14.. Elation..

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Chapter 14.. Elation..

"There is never a place or time for true love

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"There is never a place or time for true love.. It happens accidentally in a heartbeat.. in a single flash.. a throbbing moment.. unexpectedly.."


She neared him, who was lying over the long bench.. She peeped into his face, which was covered with his one hand and the other hand, under his head.. She was about to touch him, but he veiled his face and opens his eyes facing her..

She lurches back holding her chest, and Abhi shrinks his eyes looking at her baffled face..

Fuggi.. What happened..!?.. Are you fine..!?.. He asks lifting himself..

Abhishek.. What was that..!?.. You scared me suddenly.. I thought you were sleeping.. But you are awake.. What are you doing here alone..!?.. And where is Sandy..!?.. I am searching for you two from morning.. And you are here.. What happened to.. .. Before she could speak further.. Abhi pokes her nose and says.. Enough my chatterbox.. take a breath..

She makes stern faces at him and Abhi sighs at her, while she says.. That's too much.. I was worried about you two.. What happened to you..!?.. Is everything alright..!?..

Relax fuggi.. Sandy has gone to Delhi to see his Dadi.. You know right that, she is in Delhi for her treatment.. Early morning he got a call that, she is admitted in hospital.. So he rushed in flight.. Says Abhi..

Pragya stays silent and Abhi says.. I was feeling bored and alone.. So, I bunked my classes and came here.. But, how did you know that I'm here..!?..

I said nah, I was searching you two from morning.. But didn't find you two.. Then, I saw your bag lying in the last bench of your class.. and your football was missing.. Then, I went to the football court.. You were not there.. And then, I remembered Sandy once said me that you Ike this old sports room.. So, thought of checking here.. But why did you come to my class to see..?!.. She asks..

I came.. I stood near the window and tried to grab your attention, but you were busy with the lectures.. He says..

Is it.. When..!?.. She asks.. During second hour.. He says..

So, what.. you could have walked in and called me nah..!.. She sighs saying so..

How.. Will the Professor allow you.. And what reason will I give..!?.. He asks..

Undefined Love.. Meaning Of Love  -  Abhigya Love FFWhere stories live. Discover now