Motorcycle Girl: Book Two

By paperandpen444

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Nathan and Odeletta continue their lives in New York City. WIth five people in one house, each one bringing h... More

Chapter 1: Frost
Chapter 2: Annalise
Chapter 3: Plans
Chapter 4: She's Everything
Chapter 5: Harassed
Chapter 6: Makeup
Chapter 7: Run
Chapter 8: Shell
Chapter 9: Falling
Chapter 10: Lonely
Chapter 11: Drunk
Chapter 12: Bitter Reminiscing
Chapter 13: Five Missed Minutes
Chapter 14: Bail
Chapter 15: Confronted
Chapter 16: Lawyer
Chapter 17: Thinning Patience
Chapter 18: Verdict
Chapter 19: Secrets
Chapter 20: Chicago
Chapter 21: Questions
Chapter 22: Darlin
Chapter 23: Nightmare
Chapter 24: Dead End
Chapter 25: Unwanted Visitor
Chapter 26: A Beautiful Mess
Chapter 27: Fight
Chapter 28: Distance
Chapter 29: Butt Cards
Chapter 30: Seatbelt
Chapter 32: Bodacious
Chapter 33: Secret
Chapter 34: Eight Weeks
Chapter 35: Throwback
Chapter 36: Settling
Chapter 37: Amanda Baldwin
Chapter 38: Space
Chapter 39: 110%
Chapter 40: Coping
Chapter 41: 4:26PM
Chapter 42: Not Tired

Chapter 31: Chicago Ghetto

5.9K 241 40
By paperandpen444

Cars are zipping past so close to Beast's front bumper and she's just sitting there, frozen. I remove my arm from her chest.

"Put on your seatbelt!" I shout at her. "Right now!"

She jumps at my voice and grabs the black strap, clipping it in place across her body.

The green light turns yellow, and then red, and a moment later, ours turns green.

She presses down on the gas lightly, crossing the intersection.

"Pull the car over." I order, leaving no room for argument.

She gets over in the right lane and pulls over.

"Get out." I say, unbuckling my seatbelt.


I swear, this girl is so aggravating.

"Odeletta, get out of the car."

She looks at me.


And then she pulls back onto the street, back into the left lane.

I'm so mad, I find myself wanting to grab the wheel. I want to shake the shit out of her and tell her to stop being a brat. I know without a shadow of a doubt I've reached my limit for her bullshit. I need to get out of this car before I say something really rude and hurtful.

So when she stops at the next red light, I unbuckle my seatbelt and get out of the car, slamming the door behind me.

"Nathan!" I hear her yell after rolling down the window.

I ignore her, shoving my hands deep in my pockets.

I slam my hand down on the button to cross the street.

When the light changes, I see her try to get over, probably to turn, but there's no space. The Mazda behind her honks violently and she shouts, "Real mature Nathan!"

I roll my eyes as she drives off.


"What if he does not come back?" I ask, glancing worriedly at the clock. It is well past midnight and he got out of the car around ten.

"He's coming back." Anna says.

"Don't give her reassurance." Gwen says.

"What?" Annalise asks.

"Don't reassure her." She scoffs at me. "You were such a brat tonight, Odeletta. You need to stop being so rude to him. You called him immature but you were the immature one. You owe him an apology."

"What?" I ask. "How? He's the one who-"

"Who threw his arm across your chest to keep you from going through the windshield? You would have died! He told you to put your seatbelt on, but you're too fucking stubborn! Stop being so dense and think for one second that maybe you were wrong!"

I press my lips together, letting out a small sigh.


Around 12:30, I let myself into Gwen's house.

I don't think she would mind me just walking in seeing as I'm staying here for the night.

The moment the door shut, Odeletta walks into the foyer.

"Where have you been?" She demands.

I just shake my head.

"I'm going to bed."

"Hell no you're not." She moves to stand in front of me, blocking the stairs.

I pinch the bridge of my nose.

And then she says six words that makes my patience snap.

"You are being a dick tonight."

I lift my eyes from the ground, glaring daggers at her.

"You're one to talk." I hiss.

Her eyebrows raise and she looks amused.

"Oh really? I got her hands off of you, Nathan!" She snarls.

"God you're such a-" I cut off, the word stopping on my tongue.

"What?" She snaps. "I'm a what? Please enlighten me!"

"You're a bitch!" I explode. I clasp my hands together. I see hurt flash on her face, but she masks it quickly with anger. "You are such a fucking bitch! You seriously think it's okay for you to tell some random girl in a bar that if she wins a fight with you, she can take me home to bed?" I yell at her. "Like I'm some kind of-of product you own? You told her if she won she could marry me! Like I mean nothing to you! And then you had the fucking nerve to call me dramatic, saying I was letting her kiss all over me? You told me to shut up, said I was a coward because I didn't cuss her out! I told you to put your fucking seatbelt on twice before you actually did it! If I wasn't next to you, you'd be roadkill right now! How fucking dare you call me immature when I got out of that car! I got out because I was about to cuss you out!"

She looks stunned.

"And then you called me a dick. Why? What did I possibly do that could make you call me a dick? Yell at you to put your seatbelt on? Try and get you to let me drive because you were shaking so bad? I'm sorry for giving a shit about you, Odeletta. Don't worry, it won't happen again."

I step around her and storm up the stairs.

I open every single door until I find one that has Odette's things inside of it.

Slamming it shut, I throw myself onto the twin sized bed, facedown.

I breathe in her scent in the pillow and let out a frustrated groan. I sit up, running my fingers through my hair. I tug at the ends, my arms shaking with the desire to hit something.

I called her a bitch.

I called her a bitch.

I grip the window sills shakily.

I called her a fucking bitch!

I pace around the room, shoving my hands in my pockets.

My arms become restless so I remove my hands from my pockets, tugging my hair again.

I crossed a line.

I used to call girls bitches all the time, but saying it to hurt makes my throat burn like I've just downed shots or swallowed a ball of fire.

Being angry with her makes me heart ache, my mind numb, but calling her a bitch? That's too painful. I can't believe those words left my mouth. I feel edgy and I know I can't pace around this bedroom much longer. I'm about to lash out.

She treated me like a piece of property. I was mad and I called her a bitch.

The thought of that makes my head start pounding and I groan, rubbing my temples.

No, I need to get the hell out of this house.

I walk out of the bedroom, slamming the door behind me.

I silently thank myself that I didn't break it from the force of it shutting. I pound down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Gwen asks.

"I need to go." I say, my voice hoarse. Odette looks mad and my hands are in tight fists in my pockets, every single vein in my shoulders and arms bulging out of the skin.

"No you're not." Gwen says.

"I need to go." I respond.

I reach for the doorknob, but she darts in front of the handle.

"Nathan, you can't keep walking off when you get angry." She says. The fact that she isn't letting me out is making me want to punch a hole in the wall.

Last time I was this upset over Odeletta, I destroyed my bedroom and punched a hole in the wall.

I wasn't even angry then, I was more frustrated.

Now I'm wanting to break something out of pure anger, not only at her, but at me too.

"You can't run out on her again." Gwen says.


"I'll come back." I say through clenched teeth.

"Go to the basement and calm down there."

I grit my teeth in annoyance, watching as she turns the deadbolt. Her eyes look at my biceps and I see her swallow nervously.

Still, she holds her stance.

"I did not realize staying in the same building as me was so unedurable." Odeletta says under her breath.

My eyes snap onto her and I feel my fists tighten.

My arms are shaking. I clench my jaw so hard I'm worried my teeth might break, and then I open my mouth to cuss Odette out again, but I slam it shut.

"Which way to the basement?" I ask through my teeth.

"Though that door." Gwen says, nodding at a door.

I rip it open and slam it shut, feeling the wall for a light switch.

When I find it, I flip it up and make my way down the stairs.

All that's in here are a ton of boxes and a door that leads outside.

I pace around for a while, my fists clenching and unclenching.

And then I look at the outside door, hesitating.

I walk over to it and turn the knob.

It opens easily. I slip out into the snowy early March air, taking a deep breath.

Pulling the hood to my jacket up, I dart across Gwen's back yard and jump the fence, landing with a thud on a sidewalk near a few stores.

I shove my hands in the pockets of my sweatshirt and start walking.

I'm not going to leave Odeletta, I just need to go on a walk before I violently destroy the room Odette has been staying in, or I break one of Gwen's lights...or punch a hole in a wall.

I walk down the sidewalk, cars and people whizzing past me.

I desperately want to punch something. I need a way to relieve my anger, and fast.


The longer I stand here, the more annoyed I get. I head for the door, but Gwen moves to block me.

"No." She says.

Rolling my eyes, I grab the keys to Lucia and turn around, walking to the dining room.

Before I can slip out the back, she darts in front of me.

"Fine." I snarl.

I go into the basement with he is.

Only, when I get down here, he's not here.

I outside door is slightly ajar.

"Connard." I mutter, walking out the back door as his words replay over and over in my head.

You're such a fucking bitch.

I ignore the pang in my chest as I shut the back door quietly and pull the hood to Nathan's sweatshirt over my head. I go to the garage and open the back door, not the giant door. I grab Lucia's handlebars and walk her to the front of the house, away from the windows.

I put my helmet on and zip up my leather jacket so I can make a quick escape.

I know when Gwen hears Lucia she's going to come outside.

Lucia is the only thing that can calm me down.

After turning on the choke, I slam my foot down on the kickstart.

She loads loudly to life, and immediately I hear the front door open.

"Odeletta!" Gwen shouts.

I throw my leg over her seat, lift the kickstand with my foot, and go flying off her property.


I drove around the city before I realized my gas light was on. I have calmed down a lot and realized how much of a bitch I was.

I'm in the heart of the Chicago ghetto but I have no choice to stop at this run down gas station.

I'll just get gas and go back to the better area.

I shut off Lucia's engine at a pump and glance at the machine.

Payment not working. Pay inside.

I grimace.

I'll just pay and get the fuck out.

I glance up at the pump number. Three.

That's not even a good number.

I grit my teeth, take a deep breath, and remove my helmet, putting it under Lucia's seat. I clench my hands in fists, my left hand locked around my debit card as I walk across the crummy gas station parking lot and inside.

Every single head turns when I walk in. I tighten my jaw, perfect my glare, and pretend not to notice.

I get in line behind a guy who has a long beard, dirty clothes, and reeks of grass and body odor.

I see a man across the store, he's really tall, probably close to seven feet. He's shirtless, wearing just red sweatpants. He's skinny, so skinny I can count his ribs. His eyes are hollow and there's needle marks all up and down his arms.

An unlit cigarette is nestled between his lips.

I see his head turn and I advert my gaze to a package of gum, staring at it like it's talking to me.

He gets behind me in line, standing close, and he reeks of alcohol and marijuana. I clench my jaw tightly and pretend not to notice, looking down at my right hand fingernails with a bored expression on my face.

I finally get to the counter and the man there has a round belly, two chins, and he looks like he hasn't shaven in a week. His eyes are so dark they're almost black and he stinks like cigarettes.

"Ten on three." I say, my tone flat as I slide him my debit card.

He grunts in response, taking my card. He taps the screen a few times and then swipes my card.

I can feel the skinny guy behind me breathing on my neck and every single hair on my body rises and I shudder internally.

He slides my card back.

"There ya go babe." The guy says.

"Merci." I thank him gruffly, and then walk out, shoving my hands back in my jacket pockets.

I keep my head down as I walk over to Lucia.

I quickly unscrew the cap, pick up the pump, press the grade and stuff the nozzle in her tank, flicking the little metal tab down to hold the lever so I don't have to.

Every single hair on my body stands up as I feel a presence behind me.

I glance over my shoulder to see that tall guy standing behind me.

"Is there something you wanted?" I ask, bored. I hear him chuckle and I turn to face him fully.

"Damn right." He looks me up and down, his lips curling into a snarl. His eyes linger on my chest, which is covered by my jacket and he swallows approvingly. He looks at me like shark bait, licking his lips. He takes a step towards me and I remain bored, even though internally, I'm trembling. "I want-" he cuts his words off when his eyes land on something behind me. His eyes flicker with something unrecognizable and I glance over my shoulder.

A burly man in jeans and a black sweatshirt with the hood up is walking towards us. He is clenching and unclenching his fists.

I'm going to be gang raped and then murdered.

I force my fear down, thinking of a way I can get my phone to call for the police. Any anger I had over the fight with Nathan vanishes as the man stops in front of me after stepping over the line to the pump inside of Lucia.

Now all I want is Nathan. I gulp in fear as I take in his large arms.

I think of how Nathan will be when I'm found, naked and beaten in some ditch.

I think of his brown eyes, his dirty blonde hair, his strong arms wrapped around around my body and I feel my heart ache.

I don't want to die while fighting with him.

The man is facing the tall shirtless skinny guy.

Why is he shirtless? It's like nineteen degrees outside!

The man turns to me then, the strings to his hood pulled so tightly that I can't see his face at all, and then he steps towards me, his body pressing into mine. He pins me against the gas machine, his hands on either side of my head.

They drop down to my hips, his body crushing me to the machine. I feel my hands trembling. He's pushing me too hard, I can't bring my knee up to his crotch.

His hands are warm as they slip under my shirt, brushing against my skin. I feel myself shaking now, not just my hands.

He leans his head down, his lips against my ear. I hear him breathing and I can physically feel him sucking air in that close to me and breathing it out through his mouth. I whimper softly.

I want Nathan. I want Nathan so bad. My entire body floods with fear and I stand, glued to the machine and his body. I can feel heat radiating off of him and I find my hands starting to sweat. I blink tears from my eyes, shaking violently.

I'm not cold, either.

I want Nathan. I want him to show up here out of nowhere and get these guys to leave me alone. I want him to protect me and love me, even when he hates me. I want him here so bad. I haven't seen him in forever and now that he's here, i was a total bitch and we got into a huge fight and now I'm going to die before I can tell him how sorry that I am.

He pulls back then, turning to the tall skinny guy.

He steps towards him, speaking lowly to him, deathly almost. I can't hear his voice, but whatever he says sends the guy walking away.

He turns to me then.

Call Nathan, you idiot!

I find my limbs responding.

And then I run, elbowing him roughly in the ribs.

Officer Larik's voice echos in my head.

"If you ever see him again, you run. Run as hard as you can, and as far as you can, into the most public place you can. We live in the city so it won't be hard to find a crowd. Run to a store, run to anyone. Just run...and then call me."

I pull my phone from my pocket as I run as hard as I can, frantically dialing the first number I can think of. He's not Jacob, but I don't want him to be the next Jacob.

I trip over something on the dirty Chicago sidewalk and go crashing to the ground, skidding. My phone falls from my hand just as it starts dialing and slides a few feet away. I feel a breeze on my knees and I know I ripped my jeans and my knees. My hands sting,  and I'm trembling.

I hear footsteps right behind me and warm tears rush down my cheeks.

I feel arms lock around my waist.

"No!" I scream. "Let go of me!"

My phone is still ringing on the ground and I start sobbing, flailing in the mans grip. He's holding me tightly and I hit my fists against the arms around me, screaming as hard and as loud as I can.

"Stop!" He says. "Somebody is going to call the police!"

I scream over his voice until he finally discards me on the ground. I lunge for my phone to find it went to voicemail.

He didn't answer. He wasn't there for me when I needed him!

"He doesn't care!" I choke out. I see my vision blur and I know I've lost my contacts. I grope the ground for my phone, unable to see anything. There's so many city lights in my sight, my tears blurring them into blobs.

I feel heavy sobs shake my body as I reach for my phone, my hands bleeding from when I fell.

"I'm going to be murdered and he did not pick up the phone." I whimper.

I feel the mans hands on my shoulders after he picks my phone up off the ground.

"N-no!" I choke between sobs. "D-do not kill me! Please!"  I scream the last word, crying harder than I have in a long time.

I feel him grip my shoulders, shaking me lightly.

"Open your eyes, dammit! Look at me!"

My hair is in my eyes and I shove it back with my bloody hand, blinking through my tears. More of them cascade down my cheeks.

His hood is down, his eyebrows creased in concern. His messy blonde hair falls into his eyes slightly.

My eyes move down to his sweatshirt.

University of Colorado is printed on the front.

"I didn't need to answer the phone, mon amour." He says softly, using the back of his hand to brush my tears off of my cheeks. "I was right here the whole time."



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