A Love at Last || Dave East

By ThatGirlPatraaa

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" I May Not Be Your First Love, But I'm Going To Be Your Last Love." More

Chapter 1| Late Nights
Chapter 2| Thinking
Chapter 3 | Trying
Chapter 4 | Steps
Chapter 5 | Once Again
Chapter 6 | Finally
Chapter 7 | Messing Up
Chapter 9 | Pop up
Dealing with last Chapter, PLEASE READ!
Chapter 10 | Want To Know You
About Chapter 9, again 🙄
Chapter 11 | Let's Chill
Chapter 12 | Seeing you
Chapter 13 | Too much
Chapter 14 | Games
Chapter 15 | Reasons
Chapter 16 | A Discussion
Chapter 17 | Date Night
Chapter 18 | Date Night 2
Chapter 19 | Insecurities
Chapter 20 | Me and You
Chapter 21 | Comfortable
Chapter 22 | Kickin' It
Chapter 23 | Tension
Chapter 24 | Wait No More
Chapter 25 | Family Drama
Chapter 26 | Hardheaded
Chapter 27 | The Principle
Chapter 28 | Old Wounds
Chapter 29 | No Worries
Chapter 30 | Series of Events
Chapter 31 | Closer
Chapter 32 | Graduated
Chapter 33 | All Mine
Chapter 34 | Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 35 | Russian Roulette
Chapter 36 | Open Thoughts

Chapter 8 | Friend talks

11.5K 474 18
By ThatGirlPatraaa

Enjoy the chapter.💓🤙


David Brewster

"Who the fuck was that ?" Tasia asked, attitude all in her voice. She was in the passenger sit, just staring at me with her arms folded. Waiting for me to answer. I looked at her crazy then chuckled.

"Tasia, calm allat down. Why does it matter ?" I asked with my eyebrow up. She acting like me and her are together.

"Because I was standing right there! That's disrespectful!" She said, raising her voice a little.

"What the fuck do you mean disrespectful ? We are not together Tasia, but you knew that though." I said looking at her. I was glad I was almost at her house, I wasn't about to sit here and argue with her ass.

"Just like a niggah to pull that we not together shit." She said then huffed. I didn't care, we made it clear from the jump that we were just fucking. No emotions involved.

"Whatever Tasia, you knew what it was from the jump." I said, trying to dead the conversation. Thankfully, I had just pulled up to her house.

"You know what, fuck you Dave!" She said to me before getting out and slamming the door. I watched her stomp all the way to her door. I just shook my head while chuckling. I pulled off then made my way back to my house.

Skylar Rose

"Damn, he was cute too. Its always the cute ones." Lauren said to me. Dave was something else, how you trying to fuck with me when you got a whole bitch on your arm ? I don't play that shit.

"Yeah, I was about to see what he was about cause he seemed coo. Glad I didn't though." I said in a relief.

"Yeah, it's good you saw it for yourself." Lauren said while putting her arm around me. I just sighed, it's always something.
"Enough about him girl, tell Des to come over and we can have us a girl's night!" She said in an excited tone. I nodded while smiling. I called up Des and told her come over. Within 30 minutes she was over and I had filled her in on what had happened.

"Marcus was just telling me about him saying how he was trying to talk to you and stuff. You sure that was his girlfriend ?" Des stated. I just shrugged my shoulders. I was really over the situation and didn't want to speak on it no more.

"I don't know, and honestly I don't even care no more. I just want to leave it alone and have some fun with my girls right now." I said, hoping she would get off the subject. She threw her hands up in defeat.

"Okok, sorry. Lala did you order the food yet ? I'm starving." Des said. Lauren nodded her head and turned her attention back on her phone. My eyebrow rose up as I looked at her. Her attention has been on her phone for a good minute. I got up and eased up behind her and looked at her phone. She was texting Deon.

"Deon, huh ?" I finally spoke up, smirking at her. She jumped a little and shut her phone off quick. I just giggled.

"What about Deon ?" She asked all innocently.

"Deon ? Marcus friend ?" Des asked, getting into the conversation. I just nodded. "Woahhhh, what have I missed ?" She asked, getting up and coming over to sit down were Lauren and I sat.

"Girl, a whole lot." I said. "Sooooo what y'all talking bout ?" I asked being nosey.

"Ahhh, nothing. Nothing important." Lauren said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Mhmm, thought y'all was nothing serious ?"

"We not..." She said, trailing off.

"Okok, I have missed a lot. Why I don't know about her and Deon ?" Des asked, sounding all left out. Lauren playfully huffed and filled Des in. "Ohkayyy, I'm here for it. Deon cute as hell." Des said, I looked at her and nodded my head.

"So y'all really talking now ?" I asked, trying to get it out of her.

"Yeah, he said he wants to take it slow. He wants to get to know me. In his word " be more than just sex." I was surprised, I wasn't expecting this from him." Lauren finally admitted, blushing. Me and Des squealed, it was cute. Lauren was never the type to just settle down and talk to one dude.

"That's so cute, and I can tell you really like him. You over here smiling and shit. Playa Lala trying to settle down ?" Des spoke. We all started laughing.

"Some like that." Lauren said, giggling. "Enough about me, what about you and Marcus ?" When Destiny heard his name she started cheesing real hard.

"Y'all, I really like this man. He is so sweet, never knew a hood niggah could be that sweet and charming." She said blushing. Lauren and I started laughing.

"I'm so happy for y'all. Y'all both have someone who is really making y'all happy and if y'all happy, I'm happy. I love y'all folks." I spoke. I was truly happy for them, maybe one day I'll be just as happy as them. I just haven't found the right one yet...

"We love you too." They both said we all started hugging. We are such babies, I swear. We all were hugging for a good ass minute.

"Okok, enough of this mushy stuff." I said, wiping my eyes. I don't know why everyone was crying. We didn't have shit to cry about, we just some big ass cry babies thats all. We all just started laughing. All of a sudden the doorbell rang, must be our food.

"Finally, cause a bitch starving." Destiny jumped up, walking towards the door. While she was up getting the food me and Lala were searching for a movie to watch.

David Brewster

"Damn man, you going out in public with hoes now ? Then get seen with her by the female you trynna get at ? Bro you fucking up." Deon said to me, shaking his head laughing.

"Man, shut up. " I said, taking a long ass drag from the blunt. I'm just gone try and talk to Skylar. Usually I would be like fuck it, cause I done tried too many times but it's just something about her man. And It's my fault anyway why she ain't speaking to me. I should've just took Tasia straight home. Now I got to try and clear this shit up and let her know I ain't trynna play ha. Let her know that Tasia ain't my girl.

"Niggah, ole girl don't want to fuck with you no more." Marcus spoke.

I looked at him and my eyebrows grew forward together. " What you mean ?"

"Man, that's what I heard." Marcus said, throwing his hands up.

"What you hear ? " I asked.

"Well, Des told me that ole girl said she was glad she ain't give ya a chance. She saw what you was really bout when she seen you with that hoe at Mickey D's." Marcus said, shrugging.

I rubbed my hand down my face the spoke. "She only saying that cause she think I'm with Tasia." They just looked at me and shook they heads.

"I been told you stop fucking with that hoe." Marcus said. Deon nodded his head, agreeing with him.

"Can we stop talking bout this ? Y'all gone blow my high." I said with my hands on my head. I didn't want to hear this shit right now.

"We gone blow your high cause you messing with a toss hoe ?" Deon asked, but it really wasn't a question. Marcus just started laughing.

"Fuck y'all man." I said chuckling, while getting up and heading towards the door.

"Aww man, were you going ? Can't take stand to hear the truth niggah ?" Deon yelled as I made my way out the door. I heard Marcus cracking up. Them fools ain't shit. I couldn't stay anyway, I got shit to do. I got in my car but I didn't start it up. I grabbed my phone and dialed babygirl number. I hoped that she answered. All I wanted was for her to hear me out.

"Hello ?"

Yeah,yeah I know. Boring right ? Next chapter, shit gone pop off. I promise yhuu.🤙❗But until then hold on tight and PLEASE COMMENT, VOTE AND SHARE. Love y'all.💓

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