The forgotten one

By nanatoofly

212K 3.7K 423

Niall is the middle child. The one no one remembers. The one who everyone forgot exist. (Read for more inf... More

A day in the life of Niall
Someone finally notices
Is this messed up?
How could this happen
What the hell happened to Niall?
Author Note
Im here for you
What is going on?
We will do this
Author Note
Helping Ni
Were sorry!
A New Friend
I like her/him
Can you try for me?
Here we go
What the funny exclusives!
What's wrong?
Because I'm Happy
What I Think?
Help please?
It starting
Almost there
I'm so sorry
Its going down!!!!
Never thought about it
Can we start over?
I hate you
Poor Harry
I'm Here
The Suprise

How can I help??

1.8K 37 6
By nanatoofly

*Eli P.O.V*
I was in my room thinking about how I was gonna finish this science project when I hear a knock on the door. I groan and throw my papers on my bed and get up. I go downstairs and open the door. I see Niall. "Niall? Why are you here? I thought we were hanging out tomorrow or later today." I said. He was looking down so I couldn't see his face but I'm pretty sure he was crying. "Can I come in?" I heard him say in a strained voice. "Of course." I said stepping back allowing him to walk in. He walked in and engulfed me in a hug. I hugged back and I felt wetness on my shoulder. "Niall what happened?" I asked. He shook his head and kept crying. I took that as a sign as 'ill tell you later.' After a good 10 minutes he pulled away. "Can we sit down? Its a long story." He said. I nodded and grabbed his hand and walked him to the couch. He started telling me how harry wanted to know if he hated him. He told me his respond and how he felt while responding. He felt anger and sadness all in one. He didn't really hate Harry or any of his so called "brothers". He only hated Justin and Zayn. His words about them were just filled with hatred. If words would kill people they'd both be 6 feet under. "Do you feel like this towards anyone else?" I asked him. "No. Just them. I hate them and I know why. But I don't want to hate them. I cant help this feeling." He said curling up again. "Maybe you could give them another chance. I know you already did. But if you can forgive the boys for the neglect you can forgive them. In sure of it." I replied. "Maybe. But will you help me? Zayn heard all I said about him." He said ashamed. "We can fix it. I promise." I said. "Thanks." He said and hugged me. I hugged him about and he got a phone call. He pulled back and answered it. "Hello?" He said as he put it on speaker. "Niall. We have made a decision. We want you out." I heard Zayn say. My heart sunk and the look on Niall's face tells it all.

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