* editing * The FaceTime That...

By hookedonharry

524K 7.9K 6.7K

Emily Morgan is a fourteen year old from Washington. She has such an amazing family along with along with two... More

Chapter 1 ; ✔️
Chapter 2; ✔️
Chapter 3 ✔️
Chapter 4 ✔️
Please look!
Chapter 5 ✔️
Chapter 6 ✔️
Chapter 7 ✔️
Chapter 8 ✔️
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22.
Q&A answers.(:
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Thank YOU note♡
Who do you want to read about?

Chapter 15

18.1K 259 507
By hookedonharry

Hi babies 😚
my school's almost over!😊
This'll probably be up after I get done with school, but yea! Have fun reading chapter 15 lovelies(:

Emily's POV

"Emily, Emily wake up," I head Hayes voice.

I fluttered my eyes opened to see a smiling Hayes. I looked around, and realized I'm on a plane. Huh? Why am- Oh yea. I forgot.

"Hayes are we in Hawaii," I asked him and he nodded.

I sat up and walked out. The airport was huge!

I walked over to where everyone else was.

"Let me make sure everyone's here." Anthony said, and started counting.

He nodded, and started going to the pickup place for our luggage. My bags came around, along with everyone else's, and we left.

There was a white limo waiting for us, and boy, was it hot. Hawaii is absolutely beautiful. The palm trees are brightly green, no clouds in the sky. It looks like it does in pictures.

"Nice choice of place to go Em," Jake said and kissed me head.

I nodded, and he walked away. I saw Aaron and Kate walk hand in hand, while Kate laughed at something Aaron said.

Aaron looks at her with such love. I wish I had that...

I sighed and looked out the limo's window.

We passed the beach and it was absolutely incredible looking. The water shined a bright blue, and the sand was as sandy as you could imagine. I couldn't wait to step into the water.

We got to the hotel and gosh, was it gorgeous. Everything looks so amazing! We checked in and went to our room, well, the room I'd be staying in.

The roon was painted a peach color, and had white couches, a tv, and a table. The bathroom was also a peach color, but the sink counter and shower was marble.

We got four rooms, and four of us in each.

One room was Mahogany, Jacob, Hayes and me.

Room two was Carter, Matt, Aaron, and Shawn.

Room three was Jack, Jack, Nash, and Cameron.

The last one was Taylor, Jake, and Anthony.

I went to the balcony to see what our view was.

Beautiful big palm tree's, the beach, board walk and carnival.

The biggest thing that stuck out was the huge Faris Wheel, that I couldn't wait to ride with Hayes.

Hayes opened the door leading to the balcony and wrapped his arms around my sides.

I was shocked at first, then sparks shot acrossed my body.

I smiled, and put my hands on top of his.

Hayes' POV

When she put her hands on top of mine, it felt amazing. She makes me fall harder for her, every single second. And I can't control it.

We stayed their for a good bit, admiring the view, when Mahogany came in.

"Em- woah, am I bothering you guys?" She said and Emily quickly let go of my hands, and scooted over.

"Oh, uh, nope! Whatcha need?" She asked nervously.

"Can you come check if we left anything in the limo with me just in case?" Mahogany said and she nodded.

I walked in with them then sat on the couch, having all of the boys' eyes on me. When did they get here?

When we heard the door latched, they all smirked.

"Dude you totally like Emily." Cameron said.

"No, I don't."

"It's okay bro, you know you do, don't deny it." Nash said, and they all nodded.

"Don't tell her, please."

"We won't, but you should ask her out here."

"I have something in mind already." I smiled.

Emily's POV

"I guess there's no bags, wanna get an ice cream real quick?" She asked and I nodded.

I couldn't stop thinking about Hayes. He's taken over my mind, completely.

I can only think about his smile, his messy hair, his eyes, everything about him. It's all just, perfect.

"Em what kind?"

"Strawberry," I said and she smirked.

"What where you thinking about? Hayes?

"What, uh, no, why would you uh, say that?"

"Everytime you lie, or you're nervous, you say 'uh'."

"Oh." I said and she laughed.

"It's okay, I won't tell." She said and I nodded.

How'd she know I was thinking about him? There's so many things I could be thinking of.

We walked back up stairs to see al the boys in swim trunks, with no tops on.


Breathe in, out. In, out.

"You guys wanna go to the beach?" Matthew asked, and we nodded.

I grabbed my bag and went to the bathroom. I put the bikini on that the top was pink, and the back was like a ladder, with my cheetah print bottoms. This is defiantly my favorite baithing suit.

I walked back and everyone was ready. I found Hayes and walked over by him, and he grabbed my hand.

We got onto the sandy beach, and I could already smell the salt water.The sun was shining bright, and it felt amazing on my really white skin. I need to get a tan, badly.

I set out my towel between Mahogany's and Kate's, and laid down. They where laying down also, so I took a picture of us all. I felt the sun hitting my legs and arms, soaking up the sun.

With my eyes closed, It felt like it got darker, I opened my eyes to see Hayes hovering over me.

Jacob was on one side, and Aaron on the other. Oh shit, I think I know what's gonna happen next.

I leaned up and pushed him back, running as fast as I could along the beach.

He caught up from me, wrapping his arms around me.

I started laughing and squirming, while he just laughed. It was fine, but I didn't feel like getting thrown in the ocean.

"Hayes, don't you dare!" I said and he just laughed.

"Sorry, princess! No can do!" He said and I hit he icy water. When I got up, Hayes was standind there, laughing. Ha, you wait.

I saw Mahogany and Kate, also standing in the water, looking at the boys with a pissed look. We all looked at each other than smirked, and just walked out of the water, and back to our towels.

"Where gonna get them back, right?" Kate said, and we nodded.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"Well, I thought, when we get back from that dinner place where going to, that we'd push them in the pool."

"You're a genius," I said and we all half -fived.

The boys walked up to us with nervous faces.

"Uh, are you guys mad at us?" Jacob said, with his hands behind his back.

"Nah, no, not at all." Mahogany said and they had a relieved look on their faces.

"But," Mahogany said and the stiffendend up.

"But? But, uh, what?" Hayes said.

"Girls are the BEST at revenge." I said and we laughed.

"Oh, well, where really sorry and-"

"Where getting you back no matter what, Aaron." Kate said and they scurried.

We all laughed at their scared faces, and got up and went to the water.

Cameron saw me and opened his arms, and I ran in them.

"So, Em, do you like Hawaii?"

"Yes! I love it! Do you?"

"It's beautiful here, nice choice!"

I smiled and he spinned me around.

We stayed in the ocean for quite a bit. It was so beautiful in Hawaii.

I can't wait for the other things where going to do today.

Getting Ready For The Boardwalk/Carnival


I wore a plain Navy blue crop top, high rised jean shorts, with plain black flats. For my hair style, I only threw it up in a high mesy bun.

I walked down stairs and found everyone sitting on the couch, except a few boys.

"Hey we went and got four rental cars, so someone's gonna have to squeeze." Taylor said, and we all went down stairs.

The first car was Anthony driving, with Jacob in the passangers seat, and Taylor and Aaron in the back.

The second car was Cameron driving, Nash is the passanger's, and Carter and Jake in the back.

The third car was Jack driving, Shawn in the passanger's, and Mahogany and Kate.

The last car was Jack driving, Matt in the passangers, and Hayes and I in the back.

I'm stuck with all boys, ugh. Eh, who cares, at least I have Hayes.

Hayes' POV

I got lucky to be seated with Emily.

Tonight, while where on the Farris Wheel, I want to ask Emily to be my girlfriend.

I'm realy nervous of what her answer might be.

I've known here more than a month, that's enough, right?

Oh gosh, the nerves..

Girls have it a little easier than boys do with this stuff.

As we drove, I watched as her beautiful hair flipped in the wind, and her smile brighter than the sun.

Cheesy, but true.

I smiled and her and she scrunched her nose, and I laughed.

"So what ride are we going to now? Or what games?" She said, eager to have fun.

"Em, love, we have to go find the others first." Matt said, putting Emily on his back to give her a piggy back ride.

Emily's really short for her age. She has to be at least 4"9, and sh'es 14.

Heck, I'm 13, almost 14, and I'm 5"7. (wild guess guys. xD He's so tall & yea.)

I envy him right now, like that really old Justin Bieber song, That Should Be Me.

She took out her phone and took a silly picture with Matt, and put her phone in her pocket.

"Hey, Hayes, can you hold my phone? I don't want it to drop." She said and I nodded.

I saw her backround was still the one of us when I first met her and I was kissing her cheek.

I smiled and slid the lock screen up, revealing her camera.

Call me a girl, but I blew her phone up with pictures of myself.

I laughed at how retarded I looked, and shaked my head.

Jack came over to me and told me to hop onto his back.

"Aye Matt! Let's race!" Jack shouted and they both got onto one of the yellow lines.

"First one to the wall wins!" Matt said, and Jack nodded.

Emily and I counted to three, then they bolted off.

Matt was in the lead, and ended up beating us.

Matt put Em down and half fived her.

We saw the others and walked over to them. Kate was on Aaron's back, laughing at something he told her or something. Aarons loves Kate so much. He's always happy when she's around, which is a good thing. I like Kate as a friend, you can tell she's not just using us for fame, nor with Emily. If they wanted to use us for fame, they wouldn't act like they do. They would act so needy towards us, like how this one girl did to us, Abbey Lokens. I can't even stand to think of her.

"So do you guys wanna eat first?" Anthony said, and everyone nodded, except Emily.

She pouted, wanting to go have fun first, but we won. She crossed her arms, pouted, and stomped all the way to the place we'd be eating at. She's such a child, traped inside a 14 year old girl's body. It's not only because how she pouts, she's so energetic and loves to have fun. She's so outgoing, and puts everyone first, and herself last. God, do I love her.

We ate at a place on the board walk called Snow White.

( Yes it's a real restaurant, idk if they have it in Hawaii, but they do where I go to vacation!)

It was really expensive, but eh, no one really cared.

Emily just wanted fries with cheese so we could hurry up and go, but everyone decided to take their time, which made Emily bored.

I finished my burger with fries and got up and went to Emily.

"Bored?" I asked her, and she gave me a look that said are you stupid?

"Right across from here is an arcade, we can go until there done?" I said and her eyes lit up and nodded. She raced to the arcade, putting a ten dollar bill into one of the things that gives you quarters back. They shot out of the machine and when they where done coming out, she grabbed them and put them in a plastic bag.

She went to a claw machine that contained monkey and minion stuffed animals.

"Oh my gosh! Monkey's and Minions!? Thats my favorite animal, and minions are way to cute! I'm the bomb at this game." She squealed amd put a quarter in the slot.

She aimed for the monkey first, and luckly, got it. She clapped and half fived me, and went for the minion. She didn't get it, and she also didn't get it the other four times. She put another quarter and told me to try.

Luckily, I got it, and she kissed my cheek.

"Thank you thank you thank youuuu!" She said and I laughed.

"Hey Emily, I bet I can beat you in a game of basketball."

"Game on, Grier." She smirked and ran to the game.

We hit two players on seperate machines, and it counted down.

When it realesed the balls, we both became to throw them in the hoops like crazy. She was winning from about 4 balls, and god damn, did this girl have skills. The buzer went off, telling us game over.

Her score was 43 while mine was 32.

"What!? No way!" I shouted and she laughed.

"Hate to say it, but you got skills, Morgan." I said and she laughed.

"Thank you, thank you, I'll be signing autographs later." She said and bowed.

We both laughed and Nash came over and waved to us, indicating that it was time to go. We walked through the swarm of people and got out onto the boardwalk. Up ahead was the rided, and Emily was grinning like a four year old that just ate tons of candy.

"So which ride are we doing first I think we should do a really fast one the goes backwards or one that makes you dizzy and-"

"Emily, calm down, we'll just go on which ever one looks interesting." Jake said and laughed.

"Don't KILL my vibe, Jake. You kill it, and it won't be the only thing that dies today." She scolded him and I laughed at how scared Jake honestly looked.

We started walking to a white roller coaster and it went upside down, back and fourth, and looped.

Emily's eyes got big and her smile got widder, and ran to the line.


We rode so many rides... It was almost ten pm, and there's only one ride that we didn't go on yet. Yes, we rode every single ride that was open. Last but not least, the Farris Wheel.

My hands got sweaty, and my voice is hitched. I'm so nervous. But it's worth a shot.

It's either she's gonna say yes, or she's gonna say no. I'm chancing everything right now..

"It's our turn." I said with a shakey voice, and she looked at me weird and nodded.

"Hey can you stop ours at the top please?" I whispered to the girl and she smiled and nodded.

"Asking her to be you're girlfriend?"

"How'd you know?"

"I always get the same question." She said and smiled.

I hopped on she gave a nod, than winked. I exhaled loudly as we went up.

"Emily?" I said and she looked over.

"Beautiful view, huh."

"Yea. But can I ask you something?"


"E-emily, I really, really like you. This month and a litle bit more with you have been amazing. I'm starting to fall in love with you, day after day. You're so beautiful in everyway. You're hair, smile, laugh. I love spending my time with you, every single day. From the time I wake up, to the time I go to bed. Emily, will you be my girlfriend?"

She looked at me, tears in her eyes, smiled and nodded. She wrapped her arms around me, and I did the same. I'm so happy that Emily Morgan, is my girlfriend.

Aw guys how cute.!

They are together!

you're opinion's on them together?

Hemily(: <3 comment below if you have any other ship namesss!

4 votes- next chapter!(:

I might end this in about ten chapters or less):

Idk what else to put in here?

Idk, I'll try for you lovelies(:

Love you lots! xx

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