24... Fervent

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"Love is sometimes
in the sense..
The Heart wants..
What it wants..!"


Abhi and Sandy were
shocked seeing the person whom Pragya dashed with..
While she gave a shocking as well as agaped sight on
looking at the person..
Whose face with was filled with a delighted smile..
And a rose in his hand..

Pragya voiced with stupor..
Yet sweetly..!!
Oh my god.. You are here..
Is this my dream..?!?..
She stood statued at him..
And he as soon as hugged
her tightly..
While the boys.. Abhi and Sandy gasped in freaking shock..

Abhi was about to step
towards them..
While Sandy held his arm
and shooked his head as no..
And Abhi made his face
weird which was
merely grudging..,
Sandy.. Leave me..!!
Abhi huskily yelled..

And meanwhile..
Here Pragya and Ashish
broke the hug..
And Pragya said..
I just can't believe my eyes..
You are here..!!
Ahaan.. My dear sweet wife..!!
I'm in front of you..
I'm your Ashish only..,
He said cupping her cheeks..,

Wife..!! Abhi and Sandy
gulped their breath and squealed their voice..
As Abhi's heart was totally envious and unhinged..

Pragya and Ashish turned towards them ..
Pragya held his arm tightly
and pulled him towards the boys.. Who were standing freezed already..

Abhishek.. Meet Ashish..
My charming husband..
And Ashish..
This is Abhishek.. and that is Sandy.. My friends..!!
Said Pragya..

While Ashish forwarded his hand.. The boys were totally going numb as what they heard was completely shocking..,

Pra.. Pragya.. He.. I mean..!!
He is your husband..?!..
Sandy asked as his voice
was stammering..
And all the while Abhi was gluing his eyes over Pragya who was smiling brightly..

Oh.. Come on Pragya..
Your friends are in utter shock.. Let me explain them.. Ashish said and sighted at
the boys saying..,
Guys.. Relax..!!
We both are school mates...
And in school we did the
role of Ram and Sita in one
of the inter-school competition.. And we were awarded the first prize..

And after that..
We did many couple roles which made us the popular jodi of our school.. Everyone even gossiped that we are really in love.. and will be married couple in future..,

We never had such idea..
Were always best friends..
Infact once I playfully proposed her too..
Silly girl... She cried for a whole day and didn't come
to school.. Said Ashish with
a mocking laugh..

And Pragya continued..
Haan.. You know...
What this idiot did..!?
He jumped into my house through balcony... and I was shocked.. He bought me a big chocolate and my favorite ice cream..

Undefined Love.. Meaning Of Love  -  Abhigya Love FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora