Ozzie, The Emotional Intellectual

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"If you fail, reevaluate everything and try again."

Basic Information:
Full name: Ozzie Sakayume
Title: The Emotional Intellectual
Nicknames: Minx, Devil hound, shortie, kid
Age: unknown, but he looks 14.
Birthday: November 1st (Scorpio)
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Bisexual

Physical Aspects:
Ethnicity: His mother was part angel and human while his father was a wolf. He took on both traits, therefore, he is part angel and part wolf.
Hair: Messy gray hair
Eyes: dark gray
Skintone: light tan
Physical build/fitness: Small, but QUITE built under the layers of clothes he has. He has a six pack and very strong arms and legs. His height and attire makes him look frail, but he's got the whole package.
Posture: Sassy or childish. He's either leaning on one foot or dragging his feet like a kid. In battle though, he is combat ready with straight posture.
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 100 lbs
Voice: snarky or sarcastic sounding most of the time. In the higher range, but very smooth.
Outfit #1- black tank top with grey jacket. Loose grey tie and black studded collar. Black jeans and black studded belt. Loops hanging from pants stylishly. Black tie up boots that go up to the mid calf.
Outfit #2- Grey kitty cat hoodie with a black t underneath. Ironically, wears a cross necklace underneath hoodie. Black cargo pants or black skinny jeans. Black boots as always.

Personality Information:
Character keywords: bossy, know-it-all, logical, planner, vengeful, cocky, sassy, emotional, childish, minx, compassionate, caring, determined, stubborn
Virtues: logical, planner, determined compassionate
Flaws: emotional, childish, vengeful, bossy, stubborn
Tragic flaw: vengeful, stubborn
Self or Others: Self
Joys: "toys", hoodies, chocolate milk, guns, skating, books, animals, solitude, sweets, chokers, studded belts, onesies, bubble baths
Fears: ???
Hobbies: going to the zoo, eavesdropping, playing chess, reading, admiring hot people, skating, drinking hot chocolate by the fire, snuggling, taking a bath, sex
Coping mechanisms: He tends to isolate himself and cry or throw himself onto other men. He just needs to forget and it is the only way for him to do it without getting drunk.
Optimist, pessimist or realist: Realist
Myers-Briggs Personality Type: INFJ
Ideal relationship: Somebody he can hold intellectual conversations with while still being intimate. He treasures intimacy in words and actions. Both hold secrets and sweetness.
"Let's just say...I'm not a good boy."
"It's all about the technique."
"Don't look down on me."
"Oh, don't be so delusional."
"Everything can be broken. Just one shove in the wrong place, and poof. It shatters."
"Labels are just an excuse to push someone away."
"The bird's nest has to empty at some point."
"All I want is love, but that's the only thing I never get."
Nervous habits: *shuffles back and forth on his feet* *bites lip* *mumbles*

Misdirection- He can send a bullet and then make it disappear and then reappear from a different direction.
Gravity circles- he can use them to make platforms and bounce off of them or to walk up walls.
Send back- Last minute defense mechanism where he can send away anything that comes near him.
Canon- he can send himself or others flying into the air with a magic symbol. Can be used to gain height or to throw off his opponent.
Ribbons- in the wake of where he travels during battle there is blue translucent ribbons for about 10 seconds. If you run into any of these ribbons you could get paralyzed.
Electric Cartwheel- when he cartwheels he sends blue waves of electricity.
Headshot of emotion- this activates Blue Rito. It causes the person to be so overwhelmed with inner thoughts that they pass out or they see the reality of their actions and are unable to fight.
Specialty: dodging, agility, misdirection
Weapons: twin blade guns where on one side it's a fun and on the other side it's a dagger. He can also use a thin silver scythe that is good for quick, light attacks.
Brief fighting description: He is long range to sudden close range fighter. He attempts to misdirect his opponent before getting in close to do damage. He also keeps himself well guarded, especially with his send back and ribbons. In order to breech his defenses you have to beat him at his own game of misdirection.

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