The Academy - Book II Editing...

By emmyles

356K 15.5K 4.5K

*This book features very mature content! If you don't like your men dominant stop now because this is your o... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight part A
Chapter Twenty - Eight part B
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six part A
Chapter Fifty Six Part B
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine (Epilogue)

Chapter Fifty Seven

4.4K 202 90
By emmyles

Chapter Fifty Eight

A Seedy Casino on Mizu

Reading the universe news Arturo pressed his lips together in anger. "How in Neptune's beard is this even possible?"  Rereading the article announcing, Mekhi Joshua Lawson age 6, as the son and heir to Lord Jacob Kevin Lawson and mothered by Fourth Seat Ebony Aliza Talisman he cursed. Sucking his teeth Arturo glared at a family portrait of Lawson family growling in anger when he saw Ebony seated in front of Jacob with Kayo and Mekhi in her lap. "There is no way Ebony is his mother," throwing his device on the table he snapped his fingers to get the waitress attention.

Watching the naked woman saunter over to him he gave her an oily smile. "Bring me the bill, please."  He missed the flash of disgust in her eyes as she turned and walked away.  Several minutes later he pulled up his banking information and snorted. "I'm almost broke."  

Pulling up the article announcing Jacob Kevin Lawson had sired an heir with a non-Ah'Tarian he smiled gleefully.  "Maybe I should pay my ex-wife and daughter a visit and refill my crofters," pressing a few buttons he purchased a first class ticket to Ah'Taria.  Walking to the taegsi stand he sneered, "She can either pay me to keep quiet or I can announce to the universe that Jacob Lawson and his high-brow family are nothing but liars."


Ah'Taria - Gold District Medic Center

Watching Kevin play with a syringe full of gold liquid Jacob clicked his tongue.  "Are you going to stand there staring at it or inject me?"

"I'm contemplating how severe my part in your actions will be," muttered Kevin staring at the shimmer fluid.  "If Ebony finds out I had a hand in her getting pregnant by you I have a feeling she's going to beat the crap out of me."  Pulling a charming smile he laughed, "And I don't mean as a foreplay."

Sighing Jacob waved reached out a hand and called for the syringe.  Pulling the cap off the syringe Jacob injected himself.  "Now you don't have to worry."

"Um," began Kevin watching Jacob closely.  "I may should have told you about the immediate effects."  As he stared closely he watched Jacob break out in a cold sweat.  Rushing to him he pushed him onto his back.  "I'm going to strap you down for my... I mean your safety."  Strapping Jacob down with the iron bands he scratched his forehead.  "Shit I should call your mom."

Tripping as he rushed to the table to grab his device he could hear Jacob straining against his binding.  Pressing a button he watched anxiously as Acadia picked up. "What's Jacob's true power level?"

Staring at the worried expression on Kevin's face she pursed her lips, "What have you done?"

"N-n-nothing," stuttered Kevin realizing that soon he'd have to give Lucas the same injection.  "But say I did do something you can't get angry."  Staring at the screen he watched it flicker before the screen went black.

"What have you done?"  Acadia stared down at Jacob snatching the earrings out of his ears.

"N-n-nothing!"  Pointing to the syringe laying on the floor he tripped toward the gurney.  "Jacob did it to himself."

Wiping the sweat from Jacob's brow she watched as his eyes rapidly changed colors.  Snapping toward Kevin she hissed, "So you are telling me Jacob came to your laboratory, went through your things, found the serum and a syringe, was able to put just the right amount into the syringe to not kill himself and injected it?"

"Well," began Kevin realizing that the story would sound kind of farfetched if he agreed.  "I did help a little bit."

Glaring at him she snarled, "What has he done and when while he stop convulsing?"

Tugging his ear he shrugged, "The convulsing she end in about five more minutes if his power level is what he told me -."

"What did he tell you," asked Acadia staring down at Jacob in concern.

"He said it was a 98%," answered Kevin staring at his hand held.

"A 98%," whispered Acadia staring at Kevin as if he were daft.  "Kevin you are the one that suggested the damn fancies that he and Lucas wear in their ears."  Opening her hand she showed him the diamond, "Don't you remember your hypothesis about how these could reduce an Ah'Tarians power level to something more manageable?"

Nodding slowly he hurried back to his work station, "So he wears two meaning his power level is around -."

"150," snapped Acadia staring at him as if he were daft.

Whistling he pulled out another a bottle of the shimmering golden liquid and another syringe, "He's going to need a little more."

Rolling her eyes she sighed in annoyance, "Now can you tell me why he's letting you inject him with that serum?"

"Um," disinfecting a small spot on Jacob's neck he injected the serum.  "He wants to be able to do all those cool tricks Kae can do."

Giving him an incredulously look she shook her head, "You are a horrible liar.  Do you even give thought to the lies you are about to say?"  Sitting in the chair she raised a hand, "That's okay.  Joshua and I will wait for him to recover and ask him ourselves."  Sending a message to Joshua to join her she crossed her legs and waited.

"Do you mind if I leave," asked Kevin placing the serum back into a hidden drawer.

Rolling her eyes Acadia clicked her tongue, "I mind."

Kevin sighed as he got comfortable doing some calculations for Lucas's injection.  Shrugging with Joshua strolled with a dark frown he tried not to let the two angry parents interrupt his concentration.  After eighteen minutes Jacob stopped convulsing and he rose to remove the iron bands from around his wrist, feet and middle.  Slapping him on the face he waited patiently for him to open his eyes.

Pushing Kevin out the way Acadia stared down with a worried expression.  "Jacob can you hear me?"  When his eyes fluttered open she gasped and covered her mouth.  "Why would you do something like this?"  Anger swept through her as she stared into one ice blue and one gold eye.  Turning to glare at Kevin she hissed, "That better not be permanent."

Jacob blinked several times before sitting up.  "Mom why are you and dad here?"  Giving Kevin an accusing glare he ran his fingers through his hair as he muttered, "I'm telling your parents you are here."

"Wait," holding up a hand Kevin sent Jacob a pleading look.  "There's no reason to threaten me.  I rang your mom because you were having some nasty side effects."

Grunting Jacob blinked until his eye color returned to normal.  "What do you mean side effects?"

"This again is something you need to discuss with your parents."  Rocking on his heels he smiled, "Though you will not be needing your earrings anymore."

Turning to stare at his parents he waited for them to explain why they were there.  Crossing his arms he leaned against the gurney.  "You first."

"Jacob," began Acadia and cordial tones.  "Remember when your father and I gave you the earrings?"

"Yeah you said it was to suppress my power level."

"We kind of didn't tell you the whole truth," continued Acadia with a small smile.  "You see," twisting her face toward Joshua she flicked her eyes toward Jacob for help.

"You see," started Joshua rising. "You and Lucas are prodigies."

"Yes like Mekhi and Lucca," he interrupted.

"Yes and no," continued Joshua trying to pick his words carefully. Deciding that there was no good way to say it he shrugged, "We've lied to all of you.  Lucas and your power-levels are about 150% and so is Layette, Lucca and Mekhi's.  We had the medic turn the equipment done so you would know.  We then had those earrings put in to dampen your powers and family to teach you and Lucas limitations."

Pursing his lips Jacob rocked back on his heels.  Raising a hand he called forth his hand held only for ten to appear.  Looking through them until he found his he sent the rest away.  "So if I understand correctly Lucas and I were monsters and now I'm a bigger monster because I'm like Kaelen."

"You seem to have it," smiled Kevin jokingly.  When everyone turned to stare at him he cocked his eyebrows.  "Why are you not telling him that he was already a monster?"  Pointing at his forehead he laughed, "All he needed was a halo and wings."

Rolling his eyes Jacob sent the message to Lucas.  "I'm sure Lucas is going to think this is hilarious."

"Hmm," hummed Acadia staring at Jacob.  "I wonder if this will make his go ape-shit for Xara."

"Nope," chuckled Kevin.  "I would warn Ebony that she may not be able to walk for a few days but other than that everything should be fine."

"I'm not sure if Ebony's going to like the new and improved Jacob," thought Joshua out load.  Sighing he shook his head, "Should we keep the children for the next few days?"

At Ebony's name Jacob felt his canines elongate.  Turning away from his parents he shrugged trying to retract them.  Tasting blood he grimaced, "Why are my teeth like this?"

"Don't worry about that," laughed Kevin.   Avoiding a small box on the floor he smiled in relief, "That should only last for about a day or two."  Giving Jacob a thoughtful look he shrugged, "Maybe a week."

"Why so long," snapped Acadia tired of the secrecy and uncertainty.  "And I'm still waiting to find out why you got that damn shot!"  Turning to Joshua she shook her head in anger, "We spared the rod and spoiled the child."

Nodding in agreement, Joshua grabbed Jacob's shoulders turning him to face him.  "What are you thinking?"

Staring blankly at his father he smirked, "I'm think I want Ebony to really have my child."

Acadia face flushed as she stared at him giddily, "Are you serious?"  Turning to look at Joshua she beamed, "Did you hear that?"  Staring at him excitedly she spoke slowly, "He wants to have a child with Ebony."

"So we should run the banners announcing their marriage," asked Joshua.

"No," answered Jacob curtly.  "Ebony doesn't wish to remarry."

"So she'll be your paramour," asked Joshua confused.

Staring at his father with a smirk Jacob shook his head.  "I believe the term for it is bebé mamá."

Appalled Joshua shook his head while Acadia nodded gleefully.  "No," snapped Joshua.

Pouting Acadia started to stare at him disheartened, "But he has years to convince her to either marry him or sign the paramour contract."  Giving him a crestfallen look she let a tear slide down her cheek, "But we have a bouncing bundle of joy within ten months."

"Mom," sighed Jacob.  "Kayla was pregnant for over a year with Layette and Lucca."

"Oh, yeah!"  Smiled Acadia staring gleefully out the window.  "Depending on the child's power level she could be pregnant for a while."  Turning excited eyes to Joshua she clapped her hands, "I can go shopping for baby stuff with Ebony."

"Kayla and Lucas are trying too," pointed out Kevin as he watched Joshua stare at Acadia as if she'd grown a second head.  "Think of all the little feet that will be running through the halls of Lawson Manor."

Pursing his lips Joshua knew he wasn't going to win the current argument.  Throwing his hands in the air he stared from Acadia to Jacob, "I'm not going to argue with either of you.  However, if Ebony continues to refuse to marry you or become your paramour she'll need to be removed."  Turning on his heels he left.

"Removed," asked Kevin wanting to pretend he didn't understand the implication.

Shrugging Jacob stared at his mom, "And how much time do I have to convenience her?"

Giving him a warm smile she patted his shoulder, "We'll give you until you turn 100.  By then your father and I should be ready to retire from the council."  Waving toward Kevin she hurried after Joshua.

Sighing Jacob rolled his eyes, "I'm sure I can convince her before then.  Plus," walking toward the door, "I'm not ready to get married yet.  This gives me time to make sure I really want her by my side."

Rubbing his forehead he watched Jacob leave in stunned disbelief.  "I'd hate to see what you'd do if she ever decided to leave your side.  Well at least I'll be amused while I'm living forever," laughed Kevin as he pulled up Xara's blood work.   Staring at his hand he opened a message from Acadia with a frown:  The council has decided that since you disposed of the tenth seat you will take her place.  Rereading the message he scratched his head.  "I really hate being here," he moaned as he reopened Xara's blood work.



Sebastian leaned against the door frame of Xara's old room staring at the stained glass window.  "If she was here of her own accord why did she break a window to leave."  Moving closer to it he broken shards of glass he examined them.  Picking up a piece he frowned at the heaviness of it.  "This is triple enforced glass."

Walking to the pink stool she'd asked him to buy he could see small pieces of glass in the material.  "This doesn't make any sense," he mumbled staring out the window.  "Muéstreme!" 

Closing his eyes he witness the events of Xara's escape unfold.  Jumping from the window and following 'her' down the road to the Alliance Police Station.  Raising his hand to silence the man behind the desk he watched confused as Xara ran to a man wearing a white jacket pleading for help.  Focusing he watched as Julius ran into the office brandishing a weapon pointing it at Xara and the man.  Within moments Julius body slummed to the floor and Xara was whisked away by three men.

"Young man!  Can we help you?"

Opening his eyes he stared coldly at the officer that interrupted him. "No you cannot." 

Turning he walked out the double doors.  Shaking his head Sebastian's body buckled as despair course through his body. "I have to find you, Xara."  Feeling a tear slide down his cheek he angrily wiped it away, "Why didn't you tell me they were holding you against your will?  I would have protected you."

Rising to his feet he closed his eyes trying to focus on Xara's location on Ah'Taria. "Shit!  I'm definitely too far away."  Raising his hand he called for his device.  Staring at the device, Oscar had given him, he frowned.   Smashing it on the pristine white stairs he stepped on it making sure it was completely destroyed.   Surveying the small town he walked down the stairs to a small electronic shop.  Open the door he stared coldly at the man behind the counter, "I need a new hand held my last one broke."  As the man pulled out all the latest models he shifted uncomfortably.  "Can you tell me when the next transport to Ah'Taria is?"

"I believe there's one leaving in the next three hours."  Handing Sebastian a dark blue device he smiled.  "This is the latest model."  Looking out the window he smirked, "And it comes with the option to disable the tracking feature."

Sebastian stared blankly at the man as he placed his hand against the device.  He watched dispassionately as his name appeared on the screen, "How many royals is this?"

"It's 3 royals," replied the man taken aback by Sebastian's lack of emotion.  Staring out the window he wondered if he hallucinated when he'd seen him crying.  Shrugging he watched as he paid for the device.  "Is there anything else I can assist you with?"

"No!"  Turning Sebastian stopped.  "If anyone ask if you've seen someone that looks like me can you say you haven't?"

"I turned my surveillance system off as soon as you started toward my shop," came the man's reply.

Nodding Sebastian walked out of the store and to the transport station.

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