Jump Then Fall

By fandomlxcked

10.7K 497 88

Elsa is an independent Scottish woman that moves to London, only to find one of life's greatest adventures in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 27

177 9 2
By fandomlxcked

Mycroft spent a few moments staring at Elsa. He then turned back to Sherlock, "I can see why you keep her around, now. She certainly knows how to carry herself..."

"Umm, hello? I'm still here!"

Mycroft tilted his head, "So sorry, Miss Wiggens. I owe you an explanation, I believe," she nodded her head with an air of sass. "My dear brother and I haven't always been what you call 'close'... he has a slightly different way of seeing things compared to me, which is why I hold a government position and he mopes around in this dull flat waiting for the next murder case to pop up."

"Ok, ok, yes, tell me something I don't know..."

"I am here because I need Sherlock's help..."

If Elsa had been drinking tea, she would have spit it out with surprise.

"Since when have you ever required my assistance?"

"Ah, dear brother, there are many cases in which I needed your help. This just happens to be one of the few times I've bothered to ask..."

Elsa stifled a laugh and Sherlock turned to her with a glare.

"Then why ask for my help now? What makes this time different than any others?"

"The situation that has caused the case is of utmost importance, dear brother. The security of England is at stake."

"Then tell me what it is!"

"In time, brother. I do believe Dr. John Watson shall be showing up soon. Might as well get comfortable while we're waiting, Elsa."

"Ah, but before you sit down, do hand me my bow. I left it on the table..."

"Sherlock Holmes, you must be one of the laziest people I know!" She said, backing up to the coffee table behind her.

"Yet you are more than willing to do the favor I ask for," he pointed out, smirking at her expression of disgust.

"Ugh!" Elsa turned, grabbed Sherlock's bow from a table and threw it at him with gusto. In a swift movement, he reached his arm out and caught the airborne bow without even touching the bow hair. She groaned at his precise skill and he grinned mockingly back at her.

"Thank you," he spoke.

Elsa decided to sit in the space between him and Mycroft, on the floor. She lay down on her stomach and propped up her head with her two elbows on the floor, centered between the two boys almost perfectly.

"I'm not your slave, Sherlock Holmes,"

"Never said you were," he pointed out, "I only said that you are more than willing to do whatever I ask..."

"I don't think you really realize how disgusting that sounds, do you even know that what you are saying has undertones that suggest prostitution?" He stared semi-blankly at Elsa, not exactly showing a look of surprise. Sherlock obviously knew the meaning of his words, even if they weren't his exact intention. "I'm not a whore, you know..."

Sherlock continued to stare, Elsa got of sense of disbelief from his eyes. She decided to glare back at him.

"Oh, the tension is unbearable," Mycroft drawled.

"Tension?" She grumbled, "there isn't any tension between us..."

Mycroft didn't respond, and Elsa decided to drop it. Sherlock was just fiddling with the strings on his violin, slowly raising his head to glare at his brother.

"Elsa! Sherlock! Sherlock!" John burst through the flat door to see the three of them 'calmly' sitting.

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