I am Katrina Stark ( an Aveng...

By Avengers5408

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We all know the Avenger's stories but did you know about Tony Stark's little sister, and how she came to be t... More

Chapter 1- 1991
Chapter 2-Stark
Chapter 3- Friends
Chapter 4- Halloween At S.H.I.E.L.D
Chapter 5- Sorry doesn't cut it
Chapter 6- ShortCuts
Chapter 7- Finding You
Chapter 8- Tahiti 2.0
Chapter 9 - Xavier Academy
Chapter 10- Family You Never Had
Chapter 11- Belonging
Chapter 12 - Mystery Man
Authors note
Chapter 13- Gut feeling
Chapter 14- Madness
Chapter 15 - Here at S.H.I.E.L.D we are family
Chapter 16- Eyes everywhere (2006)
Chapter 17- You forgot
Chapter 18- Inseperable
Chapter 20 - Moving On
Chapter 21- And me?
Chapter 22 - I love you
Chapter 23 - A day to remember
Chapter 24 - Change of Plans

Chapter 19 - Letting you go

103 3 0
By Avengers5408

Kat's POV
I woke up this morning with a killer headache, even worst than yesterday, but that wasn't my main concern. Something felt different.

I got up from my bed, I was going to see if Hayley wanted to get breakfast with me downtown. As I walked out of my room to Hayley's room I noticed the door to her room was slightly ajar. I paused for a second before slowly opening the door. Everything in her room looked scattered, as if someone had ransacked the whole room. Hayley was nowhere to be found. I walked closer to her bed and saw a note lying there. It read "thanks for the invite. Was great knowing you, but I got better stuff to do now thanks to this new S.H.I.E.L.D info I have :) love your sis."
I didn't understand at first. I had to re read the note maybe five times before I finally accepted what had happened. This whole time I had worked so hard to convince myself and everyone that Hayley could be trusted. I knew I was in deep shit

I ran out of the room and straight into the elevator down the hall. Repeatedly hitting the button to Fury's office didn't make my journey to his office any quicker.

After waiting long, the doors open to Fury's room. He stands facing the window while Clint, Natasha, Agents Hill and Coulson are sat around he round table at the center of the room.
"Director Fury! Hayley she's-"
I didn't even get to finish my sentence before Nick turns around to me and screams "GET OUT" I'm taken aback by his tone and his fierce expression. I stutter to say words "I'm sorry." I say with my head hung low. "Because of you and your so called sister, Hydra and whatever organization she's from has access to confidential S.H.I.E.L.D files, and thank you very much for forgetting to mention that you never actually found Hayley but you even had a conversation with their leader and made a deal to let her in, after knowing perfectly well that she has powers and she was the one that attacked you in the first place." The directors face is laced with anger and I can hear my heartbeat pound as he breathes in frustration.

I looked around the room quickly to see everyone else's expressions, they are all equally disappointed. Including the councilman. "Katrina Stark we have no choice but to permanently remove you from S.H.I.E.L.D." One of the council man says . My eyes widen and my breath shortens no this can't be happening.

"Kat" I hear Natasha's voice speak to me. "We're going to have to put you in foster care. I'm sorry it has to be this way." Nat hold back tears as her voice quivers slightly. I look behind me to see the doors opening and two guards in uniforms stepping in.
"Please remove mrs stark." No I think to myself in fear. I feel my eyes welling up. They were just going to remove me like that. Without a proper goodbye. And all because of a mistake I made.

"No" I cry as the guards grab my arms on either side . I look up to see Nat turning away from me. I can't find the energy to call out to Clint who just stares in regret as he watches me being dragged away. Phil looks like he's about to yell at Fury to stop it but he sighs and looks down.
The guards pull on me more, I start to resist. I plant my feet and try to hold myself down but I'm no match for the two of them. "Please no." I scream now. My voice is hoarse from all the crying. "Stop please." I start shaking my hand to get out of the guards' grasp. I can't take this anymore it's too much. My head starts to pain and I scream out in agony. "STOP." I yell.
The table flies to the wall and everything in the room comes in contact with the ground. I open my eyes to see the mess around me. At first I thought we just went through some sort of earthquake but then I realized that everyone was staring at me. I looked down at my hands and they were glowing a bright purple colour.

I did this.

I suddenly became light headed. The room began to spin. And it felt like I had been drained of all of my energy.
I could see everyone running towards me, shouting words back and forth at each other with concerned faces. But I couldn't hear them at all. I had a strange ringing noise blocking out the rest of the sound. In one second my eyes drooped back and my head hit the floor.

~One month later~

Beep beep
I shot up to the sound of beeping. Everything around me was a bright white colour, it was almost blinding. It took me a second to realize that I was in a hospital. I turned to my left and saw a nurse next to me, replacing a vase of roses.

"Oh goodness you're awake." She says in surprise. She reminded me of a grandma with very sweet, kind eyes.
"Um how long have I been asleep for- and where am I?" I asked looking around the room to see who else was here.
"Let me call the director, he's at his office now. It's probably best if he explained this to you." I nodded with a little bit of disappointment, I wanted to know what had happened now, and I was sad no one else was here when I awoke.
Looking around the room again, I realized we were in a S.H.I.E.L.D medical unit, the logo was on practically everything, even on my hospital gown that I was wearing. I looked down at my hands which were cuffed to the bed. I furrowed my brows, why did I need to be handcuffed to the bed. Now that I try to think of it, I don't remember why I'm even in this hospital. What happened or what did I do to end up here?
Minutes later, Fury and Natasha arrive, they rush into my room and he both of them give me a strangling hug.
"Sweetie I'm so glad you're alive" Natasha whispers into my hair as she kisses my forehead.
"Nick we need to talk, what happened in here." He nodded, I'm assuming the nurse filled him in on certain information and my memory loss from the incident that got me here.
"Well Kat it seems Hydra was wrong." What did he mean?
"When they experimented on you, they thought they failed in giving you powers. We realized you did develop powers but slower, and we were exposed to your powers a month ago when we were going to kick you out of S.H.I.E.L.D, this was after the incident with your sister Hayley, who also stole S.H.I.E.L.D files." He began to say. Suddenly it all became clear again. I remembered everything and every detail, the shock on everyone's face and how scared everyone was.
"Wow Nick I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt anyone or cause this much damage-" I start by nick cuts me off. "It's alright, it's better if we get to understand your powers now before it gets out of hand.

I knew secretly everyone was terrified of me. There was a part in Nick's conscience that told him this wasn't a good idea. I think I was becoming aware of how to read people's minds, it must be one of my powers. Because I could hear Nick's thoughts. He was thinking how dangerous I could be and honestly I can't blame him because there's only so much of me now that can be controlled.

Third Person POV
Over the next few months, Katrina trained harder than ever with Natasha by her side. Of course having powers had its advantages and disadvantages. She was stronger than before and more determined. But with no one to teacher her to control her powers, she was helpless.

Kat's POV
With lots of training going on, I was actually always busy. I think everyone at shield encouraged this much training because they secretly feared I might not be able to control my powers or worst, I might be a target of attack.

With The Dragons having access to some very important S.H.I.E.L.D files, everyone was at risk. We all were training harder than ever, Clint and Natasha were always on multiple missions to try and find where the Dragons were currently hiding. As for me I was stuck here, kept under protection by Phil or other S.H.I.E.L.D agents who were forced to make sure I was safe at all times . I was mostly lonely here, with no real friends to talk to, I actually missed Hayley, despite the fact she betrayed us.

Today I decided I would just train by myself in the workout room downstairs. Most days when I was by myself I would stay in my room so my 'supervisor of the day' wouldn't have to actually do much with protecting me. I figured if I was in my room I'd be perfectly fine. Anyways today I realized how boring my room actually was so I made my way to the workout room.

Scanning my ID card at the door, the gym lights turned on and the automatic doors shut behind me. No one else was here which was perfect for what I wanted to do. I wanted to train my powers . I didn't know how but I figured if I focused hard enough something would happen. After first working out a bit, I went to stand in front of the mirrors. It was there that I had an idea of cloning myself. I looked at the mirrors around me, it reflected different copies of myself. So I decided to close my eyes and try to replicate that. My head hurt from trying to produce so much energy. Nevertheless I still focused on picturing another copy of myself. I let out a gasp as a sharp pain ripples through my head. I opened my eyes and to my surprise, there stood an identical clone of myself standing next to me. As I moved, it copied me as well, as if it were following the commands in my brain. I admired my creation and went to touch it to see if it was real. The minute I touched it, my copy faded away. I frowned a little but I was very happy with my progress.

I looked down at my watch and my eyes almost popped out of my head when I realized I had been here in front of the mirrors for 6 hours. Had no one noticed I had been gone that long? And also how did I not notice that I took 6 hours just to replicate myself?

As I stated down at my watch to reconfirm the time I heard a voice from behind me. "You know theres a saying that goes: time flies when you're having fun.'" My eyes widened. I knew that voice from anywhere.

I grabbed the nearest thing to me and in a second, I flung a blade as I swiftly turned. In response, I received a laugh from her. "Cmon Kat, you know I'm a trained agent, I've killed more people than you've ever met. I obviously would  see that knife coming from any distance." In fear I began to run to the other exit of the gym. She laughed in response and slowly followed behind, not rushing to get to me. I could hear her slow footsteps follow behind me as I ran up the stairs to get to my bedroom. My bedroom was my safe house. I ran, shoving doors behind me and soon entered my room to retrieve my gun. I quickly loaded it and ran to Fury's office. If I got there in time, I'd be able to notify someone on duty to help me out, maybe even Clint or Natasha, if they were back from a mission yet.
I panted and turned around once I was in Fury's room, I began panicking and looking around for the emergency panel. I couldn't find it but I did find a few gadgets that I decided to stuff into my pocket. "I knew you'd come here." I heard Hayley chuckle to herself as she shut the door and locked it. She had been in this room for a while now. She held the emergency panel in her hand.

"What do you want." I gritted my teeth at her. She disgusted me.
"You see, when you use your powers, you conduct a some very high energy waves. " she began to walk around the room, I noticed a knife in her other hand, the one I threw at her.
"Anyways Hydra and The dragon noticed it. I connected the dots and realized it must be you. I knew you always had powers, I saw you use them that day in the IT room. S.H.I.E.L.D has been hiding this from you. They've been hiding this perfectly good gift from you, and know they're locking you away because you can't use it properly."

"You call this a gift?" I scoff at her.
"Yes it is. With great power comes great responsibility. S.H.I.E.L.D has deprived you of just that. "
"What are you saying?"
"Kat, you're not normal, you know that. But you should be treated like an outsider. Kat you belong with us. We aren't the bad guys trust me. S.H.I.E.L.D has been hiding this from you your whole life.."
"Hasn't it always been a dream of yours to get out and do field work like Clint and Nat and help others." I nodded .
"Then Kat we have people who want to help you control your powers, we know they don't do that here with you. We want you to belong, you belong with us. We aren't afraid of you, we know you can use your powers for good too and not destroy everything in the process. Just let me show you." My eyes softened when she mentioned the word 'belong'. All my life that's all I've ever wanted. I look up at her and shake my head. " but shield is where Dad and mom wanted us to be." I respond.
"Cmon Kat, they're not here anymore. And if they knew you had powers related to a creation of their own, the super soldier, they'd let you get the right help, heck they'd even help you with your powers. But what is S.H.I.E.L.D doing with you here? Just telling you to not use your powers and only train regularly. Kat don't you see they're trying to hide the fact you're different, they don't want to see your powerful side. They're afraid of you."

Her words struck me like lightening. Everything she said was so true. No one really wanted to train me to use my powers, they just wanted to train me to distract me from my powers.
"Kat, join us. " she took my hand and I held it for a while, pressing down on her skin.
"I have a helicopter waiting on the roof for us. Trust me everything will be better if you just let us guide you." She says with a sympathetic smile.

I think over it a couple of times, Hayley would always be my sister, and she was right about everything she said back there. Shield really was depriving me of my powers. I looked back up at Hayley and nodded. "Let's go."

We made our way up to the stairs and now we were on the helicopter landing on the roof. I turned around and looked back at S.H.I.E.L.D for one last time. I heard Hayley shout from behind me, close to the helicopter. "You coming?"
I swiftly turned back with my gun now aimed at Hayley. "Not today."
"Wow Katrina I'm impressed really.
her eyes widened but she smiled. "But you should've brought more than a gun if you wanted to kill me."she laughed .
"Oh I did. " she looked at me in horror
"You see while I was looking for he emergency panel, I found something else more valuable. " I held up a control button, high in the air so she could see.
"It's a skinbomb, a new S.H.I.E.L.D device I happened to help make. You see when you held my hand, I wasn't just pressing into your skin but I was pushing the signal sticker onto your skin. If I just click this button, you and anything within 2 meters of you will blow up." I yell as I walk farther away.
I had planned this the minute I got my gun. I knew Hayley might try to do something like this but I was stronger, emotionally and physically. Although a lot of the stuff she said was true, I knew I belonged with shield and no one else.

I looked back up at her too see her looking frightened. At this moment , she looked like a tiny 14 year old, frightened and terrified . I saw the tears coming down her eyes. She then begged and cried out loud. "Please don't do this, I never wanted to kill you, please I'm just doing what I'm told to." I heard her cry. A lump in my throat began to form. No she works with the company that killed our parents, she betrayed me and almost got me kicked out. I felt all this anger for her. But I couldn't shake off the feeling that killing her was so wrong. She was still a 14 year old, my sister, my own blood.
Suddenly I saw a picture in my mind, it was dad and mom, they looked angelic almost, they were glowing. "Mom? Dad?" I whimpered as I saw them nod. I wanted to saw so many things but the only thing I could think to say was . "I miss you so much. I- I don't know what to do."
They both cried when they saw me crying , I didn't know where I was or how I was communicating with them but I wanted this to last forever. I looked back up at them and my mom whispered to me. "Sometimes you need to let go." And in that moment the vision of my parents vanished.
I was put back into reality that I was holding a gun to my sister and a bomb in the other hand. There in the corner she stood whimpering for her life. I thought back to what my parents said, tears forming in my eyes and a lump in my throat only getting bigger. If I was supposed to let go, how come it was so hard. My hand shook as I tried to focus the gun on my sister but I couldn't. I sighed with a shaky breath and lowered my heads down. My sister noticed and her whimpering died down, she looked at me again with a confused look. I gave her a harsh look and yelled "get out, don't ever come back." She stared at me for a minute before slowly getting up and nodding at me in thanks. Before she got into the helicopter next to her, she looked back one more time and mouthed a 'thank you' as a tear fell down her cheek, I tossed her the bomb controller so she knew I wasn't going to blow her up. Instantly the helicopter lifted into the air and vanished within a couple of seconds.

Minutes later, I slowly came into the reality that my sister was gone. I had no one left . I fell to my knees on the roof and cried out loud, I screamed in pain, confusion, anger, guilt, and regret for my previous actions. All I could see in my head was my parents repeating the same words "let go".

I never did see my sister again, after that day, Hayley, The Dragons, And Hydra went MIA. We thought it meant for good, but little did I know, that would soon change.

Hey guys, happy belated Christmas to all those who celebrated. I meant to post this chapter a while ago but there were so many parts I wanted to add. Sorry if there was too much in this chapter, I literally wrote down every idea that was going through my mind. I also apologize for skipping over so many time periods and changing POVs a lot.Anyways I hope you enjoy this and have a great winter break!
~ Elle

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