DayDream (Liam Payne FF) (BWW...

By 4blkarrows

180K 5.8K 1.1K

Everything isn't always as it seems. I thought I loved 'her'. I thought 'she' loved me. Boy was that a plot t... More

DayDream (Liam Payne)
Sophia. -Is it hot in here?.. or is it just me?
Sophia - pain.
Sophia (Therapy)
Aubri- funny how things work
Liam- worry.
Sophia... everything isn't ...
Aubri - Liam
2 and a half months ago.
Liam- I'd do anything to save you.
Sophia- blurred lines & kettle black
Aubri- Everybody needs somebody
Liam- Getting real tired
Sophia- Oh...
Sophia -blame it on the ... ?
Aubri -talk lyric to me
Aubri (31)
Liam -32
Well isn't this just cozy -33
Sophia - Tell me a lie
(35) Liam
(36) Aubri
(xx) Jupiter Love
(xx) Something Great
Blood is thicker
Liam (41)
Sophia (42)
Weird spaces.
47. Aubri
Fix your makeup & get on with it
Glass Houses & Card decks
Latch (50)
What to expect...
Misery Business
You can call me Mrs.Payne
About Time
The thing about payne...
Can you keep a secret? (56)
Make me feel numb
New York, New York (60)
In other news
Morning Sickness
Baby, baby, baby... oh.
Peanut *
6 months
Author's note
Oops... Did I do that?
Stay Alive
Blank Space
Her Asylum
Killer heels
The Sound of My Heart
White Noise
Author's note
Sometime in the future/ End of Part I
New Story

(29) Liam

2.3K 77 42
By 4blkarrows

(30) Liam

“I just wanted to know if you know that the fans are going bat shit crazy on twitter at the picture you posted.”

“I do.” I respond, and I do know. I know that I have to protect her even more so now. I love my fans but they can get brutal… if they ever found out about her reasons for leaving New York, I can’t say for certain that they’d be totally understanding about it. She turns and smiles at me, the light hitting her eyes, making them shine… or is she about to cry?

 I take in her features as she snuggles back into my chest, hiding the blush that spreads across her face as I kiss her head and take her hand.

You ever meet someone and get that feeling? You know, that feeling like they’re going to change your life?

Yeah. I mean, sure we’ve only known each other for a few days, but in this business you learn to read people in short spaces of time. She’s genuine. I also appreciate that she tries to hold it together and treat me like a normal person. I like it.

Chris grins at me as he takes in the sight of Aubri’s fingers intertwined with my own. He’ll never admit it, but I know he didn’t care for Sophia and anyone but her is enough to make him happy, though he genuinely likes Aubri. All the guys do and that’s making this a lot easier for me.

I’m not going to lie and say that my heart doesn’t hurt with the whole situation with Sophia, I mean I’ve known her for a really long time and we were together for a bit.

Just wasn’t meant to be.

No matter what I would’ve done, she would have still been doing what she was doing and I would have been none the wiser.

Making a mental note to return the ring I purchased for her, I tune back into the conversation between Aubri and Chris.

“What about going out?” I ask, looking down at Aubri as she appears to be in deep thought.

“Thinking we want to go clubbing.” Chris answers as Aubri nods along.

“I know just the place we can go later on today.”

Nodding Chris exits the room, leaving Aubri and I in comfortable silence as she hits the resume button on the wii, continuing the movie. She gets really fidgety moments later.

Shifting, I help her sit up without elbowing me in the ribs and ask her is she’s okay.

“I just don’t want whatever this is to move to quickly and burn out. You know? I mean we’re neighbors and everything. I don’t want this to be awkward.” She plays with the hem of my shirt and I know I chose right. The same thing crossed my mind about hundred times before kissing her.

The reward was worth it though.

“Hey, hey. Shh.” I cup her face, making her look me in the eyes. “We’ll take our time and go slow. Okay? I can sleep at my place sometimes so you can have space if you need that.”

She shakes her head. “No, I’ve kinda gotten accustomed to you sleeping in the bed with me now. Maybe we can alternate, my place during the week and yours on weekends.”

“Sounds good to me,” I assure her and her shoulders relax.

After ordering some Mexican food, we eat and hang out in her bed all day, trading stories and laughing. Loki comes back over from my place and makes himself at home in the corner of her bedroom by the book shelf.

“I should thank you,” I begin to say before cutting myself off.

“Hmm?” Aubri’s sleepy voice grabs my attention.


Her eyes snap open and she sits up, eyebrow arched as she studies my face. “Spill Li.”

I laugh. She has a very take no prisoners attitude and it catches me off guard each time.

“You actually confirmed to me that Sophia was cheating on me.” Confusion takes over her features.

“How? I didn’t know her before a few days ago.” She questions.

“You knew James… Hunter. He told you about her.” I probably should stop talking. I know I should stop talking based on the look coming over Aubri’s face.

She glances towards her book shelf and looks back at me, her eyes slightly shiny.

Smooth Payno.

She slides out of the bed, ignoring me asking her to stay and crosses the room to the book shelf. I’m instantly out of the bed as her shoulders heave as she traces the marble notebooks sitting on the ledge of the shelf. Wrapping my arms around her, I soothe her as I apologize for reading her private thoughts and pain.

Harry warned me.

“I just wanted to be able to protect you better. Harry told me not to. I’m so stupid. I’m sorry. Please stop crying.” I turn her to me and she sobs into my chest. Her curls are coming out of her bun so I tuck them behind her hair and hook my finger under her chin, but she won’t look at me.

“I’m broken.” She whispers and I think I can feel my heart stab itself.

“I’m broken and you read it. You read my brokenness.” Her body shakes.

“You’re not broken. You’re perfect. Please stop crying.” I’m trying my best to wipe the tears falling from her eyes but how do you stop an ocean from flowing.

Slowly sliding us down to the ground, I capture her in my arms and rock her as she cries, clinging to my hoodie like it’s the only thing keeping her from sliding under into whatever her demons want to drag her back to.

I won’t let her go back there.

“Shh, you’re fine. I got you. I’m here.” I soothe.

Her body stops shaking and she sits silently, the tear marks leaving white streaks on her face, her eyes red rimmed and lashes matted together by the tears. Her eyes appear lighter, the prominent red veins a reminder of something I never want to happen to her with me around ever again.

“Why do you want a broken doll?”

She can’t be serious.

“You’re not a broken doll. You are one of the strongest people I have ever met. You just don’t have to be strong by yourself anymore. I’m here. I have us.”


“If you’re struggling with your dress, I can help you zip it up.” I call to the closed bathroom door.

“I got it,” Aubri’s muffled voice sounds back. She’s been in there for about 30 minutes, doing who knows what. I’m dressed and sitting on the ottoman at the foot of her bed with Loki sitting here, also waiting for her to come out of the bathroom.

The door finally opens and I immediately understand the saying that “good things take time.” She’s wearing a fitted sleeveless black dress with a slightly cut side, so her feather/arrow tattoo is visible and stops mid calf. Strappy, black heels are on her feet and her usually curly hair is blown straight. She’s wearing a deep red lipstick and I guess some kind of eye makeup, as her eyes are emphasized. Alluring. Small, gold balls rest in her tiny ears and she has on a black and gold watch.

Without trying, she’s managed to be the feminine mirror my own outfit, seeing as how I got dressed at my place.

She looks great.


My head snaps up at the voice chiming in. Chris. Feeling a twinge of jealously, I’m on my feet and walking over to her, pressing a kiss to her temple and helping her into her jacket so we can head out the door.

I kick Chris in the shin as he laughs at me.

“You’ve got it bad man.” He teases quietly as she walks ahead of us, the sound of her heels drawing me to watch her walk.

“Those heels shouldn’t be legal,” he murmurs to himself and I’m half tempted to tell her to wear flats. I won’t because I love the view, but I’m tempted.

After a short ride, we park in my usual spot and walk into Funky Buddha. I bump fists with the bouncer as he stands aside to make way for Chris and Aubri to walk in. I make it a point to stay behind her so no one can get to her before we reach the VIP section. Sitting down, she shrugs out of her coat and walks to the railing to survey the scene below. I can see girls whispering to each other as they point to her and take pictures. Sighing, I get up and walk over to her, placing my hand on the small of her back as I direct her away from the balcony. My phone is already buzzing, no doubt friends or family calling to ask about Sophia.

Twitter tells all the secrets.

Checking my phone, I see that I’ve missed two calls from James and I can feel my blood getting hot. Ignoring his text messages, I put my phone away and focus on dancing with Aubri. She seems to be enjoying her first time at this place that can be called my second home. After a few songs, she heads to the bathroom and I sit back, just taking everything in, when I see a face that makes my blood run cold.


He’s wearing a sickening smirk as he makes a beeline to the area where the restrooms are and I jump out of my seat, pulling Chris away from the woman he was talking to. Ignoring his protests, we double time to the bathroom area but I don’t see Dave.

Or Aubri for that matter.

Feeling my anxiety rising, I start knocking on the women’s bathroom and I curse at the noise in the club.

I can’t hear anything.

Trying the door, my anxiety goes up another notch as I find it locked.

A multi stall restroom shouldn’t be locked.

Chris pushes me back and kicks in the door and we rush in, my heart dropping into my stomach as Dave stands back from Aubri, a sadistic smile on his face as he traces a hand over her tattoo and she visibly flinches.

“So good to see you again Aubri.” He says, and all I know is that I’m rushing him.

 He steps out of the way and puts his hands in his pockets.

“You might want to check on your lady friend Payne. She’s not looking to well.” With that, he shoulder bumps Chris on his way out and my gaze flies over to Aubri.

She looks pale.

“I don’t feel so well. He hit me in the side and it’s hard to breathe. I’m sleepy.” She rushes out, breathing hard as her eyes droop and she collapses into my arms. A crowd is gathering, watching everything unfold, phones out.

“Don’t just stand here recording. Somebody call a damn ambulance!” Chris barks and two girls frantically dial and give our location.

Aubri is sweating, causing her hair to start curling again and her eyes keep drooping.

“I need you to stay awake for me, okay?” I beg her, afraid of what will happen if she closes her eyes. “I need you to stay awake.”

“Chris.” I yell.

“I’m right here.”

“I need that bastard’s head,” I growl out as I shift Aubri and come back with a hand of droplets of blood.

He injected her with something.

“Where is this ambulance?” I groan in frustration. She’s fighting so hard to stay awake but the glassy sheen on her eyes tells me another story.

She needs help and now.

Hearing my thoughts, two EMTs rush into the bathroom and immediately begin to work on her, pushing Chris and I out the way as they stick an IV drip into her arm.

“When will these kids understand that drugs kill.” One of the EMTs grumble and Chris has to hold me back as I start verbally berating the man.

After setting her up and putting her on a stretcher, I throw my jacket over her, shielding her body from the prying eyes and grab her hand as she’s wheeled out of the club. Exiting to camera flashes and cell phones recording every minute, I stay focused on her and the slow rise and fall of her chest, praying that she will be okay and vowing never to bring her back here.

I hope she likes Netflix and parks.

Climbing into the ambulance right after her, the EMTs shut the door and I hold her hand, my only way of letting her know I’m here as she’s barely conscious.

Relief sweeps my features as I see Harry in the emergency room waiting area as Aubri is wheeled in. His eyes already wild, take on a murderous tint as I tell him what happened.

“He needs to be locked away.” Harry grits, jaw wound as tight as I’d imagine that mine is.

My phone buzzes and I glance down to check it.


“Wow. So you left me for a druggie. Way to go Payno.”

I hurl my phone at the wall, barely flinching as the flat electronic device smashes into the wall. Running my hands through my hair, I pace through the waiting room until a doctor motions me over.

“She’s going to be fine. You reached her just in time. She had near death amounts of the date rape drug in her system.”

“Can I see her?” I cut off the doctor’s explanation, not wanting to leave her alone again for a minute with Dave still out and about.

“Sure, Sure.” The doctor directs me to her recovery room, where she’s hooked up to an IV drip that the doctor explains is flushing the drug out of her system. ‘She’s going to need monitoring for the next few days.”

“It’s fine, she’s moving in with me.”

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