2. Xavier Alan Phoebe {bxb}

By Lonesome_Fire

17K 1.3K 133

-Book 2: Greatest love series- Children of Elijah and Donovan share their story. "I don't want this, I want... More



365 37 2
By Lonesome_Fire

"Don't do it." She said,her voice was low and raspy like she had been screaming for hours.

"What? Don't do what?"

"Whatever you do, don't do it."

I gasped as I woke from my slumber. I took deep breaths,gasping as sweat poured down my body. It was still night time. I pushed the blankets away as her words echoed in my mind.

She had said it not too long ago and I had gotten my water and went to bed in my room and not in the studio where they all were.

Don't do it. I couldn't process much then sleep was still thick in my mind until a scream rang out and Danielle's voice continued to echo in my mind.

The scream came again and this time I heard the word.

"Help!" I stood and within a blink of an eye, my body evaporated in a cloud of smoke and I was traveling faster than the speed of light. I could feel it. The waves of fear which came from whomever was in need of help.

I traveled through the woods towards the east boarder. I landed on my feet. Everything happened so fast then. My body was warm and I felt all too aware of my surroundings. 

I saw her before she lunged. The she-wolf growled as I hit her in the stomach sending her flying into the tree. I was stronger,more alive and I wanted something I have been keeping at bay for too long.

Don't do it. I paused then as the words filtered through my head like a prayer, for a moment I felt dazed, seeing and feeling and wanting to stop, a part of me was beginning to scream at me.

The she wolf whimpered and I snapped my head over to her. I raised my hand in a gripping motion and she choked,her body rising in the air. She thrashed in the air and slowly,whimpering and snarling,she began to shift.

"You are trespassing." I told her,my voice lower and raspy. Her dark curls cascaded down her shoulder and her bright blue eyes plead with me as they watered. She scratched at her neck,gasping and crying, whimpering and desperate.

I felt my mouth twitch with a hint of a smile. Her face turned red,and slowly purple as her eyes became bloodshot. The sight alone had me buzzing with excitement.

Don't...  The voice however was not strong enough,it wasn't fast enough.

But they were.

I was tackled to the ground, my concentration broke and I gasped as the air left me physically and mentally. Whatever pull I had, the enjoyment quickly turned into guilt and worry as the wolf only growled and snapped it's jaw at me, standing over the gasping girl protectively.

The wolf snapped, baring it's teeth as the familiar thump of paws rumbled through my body through the earth beneath me. My eyes were wide and I stared at my hands suddenly feeling sick.

I had almost killed, I had almost used magic to take a life and I had been enjoying it. Suddenly Christian was far too far and I needed him now more than ever as my heart hammered in my chest.

The wolf shifted and a familiar sneer met my eye. A pack member who never made it a secret how much he hated me. The only one I ever caught or heard snickering about me and the danger I pose behind closed doors.

"I knew it, I knew you were the one to try this!" He screamed lunging for me and suddenly I was in his grasp, the man naked and fuming, his eyes wide and deranged. "You liked it, didn't you? Her pain, I saw you!"

"I didn't- it wasn't me, I didn't-" a sob broke out through me then and my body shook as I gasped for air looking back at the girl whose eyes were terrified and she had backed herself into a tree.

"You're going to pay for this."

I didn't know her, what she meant to Logan, I had no idea and ass my brother Claude and Winston shifted, I stared at them, pleading as I held Logan's fists that wrapped around my fist.

"Xavier..." Claude said glancing at the pack member."What happened here?"

"I...I didn't-" I was cut off by a growl,it pierced the night sky and caused birds hidden in the trees to scatter.

"Don't lie! I saw you!"

A pack member, so similar to Logan burst through from the direction she she-wolf had come from and ran for her, relief counted his scent and his face and she whimpered against him

"Oh,mate." Then I felt a sob of my own leave me.


I was seated in the Alpha's office. Claude sat across from me,Danielle by his side looking lost and frowning while Theodore and Winaton stood to the side and Logan stood glaring holes into my back from behind.

"Xavier," Theodore spoke in a soft hushed voice. "Could you tell us what you were doing outside the east boarder?"

I wondered with Logan here,would it be believable.

"I heard a scream and I followed it." Everyone looked confused, staring at me with furrowed brows.

"When? Before or after you tried to kill my brothers mate?" Logan questioned.

"Before, I heard someone call for help and... I went." Danielle looked up from the floor and stared at me. Her eyes were flooded with confusion and sadness. "I swear, I didn't know who she was, it wasn't on purpose." I sniffed as the man growled holding his mate.

"You listened." Danielle spoke to me then, a soft smile. "That's all that matters," she held herself around her waist.

"What? You were with him?" Claude asked confused.

"No, but, I warned him, before bed." Danielle supplied, she looked at me,her eyes searching.

"Okay, what matters is nothing fatal happened, she's alive, so can we stop acting like he's a criminal?"

I looked at Theo who was glaring at the room. "But I almost did!" I said staring with wide blurry eyes. "I nearly killed her a-"

"Shut up," Theo gave me a warning look.

"No, let him go on about how he almost enjoy-." Logan spat and Theo held out his arm in the man's direction, suddenly his mouth couldn't move and yet the effort was there, beings popped up and his face was turning red as Theo prevented him from speaking.

"Why didn't you mind link one of us?" Claude growled in confusion, the headache of knowing he's have to listen to Logan repeat the story later already getting to him.

"We can never truly run from our destiny,can we?" Was all she said before she smiled her eyes glassy before she left and as she passed me, an icy cold chill ran down my spine.

Just when I was about to have hope for me. When I was about to a brother to my siblings, not feel so left out, I almost kill someone, someone who matters, someone whose brother in-law hates me.

I didn't know believe I could go on like this, never knowing when I'll be okay, fully trust worthy, not knowing if I was capable of normalcy of not enjoying the prospect of death, of giving it out.

I cried as I sat in that chair, the chair I've sat in my whole life, the spotlight I've always hated.

Sometimes you see things how you think you should see them. The words rang out and I shook my head, they were wrong, they all hate me, how couldn't they when I hated myself

4 November 2021

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