the best friend bet « pjm »

By fxckpjm

75.7K 2.4K 1.2K

H I G H S C H O O L A U « ONGOING » "I love you" he murmured, tracing her nose with his own, trying to ignor... More

Chapter 1: Her.
Chapter 2: Him.
Chapter 3: Reunited.
Chapter 4: Flustered.
Chapter 5: Awkward Flirt.
Chapter 6: Confiding.
Chapter 7: Failing.
Chapter 8: The Tutor (Part 1).
Chapter 9: The Tutor (Part 2).
Chapter 10: Invitions.
Chapter 11: The Party (Part 1).
Chapter 12: The Party (Part 2).
Chapter 14: The Brother's Bet.
Chapter 15: It Begins.
Chapter 16: Talks.
Chapter 17: Bubble Tea.
Chapter 18: Impress Me.
Chapter 19: Just You and I.
Chapter 20: Official.
Chapter 21: Cha Jia.
Chapter 22: Truth Or Dare
Chapter 23: Suspicions.
authors note

Chapter 13: The Bet.

2.5K 85 82
By fxckpjm

It's only when the early hours of the morning hit, that the party winded down and everyone is thankful that Namjoon hosted it on a Friday night. Couples and singletons stumble out of the party and into their cars, still high on the crazy energy from the music.

The boys quickly assist Joon in cleaning up the house after the guests are gone, not wanting to bother with it in the morning. It's around 2AM when all the boys decide that they're going to crash at their friend's house, gathering outside to bid their goodbyes to Mina.

You're the last one to join the group assembled on Namjoon's front lawn. Thoughts consume your mind as you walk from the back of the house to the front, having stayed outside for the rest of the party and you rub your arms in a desperate attempt to generate the warmth that Taehyung's jacket isn't providing you. "(Y/N)! There you are!" Your brother practically screeches, running over to you and tugging you into a tight embrace. "You disappeared for a while, are you okay?"

Your eyes trail up his face as you nod your head with a soft smile. "Uh-yeah, I was just outback, thinking" you pat your brother's arm reassuringly. "I was with Jimin for a while, but he went inside with Jia"

"He left you?" Tae asks with a small growl causing you to gently slap him in the chest. "Why that tiny mother fu-!"

"Taehyung" you groan, rolling your eyes with a small smile. Your brother laughs, pulling you closer and snuggling into your hair and you sigh, feeling comforted by his warmth. "I told you I was okay."

He nods down at you with a playful smile, pointing when you pat him on his head. Intertwining his fingers with your own, the honeycomb haired boy leads you over to the others. You slide over to Mina, who gives you a confused stare as you wrap your arms around her and lean your head on her shoulder. "What's going on?" you ask softly, as the ravenette gives you a side glance.

"Mm, the boys are gonna stay over at Joon's" Mina sighs, giggling lightly as you nuzzle into her smooth shiny locks. The boys are grouped over by the door, chatting lightly with hands shoved into their pockets. Jimin looks over at you, running his hands through his hair has he catches your eye and you look down at the floor with a light blush.

Mina glances at you with a knowing smirk. "What was that about?"

"Nothing" you respond simply, causing her to snort. Your older brother, Taehyung, moves over to you as he tosses his car keys up and down in his large palms.

He smiles at you. "I'm gonna be staying here tonight, tell eomma and appa not to wait up okay?" Tae asks softly, tossing you his car keys. "Drive safe!"

You look down at the keys in your hand, eyes blown wide before gaping back at your brother. "Tae! I don't even have my licence, I've only got my permit remember"

"I'll drive for you!" Mina offers, and the chatter in the group ceases before everyone laughs almost to the point of tears. "Hey! I'm not that bad a driver!"

You roll your eyes, reluctantly passing the keys to her. "Of course you're not"

Mina pouts, trying to his her smile, as she pushes you before making her way to the car. The raven haired girl waves her goodbyes as she gets in, going on her phone whilst she waits for you to do the same. Smiling, you hug each of the boys and tell them you'll see them at school on Monday. You hug Taehyung, telling him not to do anything stupid as you find yourself sliding over to Jimin.

The Busan boy looks at you, a feather light blush covering his cheeks as he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. "I'll see you on Monday, yeah?" he smiles, flashing you his pearly whites.

You nod as he slips his hand into your own and holds you at arms length. "Monday"

That electric atmosphere from earlier sparks between you both as you glance at one another and Jimin has to force down the urge to pull you in for another kiss. A curt cough causes you to pull away from each other, and your eyes snap over to it's source.

Cha Jia.

"Jiminie oppa" The blonde whines from the front door, pushing past the group that's beginning to cringe. You take two large steps away from Jimin, feeling the cold glare that Jia sends your way. Jimin sighed, running a hand down his face, before turning to face the girl that had clung to his arm all night.

He looks at her, with an expression that resembles somewhat of a grimace. "'re still here?"

You move back over to the group, who let out small snickers at the sight of Jimin's suffering. "Of course oppa! I was waiting for you!" She squeaks, causing the group to shudder.

Namjoon makes a silly face, mocking Jia as he clings onto Jin who lets out a loud windshield wiper like laugh. You snort, causing Jia to detangle herself from the boy she was previously talking to. Jimin glances at you apologetically, as a small puff of air slips past his plump lips. "Jia doesn't have a ride home...d'ya think you could give her a ride home?"

At his words, you suck your bottom lip between your teeth, chewing on it's slightly chapped skin as Mina moves up behind you to grab your hand. You couldn't imagine being stuck in a car with Jia, not after her almost walking in on you kissing her 'date'. Jia's hazel eyes move over to you with a cool gaze, a smirk twisting on her lips as you furrow your brows.

"I-uh" you stammer, meeting Jimin's soft gaze. He looks at you with pleading eyes and you can feel yourself melting.


And you sigh, turning to Jia and gesturing for her to get into the car. She grins evilly, pressing a long, sloppy kiss to Jimin's cheek which causes the rest of the group to visibly grimace. The blonde flicks her hair over her shoulder, stalking over to Tae's car and sliding into the backseat, offering Mina a dark smirk. The ravenette rolls her eye, flashing the other girl a fake smile before slamming the door shut behind her and moving into the drivers seat,

"I owe you" Jimin laughs awkwardly causing you to sigh heavily. He bites his lip in an anxious smile. "Thanks"

"That you do Park Jimin, that you do"


The car ride is silent except for the gentle hum of the engine as Mina carefully manoeuvres the vehicle down the dark road. Your eyes flicker upwards, gazing at Jia in the rear view mirror as her fingers tap away at her phone screen, most likely uploading pictures from tonight's party.

Her hazel eyes bore into your (eye colour) orbs when she catches your gaze in the mirror and you blush looking out of the window at the passing street lights. "Y'know" the blonde states, piercing the car's tranquility and you look back at her through the mirror. Mina has her dark eyes locked on the road but you can tell she's listening too. "With you giving me your 'blessing' and all, I would've thought that you'd back away from Jimin by now"

Your breath hitches as your eyes widen and you can feel Mina's gaze on the side of your face when the car comes to a stop at a red signal. "It's obvious my hints haven't been enough for you" she continued, flicking open a compact and admiring her thick lips. "You're still interested in Jimin, it's clear as day to anyone with a brain."

"And let me tell you, sweetie" she sighs, closing the compact, leaning forward in her seat. "I don't do well with people who think it's okay to take what belongs to me. I always get what I want, so I suggest you back away. Wouldn't want a hair on your pretty little head to get hurt"

Mina turns to face Jia, her face red and her temper flaring. Embarrassed and blushing, you grab onto her arm in a desperate attempt to calm your best friend down, but she ignored you. "Was that a threat? Ch Jia?"

"Depends on how you look at it, honey" the blonde teases simply from the back seat, eyes now trained on you in the rear view mirror. You sink into your seat, wanting to be swallowed up by it, whole. "Keep your eyes on the road"

Mina growls, spinning in her seat and accelerating the car when the light switches to green. She speeds into town, and you almost tell her to slow down until she comes to sudden stop outside the cab station. "Get out" She sneers, gripping the steering wheel until her knuckles turn white.

Jia's mouth drops open. "You're kidding, right?"

Your raven haired friend turns around so quickly that you become scared that her neck will snap. "I SAID GET OUT" she yells with such fury, that Jia hastily gathers her belongings and steps out of the car, moving over to the drivers window.

"How do you expect me to get home now?" She gasps, shivering in the cold air, and you spare a glance at your enraged friend, who has her eyes trained on the road ahead.

Mina's pink lips twitch up into a light smirk. "You always get what you want right? Use that pretty face of yours to catch a cab" and with that, the raven haired girl pulls away, leaving a shocked Cha Jia in your wake.


"Pizza's ordered boys" Namjoon calls out to his friends, who sit, splayed across the living room floor trying to pick a movie. "Should be here in thirty"

"Thanks Joon hyung!" Jimin smiles sweetly at his hyung, running a hand through his caramel locks as he blushed lightly. His older friend takes note of his awkward behaviour before looking over at the rest of the group of boys, who are trying to silence their giggles.

Namjoon frowns, scratching at his bleached out hair. "Did I miss something?"

"Jiminie has a new girlfriend" Jin teases, sliding the disk for Mean Girls into the DVD player. The youngers whine, but one glare from the oldest in the group of boys, immediately silences them. "Her name's Cha Jia, the pretty one"

Jungkook snorts, pouring himself a glass of cola. "More like pretty annoying" the youngest boy shrieks in pain when Jimin delivers a harsh slap to the back of his head. Taehyung, the honeycomb haired boy lets out a stream of giggles at the makane's pout only to earn a slap from Jimin too.

"Aish" Jimin whined to his friends, grabbing a pillow to hide in. "We're just friends, okay?"

This time, Hoseok interjects, a knowing smile playing at his lips. "Sure, Jiminie!" He turns to the other boys with a mischievous glint swirling in his dark eyes. "I saw him with a second date, tonight"

Yoongi sits up from his lying down position next to Jin and Namjoon, whilst the youngest two members stare on incredulously. "What?!"

Taehyung sits up excitedly, smiling largely as he awaits the gossip on his hyung from Hobi. "A second date, who was she-?" The younger boy suddenly cuts himself off, standing up so quickly that he almost knocks everyone else over. "Hold that thought, I have to pee!"

The honeycomb haired boy dashes over to the doorway, his friends laughing at his hastiness to get to the bathroom: "He's like a puppy!" Namjoon cries out in laughter, having slapped his knees. "We should've trained him"

"Yah! Shut up!" Tae whined, turning back to face his friends with a desperate face. Jin rolls his eyes, chucking a pillow at the younger, which hits him directly in the face.

"Just go!" The raven haired male breathes out. "And don't talk back to your hyungs!"

Tae leaves the room, muttering curses under his breath causing Jin to become red faced and the others to laugh. After a while, Yoongi waves his hand, turning to face Hoseok. "So who was this second date of Jimin's?"

Hoseok smiles, ruffling his red hair. "It was (Y/N)"

A silence sweeps over the group as Jimin chokes on air, receiving a few large pats on the back from Jungkook, who almost knocks him out. Yoongi and Namjoon glance at each other with smirks as Jin lets out his windshield wiper laugh. "hm? I'm not surprised, she looked pretty good tonight" The white haired male, Yoongi mused out loud to a nodding Namjoon.

"She's always been pretty though" Namjoon adds, licking his lips as he eyes a blushing Jimin. "Especially in that skirt of hers!"

The Busan boy stands, chucking his pillow at his hyungs before being scolded by a, yet again, red faced Jin. He pouts, defeatedly. "You shouldn't talk about her like that! We're just friends!"

Jungkook lets out a howl of laughter, sipping his drink once again. "You said that about Jia too! It's unfair that you've got two pretty girls around and they're both 'just your friend'"

"I agree" Namjoon pipes in, taking a swig of Kookie's drink and smirking back when the makane glared back at him. "If I were you, I'd go out with one of them before they realise that you're playing both."

Jimin frowns, biting his lip as he listens to his hyungs words. He should sort out how he feels before it's too late but everything about you had been confusing him lately. Opposite him, Hoseok chuckles to himself, playing with the individual threads in the cream carpet he's sitting on. "What's up with you?" Yoongi asks, tilting his head to the side as he glances at the red haired male.

"I was just thinking of proposing a bet" he states simply, smiling at the patterns he had drawn in the carpet. Everyone's attention has been captured by him, as he looks up with a slight smirk.

"A bet?" The oldest boy, Jin asks, running a hand through his blackened locks. "What kind of bet?"

Hobi purses his pink lips, looking Jimin directly in the eye, causing the younger Busan native to shift uncomfortably under his gaze. "Well, since Jimin is such a player, I bet that he can't stay with the same girl for more than two months"

"Two months?" The caramel haired boy snaps, standing at his friend incredulously. "What little faith do you have in me? Of course I can stay in a relationship for that long!  I've been in some"

The other boys glance at each other and then at Jimin as if to say 'really?'. He furrows his brows, glaring at his friends  when Jungkook speaks up. "Fine, if you can beat us, we'll buy you lunch for  the whole year"

Jimin raises a brow at his younger's proposal, looking over at Hoseok who nods in agreement. "I'm in too" says Namjoon. "I'll add on some cash too"

The Busan boy with the plump pink lips, nods before switching his gaze over to the two oldest boys. The raven haired boy shakes his head, a sigh tumbling past his perfect lips as he looks at the other four in disappointment. "I don't think this is a good idea" Jin counters softly. "Whoever you chose to do this with, could get seriously hurt if they find out"

"What they don't know what hurt 'em!" The boy with bleached out locks, Namjoon teases, causing Jin to sigh again and look away. The others look towards Yoongi, who stares back with an unbothered expression before turning to face Jimin.

"I won't agree to this" The boy broods, looking at the youngers with a hazy expression. "But I won't disagree either, all I'm saying is that there will be consequences in the end and I won't be there to help you through."

The boys fall silent at their older's wise words and Jin nods appreciatively after every one. Their gaze slowly but surely shifts the Jimin, and he can feel their stares clawing at every inch of him, expectant for an answer. Six dark pairs of eyes, locked on his casually dressed figure. Jimin sighs, toying with the hem of his shirt. "I guess I'll do it, I think Jia would be the best option though, since I already know her-"

Namjoon shakes his head with a coy smile. "Jia's practically in love with you, it'd be to capture her attention. You need someone who'd be a challenge."

"Like (Y/N)" Hoseok adds on, smirking and Jungkook nods. Jimin lets out a gasp, a series-no- a whirlwind of questions crashing its way through his mind. What if she finds out? Will she hate me? "Of course, if you're still up for the challenge?"

Jin almost wants to lunge forward and beg the boys not to do it, but a firm hand on his chest and a quick look from Yoongi told him not to. Your best friend was his cousin, he loved you both so dearly, Jin couldn't bare the thought of you getting hurt. It would pain him but for now, he would let it be.

Hesitantly and deciding against his better judgment Jimin held out a hand to shake with the other boys. "I'll do it" he nods. "I'll do the bet with (Y/N)"

The boys, with exception of Jin and Yoongi begin to cheer and rejoice.

That is until, Taehyung walks in.

Word: 2.9K

Follow me on my socials!
insta: @softlyjiminie
BTS Amino: @_chimchimsbeanie
Tumblr: @chimchimsbeanie

Thank you so much for reading <3

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