Street Dancer (BTS fanfic)

By Chromiee

117K 3.3K 761

Warning: the following story contains a lot of cursing and maybe sexual content. All Rights Reserved! I own t... More

Ch. 2 - Meeting BTS
Ch. 3 - Annoying Hyungs
Ch. 4 - Jackson
Ch. 5 - Tae-hyung's Magic
Ch. 6 - Evil Elevators
Ch. 7 - Noona of Seoul
Ch. 8 - Jackson vs Eun-ha
Ch. 9 - The Accident
Ch. 10 - Sushi, Mochi & Kimchi
Ch. 11 - Umma Fangirl & Signatures
Ch. 12 - Meeting Army
Ch. 13 - Slapped by Flowers
Ch. 14 - Eun-ha's Ancient Crush
Ch. 15 - Kookie's Birthday
Ch. 16 - Eun-ha's Birthday & LoL World Championship 2017
Ch. 17 - Jun Forfeits
Ch. 18 - JYP Entertainment
Ch. 19 - Steamy
Ch. 20 - Jump
Ch. 21 - Big Bangin'
Ch. 22 - Spoiling Suga
Ch. 23 - Snapped
Ch. 24 - They're Back
Ch. 25 - Eun-ha's Breakdown
Ch. 26 - Hong Kong We Go
Ch. 28 - Little Things Can Mean Something Too
Ch. 29 - Stop It Jun
Ch. 30 - BTS + GOT7 & Bye Old Apartment
Ch. 31 - The Truth
Ch. 32 - A New Start
Ch. 33 - Big Eyes
Ch. 34 - Curtain Call
Ch. 35 - Hoo Hoo This Hoo Hoo That
Ch. 36 - Ask Us Anything
Ch. 37 - Chaotic Dinner
Ch. 38 - The Crazy in Her
Ch. 40 - Return of the Fashionista
Ch. 41 - Gorilla and JB's Weirdness
Ch. 42 - Crushing Cans
Ch. 43 - Their Deal
Ch. 44 - Damn Eun-ha
Ch. 45 - His Moves
Ch. 46 - So So SOOOOO
Ch. 47 - Separation Difficulties
Ch. 48 - Jungkook's Words Man
Ch. 49 - Bittersweet
Ch. 50 - Eun-ha of the Past
Ch. 51 - Underground Hell
Ch. 52 - The King
Ch. 53 - Plan P-O-E
Ch. 54 - Last Stand
Ch. 55 - The Magazine
Ch. 56 - Eerie
Ch. 57 - Cats
Ch. 58 - Someone is Watching
Ch. 59 - Just Us Two
Ch. 60 - Coffee
Ch. 61 - Maknae Plan
Ch. 62 - Strangled
Ch. 63 - March 9
Ch. 64 - Conflicted
Ch. 65 - JB's Risk
Ch. 66 - Distance & Guilt
Ch. 67 - I Can See Your Voice
Ch. 68 - MAMA
Ch. 69 - Limit
Ch. 70 - Fighting For Them
Ch. 71 - Who
Ch. 72 - Her Infamous 'Heart Disease'
Ch. 73 - Pocky Deal
Ch. 74 - BBMA's
Ch. 75 - Ultimate Family
Ch. 76 - First Summer Night
Ch. 77 - Stingray and Seagull Friends
Ch. 78 - Each Other's Presence to the Other
Ch. 79 - Hyo-rin is the Best Wingwoman
Ch. 80 - Their Closure
Ch. 81 - Locked
Ch. 82 - Nam-joon and Eun-ha
Ch. 83 - The Eve
Ch. 84 - Hum
Ch. 85 - Lost in Malta Pt. 1
Ch. 86 - Lost in Malta Pt. 2
Ch. 87 - Lost in Malta Pt. 3
Ch. 88 - B-Boy Waltz
Ch. 89 - Promise
Ch. 90 - One Love
Ch. 91 - AAA's Lullaby
Ch. 92 - Artist of the Year
Ch. 93 - Countdown
Ch. 94 - 2 Year Promise
Ch. 95 - Lil Meow Meow
Ch. 96 - Feelings Not Returned
Ch. 97 - As Time Passes
Ch. 98 - Reunion of OT8
Final Chapter: One Love

Ch. 27 - Suga's Relief (R.I.P Jong-hyun of SHINee)

1.2K 35 6
By Chromiee

A/N: As you have heard guys, Jong-hyun of SHINee has left us, December 18, 2017 by committing suicide. I've been a shawol since 2010 and this left me devastated. Plus the fact that he was my bias as well got me to lose my appetite. SHINee was one of those groups that got me to love KPOP even more. Rest in peace, our beautiful and pure, talented Jong-hyun and may God watch over your family as your spirit descend to the heavens... I will include this event in one of the future chapters. Anyone out there, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here, as a stranger to hear your heart out. Depression is no joke. Committing suicide because of depression is like forfeiting your battle against the evil. Ask for help, even if it's hard. Don't use depression as an excuse to certain situations as well because it's an insult to people who do have it. We love you Jong-hyun. You've worked hard.

"Can you people get out of my way please? I'm in the middle of something here."

Two rich-looking brats cornered Eun-ha while she was in the middle of her push-ups. They were eyeing her a lot after she took off her shirt, leaving more skin to show and to look at.

"Was that your boyfriend earlier? You should come with us for fun instead. We'll buy you drinks.", said Brat number one.

"He's not my boyfriend so buzz off kid.", Eun-ha kept doing her push-ups. "You're blocking my light."

Brat number two purposely takes her aviators that was on her head playfully. "Oh come on. We can't leave a pretty girl like you doing that. It's more fun with us!"

They were both good-looking but Eun-ha could care less about it. She sighs and stands up, short of height from the two guys. "Look boys, you're bothering me if you haven't notice. I just want to do my thing in peace whether it's fun or not.", she was SLIGHTLY getting pissed.

Meanwhile, Suga was napping while it was happening. But his dongsaengs were too quick. J-Hope and V hopped off the water and rushes to him to wake up.

"Hyung, hyung!", V knelt down next to Suga and puts his hand on Suga's arm.

J-Hope wasn't gonna be gentle about it. He taps Suga's face to a smack and that woke him up. He knew that he was gonna get a yelling from Suga later but that's not what he was worried about right now. "Suga, wake up! Two guys are bothering Eun-ha!"

Suga immediately wakes himself up and sits up in a rush. "Where the fuck are they?", he growled and scanned the area.

There, across the pool from their side, Eun-ha stood between guys that were really close to her. One of them was getting closer and closer to her to make moves.

"These sons of bit—", Suga became furious and stood up. But, he was stopped as someone grabs his arm.

"Hyung, wait. Look!", V points at Eun-ha.

She still looked SLIGHTLY pissed. But, it was the last straw. "I have a boyfriend already. He wouldn't be happy if you guys won't stop pestering me. And I'm slightly getting mad now.", her face was blank. Making it harder to read for the guys.

"We're not gonna leave you alone till your boyfriend comes. If he actually exists.", said Brat number one with a smirk and he wraps his arm around her shoulder. "If you want to work out, we can do that at our VIP gym inside the hotel too."

She sighed. "Don't tell me I didn't warn you.", she mumbled under her breath and grabs the first brat's arm that touched her shoulder and spins the two of them so she can get the guy to his knees and lock his arms. "And get your fucking hands off of me."

"Ow ow ow ow!", Brat number one cried in pain.

"H-hey! That's too much!", Brat number two tries to restrain Eun-ha but she was quick to let go of her first victim only to grab the second by his shoulder and throw him off the edge and into the pool.

The loud splash of water caught the attention of the rest of the boys and they sprinted into action.

Eun-ha claps dusts off her hands and puts her hands on her waist. "How bothersome."

"You're one crazy bitch!", the Brat that was in the pool cried as he surfaces. He swims to the side to get off the water. "If you didn't want to, you could have just said no!"

"I did you moron. But your dumbasses were too persistent.", she looks at him with disgust and her line of sight fell sideways.

"This is what you get bitch!", the other Brat yelled as he pushes her to the side and ran to his friend and escaped the scene together.

Another splash happened. But it was followed by a lot of them.

"Eun-ha!", the boys ran to the scene and their hearts pounded inside their chest with eyes wide at the water.

Today, they found out one thing after talking about how they didn't know a lot about Eun-ha. She couldn't swim.

Eun-ha struggled in the deep pool for a while before sinking down. She was yelling in annoyance instead for help. But it was too late now.

"Eun-ha!", a voice cried for her before her consciousness slowly faded. She saw a blurry image of someone swimming towards her then she passes out.

The boys were shocked to see the person to surface from the water, dragging Eun-ha with him. It was Jun. He ran faster than all of them and dove right into the water.

Jun gets the help of the boys and him and Eun-ha got out of the water. Eun-ha laid on the edge of the pool, unconscious.

Suga runs his fingers through his hair in frustration and rushes to his girlfriend's side. He watches Jun feeling her pulse and tilting her head. Before Jun could put another hand on her, he grabs his arm. "No way."

"Look Suga-ssi, this is not the time!", Jun shakes the hand off and went in to do CPR on Eun-ha.

Their jaws dropped but they were praying. Suga held her hand and looked away, disappointed in himself for not being able to do anything.

Jun pumps her chest and does the mouth to mouth again and again for about three more times before Eun-ha gasps for air and sits up, coughing out water. "Eun-ha, stop picking fights with random people Jesus.", before he could lecture her, she was already taken away.

Suga wraps his arms around her and cradled her head to his chest. "Don't do something so stupid again.", his arms trembled.

"Hyung.", Eun-ha felt his worry. And not just his worry but also the thing that was causing him to be in a sour mood. "Do you want to go on a date?", she smiles at him.

Before Suga could answer her, the two of them suffocated into a group hug.

"Eun-ha! We were so worried!", Jimin cried.

"We'll get those guys eventually the next time we see them!", J-Hope shouts in anger. "We have Kookie to beat their asses!"

Jungkook raises his fist in the air. "Yeah!"

Jun smiled, happy to know the fact that she was loved. When his phone rang from his waterproof case, he looks at Rapmon and nodded. "Take care of her.", he answers his call and walked away.

Rapmon, Jin and V stood next to the hug and nodded, sighing with relief. Jin was close to crying his eyes out tho and was tempted to rush into the hug but Suga was glaring at the maknaes already. "Guys, you might wanna pull away.", Rapmon chuckles.

The maknaes notices Suga's expression and backed away in an instant. "Sorry Suga!"

Suga sighs and scoops Eun-ha in his arms and sets her on a nearby chair. Soothing her back with his hand, he takes off his shirt and puts it over her shoulders and hisses at the people passing by. "Tell me if you feel any pain or whatsoever.", he kneels in front of her and strokes her cheek, then her ear where she had the earring he gave her.

"Hyung, really. I'm fine.", Eun-ha laughs. "Why are you so worked up about it?"

Suga looks back at the boys and stares at them, a signal to tell them that him and Eun-ha needed to be left alone.

"Alright we get it hyung.", Jimin playfully winks. "Let's go guys."

One by one, the boys left. The last one to go back to their area was Jin who approaches Eun-ha and gives her the waterproof pouch she had where she kept her phone. "You might want this. It's been ringing.", with a pat in the head, he leaves.

"Ringing?", Eun-ha takes out her phone while heavily breathing and checks if she had any messages from her parents.

She didn't. But there were messages from three people. Before she could open and read them, her phone starts ringing from an unknown number. She looks at Suga for permission and he nods at her. "Hello?"

"Hey Rha Eun-ha. It's me. Sorry to be calling you out of nowhere.", said a familiar voice.

"JB-ssi?", Eun-ha looked surprise to here JB's voice. "It's fine. I don't mind. What's up?"

Suga growls under his breath while staring at her. His eyes didn't leave her face. "What does he want now?"

Eun-ha sighs and and places her hand on top of his head to calm him down.

From the other line, JB was leaning against the wall, watching his band mates take their photos because he was done. "I was worried and wondered how your flight go. How's Hong Kong so far?"

"JB! Who you talkin to?!"

"It's great. So far.", Eun-ha rolled her eyes and laughs. "I can hear the idiot in the background. Are you on the job right now?"

JB chuckles and shoos Jackson away. "Yeah, just waiting for the guys then we'll head out."

Suga was sulking even with his expressionless face. He nudges her legs and wraps his arms around her waist, leaning his face on her chest. It was really embarrassing but cute at the same time. "Eun-ha, tell him to go away."

"Ehem.", Eun-ha clears throat, flustered and face flushed. "Alright JB-ssi. I'm in hot water right now. Suga-hyung's being a little—"

The angry white-hair groans and grabs her phone and brings it to his lips. He didn't even pause for a breather. "You're more annoying than Kang Jun. But I'm telling you right now, she's my girlfriend. So stop flirting with her so she can finally take me to the date she promised me earlier!", he shouted and hangs up her phone.

"Hyung!", Eun-ha furrowed her brows then bursts out in laughter. "What the hell was that!", she falls on her back on the chair laughing and holding her stomach. "That was mean, but it was cute too. I'll have to apologize later— GAHAHAHAHA!"

"Eun-ha, I was serious.", Suga runs his hand through his hair in frustration and sighs. "There's nothing to laugh about.", he pouts even though it wasn't physically obvious. 

Eun-ha catches her breath and cools down. "Yoon-gi, why are you so worried about Jun and JB? Don't you trust me?", her English came out. And it sounded very attractive to Yoon-gi.

"It's not that.", Suga mumbled.

Eun-ha's lips twitched into a playful yet relieved smile. "You know what? Come with me.", she takes off the shirt over her shoulders and returns it to him then grabbed him by the hand, dragging him as they walked their way to the group. Eun-ha grabs her small bag with her wallet and earplugs in it then yanks the white shirt that was hanging on her seat. "I'll be taking hyung on a date. We'll be back!", she said happily.

V and Jimin looked at each other with derped faces and waves at Eun-ha with their hands synchronized. "Have fun Eun-ha."

"Be back at the hotel before sundown alright?", said Rapmon who was glancing at them with his shades slightly lowered on his nose.

J-Hope tosses Yoon-gi his phone then his extra button up shirt which was also white. "It'll get cold later. Fufu.", he snickered. "You guys are really taking advantage of this trip aren't you."

"First of all, it's not a trip, we're here for ARMY. Second, be careful guys.", Jin sounded annoyed at first but once he got to his second sentence, he sobbed like a crying mother.

Jungkook was only nodding his head and clings to V and Jimin. No words needed. Until he thought of some. "Eun-noona, get me a souvenir if you find one. I'll count that as your birthday present."

"Sneaky. But alright, I'll try.", Eun-ha puts on the white shirt over her head and looks back at Yoon-gi. "We're taking one of the bikes. You ready hyung?"

Suga already got his shirt in and sighs. "Ready as I'll ever be.", he smiled.

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