12.. Sanguine..

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Hello everyone.. ❤️💜

Here is the next chapter..

Happy reading to everyone.. ❤️💜

Chapter 11.. Sanguine..

"Love is an undefined word, until someone special comes to gives it a definition

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"Love is an undefined word, until someone special comes to gives it a definition.."


Abhi felt a rumble inside him on hearing the kooky sound.. He jerks and flips behind to see a girl standing with a wide smile.. Abhi gasps his breath in and out.. And just then, he heard the same noise sounding in front him..


He lurches back and flips his face to see Pragya laughing at him.. He stands up quickly.  And in meantime Pragya walks towards her and the girls gave hifi to each other by giggling at Abhi..

That was awesome..!.. Your face was worth watching Abhishek.. Pragya says in between her laughs and Bulbul says.. Haan di.. he is so cute.. just like my teddy..!..

Oh hello.. What's happening here..?!.. Abhi asks in a frustrated voice.. What was that fuggi..?!.. Who is this devil..!?.. He asks throwing his unease sight at Bulbul.. While Bulbul walks close to him and forwards her hand saying.. Hi.. I'm Bulbul Arora.. Sister of Pragya Arora..!.. Bulbul introduced herself to him..

While Abhi rolls his eyes at her with sigh and looks at Pragya who winks at him.. He traces her palms and says.. Hi Bulbul.. I'm Abhishek..

Haan.. I know.. I know alot about you.. no no.. everything you.. My di nah.. She always keeps talking about you.. to say exactly, she only speaks about you.. and of course about Nishu di and what's his name..?!.. She shrinks her eyes and flips to Pragya, who walks to them and says.. Sandeep.. we call him Sandy..!..

I have heard alot about your from Pragya.. But you are more than what she said about you.. Insane..!.. He berates her..

Pragya laughs out loud looking at Bulbul and Abhi says.. Oh hello.. Stop giggling.. How ever she is.. she is not like you.. boring.. plain.. cry baby..!.. He nudges her..

Bulbul laughs at his words, while Pragya mout her lips flipping her between the two.. While Abhi gave a recline smile..

Undefined Love.. Meaning Of Love  -  Abhigya Love FFWhere stories live. Discover now