Hero [T/S Relationship & Arra...

Autorstwa WanderingDancer

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**Song-Inspired "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias** Ever been tied to a chair with a blindfold on after being beaten... Więcej

Hero [T/S Relationship & Arranged Marriage]
Chapter 1---Another Day In Hell...Maybe Not
Chapter 2---Going Once, Twice...SOLD!
Chapter 3---New Life. Feelings? Nah! Same Old!
MUST READ! Important Author's Note :)
Chapter 4---Just A Little Misunderstanding
Chapter 5---Goodbye, Rags and Hello, Dresses!
Chapter 6---Carlos Hughes
Chapter 7---Green Light In My Eyes
Chapter 8---A House and A Home
Chapter 9---Behind Closed Doors
Chapter 10---May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor
Chapter 11---What Is This Feeling?
Chapter 12---So Far, So Good...?
Chapter 13 --- A Day Out of Town
Chapter 14---Meet My Future Wife, Cassidy
Chapter 15---Take Me Back
Chapter 16 --- The Show Must Go On
Chapter 17 --- Until My Last Breath
Chapter 18 --- You're Perfect
Chapter 20 --- For Better or for Worse

Chapter 19 --- How?

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Autorstwa WanderingDancer

Author's Note: we have two songs for this chapter but I can't add multiple vids in a chapter so here are the songs and respective scenes:

1.) "Confessions" by City and Color in the school setting part.

2.) "Two" by Sleeping At Last after the school setting until the end of the chapter.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and the songs as much as I did, patching up the events in my head. See you in a bit!


Chloe's P.O.V.

I was smothered in kisses by my love as we enjoy the late Friday night. Finally! After a week of stressing over hormonal and emotional teenagers, I finally get to be with this amazing man.

"Why are you up?" I asked him.

"I'm just going to finish some work, babe. I have a deadline to catch. I wasn't paid largely to slack off." He answered back as he puts his pajamas on.

"Why can't you have someone do those for you?" I pouted. Maybe if I looked at him like Ayesha, our sweet Persian Cat, he would give in. But no, my fiancée had to choose work over me.

He kisses me passionately once more and tucks some stray hair on my face behind my ear. "This family isn't the usual ones we've handled, love. What they paid me is enough for us to have a stress-free honeymoon in Paris for a month. I'll be in the studio and I'll come to bed as soon as I finish. I only have the last hundred shots to work with then do the large prints."

With that I let him be. When you're in a relationship with a photographer, you want to expect having someone take your pictures all the time like those posts on social media, but the truth is, you're also married to his work. Thankfully my work keeps me busy and away from those thoughts away. As long as he loves me and we get married next month, it will be worth it.

And don't get me started on his female muses too.

James got married. Good for him. After two weeks of substitution in some of his classes, it will be my turn soon. And he'll experience this soon. I laugh at the thought. Oh, Hughes.

I couldn't sleep really because all week I was aching for Lucas' arms around me as I slept. He always knew how to make me feel safe. My stomach suddenly growled as I remember we didn't have dinner even though we were hungry...but it looks like we were hungry for something else.

Putting my robe on, I made my way to the kitchen to make some sandwiches for us. I figured this would be something he'd want since he's working. A filling grilled ham and cheese would be okay.

When I finished, I opened a bag of potato chips and put some beside the sandwiches, making my way to his studio in the basement. Our basement was entirely his workplace. Originally it was for a storage use but Lucas made it a point to convert it into a studio instead.

As I expected, I saw him glued to the screen as he was editing some pictures on his monitor. He has gadgets that make me wonder how on earth he uses them. As for this scenario, it looked like a notepad with a pen.

He was working on a reception shot and it looked so beautiful and elegant. I watch as his magical hands, and yes they do quite get magical, enhance the picture and he brings out so much life and depth in his editing. Putting his watermark as a signal he's finished, he moves on to the next one.

He looks behind his shoulder and sees me with a smile. He lets me sit on his lap as I laid the plates on his other table beside his workplace.

"I made sandwiches. It just occurred to me that we didn't have dinner. I was going to make something else but then I thought you'd be working." I said and his eyes never left the screen.

"I'm sure this is amazing, Chloe." He finally looks at me and kisses my cheek. I'm almost done with the work then off to printing, we can eat for a few minutes I guess. "

It doesn't occur to him on how happy that makes me. "Thanks, babe." I lean forward to kiss him.

"Though I believe you forgot the lemonade on the fridge."

"Oh! Right. I'll just--"

"Nope. I'll get it. You stay here and start your sandwich. I don't want you starving either." He gets up and goes to the door faster than you can say my name. Bliss fills me once more and I am alone with his works.

I look over the monitor and minimized his current work as I look at the shots that will get printed later. Seriously, a customer paid him enough for our honeymoon? I have to see these! Maybe these shots will get to be featured in one of his exhibits as well.

Lucas doesn't like it when I get on this computer. Maybe I'll accidentally delete photos or maybe I'll get furious with his new models who can be revealing at times for the sake of their portfolios, but we've talked about this before. And a little peak of some shots from some wealthy family won't hurt. Maybe I'll thank them too when I have the chance.

Then I see it. The folder for the large prints and the moment I opened the pictures, I felt all the blood in my body drain as well as my mouth went dry.

James and Cassidy.

They got married.

Cassidy was the mysterious fiancé James just couldn't stop talking about.


Shot after shot, one picture more beautiful than the other, and it ends with the entire family in such a regal shot.


I started to hear footsteps. Luckily I exited the folder and opened his current work as if nothing happened.

"Okay. I've got the lemonade and a glass with ice--" Lucas stops and looks at me. "Chlo, are you alright?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Just fine. Just hungry. " I faked.

He comes closer and lays our dinner on the spare table. "Come let's eat before I go back to work, baby." He pats on the sofa.

I never felt so weak in my life but I had to walk over just so that Lucas wouldn't have any suspicions.

"Thank you for dinner, my soon-to-be Mrs. Harper." He kisses me and I just felt all the tension melt away.

"Anything for you." I reply and I see him devour his sandwich. "Babe, is it possible for me to come along when you deliver the large prints?"

"Of course." He doesn't fight me. I never came along when he delivers large prints but this time, I insist.


Cassidy's P.O.V.

It's over. The fun is officially over, and the mask needs to fall bit by bit.

I had the most wonderful time. Never would I thought of myself being at this state in life. A husband, a home, a life! There is nothing I'd want more.


There is one thing.

But...no. I can't.

I will be a bad mother. Just knowing that I would risk it's life will be the death of me. The thought of our child growing without me in his or her life is unforgiveable. I can never bear that. The scenario of killing us both will definitely kill James.

I simply cannot do it.

But James doesn't know about it.

He'll start wondering why we don't get pregnant if it continues on. He'll be so frustrated that he will leave me, as I've feared. Actually we have decided to stop all physical activities beyond kisses after our wedding night. We agreed that a pregnant student who has recently changed her family name is not a good sight. So this is one of those scenarios in which I can take a run, so babies are not in the dictionary for us now.

The real fun only lasted a day.

All our honeymoon, aside from actually spending each time with each other, he mostly opened up having a family. It made me happy because once upon a time, I wanted one. I still do, but my fears eat out the best of me. And then again, I can't stand the damage it will cause us because it will affect the entire family.

I love James and his family far too much to have their hearts broken. I cannot risk that love in that extent. In accordance with this, since our physical activities stopped, we focused on really getting to know each other more in the most convenient and comfortable ways possible by being a normal couple for once.

It felt good. I'll miss this. But right now, it's back to school for both of us.

Here's the new arrangement.

It's known to some that James and I went away for a while because of two reasons:

1.) James got married to his very mysterious yet amazing girlfriend. Of course James will never reveal that I was his bride.

2.) Rumors spread of James' family adopting me, which went partly true because of the custody arrangement, but inclined with this is the change of surname. I am no longer known as Miss Cassidy Evans but as Miss Cassidy Hughes because of the "adoption". The honeymoon period was covered as family time. Even the principal knows of this. I don't know if I should be thankful or scared of this fact.

"Don't think too much, Cass. You'll look like you're 50 years old by the time we reach the campus." James teased me as he drove.

The nerves were killing me. I didn't think straight the moment we got back home. I didn't even know if my outfit goes well.

"You look amazing as always, wife. Don't worry."

Did I just say that out loud?

"Oh, yes you did." He laughed at me. I can't believe I said those out loud!

"Ugh!" I face-palmed myself. "This is going to be so bad, I just know it!" I can feel it already. This day will be shitty.

"You have to relax, Cass. The more you overthink things, the more they are likely to happen." His eyes never left the road as we drove to the Starbucks Drive-Thru. James and his coffee...

"I know but I can't help it! I will get interrogated so much and tell things over and over and over again. What if I screw up? Or like tell a different version of the story then people will find out that I was making things up and they might find out about us!" I said all this without pausing, causing James to ignore me but I knew he was listening.

"You really don't have to worry. And you don't need to answer everyone. Now, what would you like?" You really cannot separate James from his daily dose of coffee.

"If I am your wife, you should know what I would want." I gave him the stare. " And maybe some french toast?" I smiled past it.

James smiled back, taking in my expression. "Alright." He lowers down his window and ordered for the both of us. He ordered a double shot espresso and french toast as well. He knew what to get me. The old favorite, Chocolate Chip Cream with extra blended whipped cream.

We didn't have time to make breakfast because we literally flew around the house trying to figure our stuff out, especially James' stuff for his classes.

We came home two days ago, and for the first time in our almost one month of marriage, we worked separately. I did my assignments and projects while James was busy preparing his teaching materials and other stuff for lessons. We only saw each other during meals. Even in our sleep we weren't together. I usually drift off first as I let James work on his laptop beside me.

Our orders came fast and we were off to school once more with only five minutes to spare for ourselves as husband and wife.

"Before we go and face the world, I have one more important thing to do, Mrs. Hughes." James said as he pulled his seat belt.

"And what would that be?"

Instantly his lips locked with mine that melted all the worry I had. It was a sweet and reassuring kiss, and I wish we would stay like this forever. Brief as it was, it felt like hours. And it was all I needed.

"I have an entire day trying to not kiss my beautiful wife." he murmurs on my lips when we pulled apart. "...and another four days." he added.

"You know I'm all yours after school hours." I giggled. "I always knew you were selfish, Mr. Hughes."

"Only for you, Mrs. Hughes." he kissed me on the cheek then buckled his seat belt. "Eat up, we'll arrive a bit early."

"What you said didn't make any sense, coming from an English teacher." I teased and started eating.

"So that you'll have time to touch up, if that's what girls still say." his eyes were on the road once more.

"You are not old, James. Seriously that's pathetic." I almost choked by his joke.

"I feel old all of a sudden." he continues.

"You are not old. You are just in authority...who abused the rules and married his student." I joked along.

"Oh, so now this is how we're playing?" he starts to contain his laughter, but fails.

I laughed so hard as well. Who knew teasing James would be so fun!

Moments later, we enter the carpark. Reality strikes again and I felt sad. A fee more months and I can finally be at peace. We finished our breakfast in the car with minimal small talk. I even got a chance to touch up, as James said.

Ever since I moved at theirs, my closet has evolved, but now that I married him, my clothes evolved even more. As for today, I was in a gray long-sleeved top with black cotton pants that were high-waisted. I paired them with platform sandals to keep it casual.

"You look beautiful, Mrs. Hughes. Shall we conquer the day?" James asked me with a smile.

"Let the games begin." I winked. Now, the battle begins.


Lucas' P.O.V.

I broke my promise on Chloe that she'll come with me when I deliver the large prints over to the Hughes'. This morning after Chloe left for work, Dr. Hughes called for the prints and wanted me to come alone. There was also something that needed to be discussed, and I cannot say no to a patron that payed triple of my humble services for reasons I am yet to know just now.

I left for the Hughes' two hours after just in time to frame the pictures perfectly. The soft copies of the pictures were already sent to them as well as the lovely couple.

Never had I have the privilege to cover such a beautiful couple whose past was that tragic. I thought these things only happened in books and in movies. I found myself mistaken. It really does happen. Especially for the bride, I hoped she felt the full bridal experience. Her story is remarkable! I offered my services for free, but the family insisted to pay---TRIPLE!

I am thankful for their pay. Chloe and I can now go to Paris. She always wanted to go there, and as her husband-to-be, I should do everything I can to fulfill all of her heart's desires.

The groom's parents welcomed me in their home and their servants gladly took the large frames from my grip. I was now in the rather large living room they have, sipping my coffee as they accompany me.

"So even the other shots were saved as well?" The woman asked me with curiosity all over her eyes.

"Yes, ma'am. Not a photo deleted." Reaching for the flash drive in my pocket, I retrieved it and gave it to them. The flash drive contained all the wedding photos. "I hope the work we have done would help your family, especially your new daughter-in-law. What happened before the ceremony was tragic. And it happened at the least expected time." I said with full sympathy.

They nodded sadly at my statement. "Well, we want to do all we can for her." Her husband started talking. "She deserves to live her life to the fullest. And may I just add that you took part in making her life better."

I shook my head. "I only took pictures, sir."

"You did more than just take pictures, Mr. Harper. It's a life you're saving because of your work." The woman supported her husband's statement.

We watch the servants install the large print by the fireplace. It was their family picture with the newest and most delicate addition in the family. And I pray that God may bless this family as much as He bless her.


Chloe's P.O.V.

"You are most definitely not yourself, Chloe." My sister nags me.

"Oh shut up, Sammy. I am not in the mood. Why don't you worry over some unrecored papers or something."

"Fine. Suit yourself. You are just as devastated as I am now that James got married." She says and made me scoff.

"Excuse me, I am engaged to the man I love, and we will get married in the summer. I am not a whore like you." I bickered and drank my now cold coffee in the teacher's lounge. Thank God it was just us two in here.

"I still don't know why of everything in the world, I'm always stuck with an orphaned girl." If it weren't for the school setting, I should've ripped her head off at this moment. "And still Papa and Mama preffered you over me." She makes her way out, THANKFULLY.

Rolling my eyes, I started to finish my coffee. Why the hell am I so affected on everything now?

"Good morning." The voice I haven't heard for weeks dinged in the lounge. James entered the lounge with a huge smile on his face and yes, his wedding ring was very prominent. The moment he sat across me at the table, more of the faculty came for their dose of coffee or light breakfast. Some only came for the gossip, but all of them mainly came to congratulate James on his marriage.

I only observed him and I have never seen him this happy in his life. He's ruining not only Cassidy's life, but his life as well. And yet he gets to be this happy?

"You don't look happy to see me, Chloe." He started to joke and I forced a half smile for him.

"After all the stress with substituting? You owe me, Hughes." I tried to joke along.

"Really, thank you, Chloe. I'll really make it up on your leave. Though I wished we went somewhere out of the country so that I could give you something in return, but my wife just wanted to stay." Yeah, because your wife doesn't want to get caught. At least she has some decency to think of that.

"It's really nothing." I insisted. I really don't want anything with you right now.

"James! Principal Peterson is calling for you." Miss Mia Cordova ruined the moment. I was so close to confronting him but this other trouble maker ruined the moment.

I also had my eyes on this one. She was also an English teacher, but she couldn't substitute because she also handled Drama classes. Her boyfriend, Mr. Carson Pierce, was an English teacher as well. He couldn't substitute because he was also teaching Music classes. They were hired first, and I was only transferred because they made me to. This school at that time lacked teachers, that's why everyone's schedules were loaded. I was only one of those teachers who were lucky enough to not have overload. So when it comes to teacher substitution, I belonged to the group which took over since I only handle five classes a day.

Going back, just as Mia entered the lounge, Carson followed. He commented on Mia's empire-cut dress, she didn't mind it since he didn't sound as if he was complaining. They shared a brief kiss before going into their own bubble of a conversation. Mia and Carson are engaged. They are the next to have their leave, then it was me. From the looks of it, she looks three months pregnant. I will have my own time with these two after James. Like what the hell is happening to the faculty?

"Gotta go." James told me, snapping me back from my internal complaints. "See you later, Chloe." and with that I watched James leave for the office.

I sighed back to my seat, then as if it was destiny, James' phone was left behind. It was my chance to finally catch him myself. I made sure no one saw me with his phone. It was very reckless of him to leave his phone unlocked--much less leave his phone.

It was a good thing I was the only one who noticed his phone, if not, he'll be dead before he knows it. Since he upgraded his phone into the latest iPhone, I was thankful that he did because finally he got rid of his old Blackberry. With all the money he had, buying a phone for him to use was one of the cheapest traits of James. 

Mercifully, the calendar was open which concealed his wallpaper. As expected, I knew what it would be. It was their wedding portrait shot by Lucas. Not even Lucas would be able to escape from the rage I am feeling right now. I am not allowing him to be a part of this no matter how a good cause or how much they paid him. I'd rather not have a honeymoon in Paris than have innocent people be affected by James' actions!

Out of my curiosity, I opened his gallery. It broke my heart on how innocent and genuine their love was. All their pictures together in his phone were sweet, pure, innocent love. There wasn't a picture that was explicit unless you count a few which they were in their swimming attire at some beach or kissing. I felt bad, but I knew I was doing this only for the betterment of everyone.

Then I catch a few of the pictures which revealed Cassidy's scars and bruises in different parts of her body. It wasn't that obvious, but in some of the pictures, they keep on peaking through, which saddened me.

I was still looking at the gallery when a message popped from My Wife.

'With Han right now. She wanted me to tell everything about the honeymoon. Of course I spared all the details I know only us should know of. Missing you terribly. I hope this day would come by fast. See you later, love. I love you!!'

That was it. I'm done. I stood up and made my way to the Principal's Office. As soon as I reached the door, James went out. His smile really never left his face.

I handed him his phone. "Next time, don't leave your things unattended. With a new phone like that, you'll never know." I said in a as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

"Ah. Thanks, Chloe. I really owe you, you know. I better get to first period. See you!" And in a flash, he was off without another word more.

"Good morning, Chloe. What brings you here?" Principal Peterson greeted me upon entering the office.

"Good morning, sir."


Cassidy's P.O.V.

If I had a dollar every time people asked me about my new last name and James' wife, I'd be rich right now.

I should really record my answer and then just play it whenever someone walks over and absorb some gossip from me. To think of it, I was just a mere loser, and now, I'm starting to become somebody because of the wealth I now have.

"So Nerd Face, this wife Mr. Hughes have, how pretty is she? Show me her picture!" and suddenly this bitch just walks to my seat.

"Angela please. If you are just going to compare the poor thing, you have nothing to worry about...because she's far more attractive than you'll ever be." I simply said. Hannah did her best to hide her snicker when I made my comment about myself and Angela gasped loudly.

"Alright, class. I'm back. Please go back to your seats and stop flocking my sister." James' voice went on with full authority as everyone settled in their seats. Though I know he dreaded the fact that he'll say that word often instead of 'wife'.

I looked at my rings and watch them sparkle. That was enough to assure me that it'll be alright. Hannah was basically smiling all the time as well.

"So, if any of you messes with her, you all have to mess with me first." James says as he puts out some sheets of paper from his messenger bag. "That includes any type of physical, emotional, verbal, and mental bullying. Because class..." he leans back on his table. "I really cannot tolerate it. There are people going through literal hell, and they are all real. As sad as the reality of society is, that's the truth. I don't want any student passing through me to contribute further on making other people's lives worse. Are we clear on that?"

"Yes, sir." everyone mumbled at James.

I smiled triumphantly at James, thanking him for what he said. Gladly he got the message without even a word coming out from me.

"Let's start with a quiz. Get one and pass." he distributes the papers per column and so it starts.


It was a bit past 7. James and I just finished dinner, and we talked on today's success. If it keeps up like this, everything will be fine. Our large prints came today and they are breathtaking! The photo albums and video will come in the next two weeks. 

James had the portrait of us in the bedroom. He also had a large print of me and he had it placed in his work room. It was a shot of me behind the veil, and it was a closeup shot. When the soft copies of the pictures were sent to us, James just loved this photo of mine. He said it was intimidating in the most attractive and beautiful way possible. That it looked like I was staring into his eyes as if his soul was already owned by me, so he had this printed out just for his eyes only. We also had a few printed out to display and be distributed in different rooms in the house.

Natalie and Patrick had a large print of the entire family photo as well as some other pics for their home as well.

"Well, that is one giant portrait of me." I say as I look at the massive version of myself up against the wall of James' work room.

His arms were around me, as we appreciated the masterpiece the photographer did. "At least I don't get to miss you that much." he kisses my temple.

"Should I leave now? do you have stuff to work with?"

"No work today, Cass. I'm all yours." he kisses me on the lips with a smile this time. "I was actually thinking though." he lead me to his chair, and I sat on his lap.

"Thought of what?" I put my arms around him lovingly.

"I thought of resigning in this career." He says with full ease.

"What? James, that is absurd. You cannot resign, darling."

"I went to seen Principal Peterson earlier. He sends us congratulations, and then I may have said something about resignation."

I sighed at the news. "My love, you shouldn't sacrifice what you worked hard for because of me."

"I said the reason why is because my wife is terminally ill and I had to take care of her." OH NO HE DIDN'T.

I suddenly felt weak and I wish I would faint right now. Did James really just make a made up excuse that is true? Does he know?

James' expression turned from amused to worried in a second. "Cass?" he pulled me in a hug. "I didn't mean it like that, I promise. It was just an excuse, believe me. I don't want any harm to come especially on you. You know that. I'm sorry." he kept on holding me tighter and so did I, with a few tears falling.

Do not cry, Cassidy!

An uncontrollable sniffle followed by hot tears that came after the other rolled down my cheek. James kept on apologizing on what he said and kissed my face, my nose, my head, and my jaw. I wish I could tell him that I was only hormonal because I am close to having my period, but it wasn't the case. I cried because I know it was the truth, and that I couldn't stand to have him lose his job for many reasons.

All of the things I feared before were all coming true, and I knew it was coming. The problem is, I didn't prepare myself for all of it.

He cupped my face and kissed my tears away. He said he was sorry for the thousandth time maybe. I wanted to stop crying, but it hurt so much for all the wrong reasons. "I love you, Cassidy." he kisses my neck and then nuzzles his face in my neck. He knew it was my weakness when he did this and my heart swelled.

I bit my lip to stop my cries, and it helped a bit. I looked at him, cupping his face as he did with me and I let my forehead rest on his. His lips reached for mine and kissed me with the most sincere and passionate manner ever.

He asked for entrance and I let him explore my mouth as I wrapped my arms around his neck, caressing his nape and neck. I shifted on how I sat and straddled him. His hands started to go down to my neck then my shoulders, letting my robe fall down leaving me in my short satin nightdress. His lips traveled next from my mouth to my neck to my shoulders.

I let myself savor his adoring kisses and I drown myself in the love spell he's putting me in by pulling him closer to my body. "Let me make it up to you." he murmurs on my skin. He reaches the hem when it hit me what he wanted. I had to cut the fun short.

Before he could even lift the hem up, I held his face to stop kissing me. I let him look at me and with just the eye contact, it was enough to relay the message I wanted to convey. "I'm sorry, love. I have to cut the fun here." I said with a hoarse voice from all the crying. Smiling forcefully, I caressed his face. "I know you didn't mean it, but I don't want you to give up your job for us--for me. We always find ways to these things. You have mom's genes. Surely we can come up with something."

Bringing up Natalie made him laugh. He shook his head and looked at me. "That is true but..."

"But what?" it was my turn to have the worried expression.

"I don't want us to hide anymore. I'm so in love with you, I want us to be official." he says.

"We are official. You married me, isn't that enough?"

"It will never be enough with you, love. What I mean is, I want to show you off to the world, to tell everyone how much I love you, and that I am the luckiest man alive to ever love you." his eyes never left mine when he made his little speech.

"This is what I feared, James. You know we can't, sweetheart." I played with his hair. "But that doesn't mean I love you any less. You know that."

"Unless I leave this job, Cassidy. We can be free when I leave it. To tell you honestly, I only took this job because I didn't want to handle the business, and that I wanted to try different things. Don't get me wrong, I love what I'm doing. I love teaching, and everything associated with it. It gives me a sense of fulfillment that I can do other things beside sit in an office. I didn't know what to do or what my real purpose was before you. I knew I will end up in the family business, but I wanted to explore first. Then I met you, and now I want to stop. You, my beautiful wife, you are my purpose.

"It explained the lifestyle I used to have. It was a lifestyle I don't want to go back. The moment I said how I truly felt about you, that's when I buried it all. I didn't know what I want until you came. I want to show you all the love you deserve. And if it means giving up everything, I will do all I can for you and to prove myself to you."

"James, you don't need to do all that, my darling. I have the universe in my hands because of you. Just the mere fact of knowing I married you with a comfortable life is enough. I don't need any praise from you because I haven't done anything that significant on earth. Please think this through before you turn in anything please. But whatever decision you make, I'll always be here beside you, supporting you, still loving you endlessly. Whatever it is, I know we'll make it. You said so yourself, didn't you?"

He started to sink in all I said and nodded. "Yeah, you're right. I will think about this thoroughly."

This put a real smile on my face now. "...though it would be nice to defend you from the sluts in school and tell them I married you. That would make Angela faint, don't you think?"

He laughs and kisses me one more time. "I'm all yours, Mrs. Hughes. Are you done with your school works?"

"Yes, Mr. Hughes. I also took the liberty to study for the long quiz you made us take. Seriously, you'd expect students to take a long quiz the moment you get home from your honeymoon leave?" I got up and fixed my robe, making my way out, followed by James.

"That's good. Though it would be better if I could make you scream the answers as I make love to my wife." oh, he just had to bring that up?

"That is disgusting and not sexy, if that was what you were aiming for, Mr. Hughes. Definitely gag worthy." I say as we got out of the room and to the kitchen for a snack. I suddenly felt hungry after all the crying.

"Though it would make a good review technique."

"Please tell me you did not just say that."


I was having lunch with Hannah. Well, she went to the restroom actually. So I was just finishing up my lunch which James insisted to cook, and hands down, he did it well.He made soy chicken and rice. For some reason he found himself on YouTube on our honeymoon and he wanted to make a lot of food which I cringed at the back of my mind because knowing James, he wouldn't survive step 2. This time, he did this alright.

I was still exploring my new phone since James upgraded both our phones, and I was still customizing things. I caught myself looking through our wedding photos that were saved in my phone, without anyone snooping around of course. It would be devastating if I let anyone catch us.

I decided to make one picture as a wallpaper. It was a closeup shot of me and James. He was kissing my forehead, and it was wallpaper worthy because the sun was behind us, mostly it blocked our features that would make anyone have a hard time recognizing who were the people in the picture. I wasn't wearing a veil as well so it was okay. I know this photo was one of the smaller prints we wanted. Kudos to this photographer though. I love all of the pictures he sent us online. I can't wait to see the final outputs in the album and video. 

In the corner of my eyes, I see Miss Chloe approaching my table with her lunch bag. Funny she's here. The teachers have their lounge and own offices, and yet she's here. I smiled politely as she came nearer to where I was seated.

"Hello, Cassidy. How are you, dear?" she asked me with her beautiful smile I used to envy.

"I'm okay, Miss Chloe." I answered briefly.

"How's your new family? Are you coping well with them? It must be hard to. Well, it was when I was adopted." she said. Oh, wow. She was adopted?

"They are the best, Miss Chloe. Thanks. It was the adjustment part that was hard."

She nodded. "Yeah, in my case, it was the siblings. Sam didn't like it when I was added in their family. But that was okay. As long as I had a better life and away from hell, I was fine. How are your new siblings especially that James married. It's another adjustment period for everyone especially you."

I tried to filter words in my head. Now, to think of answers for other people is the hard part. Especially when you are talking to a teacher who is close to your husband. "Everything's going okay, Miss Chloe. My new parents are too occupied by my presence to even think of James not being at home anymore." partly it was true but for different reasons.

"Oh, I see. How's your sister-in-law? James keeps on talking about her but a funny thing though, no one posted a photo of the wedding. Not even him. His only post was in his honeymoon and it was only a black and white picture of their feet at the beach." she's trying to make me talk, and it's scaring me. I still held my phone and I fast dialed James. Hopefully he was somewhere alone. He knew I wouldn't call if it wasn't an emergency. I had second thoughts on this conversation. I just had to.

"She's an amazing woman, Miss Chloe. She and James are perfect for each other, not a speck in place. They are just private people and I'm not like other girls who post on social media that much, so I blended in with the family well in that case." I see that James was listening since the timer was counting the seconds.

"That's good to hear. Social media nowadays will either make or break people. Isn't that right, Cassidy?"

"Yes, ma'am." I didn't know what else to say to her at this point.

"I just dropped by to see what's for lunch, since I only have leftovers for lunch and to see if students were still in their proper decorum and behavior in the canteens and the outdoors." she put emphasis on words I knew she'd press on, and it just confirmed my second thoughts. "It was nice to catch up with you, Cassidy. I must be going as I haven't looked around the grounds. I hope you enjoyed your honeymoon as well." she left immediately after her last word and I almost dropped my phone. As soon as she left, James ended the call as well.

That was it. Everything's over.


Author's Note: Funny thing I was writing this then suddenly it went blank and I had to re-write stuff again. Well I wish this lived up to my original draft. I was so pumped to updating this early because I had a ton of schoolwork to do and it crashed. I tried doing my school work but then I wasn't able to because of this chapter. I knew I just had to write it.

I just love how I inserted Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan in this story and that mini-cross over thing I just did there? Only those who follow me and read my other stories will get those parts and laugh at the instance.


I don't know when I'll update next because of the overload of school works, not to mention my classes are straight 9 hours for four days or three plus the load of each subject is just draining. And I'm only at the first week of the new semester, and I'm already fed up. 

I deserve some Starbucks after this so, after you've read this, I'll be at Starbucks, collecting my stickers. I'm so stressed right now, you guys don't want to know how much. All I can think of is food and sleep, and reading books. 

So there it is. I'll stop complaining now.

IG: @ iamrhiafelicitas

Twitter: @ rhiafelicitas


WanderingDancer x

November 15, 2017 (2:01 pm)

Czytaj Dalej

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