Idols Can Love {P.J.M}

By JungkieKookie

146K 3.6K 269

"Y/n? You mean Y/F/N? Of course i know her,she's really famous" "She's the one in Night Light group. I saw th... More

Our 1st Way
Our 2nd Way
Our 3rd Way
Our 4th Way
Our 5th Way
Our 6th Way
Our 7th Way
Our 8th way
Our 9th way
Our 10th Way
Our 11th way
Our 12th way
Our 13th Way
Our 14th Way
Our 15th Way
Our 16th Way
Our 17th Way
Our 18th Way
Our 19th Way
Our 20th Way
Our 21st Way
Our 22nd Way
Our 23rd Way
Our 24th Way
Our 25th Way
Our 26th Way
Our 27th Way
Our 28th Way
Our 29th Way
Our 30th Way
Our 31st Way
Our 32nd Way
Our 33rd Way
Our 34th Way
Our 35th Way
Our 36th Way
Our 38th Way
Our 39th Way
Found Our Way

Our 37th Way

2.3K 73 3
By JungkieKookie

I saw Jimin keep shifting in his seat, glancing down to his hands all the time. It must've been hard to not feel uncomfortable in such situation. It was also my bad for just dragging him here when he clearly says no, but to think that he went back to his dorm by cab, that's a little sad to be honest. Not to mention my unnies being hyper today. Since he's sitting beside me, I lean in a little to whisper,
"Sorry,my unnies are a bit...high in energy today"

He lowly chuckle and lean back, whispering, "Believe me, I've had worse"

"Your hyungs? "

"My members actually, they can be so loud and extra to the point it's embarrassing sometimes "

"Guess we have something in common"

We lightly laugh and suddenlt, someone cough. Both of us turn to look, at an annoyed looking Areum, "No whispering over the table, please"

"Mian unnie" I lightly bow.

Areum's nod byt when he saw Jimin looking at her, puzzled, she quickly said sorry,
"Ah Jimin, mianhae, I thought you're Luna. "

"I'm here" she grunted in frust.

"Next time be taller, don't you feel bored of being small? " Mison teased her and soon there were small hitting fight between them.

"Ermm, does anyone want to stop them? " Jimin awkwardly point to the bickering unnies of mine.

"Don't mind them. " I stare at Luna and Mison blankly.

"They'll stop when they're tired. Anyway, sorry about just now Jimin-ah."

"Ah, jjinja, it's okay"

"Seriously, I thought you're Luna since you two are so...close"

Immediately after, Jimin and I inch further away from each other, I feel like my face is burning out of a sudden so I sip in my iced cola.

"Are you two a thing or... "

As soon as i heard Mison said that, I immediately chocked. Jimin worriedly pat my back as I try to get rid of the cola that went down through wrong pipe. Jimin quietly hand a tissue for me to wipe my mouth and I gladly accept it.

"They surely are a thing, I won! Unnie, pay"

"Wait, you have a bet on whether we'll be a thing or not?! "
I was practically standing, and poor Jimin have to pull me down to sit.

"Those two are, not me" Areum boredly say as she tied up her hair into a high ponytail.

"I can't believe you bet over me" I pouted.

"Aww baby,we're just joking. This bet doesn't even involve money. " Luna cooed.

"Baby, come on. Stop pouting, smile? "

My pout slowly tuned into a small smile and Luna started to say how cute I look, squeling over me.

"Your unnies call you baby? "

My jaws dropped as I remember about Jimin.Oh oh, now he knows about that nickname, he won't ever stop teasing me.

"Yeah we did. You wanna fight? "

"She's our baby, what's wrong with that? "

"Did you just laugh at her, oh it's on. I'll punch you"

"Okay Okay, you're scaring him unnie. Stop" I sigh at how unbelievably protective my unnies could get, aish.

"No no, it's not like that. I think it's cute"

My unnies then started to smirk and said out loud,


"Y/n! Slow down! "

I couldn't help but laugh at how hard he's clutching onto me, Aww someone's scared. I decided to send him back to his dorm using my once again, 'borrowed' bike from Areum. I could see the bored face she made when she saw me riding it out, looks like she get used to it.

But I didn't expect Jimin to be scared riding it, he keep saying to slow down and ride it properly.

"I never knew riding a bike can be so dangerous"
He clutched onto his heart as soon as we arrived in the parking lot.

"No, it's not dangerous"

"It is, if the one riding it is you! "

I lightly laugh and fix my hair after I get off from the bike. I take the helmet from Jimin's hand and put it on the bike beside Areum's helmet, that was also,borrowed by me.


"Why are you getting hyper? It's only my dorm"

I shrugged and smiled. "I dunno, it seem interesting somehow"

"Which one is interesting my dorm...or my room? " he raised an eyebrow, resulting me to scoff.

"Great, here comes the horny boy again"

"You said something? "

"What? Noooo, you're hearing things. "

"Okay then, come on"

He took my hand and we both take the lift to his dorm.

"It feels like I'm bringing home a girlfriend"

"Aren't I? " I teased him and he stopped to look at me.

"Yeah, yeah you are"

We soon arrived to his dorm, and he swiftly enter the password. The door clicked open and I could hear faint voices inside. I look at Jimin, expecting him to say something but he didn't utter a word. He slowly pushed open the door and we froze at the door frame, seeing 6 figures inside, chatting happily. Once they realised our presence, they stare at us, with frown upon their face.

"Jiminnie, where were you this past few days? Jin Hyyng and Suga Hyyng are back from the military and you just bring back a girl to the dorm? " Hobie said,his tone shows that he's slightly irritated.

I glance at Jimin, who had his head hung low. He didn't tell his members that he went to Greenland? Huh, I wonder if his members knew he's currently acting in a drama.

"Jimin-ah, you didn't answer your phone, what did I tell you about muting it? " This time Taehyung started to nag.

I just couldn't let Jimin being like this, so I did one stupid thing I wish I wouldn't have to do it again in the future.

"Excuse me, hi I'm Y/n from NightLight. I know I'm actually an outsider, but you need to know this. Actually, none of the things you said about Jimin is true, the reason for his lost presence in Korea is because he isn't here in the first place. The past few days, he's in Greenland for his drama, but under certain circumstances, he was trapped in the shooting house because of snow storm, with me.
We were trapped for three days, and luckily the rescue team are able to find us. You must be clueless right now, as to why you didn't know about this. The true reason is all of you are too busy that you barely spent time together. Jimin didn't want to interrupt you, so he just went there without telling about his leaving.

For your information, he could have been dead back there, but you know what, the first thing that he asked for when we were saved is to get back to Korea, because he thought about all of you when you don't do the same. I'm sorry if what I said is rude, but I'm just stating the truth"

I slowly look at Jimin, and managed a smile,
"I'll be going now, don't worry about me. I'll went straight to the dorm"

He nod weakly,"Be safe"

I nod back to him and walk away, leaving those other 6 boys to rethink what they had done.

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