Akame Ga Kill: Trios Revenge

By kam10168

1.9K 217 87

In the middle of the Revolutionary War, a small village harbors Night Raid's enemies. One day Night Raid atta... More

It All Begins Until It Ends: Anna
Unrelenting Storm: Ren
Might of the Knight: Selan
The Wyvern Princess: Anna
The Nightmare: Ren
Insider: Selan
Split: Anna
The Truth Behind it All: Ren
Coldness: Selan
The Forsaken: Anna
Experiments: Ren
The Fight: Selan
The Poisonous Heart: Anna
The Real Fight Begins: Ren
Spirited: Anna
The Forsaken's Final Trump
Blood Killer: Ren
Spirit: Anna
Ren: Shadows
New Beginning: Anna
Friends Aren't the Truth: Anna
Kill the Darkness: Ren
Darker Than Blood: Anna
March to Madness: Anna
Kill the Memories: Anna
Downfall: Anna
Advent Abbadon Part 1
Advent Abbadon Part 2: Kill the Falsehoods
Advent Abaddon Part 3: Kill Fate

In the Shadows: Ren

23 6 0
By kam10168

I wake up in a world of darkness. The only thing I can see is the small torch by the iron bars that keep me from leaving from wherever I'm at. This is all Eisa and her gang. I need to get out of here and get to Anna. If she's back and stronger than ever, we can end this war quicker. I reach for Yami, only to find it gone. I squint in the darkness and see Yami leaning up against the wall just out of reach. I get up off the cold ground and stumble down to one knee. My head is killing me. Whatever Seila did, with that attack, still has some effect on me. The last thing I remember is being tied up and carried off. I have no clue where I'm at nor do I even know how long I was out for. Through the pain, I get to the iron bars and see if their is any way out, but it seems as if their isn't even a door to this cage. 

"If you're looking for a way out, you're out of luck." Rarick appears in front of me, "What you're in is a special cell that only a specific person can open. You know, you're only alive because of Eisa. She really cares about you for some reason. Even after you all left us to die, she still cared about you. Even Selan left us all to die!" He reaches through and grabs me by the collar of my shirt and slams me against the bars, "If it were my decision, I would've killed you from the beginning."

"You wouldn't have been able to." I smile, "I'm stronger than you think."

"You know nothing about us and we've been keeping a close eye on you for Eisa. She's the one in control for now, but she keeps thinking you might join up with us and lead us like you use to when we played together." He drops me, "Guess I should grab Eisa and tell her that you're awake. Time for you to meet the rest of the team. Too bad we'll have to tie you up for it."

He walks off laughing to himself. There's more of them? I wonder how many are against the Empire here. I wonder who Eisa was talking about when she said that she can't disobey someone. If someone that powerful is here, why is she the one leading. I smile to myself when I remember the times we played together. They were simpler times and we were children. Not a worry in the world. Eisa was always chasing after me trying to copy everything I did. I guess I'm the one she's taken after for leading. Selan was the true leader, but he always let us have our fun. I press myself against the iron bars and reach for Yami. I can barely touch the sheath. I hear footsteps coming down the long hallway and quickly leap back from the bars. Eisa and Seila appear in the dim lighting.

"Glad you're awake Ren." Eisa touches the bars and they disappear leaving a small doorway, "Just let us tie you up and we'll take you to the Great Hall. Please don't struggle or I'll have Seila here knock you out again. I'm sorry, but she's a bit rough with her power."

"You know I'll escape right?" I hold out my hands so that she can tie my hands up, "You don't know when, but I'll escape and get back to my friends and family."

"Don't worry about that." Seila attacks my mind, "You'll have to go through the couple hundred people down here to leave."

"Can't be that many." I sigh, "Where is 'down here' exactly?"

"A massive city that the Empire built on top of." Eisa says leading me through the darkness, "Where we're at, is the Old Empire. The glory days of old are written on these walls. After a brutal plague, the Empire decided to build on top of the old city to leave the sick to die. They didn't want the sickness to spread. It did spread, however, this new sickness has made the Empire into what it is today: A corrupt vile beast that needs to die. I know that Night Raid took your parents away from you and the Empire took your home away. I want you to know, that we plan on capturing Anna tonight. She's in the city with a few Night Raid members. If things get bad, we might have to kill some Night Raid members. Here's the thing, you're gonna be helping us get Anna. If she sees you're with us, then she'll come willingly. I'll give you your blade back and if need be, you will fight for us. You got that?"

"I'm not fighting for you and I'm not fighting Night Raid." I look back at her, "You're gonna force me with Seila's mind powers though aren't you?"

I turn back towards the dim tunnel.

"Before anything, I want to know what you are all capable of." I smile, "Can't fight alongside those I can't fight with."

"Very well," She stops in front of a large gate, "I'll give you a briefing then."

"No half-assed one either." I chuckle, "Don't expect me to fight, however."

"Don't worry about that," She tightens her grip on my wrists, "reluctant or not, we'll make you fight. I'll be short on our abilities. You've already seen my Akisa in action. It's a giant scythe that gives me extreme speed and able to control it without having to touch it. Seila's mind abilities are due to a danger beast called Tekko. We stumbled on the den of one that was guarding the Teigu. She decided to take it and use it after we managed to kill the beast. Rarick uses a blade of fire called Hinoha. The blade can make him blend in with his environment which makes him key in any scouting. Kassia uses Akufaita; powerful greaves that cover her hands and legs. It gives her extraordinary strength and speed. Her kicks can deliver a lethal blow of blue electricity to her opponents. Her punches are powerful enough to crush bone. Aelia uses a blood blade called Chinoha. Much like Crow's ability to use blood, the weapon allows her to take and use her opponents blood and make her stronger. It's a lot better than using your own blood to attack."

"Thank you." I smile, "Now, I know who I'm fighting with. Where are you taking me again?"

"The Great Hall; it's what we call the old castle. Since it isn't much of a castle anymore and has fallen into ruin, the ceiling has mostly collapsed."

"Why do you stay here in the shadows?" I ask, "You must want to see the sun."

"You know very well that the sun will never shine the same until the Empire and Night Raid are erased!" Her grip tightens on my wrists, "I don't see why you can't see that."

"Night Raid isn't the reason why the village was destroyed!" I say getting angry, "The Empire is responsible and they must be destroyed because of it. I trust Night Raid even if they killed my parents. I didn't ask for this life...no one has! Sometimes you have to settle your past in order to move on. Don't live in the past Eisa, it's all we can do."

"I get what you're saying Ren," She loosens her grip, "but it's because of them both that we are who we are."

"I know." I sigh deeply, "I know."


Eisa leads me into the Great Hall. Moonlight filters from above through what cracks it can find. Long ago, this room would be filled with the grandeur of the Empire, but now it's nothing but a run down building. Remnants of the Empire can still be seen even after all this time. The throne still stands and the banners of the old Empire hang above it. They're faded and nearly colorless. I wonder if Shade are really using this as a base of operations and is putting the full city to use. 

Eisa unties me and pushes me down onto my knees. Torches quickly light as footsteps get closer. "I'm still not fighting for you. If you think I'm going to betray my friends and family, then you're wrong."

"We'll force you then." Eisa says, "We're going to fight Night Raid and the Empire and destroy them both."

"None of you are strong enough to fight them." I tell her, "You lack training. You're more of a raiding party than anything. Try to harm any of her family and friends, Anna will end you even if you were childhood friends. It's a different time now. New ways are upon us and you can't deny that."

"We'll find a way to fight them all them." Her grip on my shoulder tightens, "We have you after all. Anna will come with us if we threaten you enough."

"Anna would kill you for threatening me." I smile, "She can't stand people who wave their power around like it's nothing. I'll talk to her, but I won't be fighting."

"Crow was captured by Anna." Rarick walks into the light, "She's stronger than she was a year ago. Wherever she went, she was granted amazing powers. If it comes to a fight, we won't be able to beat her."

"We have leverage." Eisa nods, "Besides, our friend here will fight her if need be."

"Like hell I will!" I turn and grab Yami out of her hands. I snap to my feet and get in a defensive stance. I may not be as strong as anyone in Night Raid, but Shade lacks training. They won't defeat me.

"So that's how it is then?" Eisa unsheathes the metal pole Akisa which turns into the giant scythe, "Really think you can beat us all?"

"I can try." I watch as the others step into the light ready to fight. 

"Kassia," Eisa turns to her, "I'm sure you'd like to cut loose."

"Gladly." Kassia takes off her overcoat and reveals a lightweight battle suit. The iron gauntlets and iron boots appear on her as she prepares herself, "I've been wanting to fight another User!"

I have to watch out for her speed and power. If I let my guard down, I'll die here without ever seeing my family again. Kassia makes a slight movement and dust fills the air behind her as she moves. She's fast, but Akame's even faster. I've dealt with worst than this. I block her punch, but it sends me flying backwards from the force itself. I skid on the ancient ground and ready myself for another attack. If I can handle a few more attacks, I'll be able to defeat her. She flips and kicks the ground sending blue lightning towards me. I dodge to the side and is pushed forwards by the explosion hitting a wall. I tumble on the ground and steady myself. I think I have a clear idea of her attack pattern. She tries to use her speed to confuse her enemy and then goes in for the kill. Even one punch can shatter my bones and kill me instantly. She's deadly, but headstrong. She's already confident that she's going to win this fight. I dash forward and use her speed against her. She's about to get around me when I stop. I look above me and see an archway. I don't want to kill her; this is the perfect trap. I jump to the archway and see her smirk. In the air, it's difficult to dodge, but Akame is a fine teacher. I spin, slashing at her gauntlets to bounce off. She crashes into the archway. I land on the ground and leap above her. I land a kick into her face sending her down below. The archway then crashes around her. Trapped, she gives up.

"Going head first in a battle isn't the only way to fight." I move the rubble away from her. She slowly gets up holding her right arm. It seems that some of the rock crushed her arm. She looks at me with a glare and retreats to her comrades, "So, will you let me go, or am I gonna have to fight all of you."

Rarick steps forward, but Eisa holds him back, "It seems that we aren't going to be able to stop you. Anna is in the tavern where you first met Night Raid. Once you walk out of here, we won't be holding back."

"And neither will I." I turn and start making my way out of the ruined Capitol.

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