Undefined Love.. Meaning Of L...

By suba30

24.4K 6.6K 1.9K

Love comes​ in so many hues and ways., that it's impossible to predict the type of love you would experience... More

1.. Intricated
2.. Confounded
3.. Startling
4.. Deference..
5.. Fatalistic..
6.. Relinquished..
7.. Unfeigned...
8.. Divulgence...
9.. Excrusciative
10.. Appeasement
11.. Resilient..
12.. Sanguine..
13.. Solicitous..
14.. Elation..
15.. Quenching !!
16.. Resplendent..
18.. Fortitudinous..!!!
19.. Eloquent..!!
20.. Incandescent..!!
21.. Fictitious...!!
22 .. Opulent..
23.. Querulous..!!
24... Fervent
25.. Felicitous..
26.. Ineffable
27.. Quiescent..
28.. Disaffiliate - 1
29.. Disaffiliate - 2

17.. Titillating...

824 229 93
By suba30

"Love is cute when it's new..
Love is beautiful when it lasts"


Pragya fluffered her eyelids to see the bright ray of sunshine hitting her face and lifted herself to sit and there by the side table she saw her glass of mint juice ready..

Rolling her eyes thinking to herself.. "This Abhishek is torturing me alot in the name of care.., And that too for you..,
My sweet junior "..,
She kept her palms featherly on her tummy and moved to step down when she noted a small chit under the juice glass and pulled it to know what was that..,

" Fuggy..., I waited for you to wake up.., but you didn't.. And I don't want to disturb you and my daughter from sleep..,
So I'm leaving this juice glass here beside you..,
Without any complaints just finish it fully.., and get ready after lunch.. I will come and
pick you from home..,
And yeah.. Also eat your food at time.. Don't think I will not know your frols.., I will get to know each and every step of you..,
see you soon.. Take care.. "

She hitted her forehead and placed the chit over the table saying.. Not me.. He is doing all the frols and pointing that I'm being adamant.. Let me see him at afternoon..,

She stood up and had a look at the wall clock which showed 11.30 am.. She was startled as she has slept for so long and that's why Abhi has left the note for her..

She then went for a bath..,
And when she was ready she drank the glass of juice..,
She time passed with few of the magazines when saw Robin
standing there with the food plate..

She took the plate from him while he said.. Di.. Sir has called and said to inform you that he will be here within an hour..,
Pragya smiled nodding her head and Robin left the room..,

Getting herself ready into a simple elegant saree.. She left her hair free..
Holding her long purse she checked once in the mirror and she walked out of the room but stopped near the door..,

She went into the room again and opened the cupboard and searched for something..,
She pulled a small box with a smile and unlocked it and took a beautiful bracelet..,
She weared it on to her hand saying.. You will be surprised for sure Abhishek on setting this bracelet on my hand.. She touched it again and remembered some of her old memories...


It was after the culturals was over and the college was back to normal environment..,
Pragya was late to college for the first time..

She was in auto on the way to college blabbering as..,
This bulbul nah.. being so stubborn yesterday night to roam in rain.., and now she is sick..,

Oh god.. Abhishek will be waiting for me.. I'm sure he is gonna take me good lessons..,
Her murmmering was on and on.. By the way they reached the college.. She settled the auto fare and saw the whole campus being so silent..

She stepped towards her department by wandering her eyes here and there to hold up her sight on her senior.,.
But she couldn't find him anywhere..,

Rushing towards her class she asked excuse and as it was her favorite lecturer Stella mam's class she permitted her inside... She smiled at Nisha who was sitting with a bored face at the last bench.

It was almost an hour went and the class got over..,
Pragya turned back to see Nisha downing her head over the writing bench.. She went and patted her shoulder while Nisha lifted her head up with a lazy look..,

Pragya.. Abhishek is so angry on you.., He waited for you till first period missing his class..,
He got back to class so angrily as you didn't come..,
Better go and meet him as soon as possible..
Nisha said and again went back to sleep..

Pragya shooked her saying..
Come with me nah.. Please..
I'm feeling so sleepy Pragya..
Please.., you go and meet him
I don't want to be in between you both.. Nisha said and turned her face to opposite direction while Pragya mouted and left the class..,

While leaving the class she mistakenly dashed with Annie near the door who was entering the class..,
She closed her eyes and panicked while Annie fumed at her..,

Pragya said sorry softly and without waiting for her response she walked fastly away from her as of now she want to meet him soon..,
While here Annie looks at her leaving and pushed the near by bench in frustration..,

Pragya was in Abhi's department in search of him..,
She was almost peeping into every classes from the window but couldn't see him..,

Finally she got him in one of the class .. as he was sitting in the last bench with full of frustration.. she tried calling him but he didn't catch her glimpse..

She then took a piece of paper from her bag and a pen and scribbled something..
She tapped a girl's hand who was sitting near by the window and pleased her to pass it to Abhi in her slow husky voice while the girl smiled and nodded by passing it by other students to Abhi..,

Sandy got the paper and he gestured Abhi to take it and he gave a blank look by opening it..

There he saw her handwriting as
" I'm so sorry Abhishek.., I was late to college and I know you were waiting for me..
I'm sorry to the core Abhishek
Just look at me.. I'm standing near the window "

Abhi looked towards the window where Pragya was standing with her pleading sorry filled eyes and Abhi twisted his lips on her by crushing the paper and throwing it under the desk plate..,

Pragya mouted her lips and took another paper and again scribbled something.., as usual she passed it again by the students to Abhi and he opened to see it..,

" This is the last time.. here after I will never do like this.. please Abhishek.., if you have forgiven me just give a smile looking at me and that's more fine for me..,
Please Abhishek.. I'm sorry nah"

Abhi looked at her angrily and grabbed the pen from Sandy who was taking notes..,
While Sandy gave a horrific look at him who didn't even pay attention of his antic and here Pragya giggled softly on him..,

He passed the paper to Pragya in the same manner and Pragya desperately opened the paper with excitement which lasted no longer after seeing the paper..,

"Don't be in front of my sight..,
Get lost..!"

This time Pragya twisted her lips and crushed the paper by throwing it inside her bag while Abhi gave a casual look at her..,

It was five minutes passed and still Pragya was standing looking at him ..,
But here Abhi ignored her.., though he glimpsed at her without her knowledge then and there..

And after few minutes he didn't find her near the window and propped his head by tilting either sides to check whether she had left really..,
Whom you are searching for..?!.. Sandy asked writing his notes..

And Abhi replied still looking at the window... Who else it is man.. This fuggy only..!..
While Sandy continued
Oh..she left long back..,
And yeah.. you are showing too much attitude.., pity of her..!

You don't take her side..,
She deserves... Abhi said in a anger tone and again looked at the window while Sandy said... Is it.. then for what you are searching her now..?!

Wohhh... actually.. I was checking on her.. as.. if she...
Before he could complete they heard a familiar voice saying excuse and both of them turned their faces eventually to see Pragya standing near the door..,

While the lecturer permitted her.. Sir.. Abhishek Mehra is been called in the office management immediately.., Pragya said with a needle smile while Abhi widened his eyes on her and the lecturer said..,
For what?!

Actually there is a complaint on him it seems from a girl..,
So they are calling him as soon as possible..,
Pragya said and winked her eyes on him

And everyone in the class turned back to look at him by murmmering among themselves ..,

Abhishek.. you may leave the class now.. the lecturer said and Abhi took his bag..,
He pushed Sandy aside who dashed with the wall while Pragya silently laughed at him..,

She moved quickly out of the class and Abhi followed her..,
She stood near the window and showed thumps up to Sandy who hitted his forehead and here Abhi crossed walking her angrily while she ran behind him..,

Till the end of corridor she walked silently behind him and after getting out of the building she walked equally next to him..,

He pushed her sidely but she stiffened somehow and continued walking along with him.. She then clutched his arms tightly and again he pushed her but this time his push was mush strong..were as a result she fell on the ground and her elbows got hurt with scratchy rashes of blood..

First Abhi didn't see her..but after her scream.. he turned to see her on the ground with her eyes shrinking looking at her wounded elbow..,

He dashed his head with his palm and as soon as rushed to her rescue.. While she angrily protested..,
He was so stubborn on pulling her up while she was keep on protesting..,

Finally he caught hold of her shoulder tightly and made her steps pulling towards the canteen.. On reaching there he pulled a chair from one of the dining round table and assisted her to sit..,

She pushed his hand from her shoulder and didn't utter her sight to see him while he thought..,,
"First me.. and now it's her turn..!.. But as usual she is doing too much and showing extreme stubbornness..,"
Thinking so he went near the wash tap and drenched his hand kerchief..,

He came and sat next to her while she turned her face to the opposite direction by blowing on her wound..,
He smiled slowly at her actions and grabbed her hand while she winced in pain..,
He then handled her softly and wiped of the muddy dust that was on top of the wound and blowed over it to ease her pain while her lips gave a semi circle smile..,

After a while..
he took his wallet from his Jean pocket and pulled a bandage out of it..,
Sticking it over the wound he stood up and was about to leave when Pragya pulled him back to sit while he eyed her angrily..,

What..?! I should be angry on you for hurting me..,
You know .. it's paining alot..,
Pragya said and weeped closing her eyes fakely while Abhi rolled his eyes and patted her head saying..,
Dumbo., Don't act again..,
How much drama you will do..?!.. And what you did.., came to my class and posing near window.. You know how many boys were looting you ..,
Idiot you are..!.. Completely Idiot Fuggy..

Ahh... what..!.. I can't get you Abhishek.., Pragya said blinking her eyes.. and Abhi continued.. You duffer..,
An idiot you are fuggy..,
Who asked you to do such things standing near window..,
And upon that you entered my class and directly stood facing my professor..,
Do you have anything inside your head.. I wonder how your are number one of the college..,

Oh my God..!!
I don't know what my classmates thought of me..,
How could you say like that .. haan..!!
Abhi almost freaked his anger out and Pragya started to laugh..,

She poured a glass of water saying.. Cool down senior..,
I said correctly nah..
Saying so she drank the water and Abhi pulled it from her and drank it..,
That's true nah..,
A girl was having a complaint on you and so I called you to enquire on it..,
Pragya said with a casual look and Abhi gestured as what..,
You are making me cry this much.., very bad of you..,
She said softly..,

But you deserve that.,
You made me to wait nah..,
Why were you late..,
You know my half day attendence is gone because if you..
And yeah..,
I was waiting for you in this cold rain .. you know....!

Abhi rhymed his complaints and Pragya let out a long breath by placing her palms on her cheeks..,
I said sorry nah..,
It's all because of your stupid partner against me..,
Bulbul was so adamant yesterday on the way to home... She drenched in rain and now caught cold ..,
I thought of taking leave.. but today there are some important classes..,
I don't want to miss it..
And so I was late to college..,
She said..

Abhi fumed his eyes saying..,
How mean... Insane you are..,
Now too you are not concerned about me nah..,.. Just don't talk with me here after..,

Pragya pulled his cheeks and laughed at him saying..,
Abhishek.. this face doesn't suits you.., Abhi too laughed and poked her nose saying..,
You know that I can't be angry on you.. First tell me how is Bulbul..!?..

Ufff.. that girl is taking my life out.. I warned her so many times not to go in rain.. but she is so adamant..,
And now she is inside the blanket sneezing for every minute.. Pragya spoke holding her breath

And Abhi pressed her mouth with his palms saying..,
I just asked a simple question and you started your engine in high speed.. Pragya laughed at his words and Abhi ordered two cups of ginger teas..,

In the meantime..

Pragya was wandering her eyes here and there and Abhi stood up behind her suddenly..
He lifted her dupatta and tied her eyes in a fraction of second while Pragya was blind folded of his actions..,
He sat next to her and protested her to speak by placing his finger on her lips..
And she silenced accordingly..

He touched her right hand and removed the pair of Bangles from it and pulled out a box from his bag..,
He locked a beautiful pretty bracelet around her wrist while she was clueless..,
He untied her eyes and atonce she was surprised at the same time shocked to see the bracelet while Abhi was flattened to see her eyes winking like a butterfly in-between his face and the bracelet..,

This is for your success fuggy..,
I thought of gifting it to you yesterday.. but as it was late already.. you left..,
How is it?!.. Abhi asked impatiently

Pragya choked her words as..
But .. Abhishek.. it.. it's so pretty and I like it alot..,
How did you get it..,
It looks.. looks so costly?!
Why do you want to know about it..!!.. You like it nah..,
That's what I want..,
Abhi said with a bright smile..,
Just answer me or else I don't want this..,
Pragya said and was about to remove the bracelet..

Abhi held her hand not to do so and said..,
You know nah.. I'm working as a volleyball trainer to school students in the sports club..,
I bought this for you from that money..,

Pragya closed her eyes sadly saying.. are you mad..,
That's your only income by which you are staying here..,
And why did you spent it like this.. What is the need to buy this.. You are there beside me nah Abhishek..!., That's more than enough for me..,

Will you stop your boring lectures fuggy..,
Of course I will be with you..,
But take this as my memory..,
Who knows.. anything may happen at anytime..,
Abhi said casually and Pragya angered saying..,
Once again if you say this..
I will smash your face..,
Abhi laughed pulling her cheeks while she hugged him and he kissed her head..,

***Back to present***

Pragya was cherishing on her past looking at the bracelet while she saw Robin calling him ..,
She asked him what.., and he replied as..,
Sir told to check on you whether you are ready..,
Your sir nah., eating my patience..
I'm ready..Where is he now.. ?!

Sir is in hall di.. he is waiting for you.. Robin said and Pragya asked him to go as she will be there in a minute..,

She then kept back the box in cupboard and while closing she saw her's Bulbul photo together..,
She traced the photo with a lonely tear on her eyes saying..,
I miss you Bulbul..,
But not to worry here after as my Abhishek is near me and I'm secured as well as you..,

Meanwhile here at the living Hall.. Abhi was sitting on the sofa and busy in his mobile..,
He saw a man dressed well in his coat and ties entering the house..,

At the same time Tanu too came there in her usual short dress with her mobile and clutch..,
She was shocked to see Nikhil​ there and then more shocked seeing Abhi..,
She came near them normally and Abhi flipped his eyes to both of them...

Abhi.. this is Nikhil sood..
One the producer of all my contracts..,
Abhi smiled at him by letting his hand out for shake saying..
Hello.. I'm Abhishek Mehra..
Nikhil shaked his hand with him while Tanu stared at him angrily by standing behind Abhi.. and Nikhil seemed to be tensed .., but covered it with his voice saying..,

I'm really sorry Mr. Mehra..,
I came without informing .,
I think you both are going out..,
No..no.. just now I came home and I think Tanu is leaving somewhere..,
Abhi said without any impression which affected Tanu who spoke as.. Haan.. actually I was going to meet one of my friend..,

That's okay..,
Anything important Mr. Nikhil.. you are here without any prior information.. Asked Abhi..
I came here to discuss about the next project.., As this is very important to me and your carrier..,
I'm sure this will build up your carrier to the next extreme level.., Nikhil said with a hidden smile which was noticed by Tanu..

But the unaware Abhi said..,
That hears very great..,
He saw the time and asked excuse from Nikhil by gesturing Tanu to come aside.. And she did so..,

Tanu.. I'm taking Pragya out with me.. as I want to get her some comfortable stuffs..,
This house is new to her and we both know that she may feel different of the environment..,
So to make her feel better I want to do some changes in the house and her room..,

I know you are busy.. and I don't want to disturb you or your work.. Tanu just nodded her head silently by without uttering a word and Abhi left upstairs towards Pragya's room..

Here Nikhil came to Tanu who was stood burning.., he asked her what happened.. She didn't voice anything and stepped out of the house in a bang while Nikhil followed her blindly..,

Here in Pragya's room..,
Pragya was deemed in her thoughts over Bulbul when Abhi came and closed her eyes from back which brought her back to present ....

Abhishek.., I know it's you.., Pragya said in a usual tone
And Abhi left her free saying..
Always you find it's me..
Very bad.., Why the hell God gave you this much smartness..
Better use that properly rather than pointing me always..,

Pragya narrowed her sight at him and said..,
It's you who is pointing and being back of me always..,
Like a kid you are torturing me with your crackly antics and you are writing in the chit that I'm being adamant..,
It's so bad of you and not me..,

Abhi shutted her mouth as usual and grabbed the photo from her saying.. Hmm.. in Bulbul thoughts nah.., Infact now we are going to meet her only..,
Pragya looked shocked hearing his words and Abhi continued..,
Yes.., I can't wait to see her anymore..,

But Abhishek.. it's too risky..,
As you think I can't roam out..,
If any of my Aunt's men sees me it will be a dead day for me and I can't afford to put you in trouble and to again make bulbul's life hell... Pragya​ panicked her voice..

While Abhi hugged her sideways saying.. Just relax fuggy..!
Don't worry of that or anything else when I'm with you.., remember that whatever trouble comes to you or Bulbul it should face me first and I will never let it reach you nor Bulbul..,
Is that clear..,

Pragya nodded with a smile and
Abhi lifted her hands placing on her tummy saying..,
And never be tensed of anything.. remember you have one more life inside you..,
Pragya winked her eyes happily while Abhi noted the bracelet in her hand and was wondered of it... You still have it with you fuggy..?!.. Wow.... Hmm.., how will I miss this..!!..

This was your memory left with me nah as you said on that day..,
Pragya said holding his fingers..,
But here on I will never let you stay alone with the memories..,
Abhi stressed his words that made Pragya to feel satisfied and they both left the house ..,

On the other side.., Tanu and Nikhil were in the car as Nikhil was driving and She seemed to be in her extreme anger..,
How dare he Nikhil..!
I'm his wife..not that Pragya..!
How could he take decisions on his own without even consulting me.. Did he forget that I brought her to the home..,

Come on Tanu..,
Your so silly.. She is not that worth for your anger or worry..,
Nikhil tried to calm her..,
But it didn't work as she continued her yelling..,
Is she trying to make her place secure without my knowledge..,
I'm just pissed off with his actions..,

He is being so protective and attached to the her for the baby.., that's all.. don't think much and stress yourself..,
Nikhil again eased his words..,

No Nikhil.., he is going too close with her as she is carrying the baby nah.., And..and..,
How did he tell like that..,
He just mentioned that it's her room.., Did he forget that it's our room.. I mean if I just move or change the curtain also he will shout at me..,

But now he wants to change the room according to her need..,
Isn't that ridiculous..,
Shit.., I'm thinking whether my decision was wrong...!

Just stop it Tanu..,
You are over thinking..,
After a long time we had planned for this day out and please don't spoil my mood with your nonsense blabbers..,
Nikhil warned her coldly while she kept quiet finally..,

On their way they waited in the signal and Nikhil looked at his side and was not clear on his view as he was seeing Abhi and the person next to him..,
Of course it was Pragya .., but he was not able to see her face clearly..,

The signal became green and Abhi moved faster while Nikhil too moved forward..,
Tanu.., I just want to see her once..,
I mean.. that Pragya..,
Nikhil said and Tanu fumed asking... For what?
Just.. I want to see her..,
I'm not sure of your words..,
But still it's better if we keep an eye on her..,
And for that I want to see her once... Never mind even if it's from far also... Tanu nodded on his words.,..,

Pragya was going through a magazine while Abhi was driving.. He grabbed the magazine from her hand saying..,
I'm here next to you and you are dipped in this boring magazine..,
Abhishek.. it takes almost more than 2 hours to reach the place..,
And already I'm feeling sleepy..,
Pragya said lazily...

You snail..!!
Very boring of you fuggy..,
I hope my little fuggy to be not like you... Abhi said for which she pulled his ear saying..,

Snail.., how mean Abhishek..!
For this.. for this only..,
I don't want to talk with you..,
I'm gonna sleep..,
She said and closed her eyes by folding her hands across..

Abhi let a sigh saying ..,
I'm sorry nah fuggy .. please.. it will be boring without your chuk..chuks..!!..
Let it be.., just for 2 hours imagine that you lost me..,
She said being in her eyes closed and Abhi said..
Not again fuggy..,
For which Pragya smiled..,

***Back to past***

Days passed accordingly..,

One night..
it was around 9 pm..,

Abhi was informed by one of his hostel mate that someone is waiting to see him in the reception..,

He went down and was confused to see a girl facing the other side with her head covered by her dupatta..,
He went near and said hello.., and saw the girl turned to be Bulbul..!!

He was shocked to see her state who was looking pale with her eyes swollen and halfly drenched in rain..,
On seeing him she let out her tears which made Abhi to panick..

Bulbul.., you are here.. at this time... Everything is fine nah.. where is Pragya.., did your aunt say anything..,
Where is fuggy first.. ?!

Abhishek.. Pragya di didn't return from college..,
I searched her everywhere.. but can't find her..,
I'm scared.. she will be fine nah.. Bulbul's shaky voice and words made Abhi to tremble..,


Will be continued..

How was the update..,?!

What was nice in the update ?!

And one more thing..
I just got a message from one person that..,
This story is so confusing with past and present..,
And the person also texted that..,
I should be clear in my updates..,

Is anyone here finding like that please let me know..,
As this kind of message..,
that too for this story made me shock..,
Please guys tell me your words on it.., even if anything negative view also please don't hesitate to let me know..

Very long update again..,
And I hope it will be liked by everyone those who are reading it..,

If so please vote and share your views.. without fail..

With love.,
Suba 😊💕

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