Undercover NCIS

By ImpalaAllie

36.8K 545 21

When Mason Gibbs is finally able to get into the field they put her undercover to long. Mason is Gibbs' littl... More

Chapter - One
Chapter - Two
Chapter - Three
Chapter - Five
Chapter - Six
Chapter - Seven
Chapter - Eight
Chapter - Nine
Chapter - Ten
Chapter - Eleven
Chapter - Twelve
Chapter - Thirteen
Chapter - Fourteen
Chapter - Fifteen
Chapter - Sixteen
Chapter - Seventeen
Chapter - Eighteen
Chapter - Nineteen

Chapter - Four

3.1K 49 1
By ImpalaAllie

Abby's Prospective

Some people can't wait until after Christmas. Poor Mason has been in surgery for hours. Gibbs hasn't been himself. Tony got stitched and stayed. Ducky came with some food. I just don't know how much more Gibbs can take.

The doctor finally came out and we all stood. "Mason Gibbs is going to be fine. She has you to thank for it." The doctor told Tony and I hugged his arm. "They called her Macy." Tony said and Director Vance came in with a woman. "That's classified information." She told Tony. They went to the back. Gibbs followed and Tony sat back down.


Director Vance and General Beckmann stood in front of me. "What did you tell your brother?" She asked. "Nothing. I didn't say anything." I moved a bit. "Who was this man that kidnapped you?" Vance asked. "Kai. Amari's brother. How is Tony?" I asked. "Tony is fine. He's waiting in the waiting room with Gibbs and Abby." Vance said and I moved a bit more to get comfortable. "Mason Gibbs. Until you are healed and ready you are off my service." She said and left.

Vance left and then Jethro came in. "How are you?" He asked. "I just got told I'm off General Beckmann's case until I heal. I love work. But I guess not for a while." I said. "We'll see." He said. "Can you send in Tony? I want to talk to him and thank him." I said and he nodded. I watched him leave and Tony came in. "Thank you." I said as he sat on the edge of the bed.

Tony talked for a few minutes and he made me laugh at some movie jokes. But he left and Abby came in to say she was sorry this had happened and I told her it gives me time with Jethro. Then he came back and we talked until I became very tired.

By morning they had me in bed still as I argued to leave. Jethro had to leave and I just made it worse the nurses left me and only came to feed me and they told me if I tried to leave they'd cuff me to the bed. Their threats got so detailed with meds that just confused me so I slept.

About a week later the nurses discharged me. Jethro brought the truck around and I gladly thanked the nurses. I got into Jethro's truck and we went home. I went to the basement and saw a part of a boat. "Your specialty. Boats." I said and he chuckled. I grabbed the sander and slowly went with the grain.

For days I sat around the house cleaning and eating food. I was gaining weight so I started jogging around the block. Then the five miles to a cafe and then the jog to the other cafe. I forgot how much I love running.

I went in the park and thought. Daddy hasn't seen me in a while. He deserves to know I'm okay. Kelly and Shannon were killed while I wasn't here. I never got to see their funeral. I didn't see a lot of things. I needed a better life. A dating life, friends.

I went home and called Daddy. I told him I was shot about two weeks ago and that I missed him. I told him I wanted to visit Sweetwater but I had to work. He told me he was proud of me and then I had to go. I took Abby some CafPow and a vegetarian burger. A fat burger for Tony, Tim a regular burger and Ziva a vegetarian and myself a fat burger from my long jog.

I stopped at the lab first. Abby gave me hugs and then I went upstairs. I got up on the floor and held the basket in my hand. "Jethro I brought you a burger." I said setting it on his desk and seeing a picture of Kai on his computer. "You weren't supposed to see that." He said. "It's fine. I came to give the team food as I know you work them all night." I said and walked up to Ziva. "Vegetarian. I'm guessing." I said. "Thank you." She sat back down and I walked up to Tim. "A regular with no onions." I said and he smiled. "Thank you." He sat back down and I turned to Tony.

"One big fat burger with everything." I said holding it out. "Oooh. Oh yea. This is awesome." He said taking a bite from it. "I made the burger for you to eat." I slapped the back of his head and walked off.

I made it home and I made a bath. While in the bathroom I heard voices and I peeked out and saw Kai. I looked around and used the steam on the mirror to write Kai and then walked out like I just got out of the bathroom. "Mason Gibbs. I don't think we've had the pleasure." Kai said. "I also go by the names Jamie, Kristan, Margret. Macy and Mason aren't the first." I said grabbing a dress from my closet. "Do you mind?" I asked as he turned his head. "I told you I didn't like transportation." I said and cleared my throat.

Kai moves over to me. "I like you so I won't kill you. I also know my brother loves you which makes this even harder to do." He plunged a knife at me and I backed away. "So slow Kai." I said with a smile. "I haven't even put on heels." I said And I went for a knife on my dresser. When he came at me a spun a bit.

His knife was in the dresser stuck and I slapped on his butt. "Too slow." I said and grabbed my heels. I sat on my bed and slipped on my heels. He walked over leaving his knife and held his hand out. I took it and left my knife in his hand. "Let's go." He pushed me out the door.

We got in a car and I crossed my legs looking out the window. "Where are we going?" I asked. "The airport." He said. "I didn't even pack a bag. You owe me some clothes Kai." I said and he chuckled. "Paris has so many nice things for you to buy." He said and I smiled. "You best be buying." I said and he nodded.

We got to the airport went through scans and then sat around. I looked at Kai. "Go over to that cop and steal his gun. I need insurance on the flight." Kai said leaning back. I got up and walked up to the cop. "Excuse me. Hi. I need you to call NCIS for me. Tell them Kai Naprous is here and then I need your gun. I work for NCIS. Tell them I'm Mason. They'll understand." I said and he looked. "I'm undercover I can't get on a flight without this gun. He'll kill me and me blood will be on your hands." I said and he turned to walk away letting me grab it.

I sat next to Kai and handed him the unloaded gun under his jacket. "How did you already unload the bullets?" Kai asked and I smiled. "Because I'm not stupid." I said and pinned my hair up.

After a few minutes I looked at a reflection. I saw Tim and Tony. "I'm gonna use the ladies room." I said standing up. "You go anywhere I'll shoot Jackson." He said making me stop in my place. "Who?" I said and he smiled. "Your son."

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