Bitten Rogue (Bitten Series~...

By DominaAlexandra

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Four Months have gone by since Marisa left Val's pack. Living back in L.A wasn't making life any easier than... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Nine

1.7K 111 1
By DominaAlexandra


"How many times do I have to repeat myself. I don't want to see her. You're my mother and I'm happy with that. You're more than enough." Val paced continually in her room; her mother and her alone.
Pierce smiled. "As much as it makes me happy to know me being your mother is a good of the ways to ending whatever is affecting you here..." Pierce reached out pointing to Val's head and then chest... "is to face your internal pain. You have to face her."

"Nor have you faced her."

"She raised you despite--" thinking of how Paula took Val from her, missing out on Val's childhood, Pierce snarled prematurely. What kind of person would take someone else's child? Granted if the parent wasn't fit and it being abusive. That wasn't the case. "This isn't about me."

There was sympathy in Val's eyes. "It is, actually. You think she pisses me off just for me. Yeah, I mean." Val shook her head trying not to cry. She hated crying. "I missed out on you being my mother. I get jealous when I hear stories shared between you, Spencer, and Drake." Val snorted. "Not having a little brother. But also...because I see your pain and I hate seeing it. I hate feeling how much she hurt you."

Pierce was beginning to see. She smiled. "You have your battles to face with Paula." She reached in cupping Val's cheeks. "But I want you to can forgive her. You can learn to accept her in your life again. Don't hold back for me. I'm your mother. I'm not meant to hinder you from growing in here. Healing in here. That's the last thing I want." Pierce used her other hand placing it on Val's chest to emphasize her meaning.

"I don't want to forgive--"

Pierce smiled knowing better. "You could never offend me. Hurt me for wanting to forgive. Only if she's worth forgiving. Don't ever give in too easily."

"But I--"

Rolling her eyes, Pierce laughed z "when will you stop being so stubborn?"

"When I die, I guess." Val felt at peace hearing all her mother said. She was stubborn but Pierce was also right stubborn at making her see the truth. Val was tired of being angry with Paula. She either wanted to let Paula go or forgive her.

"Sit down with her. Get whatever needs to be said off your chest. And then decide." Pierce kissed Val's cheek and walked out.

Val paced. "Decide." She blew out. Her mates walked in soon after.

Perhaps a little a line time with her mates would help her find the answers to her own questions and wants. Maybe not, but she needed some lovingly distractions. Her mates were at the top of that list along with their Cubs.


It was after six. Tess walked up from the basement, outside. She ran her fingers through her hair. "I really appreciate you letting me sleep in the basement."

Val waved her off. "You're family." Marisa was her based friend and sister.

"I need to figure out a plan when this is all over...but I am deeply gratified."

   Reaching across the table on the patio, Marisa offered her hand out to Tess. Sitting down, Tess took Marisa's hand. "You are not an inconvenience."

   "Nor are you," Val pointed out to Marisa.

   "Yeah yeah."

  "Are we ready to do this?" Kathleen walked up. "It needs to be tonight."

   "No duh," Marisa smart mouth had to be utilized.

   Spencer came up from behind wrapping her arms around Marisa's waste. "I know as much as I want to come...I'll be in the way."

   "No you won't," Marisa said.

   Val snorted. "I'm calling bullshit." Val walked over to Spencer. "She'd freak out every second your near danger losing focus and then at the end of the're so submissive....your wolf nearly peed out of fear on me last time."

   Total lie but Val wanted to make Spencer growl at her. Spencer did like the normal love and hate relationship they usually carried.

   Val leaned in giving Spencer a big wet kiss on the cheek. "Love you too."

   "Move," Spencer pushed Val away. "We're never belonging friends."

   "Mhmm," Val ignored Spencer's remark seeing the corner of her face lift into a smile.

"Okay. Let's go." Marisa looked to Kathleen who was the only one not in a good mood. "Your aunt there looks like she's gonna develop an aneurysm at any second if we don't get to moving."

Kathleen's eyes narrowed on Marisa before shifting to Val. "If you would at least try and get to know your other siblings they wouldn't drive me into having a aggravated mood."

Instead of responding, Val ignored Kathleen and pointed away from their pack home. Both her mates approached. "Love you two. We'll be safe. Tell our Cubs I'll be back with some tender loving to share for the three of them."

Marisa chuckled. "Who would have thought Valerie would end up as the soccer van mom."

Growling, Val charged after Marisa ready to tackle her in a playful way.

"There they go, like clockwork," Spencer stated, shaking her head.

Marisa turned, catching Val in a head lock. "Hey Drew," she shouted. He looked up surprised. "Take care of my future mate." As she said the words three things happened. First Drew looked surprised that Marisa was relying on him to keep Spencer safe. Second, Spencer looked shocked that Marisa was so open about where their relationship was now, grinning. And three, Val lifted Marisa off of her feet, flipping Marisa over her head. Marisa landed on her back, groaning loudly.

Marisa took a few gasping breaths. "This surely isn't like how we were before," Marisa pointed out.

Val sat on her knees, patting Marisa's forehead. "We have super powers now."

Rolling her eyes, Marisa got up slowly feeling close to what an old person would feel after a fall. Everything hurt.

"Really should be going?" Kathleen said a bit louder.

"Actually not quite." Marisa stood up dusting herself up. "But now we are. I think being that I'm the one here about to go to the dark side, I would know when it's time." Marisa smiled in a snarky way, walking pass Kathleen.

Val did the same thing shrugging at Kathleen with no apology.

"Hope I don't develop chronic back pain when we get older," Marisa said jokingly as they headed through the woods.

Before getting focused and serious, Val answered, "maybe in another two hundred years."


   We were several miles from pack home, at the top of Olmsted Point. Tall skin trees brought color to the dryness of the rocky tan ground. Huge boulders planted in varied spots.

   Marisa stopped. "This is it."

   Tess looked around as if expecting something magical to happen that would confirm Marisa's choice. "Are you positive?" She looked skeptical.

   Giving a look that Val was all to familiar with, Val answered for Marisa, chuckling lightly. "She's sure."

   "Fine," Tess shrugged. She bent down, running her fingers lightly on the ground. She closed her eyes and then frowned. "There's just no energy here."

   "Exactly," Marisa said. She arched her brows at Tess, waiting for her to stand. "You are a Witch slash vampire now. I am werewolf slash Shaman. We feed through magic differently."

   "Oh, you have it all figured out," Tess retorted with sarcasm.

   Marisa shrugged.  "definitely not. But that's what Ronan told me so I'm going to believe him."

   "And you are right. Both of you." Kathleen came over, Pierce beside her. "Our magic can all be joined in together because there are similarities. Yet...there are much differences that brings us to form are magic and how it reacts once exposed." Kathleen held her hand out. She snapped her thumb and index together. Blue orbs formed and then vanished when she shook her hand as if touching something hot. "My magic comes from a multitude of auras."

   "Where as mines is from nature," Val said, taking her turn in helping get Marisa's original point across.

   "And mines not from energy or even within like you," Marisa stated to her sister. "My magic comes from your inner being. All of your inner beings." Marisa kicked her boot into the rocky dirt. A few small rocks skidded a few feet away. "The last thing I want is to give the necromancer...more energy to feed on because that's what he does."

   Tess tilted her head left to right, considering all the examples. "As lovely as all your life lessons were...I was only referring to that fact that I will be weaker in this ambiance. Kathleen will be weaker in this ambiance when the threat comes. Because...there is not enough for us to feed on."

   Marisa purses her lips, smirking. "O."

   "It was a requirement to learn all forms of magic and how it works to even join a coven."

   "So you basically have a masters in magic and mythology?" Marisa asked in a sarcastic tone.

   Rolling her eyes, Tess waved her hand around. "I can't help you like I want here."

   Marisa smiled. "Yes you can and will. You're more than a witch now. You are a vampire who will not just stand by and see her baby sister harmed."

Eyes narrowed and harden Tess couldn't imagine seeing Marisa in pain. Eyes flickered sapphire a few times, taking a few seconds to regain her control.

   Marisa walked in varied spots feeling out where to settle. Everyone stood back to watch. She seemed completely focused on what she was doing.

   It was impressive to see how far Marisa come. Knowing her for so long, Val knew this was a big step up for Marisa's social life and openness to do what she was about to do.

   "It is true that Shamans gain power from nature too. Trees. The birds that rest in them. Rivers. But not greater than self." Marisa eyes came up and were strong and crystal clear. "Don't freak out. Just let me do this." She was talking to Tess and Val really.

   Marisa grabbed the small bag she brought pulling out one large feather that looked like it came from a very large bird.

   "This is what she ran off to doing the night before," Val hissed realizing Marisa was planning for this moment ahead of time.

   How did Marisa come from being so closed to the world to fully understanding it a dozen times better in weeks? Perhaps Marisa always understood and avoided. She did avoid and that's why life was always so hard. She was embracing now. Marisa always believed in meditation and spiritual realms and here she was now living it fully.

   Carefully, Marisa placed the feather on the ground. She took off her boots and most of her clothes. Only wearing a pair of jeans and a sports bra, Marisa tossed her clothing and boots far away. She took a deep breath and began whispering words that came in chants to small for any of them to make out.

   Marisa lifted her hand out, grimacing as claws formed at the tips of her fingers. Taking a breath, Marisa pressed two of her clawed fingers at the hem of her palmed hand. When she blew out, she raked her clawed index and middle finger straight down from her inner wrist up to her inner elbow.

   Blood poured out from her arm like a waterfall. Marisa walked slow, eyes closed in a circle. Her blood pooled out onto the ground as she formed a circle that was completely finished. Marisa stayed within the circle letting the blood drip down as she let her arm drape to the side.

   Slowly her wound began healing. She bent to grab the feather placing it in one spot in her blood. That seemed to be her front focus; where the feather rested.

   Everyone was still and quiet.

   Marisa knew before she could expose herself to draw the necromancer out she also had to make upon her whole self. Heal her whole self. It was the only way to truly protect herself.

   In a soft feathery whisper, Marisa brought the feather to flames as it engulfed spreading all the way around her. Her blood enflamed as if it were gasoline.

   "This is..." Pierce wasn't sure about this.

   "Trust her," Val whispered.

   Pierce nodded, grabbing Kathleen's hand.

   Marisa took a seat at the center of circle. The fire never died down standing above two feet from the ground.

   The drum she needed to feed on was at the base of everyone's chest. There heartbeats. Marisa listened to everyone's heart beats. The rhythm of what helped keep them alive. The blood gushing in and out of their veins and arteries to pump into their chest to bring them such loud beats. It calmed Marisa. Made her feel alive. She fed off that.

   "You are more than the heartbeats. Reach your own. Reach her soul." It was Ronan's voice guiding her like he promised.

   Marisa took in slow breaths listening to her own heart. She was slipping into a meditational trance. Everything felt lighter. Her heart was calm. Her wolf was calm. Her shoulders were loose. Her body felt as if resting on soft foamy pillows.

   "Reach whole self," she told herself repeatedly. Marisa continued to slow her breathing. The air was lighter. The wind was quiet. Not even a whistle of branches. She was completely tuned only into self.

   "Reach your soul." Ronan reminded her that she needed to go further.

   Marisa opened her eyes. She did not see her friends or anyone who came with her here. She did not see the landscape of land. Marisa's eyes opened to a beach. A beach that stretched out for miles. It was the beach her mother use to bring her to before everything fell apart in her life. Tess was talking with friends in her teens. Marisa followed her sister everywhere sneaking up on her. Her mother telling them to stay close.

  "Further." There Ronan was again reminding her.

   Marisa reached out blindly as if to touch her mothers face before there was such sadness and anger in them. The memory of her mother vanished. Tess was gone. It was only Marisa and the beach.

   Walking toward the water, Marisa felt the wet sand sponge between her toes. The shore was shiny and tan. The water came up, coursing up to her ankles. There was a chill. Marisa shivered. She did not stop. Marisa walked further in until the water was shoulder deep.

  Another wave came and Marisa no longer felt the sand between her toes. She was lifted up. Marisa floated onto her back. She did not concern herself with holding her breath. In a few seconds, Marisa was underneath the water sinking further down. Like a fish she did not have to struggle as if human to breathe.

   This beach was the last happy memory of herself before things went bad. At a far she could make out a little girl struggling to breathe. Marisa wanted to swim fast to the bottom to reach the child. She almost did reminding herself she was that little girl.

   She'd died that day. She wanted to impress her sister and show she was a good swimmer and drowned. How did she get out of the water? How was she actually still alive? Marisa never understood how and why.

   Eyes open, Marisa watched as if someone was pulling her up from below. There was no one though. Marisa closed her eyes and felt something. A spirit.

   It clicked to Marisa. It was some sort of spirit that brought Marisa out of the water. Marisa watched her body float up to the surface. She watched it flow right into the shore. Watched as her sister and mother screamed for her. Watched how water exited her lungs without the assistance of anyone. She was kneeling beside her younger self.

   There was a look exchanged between Tess and their mother. Like a knowing feeling. But it also scared them. This is the day everything changed. No more laughter in homes and no more Tess.

    Marisa pressed her hand down against her younger self cheek.

   "That tickles," her younger said, brushing her hand against her cheek.

   Marisa stood up quickly confused. Se tilted her head to the side.

   "Look mom. Tess." The younger Marisa pointed up to Marisa. "My hero."

   Marisa stepped back looking around.

   Tess and Marisa's mother sneered mumbling a few words and in a instant, Marisa flew back into the water. Her mother cast a spell.

   Quickly, Marisa rushed out of the water to find them no longer there. Marisa ran fast searching throughout the beach. She looked for their car remembering they'd left quickly. Marisa looked back to that day remembering every second after her drowning. How her mother grabbed her hand dragging her away from the spirit that saved her.

   They were gone.

   "Do you see your soul?"

   Ronan snapped Marisa's eyes from the her moms old car that was once parked in the spot she couldn't turn from. Closing her eyes, Marisa faced her self, contemplating all other options. None came.

   "It was me. I was the spirit that saved me." As I spoke the words, I sounds just as confused as I felt.


    "Your soul was in another realm and able to help the younger you. Do not focus on how the realms work only what can happen once in them and where it will take you spiritually."

   As if seeing myself in a mirror I looked out to the dark sky. "I asked myself. I blamed myself for losing Tess. For thinking I imagined that spirit. Imagining me."

   Tess took a breath, remembering that day. She wanted to go to Marisa and tell her not to punish herself anymore. She stayed quiet instead.

   In a soft sigh, Marisa whispered, "I see myself."

   Marisa latched on and then let go of that memory working to heal all that ached inside. She felt a change. Stronger. More powerful and connected to all of herself. No longer feeling weak, Marisa smiled. Done she stood and muttered in a gritty voice, "now...I'm ready."

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