Fan, but not a fan

By MaxAnaLohden

1.6K 19 2

Jesse McCartney is hiding so fans don't mob. As Jane is a town girl. That just can't see why peope go crazy o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 21

32 0 0
By MaxAnaLohden

Compton day is finally here. The last few days trying not to practice to much. Coach talling me to not work my self to hard. Being pretty hard not to though. Wanting to do my best and it helped me to not worry to much about Jay. To even make me forget. Wanting to tell Jay all about this dance, but for the way he has bin, not talking to me. Even missing class. It's like why tell him any way. I bet he wouldn't even care. Something about his life is more to him, then me.

From that I make a move, making me smile as I listen to my music. Calming me, even listening to that Jesse McCartney song, Out Of Words. That made me feel so many things, wondered why. Knowing no song of his has before.

Oh who am I kidding, it's just music. I like it, I like it. Doesn't matter about the singer. Its not like I know him. It has a great feeling to it. That is what matters. Making all my worry leave right now. Even all the wonder I have about the competition with in me. Ya but if I think about it. It may be a lot to do with this Jay stuff. I guess I'm putting it on something right now that I actually can deal with. Unlike Jay telling me nothing. Darn him, saying from this all.

Being my optimistic self, even if I think to much into things at times. Still trying to see the best out of it all. Knowing maybe I shouldn't, after all this days that have past. Going, oh yes that great kiss Jay left the other day. From that I just know he must feel something.

To the feel, feeling cool in my black and white dress, with tights. Oh ya these fun heeled school girl looking shoes, matching my dress. Feeling my self in my outfit. Still listening to some music. From all the magic it is giving me. Making me feel so many things.

That's the magic of music for ya. To the dancing it makes you feel, one song to the next. Putting on calm song, it makes me feel calm with in. To up beat music making me want to get up and dance crazy. Knowing no matter what place in the world we all relate to music in are own ways no mater what kind. Saying if you have a similar taste in music starting to talk to someone. Bring you two just that much  closer. I'd say it is a good way to brake the silence you might be having.

I know I talk about music a bunch. Sue me, it's what I like. I just can't get enough of dancing. If I didn't then what would I dance to. I guess I could dance to the silence around or the mumbling of the people talking, when I'm out and about. If I think about it, it would make a good sound track to a dance routine. Maybe just maybe I will do it. Knowing it would be fun to at least to try. No mater what comes out of it, knowing it would be worth while. Learning if anything, something.

Getting to my locker I find a note attached to it. Wondering who it could be from. Taking it I unfold it and start to read. Being hard to read, all I get out of it is, I'm watching you. with a photo attached to it. Looking like a touching of hands. I don't make much of it and throw it in my locker, closing it. Saying to my self, its nothing, as I head off to class.

Throw the day not knowing why, that note made something in me a little uneasy. Even still thinking it was nothing. Why should it be. Just someone having fun thats all. Its like someone just chose a random locker putting it there to see what it would do. Like a latter from a no one that brightens there day or makes you think like this one for some unknown reason.

Jay/Jesse POV
Seeing signs around the school about the dance competition today. I think about going to it and sit in the back, so Jane won't see me. About on my way to the gym, I get a call from my Manager. Trying to tell him I have somewhere to go. Even if I am just going so I can see Jane. It's not like I was asked to go. To that, my Manager tells me what ever it is cancel it and get home. I cave in and head home wishing I could of gone. Feeling bad I am missing Jane's first competition, even if she didn't ask me to come.

Who would blame her. I haven't bin talking to her. I actually Would have bin hiding from her. Almost wishing I didn't kiss her the other day. I should focus on Tasha, then her. Knowing if my manager fond out about Jane it wouldn't be good. I can't bring her into my crazy life. So maybe it's bater this way. When Jane probably hates me right now. Ya she most likely wouldn't see me if I was going to the competition. There is a chance she could and it put her off her game. Now that I think about it. The call from my manager was probably a good thing, so I won't go. I'm just being selfish if I do. Even though I feel bad leading her on. Knowing if not for that kiss she be like ok this all means nothing. I shouldn't have have played with her emotions so.

I'm sorry Jane this is how it's got to be. At least for now. Thinking this all walking home, but taking the long way there. Even if my manager will not be to happy. I just had to think this all through before I get there so I can be clam. Already feeling that way. Betting Jane is doing great at the competition right about now.

Jane POV
At the competition wearing are red and gold uniforms. Stretching before we go on. I hear we are second getting reved up. To all that I see my friends in the audience. Smiling to them. Focusing back to me I notice Lin having a very odd look upon her face. I wonder why a sec as this is an unusual look for her. Making me little uneasy for a mint. Going this is odd she never made me feel like this before. I usually just brush it off.

Telling my self it is nothing, that dance is what matters now, not crazy Lin. Shaking it off I hear are name and head out, getting in are formation. I tilt my head down with my hands together waiting for the music to play. Feeling like it was ages before we started. I then hear the music and start to do are moves.

Right when I did, all the wonder I have had these past days went away in a blink of an eye. Doing one dance move after another. Putting hand there and a leg here. Smiling and tilting my head to it all. Feeling the dancing with in me so much. I almost went off on my own. I come back just in time not looking like I was off at all. Playing it so well. I go woo just as we finish. Feeling it so, I even dance off stage as the next school goes up.

Going wow, East high is great. That first school has nothing on them. I hope we looked as good or close. I sure felt that way, that's for dam sure. My team then got together clapping and hugging. Feeling just as good as I feel. Really loving my team to pieces. Getting to be are selfs, through dance. Just feeling it as I watched the rest of the schools go. Looking real good, to still loving what East high brought to the table. They are for sure the school to beat or at least be close to. That is my goal for sure. If we don't then they sure are the ones to work towards.

Time goes by still reved up. Having the competition starts to come to an end. Hearing we are to go out there. All the teams do so. With us holding are hands in wait. Third place then gets called. Hearing the cheers from the team. All that's left now is first an second place. I look around at my team mates an glance over to Easy high. Taking it all in Closing my eyes. Waiting for what there about to announce. To my surprise I hear are name. Them saying it was a close call. To be hold we got second place. Just as I suspected East high got first. With no care in the world, I jumped for joy being glad at how great we did. When were moving on to the next competition. Knowing no mater what happens from now on. We still be us, having a great time.

We all head off right after Olivia talks to us little at how great we did. Having that great feeling within  about to head to my friends, when I see Sis and mom walking down from the bleachers. Mom smiles congratulating me. To my surprise my sister comes in giving me a hug.

I say, "wow sis, I see your happy for me."

"Well, you did amazing out there. I'm amazed at how you can do that all so perfect."

"Well that's what practice is all about."

Sis says letting me finally go, "maybe so, I sure couldn't do that."

"Sure you could. You just have to practice."

"Oh gosh then for sure I couldn't. You know me I don't have the patience."

"Suit your self." Saying all that, my friends come over to join us. Smiling and waving to them. To my surprise all my friends and even Magin came in giving me a big bear hug. I guess this is the day of hugs. Even my little sister gave me one. Which is almost un heard of. More so then Magin and that's saying something. With Magin I can usly at times talk her into it, my sister, no. You might have guessed I am a huger.

Now from all that I'm wanting some foodiwood. Saying to all my friends and family. Wanting to get something to eat. Still feeling great from all the dancing. They all say ya with my sis jumping for joy. Yep you say food, she goes crazy, that's for sure.

I then head off to my teams mates to go change. And off we went into the locker room. I go to my locker and open it up. Getting out my black and white dress. Goofing off with my team mates. We clap hands going woo! To a job well done. I get my towel and go take a shower with my shampoo in hand. I turn the foist waiting for the water to get worm. slipping off my uniform I put it on the bench near the shower. Ready, I pull the shower certain back with one swift sway of the hand. Filling the water between my finger tips. Making sure its just right. Feeling nice I slide my body in putting my shampoo on the holder, hanging from the shower head. With one swift of the hand the shower curtain closes. Feeling each drop of water touch my body. Taking my shampoo I open it squeezing some out in the pom of my hand. With my hand I close it putting it bottle back. Lathering the shampoo between my hands to my hair and then my body. Taking away all that yucky feeling after the competition, but keeping the greatness from it.

Thinking back to each move I made up there as the crowed watched. Doing so, as the water flowed onto me washing away the soap. Right when I put my fingers throw my hair. I imagine it was just me up there dancing my heart out. As if everyone had there eye on me. All of a sudden I feel the water get little cold. Hearing a toilet flush. Bring me back to the world, all done. I turn the nob turning off the water. Taking all I had out of the shower rapping towel around me. I then put on my head towel for my hair.

With all the goofing off still going on I laugh heading back to my locker. Putting my uniform in my red locker. About to pull my towel off and put my dress on. I bend over fluffing my hair with the other towel, first. Finished with that I toss the towel in my bag to take home. From that I pull off the other setting it down strapping on my bra and all. To sliding my dress on with my strapping school girl looking heels. Making sure I am all good before I zip my back up and all. Going yep. I pick my bag up. Going hey yo to my team as I head out the locker room. Olivia gives me a high five just as I head out with a smile.

I go to find my friends and family, ready to eat something. Finding them I go to join the gang, Going hey as I put my arms around my friends. Saying, "Come on lets go eat something. After all this dancing I'm famished."

Olivia my sis says, "You know me, if theres food involved count me in."

Messing with my sisters hair I say. "Of cores your always hunger."

"Can you blame me I'm a growing girl."

"ya ya. Lets eat." To that heading out, I see Lin ones again with that same odd look upon her face. It makes me little uneasy. I'm like gosh this can't be any different then she usly is. It just feels like she is piercing right throw me.

As if she is trying to get something out of me and I don't know why. Isn't she always doing that with me. I say to my self lost in thought. When I think about it isn't it to anyone that is lower then the low. Oh right I am the one she thinks is the low of the low. I don't even care. Then why do I care right now. Dose she have some power over me and I just don't know it. Thats crazy talk. Anything of the sort is locked up at home. To the few people I may have told. I know they would never tell anyone. Especially to a girl like her.

I finally turn back shaking all that away. Having my dress twirl in the wind just as we step outside. Smiling as if I wasn't spaced out, being little shook from Lin's look. Some how feeling even in my gut.

Smiling, we are finally at are fav place to eat, Loves Life. Heard that right, that's the name. I order up one of there tasty salads and a tea. Just goofing off as we waited for are food to come. Telling me how much they are prod of me. Happy how great the compassion went. Giving me cheers and all. Making my cheeks a little red. Bring up some great times we had. With family and all. Smiling and laughing are heads off. This time the smile isn't here to cover something up, but just me feeling good. Being glad I am with all the people I care about. Sharing my team's win with them all.

Finally, as we are sitting at a long wood table. In these red stylish chairs and the fun bright art around. Are food is here, feeling so ready to eat this salad up. Going yes I needed this.

I pick up the dressing, drizzling it slowly on. Watching each drop hit the lettuce to the yummy avocado. Placing it down, I pick up my fork now and then taking a bite. Taking in each flavor that hits my tung. To the sweet and sower taste a pone each taste bud.

Sis of all people tells a funny joke. I almost spyooed my tea out of my mouth. Catching my self just as I put my hand to my month, smiling. Just having a grand old time. Of cores Josh to it, be's his fun actor self. Going off sis's joke like some play. I put my drink down, knowing now is not a good time to take a sip. Just looking to him as he stands in his chair going this way and that. Smiling to it I put my arm around Zana, sitting next to me, in a hug. Just as we meet are heads, smirking at each other in understanding. Being glad to have her as a friend. Even from a smirk we can read each other like a book. Not saying that we always can, but we know each other pretty well. We are thick as thieves.

Jesse POV
At home chilling with Tasha at the pool. We're just taking in the sun. I smile over to her, having not to bad of a time. At least I can be me with her and not have to hide my self. Even when I can't get that kiss out of my head. Thinking back to what my best friend told me. That my heart will tell me what I want. To that, a song idea comes to me.

My heart is a wish my soul wants
Telling me this and the world around

I go hum to it as I think up a couple lines. Looking up to the blue sky, I watch a bird fly by. Smiling to it, it brings me back to that time at the park with Jane. Not thinking, I bite my lip, smiling. I come back to my self not even really knowing I spaced out. I get up and join Tasha on the blanket. Putting my arm around her, I feel this is right, at this moment. To that Tasha says with a look in her eyes, "is something up baby. You seam little out of it"

"I feel fine. Why do you ask?" I say with my arm still around her.

"Oh no reason. You just seamed very spacey is all."

"Oh that's just me wondering what we might do next."

"Oh I see." Just as she leans in to kiss me. I almost let her, but tilt my head and she kisses my cheek. To that smiling, "oh you silly."

"That's me, silly." I say back, going hum to it all. This is my life with a pretty girl like her. How much batter can it get. Thinking this all, my thoughts about Jane fade away for now. Admiring the beauty before me, with thus long black flocks falling gracefully to the blanket.

Jane POV
Now at home after having some desert with the gang. I ask Zana if she like to stay over. She says yes. Chilling in my room together, still raved up from the companion. I text Jay with no thought. Texting, What up sexy thing." With an odd emoji as Zana leaves to get us something to drink. Sending it in the blink of an eye. I use my phone to take a selfie. Forgetting I even texted him.

At that moment, uploading a photo to my Instagram, just as Zana walks in handing me my drink. She notices what I am doing and looks over going oo to the photo. At how cute I look. I smile to her just as I take a sip of my drink. Licking my lips to the taste. I make a face to it and take another photo. This time Zana joins in and I snap. Feeling so on top of the world. When yes you may be thinking I am so high right now. You would be right, from this companion, that is.

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