Lion's Den

By rtumblr1

38.9K 842 42

After a failed attempt at living away from the MC world, Roxanna Morrow realises that not much can keep you a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 5

1.7K 31 2
By rtumblr1

Harley's solution to Roxy's current funk was to have a girls night out. At first Roxy was opposed to the idea. But after some insistent nagging she relented and allowed Harley to take charge. Now they were at Harley and Luann's house with a couple of the other Cara Cara girls, Ima and Lyla, and Roxy was allowing a small group of porn stars to choose her outfit for the evening.

"C'mon Roxy you've got a bangin bod. You HAVE to wear this!" Lyla was insistent on a skin tight, black bandeau dress that juuuust covered Roxy's ass, hugged all her curves and even though it had straps barely concealed her cleavage.

"I dunno Lyla. It's a bit less than I'm used to wearing."

"Nonsense. Now you've got your sexy undies and those black shoes from home get them on and get this dress on then we'll sort make up and hair."

A few minutes later and Roxy was in front of the three other girls and a full length mirror. After a couple of seconds she had to admit she did feel pretty good.

The others were ready to go so they set about getting some drinks and sorting Roxy's hair and make up. By the time they were done she was a little buzzed and starting to feel like a cross between a model and a porn star.

God if Matt could see her now he'd flip out. She giggled to herself, finished her drink and followed the others to Luann's car. She had offered to drive them by the clubhouse to grab Roxy's phone before heading towards Stockton where there were some good bars and clubs.

As they pulled into the lot Roxy realised she had to actually go into the clubhouse dressed like this. She was starting to regret re scheduling with Wendy and agreeing to Harley's night out. But when she looked around she realised there were only a couple of bikes in the lot.

The girls got out ready to grab some drinks for the road from the bar while Roxy grabbed her phone off Juice.

"Ladies... We didn't know we were havin a party tonight." Chibs wiggled his eyebrows at the group who sauntered into the bar.

"You aren't. But we sure are!" Harley nudged Roxy over to Juice who had only just looked up from his laptop. She winked at Roxy and made her way to the bar with the other two.

Roxy self consciously walked over to the booth Juice was sitting in and sat opposite him.

"How'd you go with the phone?"

Juice took a second to answer. His brain kinda had a depleted blood flow at this point in time. Over the two weeks she'd been here the closest outfit to sexy he'd seen her in was the night of the SAMTAC dinner. Even then his mind was blown. Right now he was having a hard time keeping his eyes on her face.

He cleared his throat. "Uh good yeah."

She looked at him a minute, waiting for him to elaborate. God he couldn't even look at her face without his mind blanking. Roxy was naturally pretty without makeup. But all dolled up like this her crystal blue eyes contrasted so brightly with her hair he was somewhat mesmerised.

He grabbed the phone and pushed it towards her. "Uh it's all good now. Just kinda bumped it a bit when you threw it. Should work fine now. I charged it n shit so you should be right."

"Thanks Juice." She gave him a glittering smile before moving to get up.

"So uh where you guys off to tonight?"

She sat back again fiddling with her phone.

"Somewhere in Stockton. I have no idea what I'm doing but the girls apparently have me covered. I need to stop moping apparently."

"You don't mope."

"You're the only person that agrees with me there. But what the hell. Girls night with some porn stars? What could possibly go wrong?"

Juice chuckled. "Yeah we'll keep outta trouble. I know those girls and they're anything but Angels."

"I'm sure you know them." She winked and got up to go to the girls who were beckoning her over. Bottle of vodka and a bottle of tequila in hands for the short trip to Stockton.

"Hey I put my number in your phone." She looked at him for a second. "And Chibs', Tig's and Bobby's too. Hope you don't mind but I realised you didn't have any of the club numbers."

"Oh. Thanks. No I don't mind."

"They're not burners so if you ever need anything you should be able to get someone."

"Thanks again." She gave him a wave and walked off to follow the girls out the door.

Juice couldn't help but watch the way her ass moved in the tight dress. When the door shut behind them he downed the rest of his beer, wishing like hell he was going with them. He scanned the room, seeing a brunette sweet butt near the pool table with a couple of the other girls. He grabbed the laptop and walked over to her motioning towards the dorms. Naturally she obliged and started running her hands over his back as they made their way to his room.

By the time the girls actually reached the club in Stockton they were well and truly buzzed and ready to hit the dance floor. The Cara Cara girls knew the owner of this particular club so as soon as they were inside they were given cocktails and shown to a booth near the dance floor.

Roxy had to admit, it was super fun being made a fuss of. She was sure it had more to do with her gang of friends than anything else but hell she could ride the gravy train for one night.

By the time they made it to the dance floor the girls were wasted. Normally Roxy wouldn't have had any moves whatsoever but the drinks combined with Harley's coaxing loosened her up.

Before long they were had some guys showing interest. The other girls were loving it and soon paired off. One of the guys caught Roxy's eye. He was tall, dark and handsome and he was very interested in Roxy.

"So... Fancy a drink?" He was pressed against her back as the grinded the to the music.

Looking around and realising the others had paired off she agreed. They made their way to the bar and he ordered another couple drinks for them and they headed off to a more secluded booth.

After a couple of minutes he made his move. Roxy for once was enjoying herself, it was shallow but it was nice to have a hot guy interested in her and showing attention. His lips on her neck and his hand sliding her up her dress should have brought her back to reality. However she was drunk and enjoying herself.

Harley walked past at some point with her guy. Looked like they were heading to the back, she gave Roxy the thumbs up which she returned.

A few more minutes went by and the guy tried to pull her hand to his fly. Roxy stalled a bit and he noticed.

"Another drink?"

"Yeah sure." She smiled at him and he left to go grab some more.

She realised she better slow up, she didn't even know the guys name yet.

"Here you go." He smirked as he gave her another cocktail.

Roxy accepted happily and took a few sips. Throwing caution to the wind she decided, fuck it, she never did anything reckless, she barely even had a one night stand in college. It was about time she enjoyed herself.

Moving closer they picked up where they left off again. The guy's hand made its way further up her thigh and she edged closer before taking a few more sips of her drink. The guy's dark eyes watched her as he sipped his own drink. After a couple more minutes he suggested they get out of there, find some place more comfortable. She was reluctant to agree but when he pulled her up she couldn't say no.

As they walked through the bar she hazily looked around for the other girls but she couldn't see them anywhere.

By the time they were outside she was finding it hard to focus.

"What the hell cocktail was that?"

"A good one baby."

He helped her into the cab and started groping her again as he told the driver where to go.

Roxy was distracted by his hands on her chest. He groaned as he massaged her breast and she had a moment of clarity through the fog. She had no idea where she was or who she was with. But they pulled up at a house and the guy threw some cash at the driver and pulled her out of the cab.

A dulled panic set in as she was pulled into the small house. They hadn't driven for long so she assumed they were still around Stockton somewhere, but then again she couldn't be sure.

She needed a minute to sort through the mess in her head. It was getting increasingly hard to think and focus but she excused herself to the bathroom. It was then she realised he must have put something in her drink.

Luckily she still had her purse. She pulled out her phone and contemplated who to call. Harley wouldn't know where she was, if she even answered her phone. Jax was a good idea but how would he find her. Then she realised Juice. He'd be able to trace her phone. He would know how to do that shit. She hoped.

It rang a few times before he groggily answered.


"Juice? It's me." She was whispering and slurring heavily.

Juice shot up in bed, he recognised her voice straight away and knew something must be wrong for her to call him so late and so drunk. He got a feeling it was not a booty call.

"Roxy? Where are you? What's going on?"

The urgency in his tone clouded her mind and she was finding it harder to make sense of why she was calling.

"I need you to find me. Some guy. I dunno."

Juice shot out of bed and pulled his track pants on, firing up the laptop as he did so.

"Some guy what? Where are you Roxy?"

"I dunno. Stockton maybe. I think he spiked my drink." She groaned slightly. "Oh this is bad. I'm at his house."

"Fucks sake. What club were you at?"

"Striker? I think. Harley knew the owner."

She could hear footsteps in the hall. Before a knock on the door.

"Babe, you alright in there?"

Roxy turned the tap on. "Just freshening up." She called out.

"Roxy? Can you get out of there?" Juice was frantically trying to open the software that would trace her phone, glad he'd changed some of her settings earlier.

"I don't think so he's outside."


"I gotta go." She whispered. "He's outside."

"Fuck. Ok. Roxy keep your phone on the line. We'll come get you."

Just as he said that he got a pinpoint on her phone.


He heard the muffled sound of her phone in her bag as she opened the door of the bathroom before he heard the guy's muffled attempts to get her to follow him.

Rushing into the bar he saw Chibs and Half Sack still sitting around watching Bobby tinker on the guitar.

Pulling on his t shirt and kutte Juice ran over to them.

"Sack call Gemma tell her we need to find Roxy and we'll be bringing her back to theirs."

Thankful that Clay was at the warehouse with Jax and Tig tonight he beckoned for a confused Chibs and Bobby to follow him.

"What the fucks goin on Juicy Boy?" Chibs and Bobby hot on his heels to the lot.

"Roxy just called. Some guy has her at his house. He's drugged her. Wants us to come get her."

"Shit. Ok you take the van Juice we'll follow on bikes."

Juice ran to the van and practically jumped in and floored it out of the lot with Bobby and Chibs hot on his heels. Praying as they made the 20minute drive to Stockton that they'd make it before anything happened.

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