Love Beneath The Land. [Kisam...

By LuviaMirage

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Ryku had vanished after trying to find Kisame, her long lost lover. But during the journey she came across a... More

Ryku Kasumi.
Kisame Hoshigaki.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 24.

Chapter 23.

160 11 0
By LuviaMirage

  I wasn't at the spa for long, but as soon as I returned, Konoha was in ruins! I rushed around furiously and noticed people rebuilding. I was worried, completely worried. It wasn't long until I found Tsunade.
"Tsunade! What happened here?" I asked, dropping my things and rushing over to hug her tightly. She wrapped her arms tightly around me, she was shaking slightly as she muttered the most painful things ever in my ear.
"Jiraiya and Pein are dead, although since Nagato was Pein they are both dead, there's a lot to say but I know you don't want to hear it so I'm not going to continue," Tsunade said, causing my head to fall as I stared at the ground- The Pervy Sage was dead and so was Nagato. I clutched my fist tightly to my chest, taking deep well needed breaths although I just wanted to scream. My breaths came out ragged as I struggled to hold the tears back, I didn't want to live in this horrible world any more.
"Oh, thank you for telling me although I would have rather not knowing, in fact I wish I had never met them because I hate this feeling in my chest, I really do. It hurts so bad Tsunade," I whimpered, hugging her tightly and burying my face into her chest. She ran her fingers through my hair, smiling slightly.
"At least you have Naruto and the group," Tsunade smiled down at me causing me to smile up at her and nod my head, she was right but I had to see Kisame, I had to check up on him. I pulled away from her and gave her a bright smile.
"I'm going to go on a walk around the ruins, I'll be back later!" I yelled, rushing off in the direction to the South gate where I am hoping to run into Kisame somewhere out there- I wonder how he's holding up with Itachi, they were pretty close if I remember correctly. It wasn't long out there where I ran into some kid, he definitely knows Kisame because I can smell him on this kid which sounds creepy but its quite true. All I can smell is Kisame, 2 unknown smells and a Uchiha-like smell as well as Konan, Zetsu and Tobi/Obito.
"You smell like Kisame and the others, where is he?" I questioned, looking at the kid with hope in my eyes. He rose an eyebrow as he examined me closely with his purple eyes.
"First tell me who you are and how you know," The asked, snickering slightly. I frowned as I examined his hair, it was white. The colour suits him quite well, especially with his white teeth that seem to be quite sharp.
"I am Kisame's lover or well was, not much I can say now but I need to speak to him. I am also an ex member of the Akatsuki even ask Tobi," I replied, giving him a sly smirk as he grimaced before running his fingers through his hair.
"Well, I don't think you could do much damage if I took you to 'em so lets go girl," He said, turning around and walking into the forest. I grimaced as I followed him.
"I have a name you know- Kasumi, Ryku," I said, looking at the kid. He glanced at me from the corner of his eye, "Hozuki, Suigetsu," He replied, flashing a grin. I smiled to myself and shook my head as I examined his sword- It looks like Zabuza's.
"You have Zabuza's executioner sword? You must have taken it from his grave," I thought out-loud, causing the kid to look over at me slightly shocked before he smirked.
"You know of Zabuza? I'm shocked," He snickered, causing me to grunt at his smugness. I decided to say something that would piss him off quite a bit as well, of course it would only be as a joke.
"I also know of Mangetsu, he was nice. Isn't he your older brother though? Too bad," I said, running my fingers through my hair before flipping my hair and smirking at the shocked Suigetsu. He stared daggers at me the entire walk, not bad mouthing me one bit which made me happy, but all because I brought up his older brother? Thats a shocker. It wasn't long until we came to a building surrounded by trees, of course it seemed obvious and if they were lucky, any ninjas that were destined to stumble upon this place would believe it was too obvious to be a hide out. We walked through the door where I met the grinning face of Kisame, I sprinted over to him and surprised him by jumping on him, crying.
"Kisa-kun!" I yelled, throwing my arms dramatically around his neck, causing the other 3 unknown to stare- Konan seemed to not be present at the time while Tobi was sitting the Uchiha boy.
"Ryku!? Oh man, I never thought you would come back," Kisame grinned, causing me to smile up at him as I leaned forward and pressed my lips roughly against his, in which he returned the kiss. I smiled as I tangled my fingers in his dark blue-almost black locks. It wasn't look into the kiss where Suigetsu cleared his throat, I pulled away and noticed a red haired girl staring at us with hearts in her eyes but she quickly shook her head and put on an emotionless face. I chuckled to myself and looked over up Kisame who was grinning.
"I never thought you would kiss me for the first time even after I screwed up," Kisame chuckled sadly before grinning again as he pulled me into a hug, I know why he was so happy but how he was acting it made me so happy.
"I'm so glad you're back," Kisame added, kissing my forehead before looking over at the others, a shark-like grins spreading across his face, he looked quite cheeky but yet so handsome.
"Guys this is Ryku, my uh girlfriend," He looked over at me, his eyes begging me to tell him he was allowed to claim me as such, I chuckled at him and grinned at him and nodded my head.
"Yes, his girlfriend and I would love to say I have been for a long time now but sadly before I left the Akatsuki, the girl who brought out my mermaid side had kind of made out with him and did some control type of thing on some of the members and made them say some pretty harsh things so me I left the Akatsuki- well look, long story short me and him broke up a long time ago but our feelings for each other never vanished so I finally decided to man up and well, now you see the results and although he claims I'm his girlfriend, I would much rather him to ask me in a romantic situation but of course, this is okay too," I laughed, causing to red head to smile slightly before she pushed her glasses up.
"So, you knew Itachi?" The Uchiha boy asked, he was obviously Sasuke. I stared at the kid for a second, wanting to kill him for some odd reason, maybe it was because he killed Itachi, who knows.
"Yeah, I did. He was a good man and I'm not kidding, I just wish I had talked him out of what he did and was there to stop him from killing his clan, you shouldn't of killed him you know. A lot of people cared about him, well at least I like to think they did," I laughed nervously before looking at the ground, wanting to punch a brick wall.
"Alright, I completely understand now please do us the favour and join Taka," Sasuke muttered, causing me to glare- it was like he didn't care about Itachi but of course I could see right through his façade! Although he made it out he couldn't give to shits, he did. I ran my fingers through my recently cut short green hair, I nodded my head.
"Alright, but only to be with Kisame, if he dies though by any of you guys hands, I will leave but not without killing at least one of you," I smiled sweetly before leaning into Kisame and planting a kiss on his blue cheek, causing his face to redden. I smiled to myself, 'I don't care if I die as long as he is mine,' I thought to myself, giggling.  

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