27.. Quiescent..

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"The moment after bring let go.. when we can finally let it go.. is the moment when love once again can hope.."


A lost.. but happy dream may shed its light upon our waking hours, and the whole day may be infected with the gloom of a dreary or sorrowful one.. Yet of neither may.. we be able to recover a trace..!..

One needs to understand that.. In the book of life.. the answers aren't in the back..

Abhi couldn't unravel what he is hearing.. and happening around him..!.. all the while he was flipping his eyes between Pragya.. Sandy and the people who were questioning in front of him..

While Tanu stood rejoicing each and every second.. especially her eyes were glued on Pragya.. who stood quiescenting the scene in front of her..

Sir.. will you tell us about the person.. whom you hired for this work..?!.. The questions started to raise again..

Is it a mutual deal.. or are you giving price to the person for this work..?!.. If so .. for how much you.. ..

Before the words could complete.. Abhi's voice thundered all over the place.. and people who were present there.. were astonished..

Not a word any more.. I attest.. I won't leave any one of you.. if any one utters a word about.. .. he paused.. when he felt her touch at his shoulder.. which was soft and tender..

Though he never wanted to face her.. his pounding heart gradually turned his sight towards her.. who was standing insipidly.. he felt each and every cell of his body being slitted incensedly..

Just then.. Sandy stepped down facing everyone.. and said.. Please.. I request everyone to leave the place immediately.. This is not the time for Abhi to answer all your questions..

If not now.. then when..?!.. Tanu asked.. and walked towards them.. as Abhi.. Sandy and Pragya looked on.. while she continued.. why are you deferring in between Sandy..!?..

I think.. It's time for us to announce this happy news.. that we are gonna become parents.. Saying so she clutched Abhi's arm tightly..

And Abhi saw Pragya.. who stepped back by putting her face down.. she was about to turn and leave.. At once Abhi held her fingers to stop.. but she turned and he caught her importuning eyes.. he left her fingers go.. and she disappeared from his sight as soon as she could even not minding her steps which were racing..

His attention was back again towards the people in front of them.. as Tanu started to speak..

Yes.. As I was saying few minutes ago.. that we are gonna become parents soon..!.. well.. actually..I thought of surprising my husband by calling you all here and revealing about this great news.. and yes.. I will answer for all your questions one by one..

Tanu.. just stop all this and ask them to leave the house.. right now.. Abhi mumbled his voice to Tanu..

Why Abhi.. aren't you happy to announce this.. I'm not giving them any false statement.. right..!.. then what is bothering you..?.. why are you keeping quiet like this..?!.. She asked keeping the smirking smile in her face..

With no other go.. he dragged her upstairs along with him.. as everyone looked on..

Abhi stopped in mid way and turned gesturing Sandy.. and he assured him..

Undefined Love.. Meaning Of Love  -  Abhigya Love FFWhere stories live. Discover now