The Chase. ( REVISING)(Urban)

By Jaee_101

4.1M 152K 41.6K

Zaria is young girl with big dreams. Beginning her senior year in high school, she has to balance graduation... More

Cast Call.
My Typical Morning
The Day Goes On.
The Day Goes On Pt.2
"Relationship Status" P.1
Meet up.
Relationship Status Pt.2
Relationship Status Pt.3
After The Fact .
After School Ends
Where Did You Come from? (Just Dewayne's Pov)
Friends Pt. I
Friends (Part II)
New Beginning
It's Over
It's Over (Part II)
The Name Game.
Run Away .
Run Away Pt.II
A Small Piece Of Rebellion
Z's Rebellion
Fairy Godmother.
Suspicious Behavior
Making It Official Pt.1
Strike One
I Got Chu
Reunited (Making It Official Pt2)
Mall and Chill (Dewayne's Pov)
A New Outlook
Click Out
The Invite
Crunch Time
What Happens now?
The Dilemma.
First Day on the Job
Ugly Truths.
A/N (Not an Update)
Business And Such.
Date Night Pt.I
Startin Somethin' (Date Night Part II)
Before I Release This New Update..
Old Ties, Chilling Reconnections
Old Ties, Chilling Reconnections (Part II)
Guess Who? (Pt I)
Guess Who (Part II)
Conclusion to the Beginning.
Conclusion to the Beginning Pt.II
A Slight Shift
Trying Again
Trying Again Pt. II
Let's Go
Old Memories Equals New Ideas
The Start of Big Things
Start of Big Things Pt.2
Catch up
Catch Up Pt.2
Game Day
I'm Glad You Came
Calculations Pt.2
Out My House!
I'm Right Here
The Day Off Pt. 1
A Simple Conversation
What Goes Around...On the Other Side
So About Tonight...
The Preparation
Something About The Night (Pt.1)
A/N & Face Reveal
Back to the Norm

Something About The Night (Pt.2)

24K 623 415
By Jaee_101

(Tre , Wayne, And Dev) Daddies in the Media .😍😍😍😫

Sorry for the delay .

Zaria's Pov

Lord Jesus give me strength. That boy has to know the affect he has on me . And he loves using it to his advantage. I promise that the entire time he was talking to me, and the way he was talking to me; made me have to clench my thighs together.  Waterfalls was a understatement because honestly I was completely and utterly shook.

He knew he was dead wrong for feeling on me like that with them warm ass hands, and kissing on me with those lips. I can't help but think about how much he is able to effect me, and I'm not even with him foreal.

And even when I did everything in my power not to, I still stuttered. But hey, I mean at least I didn't met into a puddle or start drooling, because I damn near came close. Sometimes my hormones scare me. I be thinking about giving in but I know once I do, I am no longer responsible for my actions; no matter how outtapocket they may be.

He held my hand securely as we made our way into the restaurant. The place was sort of crowded which is to be expected because, everyone in Houston knew their food is A1.

He was about to go ask the hostess at the front for table then all of a sudden someone yelled out; "Boy if y'all don't get y'all late asses over here so we can eat!"

Instantly I recognized it was Devon loud ass. I laughed pulling on Dewayne's arm, tugging him in the direction of the table.

"Like yo garbage disposal head ass wasn't sneaking and eating my snack after practice , shut that shit up. My nigga you ain't know I could see you? Knowing that big ass head of yours already got its own gravitational pull. Irregular polygon ass head got you looking like something outta Cyberchase. " Dewayne said smacking his lips as we finally made our way to the table. 

Well Shit.

  "Aw Hell." Candace said shaking her head, "The shit already starting." 

"So we coming out the gate with the shade tho?" Stace said looking appalled. 

Tre had a thoughtful look on his face "I mean when you really think about it, he got more of a  head like sum off of Dragon Ball Z. Head got you looking like a melaniated Krillin. Head like Piccolo. -"

"Chill its too early for this shit." Candace said out of breath from laughing.

But Tre was still staring at Devon's head, in thought.  "I got it. my nigga got a head like Jaybo. Nigga if you don't get yo "Light nigga, dark nigga, faux nigga, real nigga ,rich nigga, poor nigga, house nigga, field nigga, still nigga, Looking ass on somewhere."

"TRE!" Candy said , flicking him in his head.

"What,I had to finish my thought. Baby he know he be setting his self up to get fried." Tre said nonchantly.

"Aye not too much on my baby -" Stacey said hiding a laugh, but she straightened up in her seat, so I already knew she was finna add on the bullshit. "Wayne and Tre you already know what the fuck going on, you can get the flame anyday. Wayne you look like a great value version of Kronk from Emperor's New Groove and Tre you built like Melvin off of Madagascar -"

Devon had been sitting in thought this entire time but he spoke, "Don't worry ma, I got this. Watch daddy handle up on the lighweight," he said as he wrapped an arm around Stacey's waist and smirked.

"Now Wayne, since you stepped to me first, you get a exclusive invite to this BBQ my brother. Head constructed like a stale ass, off-brand slice of bread.  Face like KD and Lebron been playing one on one from ya eyebrows all the way down to ya chin, stop playing with me. Got a head like Eduardo from My Foster home for imaginary friends. Looking like a teenage version of Tyrone from The Backyardigans. But you know what, I'm not gone go too heavy on you cuz you actually brought some heat."

Do he even be thinking about what he's saying? Like how do you think of this off the top of your head?

Stace, Candy and I were all laughing! The way they we're all were staring at eachother, like this was an actual war.

"Tre you thought you was safe my guy, I do this shit all day, money. Real shit." He said shifting his focus over from Dewayne to Tre.

"Finish Him!" Stace in her best mortal kombat voice while laughing.

"You coming for my head when you built like the shadow man from Princess and the Frog or a like a lightskin frozone; all head no muscle. Built like a incest. My nigga you built like a match. Only you can prevent Forest Fires, headass." Dev looked at Tre really hard and he smacked his lips ," Microscopic ass head, you really built up like a duelmonster from Yugio wit yo it's time to d-d-d-ddd duel faced ass."

By this time me and the girls were crying laughing.

"STOP. I . CAN'T BREATHE" I said inbetween laughs.

Candy and Stace had doubled over in laughter.

"Ladies, Ladies let's don't laugh yourself into comas." Dev said with a smirk as he held Stacey,"I can say I see improvement in y'all roasting skills and I've got to say, it makes me feel like a proud parent. But anytime you step to me remember I do this shit, daily. Don't think you have an automatic advantage because y'all lightskinned."

Tre and Dewayne both we about to go off again but I cut them off after clearing my throat. "Y'all ain't say hello y'all just flame eachother on sight." I said lightly tugging on Wayne's arm.

"Hey Bitchhhh." Candy said , as her and Stacey got up at the same time and ran towards me .  I laughed as they tackled me with hugs and gave them each a warm hug in return . "Hey loves" I said smiling .

"Okay so you look cute . Looking like a professional snack! I'm absolutely here for it,"Stacey said eyeing my outfit in approval and she giggled at my slides " I'm guessing the heels you had on earlier were a no then ?"

"I mean the slides cute as hell too. But let's catch up at the table cuz you know a I'm beyond starving at this point." Candy said .

I laughed .  "I guess you can say that. But girl I'm in work clothes y'all are the ones serving looks at the moment. "

"Girl you already know I had to fuck it up one time . " Stace said posing .

(Stacey's Look)

"Lightwork" Candy said shrugging with a smirk on her face.

(Candy's Look)

The boy's dapped eachother up. "I ain't gon lie Tre you kinda built up like Aku from Samurai Jack," Wayne said thoughtfully earning a glare from Tre while Dev started laughing.

"Always playing but you was just silent a minute ago. I guess you know how to pick your battles.  Head built like a deck of cards. Hercules, Hercules, Hercules faced ass." Tre said as they sat down.

"I mean let's forget yall was both silent ." Dev said evenly, "Plus he wasn't wrong you built up just like that nigga."

"Get the fuck, only thing yo bowling pin built ass can do successfully is run ya mouth. Damn sure ain't running shit on the court, ugly ass."

"He sure can run in this pus-" Stace began softly. But me and Candy heard her .

"ANNNNYWAAAAYS," Candy said, cutting her off and the boys stopped foreal this time. Thankfully only me and Candy knew what Stacey's outta pocket ass was about to say. 

I shook my head. "Wassup Z, sorry you had to witness murder but how have you been ?" Dev said sweetly. Before getting up and giving me a hug.

'Y'all are something else." I said giggling.

"Murder my ass. But hey Z , it's good to see you." Tre said pushing Dev out the way and giving me a hug.

We finally all sat down, and the seating arrangement was of course, Dev and Stace, Tre and Candy and me sitting next to Dewayne .

I grabbed the menu and instantly felt how hungry I actually was. I felt like my eyes turned into hearts, as I found my favorite things on the menu, which was the cajun fried shrimp combo. My mouth practically watered, just thinking about eating.

While we waited on a waiter to come take our order. The boys began discussing practice and stuff like that. So us girls decided to make our own conversation.

"So Z-bear?" Candy said smiling expectantly .

"Hmm?" I answered looking up from the menu.

"How was work ? I remember you telling us about that meeting you were gonna have, and how paranoid you were for it." She said thoughtfully as she drunk some of her pink lemonade.

I couldn't even stop the involuntary roll of my eyes. " was a entire waste of time, for which my eyes and ears witnessed unnecessary bullshit, in live and living color. "

"Oop sis spill the tea." Stacey said getting comfortable; and holding her drink close.

So gave them the rundown of how the meeting went, trying my best not to get all worked up all over again.

"See that couldn't have been me. I would have read them through the filth. And dragged both of their 2 dimensional asses by their receding hair follicles." Stacey said matter-of-factly, shaking her head.

"Oh trust me we know. You specialize in reading people on the daily. " Candy replied matter-of-factly.

"I'm the librarian, and I came to read." Stace and I said in unison before bursting into laughter.

"There is something seriously wrong with y'all." Dewayne said shaking his head .

I narrowed my eyes at them. Hypocritical asses. "I'm simply not about to play with y'all. I'm finna order my food."

"Don't sound like a bad idea at all." Candy said rubbing her hands together like Birdman.

Conveniently, the tables waitress was passing by and Tre flagged her down. We all started giving our orders around the table, along with our drinks because of how hungry we were . Hopefully we actually get to eat, unlike last time when there was altercation and tea spilled before I could even get my refill back .

To my relief we were able to make small conversation and get our drinks back less than 10 minutes after asking.

"Food will be back shortly. Let me know if y'all need anything else." She said sweetly while placing our drinks in front of us . I told her thank you and she headed off towards the kitchen.

We all kind of drifted off into meaningless conversation trying to catch up on everything we had missed . It seemed like a lifetime since I had truly just got to sit down.

"So you already know we going against our revivals next Friday?" Tre said cheesing real hard.

"Hell yeah it's gon be a dub. " Dev and Wayne nodded in agreement.

"Y'all confident cuz like last year, y'all swore y'all was gonna dub but it was a dud." Stace said matter-of-factly.

I almost spit out my drink. I covered it up though and just sipped slowly. Candy looked at me and she looked like she was holding back a ugly ass laugh.

"First of all, get ya girl. " Tre said fake mean mugging Stace.

"Boy shut yo incense looking ass up." Stace said quickly. Tre put his hand over his chest.

I couldn't take it I busted out laughing. Candy soon followed. We was both out of there ,and Dev looked at Stace incredulous.

"Damn ma. That's how you feeling foreal tho." Dev said narrowed his eyes at Stace making her laughter subside a little.

"I mean baby, I have faith in y'all I just think it's important not to get big headed . Cuz y'all will end up taking L's . Don't mean I support you any less or doubt y'all skill." She said carefully.

"Mhm. I like how you cleaned that up. " Dev said before whispering something in Stace's ear making her eyes widen slightly and a blush blaze fiercely on her cheeks.

Our food came. And I didn't waste any time , bowing my head quickly to say my grace. Once that life-changing plate was laced in front of me , filling nose with a aroma of seasonings , I dug in . Not bothering to worry about anyone or anything around me.

It was just me and my food. Within a few minutes a good portion of the food was gone, I heard Dewayne say , "Is it that good ?"

I looked up after eating the last of my fries and seen him looking at me with amusement in his eyes.

"Mhm." I said shortly before going back to my food.


About 15-20 minutes later

Everyone had finished their food and was making small conversation talking about nothing in particular. The waiter had came back picked up plates and we all paid -well in other words the boys paid for us, not even tryna entertain the idea of us paying for ourselves. I noticed throughout the course of dinner, Wayne would stare at me. I would see it out the corner of my eye but couldn't focused only on my food.

Even though the atmosphere was comfortable, my nerves where still on edge from the events that occurred before we even made it inside the restaurant. Those simple actions alone, made me feel a type of way. And although my hunger was a great distraction for my nerves, it set in that he did drive me here...and he's going to be the one to drive me home. Just us two, all alone.

"We really need to decide what the wave is gon be for break since it's literally going to start after this week?" Candy said looking at me and Stace.

Shit we can start planning right now, y'all can take me home as we can discuss it on the way.

"I'm quite sure we will figure something out . Just you know let me look at my schedule and we all regroup during class tomorrow." Stace said thoughtfully before looking at the time on her phone. She stood up.

Dev was looking at her like she was a piece of meat. For much of dinner his eyes were glued to her majority of the time. As soon as she started walking towards us he bit his lip , focusing intently on how she walked away. I already have a general idea of what events are going to occur after they leave.

"Well my babies I have to go . I'm gotta get home and get ready to return that ugly ass school. I'm glad we got a chance to catch up! I love y'all" She said giving us big hugs.

She lowered her voice to a discrete whisper ." Y'all Dev been giving the look this whole time. Got a bitch shaking in her boots and what nots. "

"He bout to lay down pipe, if needed I'm willing to let you borrow crutches. But bitch I wants the tea. Cuz you be holding out," Candy whisper-yelled.

"From the way Wayne and Tre been scoopin y'all out, it looks like I won't be only one with the tea sus. Tre probably already laying pipe that is not only snatching ya lacefront, but also temporarily paralyzing yo ass. And Z don't think we ain't see how you was looking when you came in . Just know my cousin got a wheelchair you can borrow whenever you need it .." Stace whispered slyly, making me clear my throat awkardly.

"I am a child of God. I do not participate in inappropriate activities." I stated matter of factly. Earning looks from Candy and Stace both.

"For Now." They said evenly. I rolled my eyes at their childish antics.

"I'm not gon even entertain that statement with a in-depth response." Candy said before breaking into a fit of giggles, "Dev gon rearrange ya cervix for talking slick shit , I looks forward to seeing the walk of shame." making Stace stick her tongue at her.

Dev had got up , dapped up Wayne and Tre up saying goodbye. He walked up behind Stace, draping his arm over her waist securely. " You ready to go, ma?"

She looked us with a smirk , "Bye hoes. We will continue our shenanigans later." she said before placing her arm over his and turning on her heels with him directly behind her.

"Y'all make it home safe." Dev said to us before they began walking towards the exit.

"Text the group chat sus !" Candy said loudly, earning a laugh from Stace as they walked out .

"Babygirl you ready ?" Wayne's deep voice drawled , sending chills down my spine. He had rose from the table and grabbed my purse for me .

His vivid eyes tore into mine, expectantly. "Mhm. " I said softly, before rushing over to Candy giving her one last hug .

She was grinning hella hard at me, making my nerves intensify. I hugged her partially hoping she wouldn't let go but she did . "Just breathe girl you look like you bout to explode! Relax."

I exhaled and nodded, "I'll try. Y'all have a goodnight."

I gave Tre a quick hug, "You too." He told us as he hugged Candy from behind. "Alright mami, let's be out."

We walked out the same exit but parted ways as Tre guided Candy the oppose direct towards his car.

Damn .


The dark sky spread out endlessly above us. As a the night air settled around us slightly chilled, traffic crowded the parking lot. I was walking directly next to him not to close, but close enough where I could still pick up the aroma of his scent.

Cars sparsely scattered across the lot as we made it back to his car. He opened to door for me and softly closed it once I got in. Shortly after, he was on in the driver's seat starting up the car.

As we drove off, I felt a tension set in. With the absence of needing to be somewhere on time, there were more things that could be said, expressed out in the open.

I examined his relaxed posture as he drove and how irresistible he was even from the side view.

"So when are we going to talk?" He asked casually, not taking his eyes off the road.

And there it is .

"Talk about what exactly?"

His lips quirked upward, he came to a smooth stop at a red light. As he glanced at me, my heart rate sped up. "You amaze me." He laughed with a genuine smile, making his dimple pop out, "But in all seriousness, I think we need to talk about what this is going between us. Plus there is a few things that need to be cleared up."

I took a deep breath. "Okay what would you like to be cleared up?"I asked tentatively. I reached in my purse and got a bottle of water. I took sips trying to calm my nerves and actually listen, because although I was scared, but anxious to see what he was gonna say.

The light changed , and we began cruising again ."Thought you never would ask ." He immediately responded , "Let me start by saying, that I everything I've ever said to you has been genuine. I'm not the type to open up to someone that I don't have a established connection with, because of all the temporary people in this world and especially at this school. But it's not like that with you, I can't explain it just yet. However, I am one to openly admit to saying outright what I want, and I know for a fact I want you, long term."

I choked on my drink . I started coughing , more like dying little. He reached over and gave me a few pats on my back until my coughing fit settled. Great. I thought as my cheeks felt like they were on fire. "Are you good?" He asked with concern.

"W-whaaaa-" I stammered, referring to what he was saying earlier.

This was definitely something I was not expecting, the first time anyone came out the gate telling me they were feeling me. "You sure?" I asked, uncertain not sure what to say or expect.

I heard him smack his lips. "Of course I'm sure Zaria, I wouldn't just spit bullshit to you. I'm not that type of nigga. "

"I mean, I'm just saying because of the last situation. I just didn't think you'd be ready for anything. This is your senior year and you have big things ahead of you. I come with a lot of baggage, and a person like you needs a confident, stress-free individual. I don't know if I'd be able to give you everything you need. You deserve that, after what you went through with Tracey. If anything when people get out of relationships like yours and they're the ones who got their hearts broken they don't want to go back. Plus it's been a few months so I don't expect-" I began before he cut he off.

"What? Nah you got it all wrong ." He said while he turned into the parking lot of my apartments. He parked in one of the visitor spots and looked at me. I was there expectantly, anxious to what he was going to say next.

"Okay I'm going to have to stop you right there. Let me explain something. Just listen, okay?" He said calmly.

I nodded, letting him continue.

"We are both still figuring things out, this is our senior year. But Zaria you need to trust I would never lead you on. I know how to communicate with you, I know I can talk to you. And I know what I want. I'm not ever gonna put pressure on you. I know it's gonna take time for you to be comfortable around me and I'm willing to prove myself, to you so you know I'm not fucking around. " Dewayne said picking my chin up softly with the pad of this thumb. I felt myself get lost in those mesmerizing eyes of his . "Maybe I shouldn't have acted on impulse and kissed you. I'll try to do better, I want to make you comfortable trust me I do. But babygirl part of me can't help it, I've been dying to taste those lips."

He needs to chill out, I'm tired of having to keep my hormones together.

He gently rubbed my chin with his thumb. And man did it feel good.

I didn't really know what to say. Mostly, I just wanted to take in what he was saying. Needless to say I was on absolute hush.

I think he sensed that but he asked the question I had been avoiding. "Why did you run away after I kissed you?" He asked still glancing at me .

Well. A had a million ones responses but half them didn't make sense, so I decided to keep it short and sweet."I um..Panicked." I said simply .

"I could see that trust me. I started to run after you , but I was still stuck on the fact you actually bolted off . I was like damn, was it that bad ?" He said laughing a little to himself.

Trust me, it wasn't bad at all it was too good. That's the problem. "It wasn't bad at all." I said honestly, he locked eyes with me. And I couldn't look away .

He searched my eyes . His signature smirk appeared on his face. "You liked it."

"Never said all that." I said matter-of-factly. (Lying my ass off)

He chuckled. "Just admit it ."

I couldn't give him that satisfaction not just yet. I didn't want him to get too big headed. It's already big enough.

I played it cool . "Just because I said it wasn't bad doesn't mean it was everything. Don't get piped up."

He shook his head at me and licked his bottom lip . He leaned towards me. "Shawty my shit was more than good. You ain't even gotta downplay it. I had you moaning and shit just from the kissing alone, plus you kissed me back. You be playing like it don't effect you but your body language always says something different. It's cool tho. Just know that everytime I'm close I know you clenching them thick ass thighs together isn't a coincidence."

L A W D .

This nigga gets bolder and bolder everytime . Waterfalls are gonna start flowing if I don't get my ass out this car. Why must my body always betray me ?

"Don't flatter yourself Wayne." I retorted .

"Still ain't say I didn't make you feel a type of way." he responded back instantly, smiling by this point .

"You work my nerves." I said again dodging him annoying ass remarks.

"I can work a lot of things." He said looking over at me again .

I palmed my forehead. He laughed, "I'm just fucking with you babygirl. I'll chill. I like seeing you all worked up, it's cute. But what did you mean by panic?"

"Well I didn't know what your purpose was behind it. Didn't know what to make of it, so I panicked . Now for the record, I don't have to respond to the assumption that I liked it when I technically was only obligated to answer the initial question. Besides we aren't together." I said looking at him once I got myself together.

"Fair enough." he said nodding, his demeanor becoming more serious,"But you know now that I am feeling you, it's been that way. And that kiss was a moment that I acted on impulse. I don't want you to feel like I didn't mean what I did. I don't regret anything. And I want to see where this goes. I ain't in no rush. And if overstep at anytime truly, I'll stop. I ain't tryna hurt you. All I ask if you allow us to see where this goes. Because I feel like if you weren't interested or at least curious we wouldn't even be to this point, Z."

He does have a point. I mean who I am kidding I've always found him attractive. And as I spend time with him more it just resurges how I already felt . I'm just scared because things could go left. "We can try, I guess." I began softly," Its gonna take time, so don't expect everything right away. I'm...gonna try to trust you but don't be out here doing the opposite of what you just said. "

He smiled, and grabbed my hand, lacing it with his . I let him, loving the feeling of his warmth. "I wouldn't dream of it. We'll just take it slow. But now I'm gonna need you to start trying to trust me. Can you try that for me?" He asked me .

"I can try." I said looking at our hands .

"Good, that's all I ask. Come on babygirl. I know you had a long tiring day at work. Let me walk you to your door. You ready?" He asked .

I am tired. Beyond it actually. "Sure." I said grabbing my heels and bag. He got out the car and jogged towards my end, swiftly,opening up the door. I got out thankful for my slides cuz my feet's felt heavy.

I walked next to him, slowly trying to fight off waves to tiredness.

"You good?" He asked me, with a concerned look.

"Mhm. I'm good just really sleepy. Work wore me out." I said softly .

He frowned stopped and frowned. "Let me help you." He reached towards me and I handed him my bag. He took it held it in one arm .

"Thank Y-oh!" I squealed in surprise when I felt myself being picked up. Next thing I know I was in Dewayne's arms and he started walking us to the door.

How was he pick me up so easy?

"Wayne I was okay. You don't have to carry me I can walk. You already have my bag I don't want you to have to carry everything." I said quickly as he opened the door and walked in .

"You just said you had long day and I know you're feet hurt. You ain't even heavy. Just relax I got this." He said swiftly walking us towards the elevator.

Welp. I'm kind of glad I was in his arms cuz when all the people started staring at us when we walked in I felt anxious. I hid my head in his chest praying no one would be in the elevator. It was nice to be off my feet though so I allowed myself to enjoy that feeling.

He approached the elevator and I sat up hurriedly to press the button. He looked down at me raising a brow.

"Sorry its a habit. I really like pressing the button." I said smiling sheepishly, with reddened cheeks . I then retreated back to my spot on his chest. Holding my heels secure in my hands .

He chuckled, and I felt the vibration off his chest , making me swoon. I'm glad my face was hidden cuz like always I was probably as red a tomato.
He carried me into the elevator, which was thankfully empty and stopped in front of the buttons. I realized he was waiting on me. I reached and pressed my floor number, exhaling as the metal doors closed .

I laid on his chest content with the feel of his heart beat. It seemed a little fast , but maybe that's just me. I also was able to be feel how sculpted his chest was, how the muscles in his arms contracted a soon as he picked me up.

This was one of my far-fetched fantasies to be in a moment like this with him, it didn't even feel real .
But I'll enjoy it, only this once .

Everytime he was close it hit me. This was a MAN who had tremendous effects on me. He had a great vibe, was beyond sexy, funny, just perfect. Agreeing to him tonight made me nervous, but somehow I couldn't stop myself from doing it .

"I feel small." I blurted our realizing I couldn't slide out his grasp if I wanted to. Wasn't that easy of a drop .

"You're not small, just fun-sized." he spoke calmly his deep voice sounding even more attractive from this angle. I snuck a peak up at his face and damn near drooled. His jawline was so perfectly defined it fit his face perfectly. His lips were shaped perfect . I briefly thought back to the times I felt them. They were the smoothest, softest lips I ever felt.

I snapped out of my trance. Realizing he had spoke . "Psf. Funsized? I'm only a few inches away from being average." I said pouting .

The elevator dinged as he was about to respond. It stopped the floor below mine and older lady came in.

He slide over politely allowing her room to come in . She held a small Walmart bag as she came in. But she pressed the same level as us so the elevator ascended once again. "Good Evening." She greeted us politely .

We both smiled and said hello back. I love seeing elderly people. It makes my heart all warm and fuzzy.

"Nothing about you is average. And that is a good thing." He said softly .

"Well thank you." I said shyly , "you don't have to carry me anymore really I can walk ."

He was already shaking his head. "I'll be carrying you to your room like I said originally. I told you I am a man of my word. Besides, it's the least I can do keeping you out right after work. Once I'm sure your apartment is safe then I'll put you down." He responded.

I gave up knowing he wasn't gonna budge."Okay."

I felt the lady's eyes on us. But I was too busy blushing to look up. The elevator dinged for the final time and the doors opened on my level .
"Go ahead ma'am, " He said to her allowing her room to leave first .

"Thank you young man. " she said politely walking out of the elevator with her bag. "By the way, you guys are a beautiful couple. Reminds me of me and my husband in our hay day."


"Oh no we aren't a couple." I said blushing .
"Not yet ." Dewayne said smirking. I looked at him , incredulously.

She looked at us with a raised brow, then laughing softly . "Young Love. There's nothing like it . Y'all have a blessed night."

"You too." Dewayne said as she walked away.

He exited the elevator and we headed down the hallway to my room .

"Bold." I said shaking my head at him . He just shrugged .

"What I can say, if you desire something speak into existence, you never know what the future will hold." he said confidently.

Shortly after we arrived to my door. He let me get down to unlock my door. After I unlocked it he went inside before me looking around . He kept me close behind him. After a the entire place was checked, he turned on the light .

"Just gotta check to make sure your safe. I don't need no more people coming in here messing with you. Then imma have a problem." He explained.

My heart fluttered a little at his words. "Thank you for helping me get here." I said reaching for my purse.

"You're welcome. You gonna be okay here by yourself?" he asked handing me my bag .

I looked at the clock it was approaching 9 o'clock.

"Yes I should be fine, I don't think she will come back ."  I said waving it off putting my shoes by my table .

"I'll speak with security in the lobby. But if she doesn't I have my phone on, you call me and we will get it handled okay?" he said sternly, looking deep into my eyes .

"Okay." I said. He looked at me skeptically. "I mean it foreal! I'll be fine." I said reassuringly .

"Alright . Well imma text you when I make it home. If you need me to I can stay, I don't mind coming back. But but go ahead and get going. I'll see you at school tomorrow. Get some rest babygirl ." He said before pulling me into a hug.

I'll never get used to how it feels when his wraps his arms around me even if it's just for a short period of time. "I'll see you. Drive safely." I said softly, returning the hug .

"I always do." he said walking towards the doorway.

I felt a tinge of..sadness. Part of me liked spending time with him especially in his arms. But I know I can't be getting all clingy to a man who isn't even my boyfriend. "Okay bye." I said softly as he leaned against the doorway .

He looked at me one last time , with that unreadable expression. I wondered if he was gonna kiss me again, and for a split second I wanted him to. But he didn't, keeping his word.

"Bye Z. See you tomorrow."

He turned and walked down the hallway and I softly closed the door behind him.

I slid down the door all the way until I ended up sitting . What have I gotten myself into?
I thought to myself as I again let the moments I had with him today play through my mind. Then I drifted to what happened before we went had dinner with our friends and how good it felt to be in his arms. His lips against my skin or on mine, it was was probably the best feeling I've ever felt. My feelings were developing at a dangerous rate.

And even though he's okay for now, only time will tell what his true intentions are, and if I can actually have happiness without someone taking it away like they always do.

I couldn't understand his persistence. A man like him could have anybody, so why me?

He could have any girl, someone who matched him. And even though things between him and Tracey went sour, it was clear she wasn't done with him.
People like Tracey and my sister always get what the want, even if it means causing drama.

If they were to find out we kissed lord knows what would happen.

Shaking my head, I got up off the floor and make my way to shower, hoping to get into my bed as soon as possible .

Well guys I recently had to bury my grandma. It's been hard things just feel a little strange . I guess you can say I've been misplaced since then . Life has just been so crazy .

But on a brighter side , this is the Longest chapter I've written to date . I apologize for this wait . Hopefully it uploads fully because I have been having issues . Let me know what my guys think.
I appreciate those who checked on me and message me . I'll get back in the groove of things .
Love y'all .❤️

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