Motorcycle Girl: Book Two

By paperandpen444

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Nathan and Odeletta continue their lives in New York City. WIth five people in one house, each one bringing h... More

Chapter 1: Frost
Chapter 2: Annalise
Chapter 3: Plans
Chapter 4: She's Everything
Chapter 5: Harassed
Chapter 6: Makeup
Chapter 7: Run
Chapter 8: Shell
Chapter 9: Falling
Chapter 10: Lonely
Chapter 11: Drunk
Chapter 12: Bitter Reminiscing
Chapter 13: Five Missed Minutes
Chapter 14: Bail
Chapter 15: Confronted
Chapter 16: Lawyer
Chapter 17: Thinning Patience
Chapter 18: Verdict
Chapter 19: Secrets
Chapter 20: Chicago
Chapter 21: Questions
Chapter 22: Darlin
Chapter 24: Dead End
Chapter 25: Unwanted Visitor
Chapter 26: A Beautiful Mess
Chapter 27: Fight
Chapter 28: Distance
Chapter 29: Butt Cards
Chapter 30: Seatbelt
Chapter 31: Chicago Ghetto
Chapter 32: Bodacious
Chapter 33: Secret
Chapter 34: Eight Weeks
Chapter 35: Throwback
Chapter 36: Settling
Chapter 37: Amanda Baldwin
Chapter 38: Space
Chapter 39: 110%
Chapter 40: Coping
Chapter 41: 4:26PM
Chapter 42: Not Tired

Chapter 23: Nightmare

6K 237 16
By paperandpen444



Enjoy :)


The amount of time that iPad crashed before I got it to load through the actual internet I lost count.

The woman, Jasmine, put her baby in the crib and now she's sitting with me. She made burger and I almost moaned when I ate them.

It's eleven at night now.

I get it to load.

And then it crashes. I let out a frustrated groan.

Jasmine waves her hand off.

"Stay the night and tomorrow figure out something to do."

"I don't want to impose." I mutter.

"Nah, stick around." She waves her had dismissively. "What brings you to Andes anyways? There's nothing here."

I sigh and explain what happened. She listens and we drink our beers.

She kicks back, her feet on the kitchen table.

"You have balls doing that shit. I'd have sat on the ground and cries and shivered."

I laugh.

"I've done it before." I say. "Let's just say I'm good at camping."

She snorts.

"I'd offer up the TV but our channels consist of the news and soaps, and they're not to good soaps.

"That's fine." I say, wishing she had an iPhone so I could charge my phone.

There's no reception so I couldn't call Nathan but I could at least Play Temple run or Hop or something.

"I wonder if he's reported me missing." I mumble.

"Let's check." She says, flicking on the TV.

We move to the couch with our beers.

And my face is on the screen.

I blow out a breath.

"My fiancé is probably beside himself."


I haven't slept in three days or something, I haven't showered and Gwen practically forced me to eat.

I reported her as a missing person and my time of waiting consists of checking my phone and looking at photos of Odette.

When I'm not on my phone, I'm pacing.

I have a bad feeling that Jacob snatched her up and raped and killed her but the cop assigned on her missing person case is Officer Larik and he told me that Jacob is crossed off the list because he was at a party at his own house and there's over a hundred people there to verify he was there.

Larik has tried everything it find her but there's so sight of her.

"She hasn't made any transactions since before you left for Colorado." Larik says.

It's eleven at night. How could she not have made transactions.

I begged him to check her bank.

No transactions.

"She hasn't bought gas?" I whisper, feeling my last shed of hope vanish.

"No." He says.

"What about Lucia?" Gwen demands. "You didn't trace the plate?"

"Nobody has reported seeing her motorcycle. Odeletta is all over the news, I'm sure she'll turn up." Larik says calmly. "But for now Nathan, you need to get some sleep."

I sigh.

"And take a shower." He adds. "When I come back tomorrow, if you're not showered and reenergized...I'll arrest you."

I laugh quietly, knowing he's joking.

"Alright." I nod. He walks out.

"You heard the man." Mom says.


I'm sitting in a room. It's dark. The metal bed I'm in is hard metal and it makes my ass ache.

I stand lift my head, looking around.

I see a bed across from me and Odeletta's left foot is tied against the leg of it. Her hands are cuffed behind her back. She keeps looking over here.

"Odette?" I ask. Her head snaps up.

"Beau." She whispers. "You have to help me! He's coming!"

"Who?" I stand up. "What's are you talking about?"

The door across the room we're in opens and Jacob walks in, a nasty sneer on his face.

"Nathan." Odeletta whimpers.

I stand up fast.

"Hey, don't fucking touch her man."

I'm not tied, so I walk towards him.

My face slams into something hard in front of me.

What the fuck?

I put my hand out.


It goes up all the way, trapping me.

I watch as he advances towards Odette.

"Don't touch me." She says, pushing herself as far from him as she can.

"You should've sold me that bike when you got the chance." He slaps her.

"Hey!" I shout, hitting the glass. "Don't touch her!"

I try getting out as he keeps hitting her and kicking her, and I can hear her crying out in pain as he beats her, beating her until she slumps over, bleeding and unconscious.

"Don't touch her, you fucking dildo! Leave her alone! She's innocent! Leave her alone!" My shouts echo around the room. I grab the metal bed, smashing it into the glass.

It doesn't give.

He climbs on top of her, taking advantage of her unconscious form.

I can hear screaming, and I realize that it's me. I slam the bed against the glass repeatedly. She wakes up in the middle of it and she just cries hysterically

When he's done, and pulls out a gun, and my screams increase.

She looks out me. Our eyes lock.

"Nathan." She whimpers. "Help me."

The deafening sound of the gun hits my ears, interrupting the screams erupting from my hoarse throat.

The glass vanishes, the bed shooting across the room. The floor in there is like ice. I run towards Jacob, ready to murder him, but he vanishes.

"Odette." I whimper. "No, oh god no!"

I rush to her, cradling her body in my hands. She's bleeding from her head. I put my hand over the wound.

"Help! Somebody help!" I scream. "Odette, wake up! Wake up!"

"Wake up!"

"Nathan! Wake the fuck up!"


I sit up fast, my body caked in sweat, gasping.

My throat is hoarse.

I see Gabe peering down at me with Mason.

My parents are in my room, Odette's parents, Gwen...

I look around wildly for her, feeling her side of the bed, but it's cold.

I get out of bed, tripping on the sheets I'm tangled in.

"Where's Odette?" I ask, my voice hoarse.

My cheeks are wet.

"What?" Mom asks. "Sweetie, she's still not home."

"What do you mean she's not home?" I shout.

My throat feels constricted. I can't breathe.

I hear Mom talking to me, Dad making me sit down on the bed. Adelaide and Gwen are kneeling in front of me, trying to talk to me.

"She's dead. I couldn't protect her from him. She's dead. She's gone."

I see them move and Mason kneels in front of me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey Nate, I'm here alright? Who's dead? What's happened?"

"Odeletta." I whimper. "He got her Mace, he got her!"

"What can I do?" He asks his chest is rising and falling heavily, steadily, and I copy his breathing.

"You can go get Odeletta." I whisper. "I need Odeletta. Please. She's going to the hospital. They're going to help her Mace, you gotta go help them."

"Okay, how about you come with me to the hospital?" He suggests. "I'm sure she would want to see you."

"Okay." I say.

He doesn't move though, his hand remains on my shoulder, and I keeping following his breathing until mine has returned to normal.

He stays like that for a while, waiting.

After nearly a half hour, I realize it was a nightmare, that she's still missing.

"Good?" Mason asks.

I let out a slow breath.

I feel tears burning the back of my eyes.

"Can you guys get out?" I whisper.

"Are you okay?" Adelaide asks softly.

"I'm fine." I mutter. "I'm sorry. It was-"

"A nightmare." She gives me a sad smile. "Odette woke up like that every night."

"I'll be right upstairs." Mason says, standing up.

They all walk out, shutting the door behind themselves.

I stare at the wood floor.

It was a nightmare but he could have her. He easily could've slipped out of that party. They saw him but that doesn't mean he was there the whole time. He could've snatched her up.

The way she looked at me, beaten and bloody and crying, whispering for me to help her.

And I couldn't. I was trapped behind that glass.

The glass is this house, and she's out there somewhere, scared and alone.

She's scared and alone and I can't help her.

I silent sob shakes my body, followed by another.

I curl onto Odette's side of the bed, burying my head in her pillow, and I just cry.

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