Character Profiles 🌈

De AliceInChains21

756 31 290

These are updated profiles of my own original characters. The universe is shared with @strike_over_roses See... Mais

Suki, Cupid's Love Child
Onyx, Rainbow Princess
Hades, Lord of the Garden
Ashley, The Mischievous Rebel
Goyo, Runaway Prince
Suzuki, The Little Paper Doll
Lola, The Carefree Hippie
Akihiko, The Passionate Photographer
Shou, Bare Boned Diva
Morgan, Miss Sunshine
Jx, Warm-Hearted Scientist
Gavin, The Lovestruck Skater Boy
Fj, Fucking Jenna
Celeste, Little bird
Iris, The Activist
Oscar, The Haughty Elf
Aspen, The Two-Faced Crow
Marcus, The Heterochromatic Pianist
Ozzie, The Emotional Intellectual
Rolu, Ripped at the Seams
Monty, Patient #254
Rye, The Thrill Seeker
Kairi, The Lion Heiress
Ruby, The Pianist's Daughter
Ollie, Little Butterfly

Kylie, The Red Huntress

199 2 16
De AliceInChains21

"Mother, I'm coming."

Basic Information:
Full name: Kylie Khunarys
Title: The Red Huntress
Nicknames: Wicked red, huntress, mama bear, daddy's girl
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Age: 20
Birthday: June 14th
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 135 lbs
Dominant Hand: Right

Former occupations: Huntress
Place of work: Forest, anywhere shadows cling too.

Living arrangements:
Hometown: Narian Backwoods
Current town of residence: Haven Dorms
Previous residences: Luke's old village, other small forest villages

Physical Aspects:
Ethnicity: half fairy/half elf
Family line: [As far back and as detailed as could be relevant for the particular character. For example, his parents could both be Americans, but his father from a wealthy line that emigrated from Italy a hundred years ago whereas his mother from Irish immigrants around the time of the Mexican-American War. Even if the information is never expressly needed in the story, it's still good to know. It will affect the character's family culture.]
Head and face shape: Heart shaped
Hair: Long sandy brown hair with dark tones at roots. Hair type is wavy.
Eyes/Eyebrows: Thin, sharp eyebrows. Yellow eyes with specks of orange in them to give them life.
Nose: small, pointy nose.
Mouth/ears: wide, yet narrow lips. Ears have pointed ends.
Skintone: Sunkissed, peach tone.
Physical build/fitness: Her arms and legs have muscles because she uses them to push off. She has a two pack, but everything else about her is lean.
Posture: Upright 24/7
Voice: Her voice runs more on the alto side. It is soft and soothing. She has a soft, but stern tone.
Clothing: A Black tube top covered by brown leather jacket. Also, a red skirt that looks like a tutu in volume. It has white under layers which that adds the volume. She has two big brown high boots which are fully laced. She has an orange and black stripped high sock on one of her legs. On her skirt she has a brown belt. Furthermore, on her hands she has fingerless, brown leather gloves. (OR a red jacket. Might match better. )
Accessories: Red hood when hunting, katana when training, songbook.
Colors s/he'd never wear: Anything that is MOSTLY yellow. Like full on yellow shirts or pants. She will wear yellow floral designs, just not mainly yellow.
Colors s/he always wears: Red

Education level: She has been tutored for basic learning and been trained by her mother for fighting. She attended Narian from age 6-12, then broke away and trained by herself. She is now currently attending Haven Academy.
Occupational training: She has done work beside Jx and Blaire to keep her mind sharp.
Musical training: Her dad would teach her how to sing after Daphne went away. She has been singing ever since she could speak.
Combat training: 6-12 Narian, 12-19 independent, 20 Haven Academy
Street training: She picked up keen sense of hearing from training in the woods. Also, she's great at navigating through dense woods.
Hobby training: Music, archery, dancing
Hobbies: Singing, playing the flute, piano, ballroom dancing, sword play, playing with her hair.
Collections: Mom's old stuff
Telltale signs: She has her mom's old stuff strewn all over her room.
Very good at: weapon wielding, agility, science, acting authoritative, being supportive.
Very bad at: Handling disappointment, losing things, saying exactly the right thing to make somebody feel better.
Prized possessions: Her mom's hood, her mom's scythe
Family heirlooms: Her mom's hood

Personality Information:
Character keywords: hardworking, jaded, soothing, worrier, determined, decisive.
Joys: family, friends, training
Fears: death of a family member
Coping mechanisms—sorrow/loss: isolates herself, takes blame
Coping mechanisms—physical pain: says everything is fine and pushes through it
Coping mechanisms—humiliation: goes silent
Coping mechanisms—trauma: heads out into woods and finds tight isolated spot and cries
Coping mechanisms—heartache: Does not interact with crush and keeps social activities to a minimum
Optimist, pessimist or realist: Realist
Extravert or Introvert (E or I): Introvert
Intuitive or Sensing (N or S): Sensing
Thinking or Feeling (T or F): Feeling
Judging or Perceiving (J or P): Judging
Myers-Briggs Personality Type: ISFJ
Love Language: Physical touch and words of affirmation.
Idiosyncrasies (Verbal): kit kat (Aria), perhaps, maybe, guess you will just have to find out, my turn.
Idiosyncrasies (Physical): plays with her hair, right side of her lip quirks up when she tries not to laugh.
Nervous habits: usually a blank slate, but sometimes rubs her elbows when she's nervous.

Trivial Preferences:
Alcohol tolerance: Never had any, not legal
Odd likes: Sitting out in the middle of a torrential rain storm, sharpening blades in a room by herself
Pet peeves: Cold shoulder
Favorite season: Spring
Favorite colors: Red, Black, Orange
Favorite weather: Rainy
Favorite foods/drinks: No Preference
Favorite places: treetops, roofs, wet grass, rafts
Most relaxing activities/surroundings: Rainy forest

Greatest character virtues: Motherly, caring, kind, dependable, trustworthy.
Greatest character flaws: Proud, perfectionist, headstrong.
Expounding upon virtues: She is always there when you need her. She will never betray you. She only makes promises she knows she can keep.
Expounding upon flaws: She throws herself into training and forgets the world. She puts unnecessary burdens on herself.
Situational reaction—virtues: Soft spoken words or wisdom or quiet yelling if she's irritated at her friends. She does not like to beat around the bush.
Situational reaction—flaws: Get frustrated and leave the room. Isolate herself from other people for awhile.
How these can help him/her and people around him/her: People can count on her to get the job done and have her as a co leader to give good judgement.
How this can be used against him/her: Her fault of being headstrong and proud can be used against her by somebody manipulating her to fight a battle she can't win.
Self or Others: Others

Family wealth: Low middle class. Her family gets by in life by working hard.
Family friends: (Courtney it's supposed to be hereditary, but I changed it to close families instead).
Mori's family
Luki's family
Rolu's family
Immediate family:
Mother- Daphne
Father- Alex
Sisters- Avery, Ariana
Brother- Xander
Relationships with family: Very close. Never would turn her back on her family.
Extended family: She focuses on her immediate family more~
Current friends: Wolfy, Simon, Aria, Ruby
Childhood friends: Suki, Aspen, Ruby
Current acquaintances: Bella, Dove, Celeste, Iris, Aspen
Childhood acquaintances: Simon, Wolfy, Aria
Current enemies: None
Childhood enemies: None
Current employer: None
Previous employers: None
Current co-workers: None
Previous co-workers: None
General relationships with towns and countries: She loves her hometown and her hometown loves her. She got along with people there, but some are uncomfortable around her because of what happened to her mom. People in the villages of the great forest LOVE HER because she protected them when she was a Huntress.

General History: I remember living in a happy family. Despite the impending cloud of war and sorrow I was happy. My first moment of sadness was when a woman named Blaire cane and yelled at my father. She spoke as though she regretted that my mother got to my father before she did. I remember walking over to her and saying something along the lines of "Are you unhappy that we exist?" or "Do regret that we were born?". She said no soothingly like she would never wish a life away, but it was still a moment I would never forget. Some things that are happy for some are sad for others. All my happy memories were somebody else's sorrow. I decided not to dilly dally any longer and I went into training. I wanted to make up for all my lost time. However, my training made me blind to the whole situation. I saw the trees, but not the forest. I indirectly caused my mother's death. Or rather "disappearance". This added on to the strife my father was facing. He was unstable. So instead of solely blaming myself I threw myself onto my father. I would stand by him forever. I took care of my younger sister when Alex was not well. Although I was young, I was the new mother of the family. I was the most stable and the most responsible. After the sin war, I would take little trips into the woods to train myself. I would be gone no longer than a month. I couldn't be away from my father that long. He needed me. And more importantly, I needed him. However, one day Ariana decided to attend Haven Academy. She wanted to train. I offered to train her myself, but she preferred training of an academy to me. I have to admit it hurt. I just wanted us to stay together. Us against the world. But she has to leave and it made me sad. Moreover, my father made a promise with me and I took what he said in stride. I went to Haven Academy with my sister and vowed to make sure she was happy. I would make sure to fulfill this one promise to my father. It's the least I could do.

Interpersonal History:
Alex: I loved my father from the day I was born. Even though I looked like my mother, I was always closer to my father.
Daphne: She was the best mother I could ever ask for. I will always be sad that I caused her to go away so soon.
Aria: She is like a sister to me. I will make sure she is safe and sound no matter what.
Ruby: She gave me more to think about in life than training and care taking. Moreover, she was always blunt and lazy so she got me into more trouble than I'd like to say.
Wolfy: I was attracted to his demeanor and his aura. I like to mess with him because it gets him out of his shell.
Simon: This dork is my snowflake. One of a kind. I love ruffling his feathers.
Ariana: I used to tell stories to her all the time about Mom. I feel like Mom was our connection. But recently I feel like that connection is fading. Since she's never met Mom so maybe my fervor for being like Mom isn't as amazing to her as it once was.
Xander: He was never close to any of us. He was already isolated before Mom went away and only increased his isolation after it occurred. It seems like he stays away from home as much as possible.
Avery: She is a ray of sunshine in the gloom. She is what kept father from sinking into the deep end.

Situational Behavior:
At a dance: "No I'm not much of a dancer..."/ "No I swear I swear. Please don't make me do it." / "Fiiiine. You lead." / "Wow this is easier than I thought. You're pretty good. But can you do THIS." (Twirls then backflips) / "Let the ladies teach you how to dance~" / "Woooow. Words taken back. But I still think I'm better than you." / "Touché. Now c'mon. I didn't let you drag me out here to slack off."

Goals—Ultimate and In-Story:
Short-term goals in-story: To keep her promise to Alex, to be with her father.
Long-term goal in-story: To get her mother back, to be like her mother.
Childhood goals: To become strong and less naïve.
Life-long goals: To seek closure in her life choices and to be happy without others being in pain because of her happiness.
Romantic goals: She likes the idea of marriage. She will not get into a relationship if she sees that it has no future.
Relational goals: To help her friends realize their goals.
Family goals: To bring her family together again.
Revenge goals: To never let a certain person go near her mother again.

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