speak | minishaw

By apatheticsdmn

203K 6.1K 2.5K

"prefer to not speak, because speech only creates mayhem." started writing - 14th of jan completed - 21st of... More

epilogue - 67
added extra - 68
a few months late thank you


1.4K 47 13
By apatheticsdmn

In some ways, Simon was lucky for being suspended in the mix of the photos being released online, it hadn't taken long for them to spread around like wildfire, and even though he isn't in school to experience the most action that surrounded it, the online hate was so real.

Josh and JJ had informed him about the stuff going on at school, it was all people seemed to be talking about on Thursday, the photos have now been deleted from Ashley's account, some nice enough to report it and get it taken down, but that didn't stop from the screenshots from others, you know what they say, everything that's posted is on the internet forever.

His friends didn't really care much about the photo, Josh and JJ tried to lighten up the situation by joking about the photos but Simon was in such a dismal mood that their attempts at cracking jokes didn't even have a slight effect on him, he stayed just in his room, crawled up in his bed. His words he spoke were minimal, he barley spoke anymore, he had retracted his speech.

Simon was scared for the ridicule he will receive when he attends school on Monday, just because he is a tough guy doesn't mean he can stop everything, he couldn't stop the girls that teased him for it, or the girls who secretly liked the pictures - sick fucks. He couldn't stop what happened during classes he wasn't in, he couldn't stop the things he didn't hear but was aware that it was going on.

Apparently even some teachers had heard about the news, overhearing the spreading gossip about the infamous silver headed boy, it was secret to what the teachers thought about the matter, they didn't try to put it under control, they let the teasing of Simon Minter run through their school, it was now out of control, the school further out of town closer to another district has even heard and seen the photos.

Simon had rocked up a few new followers on his Instagram, comments on his post just regarding the pictures, he wanted to throw his phone up against the wall, wanted to smash it and let it break into a million pieces because the comments did get to him. People could call him whatever they wanted, bad news, an idiot, a waste of space, whatever, but pictures are worth a thousand words, and these pictures were deadly.

According to Josh, Ashley had boosted in popularity faster than the speed of light, the whole school seemed to think she was this type of bad ass for releasing photos of one of the most popular, tough boys in the school, while it did come with some backlash, from the girls that did have a crush on Simon Minter, most people seemed happy with the new popular girl in their school.

Simon had yet to hear anything from Harry or Cal about the situation, which he didn't know was a good thing or not. He didn't want them to think of him differently after this whole situation, but how could you not? Harry used to be friends with Ashley, what was his reaction when the photos were released, surely he would of been mad or responded with some type of negative emotion.

Simon was wrapped up in his blankets, it was now Saturday, and he was planning on doing nothing with his weekend, the boys had decided to not go out and do anything today, not wanting to leave their friend alone for too long in such a state. Obviously he had been 'coping' on his own during school hours but that didn't stop the boys from worrying about his mental and physical health.

Simon was still a stick, the boys were helpful, they didn't interrogate him about his situation but the eating disorder had become so obvious now, they tried to hint at the fact in conversation but they never got the answers they were hoping for due to Simon's lack of speech recently. They didn't want to push him over the edge, so they stayed calm and monitored him carefully so he at least had something in his stomach throughout his days.

The boys brought him up food, most of the time he wouldn't eat it, but he knew the boys tried, so he always had a little something just to satisfy his friends, it made him feel horrible inside, the feeling of the food going down his throat made him almost gag, wanting nothing more to cough the food up before it rested in his stomach, the impending fear that the small bites would build up onto him.

He was scared to be engulfed in fat, having rolls amongst rolls on his stomach, to have thighs the size of baby elephants, those thoughts belonged in his worst nightmares. He hated the idea of not being skinny, his mind being so twisted that he preferred his rib cage poking through his flat stomach rather than having a few extra pounds pop up on the scale. It was sad to see a young male like this, deprived of self love and a healthy lifestyle. Instead he suffered with the terrible trauma that went along with having a life threatening eating disorder.

"Simon?" The knock on his door ringing through his ears, he didn't answer, instead let Josh just walk into his room, he opened his eyes up slightly, a blurry image through his orbs, he blinks repeatedly, trying to regain 20 / 20 vision. He finally looks up and is able to see Josh clearly, holding a bowl of fruit in his hand, he placing it down on his bedside table, before kneeling down to meet eyes with his best friend.

"Eat it please," his voice of tone not sounding more like a parents than a friends, a voice he had become so familiar these past few days, a voice that made him feel like he wasn't so old after all, a voice that made him feel like he was back with his father again, back with a family member.

"Stop babying me," he replies, looking at the ample amount of fruit placed inside the bowl, an apple, a banana, some grapes, a pear, it was all to much for him to consume, if he ate all of that he would be throwing it all up a few minutes later, the heathy food so poisonous to his body.

"I will, when you stop harming yourself," he frowns.

"I'm old enough to make my own decisions, you're not my father," he hissed back.

"You haven't had enough strength to get up and have a shower, what makes you think that me and JJ are going to leave you to be independent through this. We aren't trying to be your parents right now, but we're trying to make you better again, be the old Simon again."

"I don't want to be the old Simon again," he cries.

"I don't even want to be Simon." 

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