Feitan x Yuki (Torturer X Ass...

By YukiCrimsonPh

217K 6.1K 3.4K

!!!!!WARNING!!!!! This is the first time I'm writing a fan fiction... Please don't expect anything much...My... More

Yuki's Background(plz bare with me)
How it all began
We meet again
Join X Unexpected
Peaceful x night
A x Little x Mark
The x Little x Talk
Halloween x Special
Alone x in x the x Forest
The x Unexpected x Torture
The x Mysterious x Man
A x Surprise
Our x First x Christmas
The x Count x Down
Auction X Plan
The x Auction x Part1
The x Auction X Part2
New x Member
Valentine x Special
My x Rival
The x Battle
The x Battle x II
Trail x Mission x Begins
Stuck x in the x Rain
Recovery x Time
Easter X Special
Next X Mission
The X Circus X Audition
It's x Showtime
A x Little x Reunion
The x Chaos x Begins
The x Chaos x part2
The x Shower x Romance
Day x Off
Joint x Mission
Unexpected x Return
Meteor x City
The x Temple
Something x off
To x The x Core
The x Secert x Part1
The x Secert x Part2
Unexpected x Turnout
No x Excuses
EXTRA/SIDESTORY: ~ a little break from the story~
Just x Us
A x New X Begining (?)
Our x Time
My x History
Something x Is x Off
A x Twist
Extra/Side Story : Invisible part 1
Extra/ side story: Invisible part 2
What x Happened x Next?
The x Plan
Special : Halloween p1
Special : Halloween p2
Halloween semi-extra
The x Discussion
Our x Secret
The x Truth
The x Truth pt2
The x Curse
The x Shock
The x Reveal pt1
The x Reveal pt 1.2
The x reveal pt 2
Our x Fate
You x And x Me
Family x Pt 2
The x Wedding
Extra : Honey x Moon
Extra : mini story base on fanart
Next Vol
Thank you very much
Author...Thank you

Bond x Between x Us

3.7K 96 46
By YukiCrimsonPh

Yuki's POV

Tsk. This brat...I gave him a glare before Shaking my head a bit to get free of his grip.

" Should meh kill them?" the brat said as he move closer to Gon and Killua. My eyes widen and my body twitched. I glace down and saw that Nobunaga's blade was right at my neck, while the other's weapon were ready to strike me. I look over at Gon and Killua and it seems as though they are a bit scared. I need to protect them, if I don't and they try and fight this....they might...no. They WILL die. With all strength I got free of the Ryodan and was in front of Gon and Killua with my arms out trying to protect them.

"-wha" Nobunaga was shocked by my speed. I got through all their weapons in a blink of an eye...well...during the millisecond that I escape, my scarf got ripped by Nobunaga's sword. Tsk, that was my favorite scarf. I shifted my eyes to the brat in front of me. My eyes widen as I saw the look on his face. It was really rare...And I MEAN REALLY REALLY rare to see that brat surprise expression. I stare blankly at him before turning to face Chrollo. I bite my lips, I know that this makes me seems like a traitor...but I HAVE to protect them! I HAVE TO PROTECT GON AND KILLUA NO MATTER WHAT!

"..Y-Yuki?" Gon shuttered. "How...how did you do that?" He asked but before I answered the door once again slammed open.

"Oniiii-chan!! Don't just leave me there with that old man!" A sharpe voice came from the girl...my eyes widen as I saw who she was... Alluka?!?! Damnit, I quickly turn to face Kalluto who was still sitting . This is bad... Kalluto must have join the troupe to find Killua and Alluka. Tsk, this can't get worst...

" AAAAAAAAAAALLLLUUUKKA! I found you-" tsk, it just got worst. Leorio grabbed Alluka my the shoulder before noticing the tension in the room. I facepalm myself and took a deep breath in.

"So much trouble in one day" I exhaled and whisper to myself. I look back at the Ryodan members that pinned me down. They got back on their feet and glare at me. I have a glare back, I need to get these guys to safety first...

"By the way, who is this 'Paku' person?" Out of nowhere their voice that everyone hardly heard spoke, it was Yamamoto.

"Pakuu~" I heard a whining voice behind me and when I turn around, I saw Gon holding in his tears. "She's so kind" he added before tears came running down his face.

"Gon, you cried bout her every time her name is mentioned" Killua said and he rub the back of his neck.

"But but, she's so kind. She put her friends first and die so that she could protect them" Gon rub his eyes till his eyes turned red. I sigh and went down on my knees facing him.

"It's fine..." I pat his head to calm him down.

"Hmmmm... did you meet her before?" Yamamoto asked and I turned to him. I tilt my head and point my index finger towards me. Is he asking me? Yamamoto then nodded with a smile.

"... I've seen her before" I answered calmly and I look at Chrollo. " ... I was in the aircraft when there was an exchange between you and these two" as soon as I finished the sentence I look back at Gon. "...I...also found out more about her from these two. Gon was crying at the auction... something about Paku dying" I slowly got up and turn to face Nobunaga, it seems that the Ryodan have calmed down.

"Why don't you four join us" Yamamoto said cheerfully as he pat a seat, telling them to come sit. I glare at him. There's no way I'm letting them stay. Kalluto is here....this will be bad for both Killua and Alluka. I shift my eyesight towards the brat. There's also him... he has been in a foul mood since we arrive here. There is a chance he might actually kill these four...

" Okay!" A cheerful voice said and before I knew it Gon was sitting near Yamamoto. I was literally screaming in my head.

"Gon... come back here" Leorio whisper to Gon with a nervous expression. He was sweating a lot... guess he's really scared.

"...but I want to know what th-" before Gon could finish, Killua went and hit Gon's head.

"ARE YOU AN IDIOT ?!?! THE WHOLE RYODAN IS HERE!!!" Killua loudly whisper to Gon.

"Hahaha you guys really remind me of me and Uvo" Nobunaga laughed.

"Well, we should get started. Oh! Don't worry, if they try to do anything to you guys... I have your back" Yamamoto said as he gave Killua a thumps up.

"Well I don't trust you" Killua replied as he glare at him.

"... you don't but Yu-chan trust me, right Yu-chan?" Yamamoto gave me a friendly smile. All I did was look down so that my bang covers my face.

"Yu-chan?" Shalnark and Killua bith said at the same time.

"Don't" I said as everyone's attention shifted to me. " I told you, DON'T CALL ME YU-CHAN!!!" I shouted as I stomped towards him to use my hand and cover his mouth.

"Hahaha. Your still mad with being called that? It's cute though, right Yu-chan~" Yamamoto grabbed my wrist and use all his strength to push me. I also put force to push forward so that I could cover his mouth.

" You tow know each other?" Chrollo said as his eyes widen with shock.

"YUP" "NO" both me and Yamamoto replied.

"Come on, don't be so harsh. Your hurting me you know" he joke around as he pull me in close for a hug.

" I'll hurt you more f you don't stop" I pushed away from him and gave him a killer glare.

"Scary" he replied. " ...not Yu-chan, since I'm used to your glare...but his...." He added as he point his finger. I turn to look who he was pointing to and saw a very deadly glare coming from the brat. He was pissed to the max. Everyone felt that they were on edge, no one move an inch...his glare is really something.

"Feitan" our of nowhere Chrollo called his name and he stop his glare. I let out a huge sigh of relief and face Chrollo. " Don't worry, I won't harm them... for now" he said with a nonchalant expression.

" ... you won't but what about the others?" I replied as I glare at him for a bit.

"They won't, right?" Chrollo look at the Ryodan members that attacked me with the corner of his eyes. They seem to have in and went back to their seat.

"Alright, let's start" Yamamoto said as he grab the test tube full of blood, the one that the brat gave Chrollo. He handed the tube to me and smile...I have to do it huh....I slowly reached out and grab the tube.

"HUH!?!?! Why would you give her th-" Nobunaga complained but before he could finish Machii gave him a big hit on the head to shit him up.

"Yuki" Yamamoto said as he was waiting for me to do my work.

" I'll do it cause you said my name probably" I pout at him and took the cork off the tube and in one go, I drank all of the blood. All of them were shocked, some were freaking out that I drank the blood. I look over at the brat and saw that he has a mixture of shock and piss expression. "So...what do you want to know?" I ask as my eyes slowly turns dull.

"Let's start with the his background" Yamamoto said as he took out a piece of paper and a pen from his suit pocket.

"...Nic Finner, age 32, height 178...weight 57kg, blood...A. Married with a daughter...12" I said with a blank expression.

"Okay, what about the auction?" Yamamoto asked as he spins this pen.

"... It will be held next week. Tomorrow is the day all the merchandise will be gathered and check if they are worth to put up in the auction." I said in monotone. I blink my eyes once and turn to look at Chrollo. "Do you want a map or the blueprint of the building the auction will be held? I could draw each and every details with secret entrance. I could probably....no, I could definitely tell you where each guards and traps will be placed" I could see the look on everyone's face, they were in complete shock. "...I'm guessing that's a 'no'?" I asked as I tilt my head a little to the side.

"That would be helpful" he replied and a little smile. Yamamoto hand me a piece of paper and a pen, just when I begin to draw Chrollo stop me by calling my name. "...is that one of your power?" He asked as I look up towards him.

" ....I wouldn't say it's my 'power'" I place the pen I was holding under my chin " I would say... it's more like an ability? Talent? Honestly I'm not even sure. I was able to read a person's background and every details with tasting the blood since I was probably 2." I look over at Killua and he had a worry look on his face. I can't blame him, there is every member of the Ryodan in the and Kalluto... I slowly place my head on his head and start patting him to calm him down. He look towards me with his light purple eyes and that snapped me. I yank him in close and hug him while I bury my face in his hair. He really is like a fluffy while kitty.

"YUKI!!" Killua shouted as he pulled away from me. " I can't breath" he said.

"The map?" Machii said while pointing to the paper in front of me. Tsk, I wanted to play with his fluffy hair some more. I sigh as I got back to drawing.

It took about 10 minutes for me to finish drawing. "There, it's finish" I said as I handed the paper that I rolled up to Chrollo who was a crossed the table. " I'm guessing that we're done...right" I look at him. He replied with a smile and nodded.

"Not yet" Yamamoto said holding my wrist as I was about to stand up. I turn to him with a pissed look on my face. 'Not yet'? What do you mean not yet ?!?! I need to get them or if here before they start a fight, I shouted in my head.

"Huh?!?! What you mean not yet" Nobunaga said in a provoking way.

"Well~ you guy might know her for a long time right?" Yamamoto smile at Gon and Killua, ignoring Nobunaga. "I bet... you guys have never seen her smile before, correct?" He added as he poke my cheek with his index finger.

"EH?!?! You seen her smile before?!?" Gon, Killua and Leorio shouted as they move in closer to me and Yamamoto.

"NO!!" I quickly shouted as I slap his index finger.

"You can make her smile?" Shalnark ask, he as well as everyone else in the room was curious. Yamamoto on the other hand was trying to stop himself from laughing, he nodded in return. Out of nowhere, Yamamoto suddenly grabbed my jaw and put something inside my mouth.

"Hmm?!?!" Theres something inside my mouth...it was something sweet... candy?! I roll the candy in my mouth.

" Is it good?" Yamamoto Look at me a grin.

"Mm!" I replied loudly with a wide open-mouth smile and my eyes closed. I slowly open my eyes and saw that everyone was shocked...why do they look so sho- I quickly cover my mouth and my face turned deep red.

"HAA! Yuki smiled !!" Gon has sparkles in his eyes as he said it.

"Yuki... you don't like to smile?" Shalnark asked me.

"I...don't really like to smile cause..." I didn't finish the sentence. My finger traces my lips slowly and I bite my lips. "...I just don't"

"Cause of your fangs? A deep yet mysterious voice said. My eyes widen and I quickly turned to the voice.

"...how did you-" tsk, how does that brat know about my fangs...how- ....That's right, how could I forget. I facepalm myself really hard. We-we kissed before, he might have felt it... and seen it before. I let out a huge sigh.

"...we should go..." I said trying to hide my face since it was red from the thought of me and the brat. Chrollo nodded and stood up. Everyone then followed.

"Y-Yuki?" Killua tug on my shirt. He seems a bit sulky, like a little pure kitty.

"...Gomen'na" I apologize and pull his hand off of me. "I'll explain it to you later" I added before following the troupe.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ time skip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We were back at the base. I look around and one person was missing. I might have had this anxious look on me which made Shalnark and Phinks walk towards me.

"If your looking for Fei, I think he's going back to his room" Phinks while giggling with Shalnark. I nodded in return and went off to find him. Honestly it kind of irritated me that Phinks and Shalnark are gaga over me being with the brat.

I walk down the hall to look for him and saw that he was making his way toward his room. My heart was pounding and my hold body was shaking. Why do I feel so nervous ?!?! As the thoughts run through my head, he was moving further and further away.

"N-ne!" I shouted at him. He stop and turned towards me. My body got all tensed up as I saw the look on his face. He was really pissed. Really really pissed.

"What?" He said in a very irritated voice. I...I couldn't say anything at all. He was about to turn around when I finally got the courage I shouted.

"I...Yamamoto is just a friend" my eyes widen and I was in shocked by what I just said. But at least it got him to stop and listen. "W-we met long ago...a-and we work together many times since he was good at communicating and I got the ability..." What am I blabbing out?!?!  He slowly turn around and look at me.

"Why you tell meh?" He said. I look down at my feet. That's true...why am I telling him this...I unconditionally looked for him and blabbed all that out, unable to control myself. It seems that he's fed up with me and was walking away.

" I- I wanted to tell you... cause... cause I want you to clearly understand that the bond between me and him...we're just friends, nothing more nothing less!" No, I should stop... this is good, he's finally moving away from me...that's a good thing...that's good... but why do I have this feeling...it-it hurts. I look up and saw that he didn't stop or hesitate. This... this might be fore the best...yeah, I should leave it like this.. so why... why am I running after him?!

"Let go" he said in an extremely cold voice. I could feel that my eyes are teary and my hand that was on his arm was shaking. He look at me at the corner of his eyes and glare. It hurts...why can't I let go of him? "Meh said let go" he was now pissed, with his other hand he grabbed my wrist and yank it off his right arm.

"...ha...Fe-Feitan..."said in a soft shaking voice as I look into his eyes. It seems he snapped. In a blink of an eye, I was pinned with my back again stef the wall. I was gonna let out a sound but he stop me by slamming his lips against mine. "Hpmmm?!?!" His tongue danced in my mouth, exploring everywhere. The pleasure that tingles throughout my body made my legs weaken and without noticing, I slowly sliding down.

"Ah?!" Our lips parted when I was startled but he slammed his lips back against mine. What startled me was his left leg that was in between my legs, with me sliding down, I end up sitting on his leg. I arched back in pleasure as I feel his leg slowly rubbing my down below. He pulled away from me and smirk.

"You enjoy yourself, huh?" He said in a cheeky way. Both of my hand grabbed the frantic on his chest and yanking him closer to be but he didn't budge. "Tell meh what you want, meh reward you" he whisper in ur left ear which made me twitched. Tsk, using my weakness against me... I bury my face on his chest to hide my tomato face.

"I...wa-want you to be with me!" I firmly said as I look at him straight in his eyes. He smirked .

"Good, meh reward you" he pulled my turtle neck down and attack my neck. In shock you cover your mouth with your right hand so that you won't let out any sound. Not just my neck that he attack, but my down below was intensely rubbed by his leg.

"Ah...hmm" moan started to escape from me. I felt a knot form inside my stomach as I was about to reach my limit. "I...I can't" I manage to say as I came on top of his leg.

Feitan's POV

She faint after cumming huh, was gonna start the fun, tsk. Meh carry her to meh room and place her in a corner.

'We're just friends'

' I...wa-want you to be with me!'

Hmph, she better tell the truth. Meh sit beside her and stare at the red marks meh made on her neck. Her expression got meh stirred up with teary eyes, intense breathing and shaken body.

"Your meh now, Yuki" meh whisper in her ear.


I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!! If not then please do tell, I want to improve ^^ please and thank youuuuuu

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