The Dismal Delusions of the D...


2.4K 143 185

Don't mess with us, we will Avada your sorry butts! If you don't know, who the F cares. We do. This is my ran... More

I Kid You Not!
Three words
Pumpkin Spice Latte
The Principal's Office
How do you go away???
How to Lose a Therapist in 30 Days.
What Any 'Normal' Person Does at 3am
Need Help!
Christmas List Defined
My Little Red Mom-mobile
Not a Good Day
Why Am I Not Enough?
Little Pink Paper
Little Artist
My Insurance Hates Me
Dashboard Draco
Another week, another headache
You Cannot Convince Me...
In a Nutshell
Again, I Introduce the White-iest, Most First-Worldliest City in America
What is a Budgie?
I will never complain...
Monday-iest Tuesday
A Very Happy UnBirthday To Me
Please Dear Lord Almighty
Football Is Life
I Suck at In-Law-ing
Pass me the alcohol...
Dark place calling me
Opinions Please.
Some of my favorite things
I Could Not Resist
Now, In All Seriousness.
Anyone willing to give me $400?
Everything in 3's....
To Sleep, Therefore to Dream
Christmas Money!
It Must Be Halloween!!
πŸŽƒI've Heard It All - Happy Halloween EditionπŸŽƒ
Why are you not in my size?
Dear Future EX Husband
Add this to the Christmas list.
This week's alcoholic selection
2018 Halloween Costume
I Need to Change My Sleeping Music
Why Do I Always Forget This?
I suck at coffee
'Bonus Year' Celebration
This Week in Drinking Death Eater Alcoholic Recommendations
"A Little Piece of Satan"
Dieting with the Dog
Addicted to Rocks
I have a 'sandwich' named after me!!!!
Snow? Or just a wet butt?
Share Kindness
Please NOT POX!!!
Teacher's Gifts vs More Alcohol?
Uno Mas
Going Ballistic
Only in California
My Mom Knows Me
What a GREAT Phone Call!
The Past 24 Plus Hours
πŸ–• I'm Done πŸ–•
I Miss LA
I Look Like a Weasley!!!
I am just throwing this out there
A Little Thing That Makes Me Happy
My Dear Son...
Dear Insurance Robo-Call
Someone PLEASE Stop Me
I am at this point now, child
Can I wash my eyes out?
Back to Rehab
Finding a Black Dress
California Traffic Defined
Flea F*cking Season
10 Minutes Later
New National Pastime
My BIRTHDAY Wish List.
Guess what I found last night?
I've been a good girl...
The Wand Chooses the Wizard?
At least I have beer
Cinderella Syndrome
Hard Headed Boys!!!
Saying Goodbye
You've Been Warned
I DON'T Recommend This


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I love listening to most genres of music, but when it comes to current titles, I like the variations of the songs.

Mind you I have a 16 year old who loves music (she's in choir, me- I am tone deaf), and she controls the radio in the car.

That being said, this version of 21 Pilots Heathens kills me. It is so haunting, elegant. I have listened it to the point the 8 year old who likes this song has removed it from his playlist.  And he's told me to "STOP PLAYING THE SONG!"
This is the same kid that would have me play Walk the Moon Shut Up and Dance for 30 minutes at a stretch while in the car. (EAR F***ing WORM!!!!)

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