Boys are so overrated ~ Veron...

By ellie_loren

5.5K 154 128

Just a Veronica Merrell story πŸ’‹πŸ‘… More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 *FINAL CHAPTER*
My other book!

Chapter 7

235 8 6
By ellie_loren

I blushed as I walked over to him. He was obviously a jock and I'm that shy and antisocial kid.

"Hey Veronica!" Ethan said with a warm smile on his face.

"Hi Ethan." I said with a less enthusiastic tone.

You might be thinking, Roni, why are you avoiding him and being mean? Well, because I'm jealous. Yes I'm jealous of someone I don't know.

"What's up? Grayson said your not normally like this, your a out going and friendly girl." He said in a concerned tone.

"Nothing, I just don't feel great." I lied, what if he found out? Then he wouldn't like me at all.

"Oh okay sorry, I'll leave you alone." He said in a sad way.

"Sorry Ethan." I looked down.

I feel bad that I made him feel bad, if that makes sense. But he has a girlfriend and last time I spoke to a man with a girlfriend, she went crazy on me.


"Oh hey Veronica!" Simon said, hugging me.

"Hi Simon! How's the channel going?" I said, escaping from the hug.

"Ah it's going great! I recently hit 7 mil!!" He said excited.

"Oh wow! That's great!" I said hitting him on the shoulder. "I have to go get my books out my locker, I'll talk to you later!"

"Oh okay, later Roni!" He shouted, since I was already was down the hallway.

I was just walking down the hallway, minding my own business on instagram, when I got pulled into a dark black room.

I couldn't see shit and I shouted "Hey!! What was that for?"

Next minute, it all went black, and I woke up in the hospital.

"Hey!! What happened? Why am I here?" I said, confused.

"Oh Roni! Your awake! You got jumped by Simons girlfriend!" Nessa replied.

*flashback end*

I don't want that to happen again, that's why we moved to LA, I got terrorised by her, I ended up in hospital every two weeks and it was too much for me. So me moved from Kansas, to here.


"Hey Ethan?" I said.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Wanna hang out at my place later? I was a bit of a meanie before and i want to make up for it." I asked, hope in my eyes.

"Oh sure! Can't wait. Meet me at the old park at 4?" He asked.

"Okay! See you then!" I said excited, I can't believe he wanted to hang out with me! It's weird, he's a jock and I'm just this loner kid with a popular twin sister.


"Veronica! Over here!" Ethan shouted.

"Coming!" I said, running over to him.

Of course with my luck I tripped. Right next to him. Oh jeez. I'm right by his crotch.

"Oh my god, Ethan I'm so sorry! My feet failed me." I said.

Oh my god I'm so embarrassed, I want the floor to just swallow me up whole. I JUST FELL ONTO MY CRUSHES PEE PEE.

"It's fine. I need to tell you something." He said, offering a hand out to help me up onto the bench he was sitting on.

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. Damn he is strong. Wait is my hand still connected to my wrist? I thought he pulled it off.

"Go ahead." I said, still embarrassed over falling. Damn you feet.

"My girlfriend cheated on me with Grayson, I need you to tell her for me, and I need a friend to help me get over here, can you be it? I want to get closer to you Veronica."

Oh my gosh. I'm dying

HAI! It's Jade! What's good peepz? I'm updating a lot lately! So how u liking it? I'll update later, do u think she'll say yes?


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