't say anything but kept on staring intensely at the Spanish teen.

The Spaniard felt intimidated by his death glare and signed in defeat.

"Fine... I'm sorry... " Antonio apologised reluctantly, looking at Arthur.

"Good!" Francis exclaimed and they all sat down, milliseconds before the teacher walked into the classroom.

"Why is there such a ruckus in this room?! Can you lot not be civilized?!" A female wearing too much mascara and lipstick, probably a teacher, walked in, annoyed.

All the students hushed down and looked at each other out of the corners of their eyes. There were two questions on their minds: who was this new teacher? And how do we get rid of her?

"Now then, everyone, open your textbooks on page sixty three or whatever and start reading whatever it is then do the questions," she ordered and plopped down on the seat at her desk. The males and females groaned and opened up their books on the assigned page and started scrutinising the words instead of reading them, and the teacher was too busy staring at her phone and taking (disgustingly hideous) selfies to notice.

"What kind of a teacher is she? Just leaves her class and goes off and takes pictures on her phone?!" Arthur said to Francis, Antonio and Gilbert. Francis shrugged but Antonio and Gilbert had answers.

"She's a substitute teacher. The worst kind." Antonio started and looked to her, and kind of cringed.

"They don't know nothing about the class. Useless, they are," Gilbert added.

"But that plays a role in how to get rid of them..." Antonio finished, rubbing his hands together maniac like, the pair looking at each other deviously.

"Okay then, how do we do that?" Francis asked.

"Just watch and learn, young ones, watch and learn," the Spaniard said and put his hand up.

This caught the teachers attention and she looked up. She didn't look too happy about Antonio's interruption.

"What do you want?!" She questioned.

"Oh well Ms, we haven't done this chapter yet," he stated sweetly. The other students around him agreed by nodding. They seemed to know what he was up to.

"Well I don't care what you lot have done or not, just read something. And no one is to interrupt me," she commanded.

"What now?" Arthur queried.

Antonio looked deep in thought for a moment, till the light bulb that appears in cartoons when the character gets an idea appeared above his head.

"I got an idea!" Antonio exclaimed.

He leaned over to Gilbert and whispered something in his ear.

"Aye, aye, captain!" The German told him and put his hand up.

The teacher looked at Gilbert as she was in the middle of taking a selfie.

"What now?!" She said, exasperated.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" The albino asked innocently.

The female sighed and rolled her eyes.


Gilbert smirked and flashed a thumbs up at Antonio, then left the classroom.

"Now you have to ask if you can go as well," Antonio instructed to Arthur.

"What do you have in mind?" The Brit asked.

"You'll see. After Arthur, Francis, you have to ask. Go to the nearest bathroom where you will meet up with Gilbert. If I'm correct, I can get this whole class out," Antonio directed like the evil mastermind he is.

"Okay, got it," Arthur agreed and put his hand up.

The teacher just looked up at him with a 'are you kidding me right now' look on her face.

"Can I go to the bathroom please?" He asked politely.

"Ugh.... yes."

Arthur then quickly left the classroom and headed to where Antonio told them to meet up. Francis shot up his hand as soon as Arthur left.

"What do you want?" The teacher questioned, really bugged now.

"Can I go to the bathroom as well?" The French teen asked.

"Yes, and that's it. You's have disturbed me enough for one day."

A few moments after Francis left Antonio put up his hand to ask the same thing the others did.

"Let me guess. You want to go to the bathroom as well?" She enquired bluntly.

"Yes!" Antonio answered with a smile.

"..... You know what... Just.... Go, and whoever else wants to go, leave now and don't ask me again!" She shouted.

The students all got up and rushed out before the teacher could comment on what they'd done.

When the female looked up to her class she saw no students in their desks. She just shrugged it off though, thinking they'll come back soon.

"Now we got a whole period to ourselves! But everyone has to be quiet in case a teacher finds us, okay?" Antonio said, and everyone nodded. The students were all huddled together under the stairs, and since it was a small class on that day, they all fit perfectly.

"What are you students doing here?! It's class time!" A teacher passing by saw the huddle of teenagers.

"The teacher in our class told us to leave, she didn't care about where we went or what we did!" Antonio complained to the teacher.

"Seriously? Who's your teacher? I need to have a word with her!" The teacher exclaimed and so the students pointed out the classroom and got the substitute teacher fired. She deserved it as well!

***********Time Skip!************

"The look on her face though! That was priceless!" Gilbert stated as he, Antonio, Francis and Arthur walked to the cafeteria for break.

"Yeah, she deserved it! I mean, who would even hire her? She can't teach, so why is she a teacher?" Arthur added.

"Who cares, the big thing is that she's gone, right?" Francis said.

"Yeah, all thanks to my amazing plan!" Antonio bragged proudly.

"Wow, you're not very modest are ya?"

"Way to take the spot light! We helped with your little plan! If we didn't, it wouldn't have succeeded!"

A series of agreements passed over the group of friends.

"Hey dudes, sup?" Alfred asked, happily, breaking off the argument from where he and Matthew sat at the table where they normally were for lunch.

"Oh Alfred! Matthew! How are you two?" Arthur asked ignoring the question Alfred asked them.

"Good..." The Canadian said and smiled at his half cousin.

"Great! Hey, I wanna introduce a friend to you guys, is it okay if he sits here for lunch?"

"Yeah! There's always room for more people at our lovely little table!" Antonio agreed.

Alfred brightened up more, if that was even possible.

"Guys, this is my friend Kiku, Kiku, these are my other friends!" The American introduced a black haired male to the group.

"It is a delight to meet you all," the boy said, not pronouncing any of the l's in the sentence.

"It's very nice to meet you too, Kiku," the others added.

"Welcome to the family table, Kiku! Here, everyone is somehow related, well, except for a few of the newer members but I'm sure we'll all be connected someday," the Spaniard stated and looked suggestively at Francis and Arthur. The pair blushed in response.

The group sat down and got lunch as they waited for Lovino, Feliciano and Ludwig. A few minutes later, they arrived as well, with the excuse that the teacher kept them late to clean up the room. Knowing Ludwig, he probably volunteered for it.

The group of now ten people huddled together at the table. Unbelievably, there was still a bit of space, where maybe three more people can fit in. They all talked and laughed, and got to know the newest member of their family, Kiku.

"Arthur, cher, are not going to eat anything?" Francis questioned worriedly.

Arthur snapped out of his mini trance like state and quickly stated he wasn't hungry.

"Are you certain? I'm pretty sure that you didn't have anything to eat since this morning," the French teen said.

"Yes, I'm sure. And who are you to tell me when to eat anyway? I'll eat when I'm hungry. And right now I'm not." The Brit declared as a matter-of-fact. His stomach took this as the perfect opportunity to rumble loudly, just to deny what he had just established as the truth.

"Yes, but I'm afraid your stomach says otherwise," the blond smirked victoriously. He placed a sandwich in front of the British blond, which he shook his head to and pushed away. The French teen tried many more items off of his lunch tray, but Arthur denied them all like a picky child.

"Here, at least eat this," Francis moved his untouched fruit pot to Arthur. Arthur eyed the pot of plastic and then continued pouting.

"Why aren't you eating?! You're worse than a child..." Francis muttered, irritated.

"Well do you think I can use my damned hands to pick up a stupid fork and eat?!" Arthur blew up.

"That's the big problem?" Francis queried surprisedly.

"What else do you think was the problem other than my annoying numb hands?!"

"Well if that's the case, then there's a simple explanation for that!" Francis stated joyfully and opened the fruit pot and got a fork. Arthur looked weirdly at Francis, not knowing what he was up to.

"Say aah!" Francis said and brought a fork with a piece of fruit on it in front of Arthur's face.

"No! Get away from me!" Arthur commanded and pushed the hand away, only for Francis to bring it back and the cycle to repeat itself.

"Oh come on! You have to eat something! You're taking medication so you have to eat!" The French blond ordered and pushed the piece of apple on front of his lips again.

By now, the others at the table has stopped eating and chatting, and were staring at them in awe, waiting for the magic to happen. The Japanese boy looked most intrigued, his usually dead looking eyes practically glowing at the sight.

Arthur noticed their intimidating staring and glared at them.

"What are you all looking at?!" The Brit asked angrily, the others immediately looking down and stuffing their faces to pretend they weren't looking at the pair.

"Well?" Francis asked with an insisting look. Another noisy rumble came from his stomach, which made him sigh defeatedly and give in.

The younger male bit his lower lip, then slowly parted his lips to let Francis feed him. The French smiled triumphantly and placed the fruit in the blond's mouth.

The rest of the people at the group awwed and some even clapped at them. Kiku on the other hand, was bright red and had a notebook out and was doodling something(wonder what that could be XD). Arthur glared at them again, making them all settle down.

"See, if you had just been a good child like you are now then we could have saved a lot of time," Francis scolded like a mother, annoying Arthur.

A while after Francis finished feeding Arthur the whole pot of fruit and a sandwich, the bell rang signaling that lunch break was over and they had to continue with hell.

After a few more long, tedious classes that seemed to go on for years, the school day was over. The group talked till they had to disperse and go their separate ways home.

For the first and probably the last time, Francis and Arthur walked home together. Usually, Arthur left earlier in the morning so that he didn't have to walk with the French to school, and Arthur was again first home as Francis normally either took his time leaving the school or went to Gilbert or Antonio's house.

And so, with them both walking together which wasn't typical for them, there was this air of awkwardness hanging in between.

"So..." Francis tried starting a conversation, but Arthur didn't want to help out and just kept quiet.

"Are you feeling any better, mon cher?" The older male enquired.

"Yeah... Although my hands are beginning to lose it's numbness, and it's starting to hurt..." Arthur admitted.

"Ah, the painkiller is wearing off, but that's okay! You can have one more when we get home," he promised and the pair continued walking in silence.

"Are you cold?" Francis asked nicely.

"No..." Arthur answered, even though it was a lie. He didn't show it though.

"If you want you can have my coat," the French offered, but Arthur shook his head.

"If you don't have your coat, then you'll be cold. But... it's not like I care about you or anything, frog!" The Brit announced and blushed in embarrassment.

"Yes, of course not." Francis said, smiling at Arthur's consideration which he tries to hide.

After a long ten minutes which felt like an eternity, they got to their shared house. Francis unlocked the door with his set of the keys, opened the door then stepped aside.

"Ladies first," Francis stated gesturing inside, smirking at the slightly shorter blond.

"I am not a woman!" Arthur shouted and weakly punched Francis' shoulder, but walked in proudly anyways. The other blond chuckled and followed him and closed the door.

The British teen demanded the painkiller medicine immediately after they both got inside, and Francis complied to his request as moody Arthur was not a pleasant sight.

After taking the pill, the Brit was immediately resting on his favourite green couch reading a fiction novel.

Francis kind of rolled his eyes at that, and went into the kitchen to make dinner.

************Time Skip!*************

"Ugh, you're so lucky you don't have written homework. I'm dying right now," the long haired blond said, dramatically putting a hand up to his forehead and then even more dramatically sliding down the chair he was sitting on and laying in a heap on the red carpet floor.

They had just finished eating dinner, where Francis had to feed Arthur again of course, and they were both back in the living room; Francis miserably doing his homework and Arthur happily reading.

Arthur snickered and then smirked at Francis' actions.

"Well, it's better than burning both of your arms to the point you can't even fend for yourself," the Brit added casually, not lifting his eyes off he book and then flipping over a page.

The pile on the floor groaned in response, making Arthur laugh again.

"Where are you going?" Francis asked and quickly sat up on the floor, watching the other blond put his book down and get up off of his couch.

"None of your concern," Arthur told him as he headed to the kitchen.

"Um, it is of my concern if you're going into my kitchen." The older teen answered sternly, getting up off the carpet.

Arthur didn't reply, and just stalked into the kitchen. Francis followed him in quickly.

The French silently surveyed what the Brit was doing from the doorway. Arthur opened up a cupboard with a bit of struggle and carefully got his box of tea down. He then went to get the kettle, and stopped immediately when he realised he couldn't even pick it up.

Francis smiled at his lame attempt to make tea. He should have just asked for help.

"Do you need any help mon petit lapin?" Francis asked with a smirk, leaning against the doorframe smugly.

"No." Arthur replied with a straight face, glaring at the French for his new nickname. The Brit struggled just to get the kettle up, and nearly dropped it in the process.

Francis sniggered, and took the kettle from him.

"I'll make you some tea if you want, you could have just asked," he said, filling the kettle with water.

"I don't trust you to make my tea," Arthur stated and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Why not? It's not like I'll poison you," the blond assured with a smile.

"That's not why! Of course, that's one reason, but the main reason is that you can't make good tea the way I like it," the shorter declared.

Francis laughed at that comment.

"You have never even tried my tea. Say all the mean things you want after you do."

"Okay then. Make me some tea if you're that good."

"Challenge accepted." The French teen smirked at him.

The British teen smirked back and leaned back onto the wall to watch him make the tea.

"Now then... How do you make tea?" Francis questioned, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

Arthur facepalmed and shook his head.

"Firstly... You place the kettle with water in it onto it's holder and turn the switch on..." He started instructing him on how to make it.

Five minutes later, Francis had two drinks in both his hands, a cup of Earl Grey tea for the Brit, and a cup of coffee for himself to keep him awake to do his homework, and they were both walking back to the living room.

"I can't believe you didn't even know how to make tea!" Arthur exclaimed, walking backwards to face Francis.

"It's not my fault, it's just that no one bothered to teach me. And anyway, I could survive if I had coffee so..." He trailed off and stopped his sentence.

"Watch out!" He called out as he saw Arthur trip over the ledge of granite in front of the fireplace. He swiftly grabbed Arthur's hand with one of his, and the other curled around the Brit's waist to keep him steady. Francis pulled him up to his chest to avoid him banging his head off of the hard stone mantelpiece. This made him drop the tea and the coffee on the carpet.

"That was close! You should watch where you're going!" The French male scolded the younger, both still in an awkward position, sort of like a tango ending pose. Somehow, Arthur didn't move out of their position, which was unbelievable, but the only thing on his mind was his precious tea. He was staring at the remains of his beautiful tea soak in and stain the crimson carpet.

"You... You dropped it...." Arthur muttered, sounding depressed all of a sudden. Abruptly, he pushed Francis away from him and feel onto his knees and started to sulk beside the dark stain and the thankfully not broken cup.

"Ahem! I would appreciate a thank you for saving your life?!"

"You.... YOU DROPPED IT!" Arthur screamed, his mood swinging from sad to angry all of a sudden.

"Wow, look, if you want I can make you another cup of tea," Francis offered.

Arthur just got up without answering and trailed over to sit on the couch again.

"O... Kay? Gosh, it's just a cup of tea!" The older blond mumbled under his breath and cleaned up the remains of the tea and coffee and went back into the kitchen to make another cup of tea because he's a nice person.

"Where are you going?" Francis asked from the kitchen, making his fourth cup of tea because he messed up on the previous two. Don't ask how he failed, it's a simple procedure of putting the tea bag into the cup, pouring the hot water in, taking the tea bag out, adding sugar and milk if necessary and somehow he messed it up.

"You don't need to know everywhere I go, mom!" The boy with the outstanding eyebrows commented rudely.

"Well, what proof do I have that you're not gonna go into my room and sneak through my stuff?"

"Firstly, I wouldn't walk into anyone's room without their permission, especially not yours and secondly, I'm going to get another book from my room. Why? Wanna go get that for me as well?" Arthur asked condescendingly at the end.

"Sure! What book do you want?" Francis asked with a smile.

"Aaarghh! I'm done with this! All day, you've been looming over me like a shadow and helping me with every little thing! I'm not some invalid, I can do plenty of stuff by myself! I'm not helpless! You don't have to help me with every single thing I do!" Arthur yelled and sat down with his head in his hands, looking stressed.

Francis silently stared with wide cerulean eyes at the Brit. His face was devoid of any emotion, until it contorted into one of anger and slight disgust.

"Are you kidding me right now? I decide to help you and this is how you repay me? I mean, is being nice such a big crime?! You ungrateful little brat! Well then, if you think you can survive by yourself without my help, then be my guest! It's not my responsibility to take care of you, so why should I?" Francis shouted back.

"Well I'm sick of being treated like a two year old! I don't need your help! I can probably survive better without you, so stay out of my way!" The Brit stated angrily.

"You're acting worse than a two year old right now. And if you think you can take care of yourself, fine. Your first challenge of the day: try and get your book back," Francis said with a nasty smile and snatched Arthur's book from his hand.

"Hey! Give it back!" Arthur demanded and hopped on his tippy toes to get it back.

"If you want it, come and get it, shortie!"

The shorter boy struggled to get his novel back from the taller teen, and Francis' unending insults didn't make it any better.

"Ha, giving up already, sourcils?" The French male taunted.

Arthur growled at the insult. He had enough of this.

He raised both of his hands to hit Francis on the chest, not caring about the pain in doing so, because if it would shut up the obnoxious French, he would take it.

His plan backfired though, as Francis dropped the book and grabbed his arms just in time.

"Hey, let go!" The blond ordered, trying to get out of Francis' tight grip on his hands. It was starting to hurt a lot. He tried scratching him as much as he could to make him let go, but he didn't succeed.

"So, you still think you can survive without any help?" Francis asked teasingly.

"Nhhgn... Y-yeah, I could!" Arthur announced with a challenging smile trying to hide his discomfort, and not wanting to accept defeat.

Francis' eyes narrowed, and he twisted the Brit's arms around in an awkward manner behind his back.

Arthur screamed in pain and tried wriggling out of his taut grip, but Francis didn't let go.

"What about now?" The French teen whispered menacingly beside his ear.

"S-stop!" Arthur commanded, but it sounded more like he was begging. He could feel tears stinging the corners of his eyes.

"So do you admit it?"

Arthur was silent. No matter how much it hurt, he wouldn't let him know he lost. He was too stubborn.

He felt tears running down his face freely, which he didn't want them to. Crying was a sign of weakness, and he wasn't weak...

Only when he saw Arthur crying did Francis snap into his senses. He immediately let go and watched as the Brit ran off in a hurry to his room. And now, he felt really guilty. He was supposed to be taking care of him, not hurting him even more than it was already. He had to apologise...

************Time Skip!************

A few hours later, Francis stood in front of Arthur's door with a cup if tea as an apology gift, hesitating to knock. A million questions went through his head, but he decided to suck it up and knock on the door.

"Arthur? Look... I'm sorry.... I shouldn't have done that, and I'm sorry for being a bad caretaker. I understand why you're mad at me, I was acting like you can't do anything and I was wrong. Please... Let me make it up to you," Francis pleaded.

He heard quiet shuffling coming towards the door and then it was opened.

"Um... I'm sorry as well. You were only trying to help out, but I got annoyed because it was kinda strange to me. I apologise for lashing out at you," he said, looking down.

"Well then, as we both feel the same way, truce?"

"Truce," Arthur agreed. He then pointed at the cup in Francis' hand.

"Is that..."

"Yeah. I figured you'd want some after I spilled your tea so I made some more!" The blond added.

"Thanks..." Arthur expressed his gratitude with a smile and took the cup, wincing a bit as his hands were still a bit sore.

"Be careful, it's-"

Arthur swallowed the tea in a few gulps and handed the cup back to a shocked Francis.

"I've grown immune to it's heat. Now close your mouth!" The British instructed. The French immediately did so and smiled at him.

"Oh shit! I forgot to finish my homework!" The older teen exclaimed and ran into the living room, Arthur chuckling and following behind him.

I did it! I finally did it! I am truly sorry for leaving this story hanging for like two months, I was working on this other FrUk story and I got distracted. BUT!!! I have finally updated!

I hope you enjoyed this very long chapter. It's 7723 words! This is the longest chapter I've written in the whole history of my life on wattpad! I'm so proud!

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