Vincent x Reader (Cute New Ni...

By Xx_DankMemeDealer_xX

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Needing a job to move out your parents house, you took up the night shift for the famous Freddy Fazbears Pizz... More

One-Shot (Pillow Fight)
One-Shot (Till Death Do Us Part)
One-Shot (Cousin)
One-Shot (Dressing For The Occasion)
Library (One-Shot)
A/N: About the next one-shot
One Last Dance (One-shot)
Thanksgiving (one-shot)
Reader Pick!
Jealousy (One-Shot)
That Moment (and news!)
War AU
News On Future Updates
I'm Showering Where!?!
Coffee Shop AU
Valentines Day (One-Shot)
Dormitory AU (One-Shot)
Hello Dankness my old friend
Mafia AU (One-Shot)
Marching Band AU
Soulmate AU
Werewolf AU
Incubus! Vincent AU
Routine (One-shot)
2 In The Morning (One-Shot)
Author's Note
YUS (Author's Note)
Face Reveal! (im sorry..)
Author's Note (Sorry)
Remedy (One-Shot)
College AU (Photographer!Reader x Mechanic!Vincent)
College AU Part 2 (Photographer!Reader x Mechanic!Vincent)
Fireworks Look Better In Your Eyes (One-Shot)
Firemen and Ice-cream (One-Shot)
Firemen and Ice-Cream {Part 2} (One-Shot)
Suggestions/Open Poll
A/N: Shitstorm of BS
Nightguard Group Chat (Crack!)
Why am i like this?? (Crack!)
Goodbyes are Hard (One-Shot and a final farewell)
Poll! (A/N)
While You Were At Elf Practice I Was Studying A Long Hiatus
Marriage AU (One-Shot)
Emotions (Small prompt)
That Would Be Enough (Hamilton! Song fic/one-shot)
IMPORTANT (Author's note)
Is This Real or Just Another Crush? (Song fic/one-shot)
My memes may be ironic by my depression is chronic
Art Tag
Story Time
what the fuCK RICHARD!? (Crack!)
Ill See You Again, Soon (Angst! Oneshot)
Art Dump (Nobody cares lol :,,,)))
Greek God/Goddess AU one-shot
'It's been so long-'

The Crew in Different Scenarios (and a serious A/N at the end......)

1K 41 181
By Xx_DankMemeDealer_xX

LOOKIE HERE MORE CRACK (I'm dead inside!!!)

In Walmart

Mike: *touching every children's toy so iT BLARES*

Jeremy: *inside a clothing rack* all around me are familiar faces.....

Vincent: *has his arm stuck in a blood pressure machine* helP ITS GOT ME

Fritz: *probably trying to stuff shit under his shirt*

Scott: *taping Billy Mayes' face to every barcode in the store*

You: I wonder if that shelf is strong enough to hold me???

In a Pet Shop

Mike: Is this poisonous?? If so can I touch it????


Vincent: *has gotten pinched by a hermit crab and is lowkey sobbing*

Fritz: lol look how stupid they are *making the cats run into the glass*

Scott: *has grabbed a fish out of a tank* I'll saVE YOU

You: *has stuffed a bunny in your bra* what do you mean I'm stealing merchandise??

At a Daycare

Mike: *is lowkey a child magnet and haTES IT*

Jeremy: *is literally the mom of the group, but cries whenever a child cries*

Vincent: I bet you can't stuff that entire pencil up your nose

Fritz: *literally picks up children by their feet* what??? Isn't this the proper way to handle children????

Scott: stop running you littLE FUCKER

You: *sobbing in a corner*

On a Rollercoaster

Mike: *acting tough but is actually screaming on the inside*

Jeremy: *girlish screaming and literally crushing Mike's hand*

Vincent: *has already puked all over Mike behind him*

Fritz: I wonder what would happen if I removed the bar???

Scott: I hope this kills me

You: *dabbing every time you see someone looking up at you*

In a Serious Meeting

Mike: *building a tower out of expo markers*

Jeremy: : *listening because he a good bean*

Vincent: *making faces at you*

Fritz: *sneaking snacks beneath the table along with some loud crunching at times*

Scott: *almost falls asleep with his elbow on the table and head in his hand until Mike pushes his arm and makes him slam into the table*

You: *seeing how many pairs of scissors and pencils you can balance on your face*

In a Fire

Mike: why are people going down the fire escape I thought that was not permitted to be used???

Jeremy: *has an intricate plan that he executes perfectly*

Vincent: I wonder if I can just run through it fast enough so it won't burn

Fritz: Lol I'm not moving out my bed wtf I'll just burn

Scott: *tries to use the fucking elevator*

You: *shoving people out the way* WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST

On a Date

Mike: are you an angel cause-shit wait that was wrong, did you crawl out of hell or-FUCK!

Jeremy: *is literally the cutest lil bean whom is respectful and sweet, but very nervous and swEATY*

Vincent: *chokes on food and doesn't get a second date*

Fritz: just to be clear you're paying the bill right????

Scott: *shoving the appetizers in his bag*

You: lol I'm here for the free food

At a Concert

Mike: *starts a mosh pit and gets the shit beaten out of him*

Jeremy: *has all the merchandise and is the happiest*

Vincent: *yelling at the stage* this fucKER IS USING AUTOTUNE

Fritz: *messed with the projector and instead of showing the band emblem it shows a really bad double-chin selfie of Mike*

Scott: *That one tall fuck who gets in the way*

You: *climbing someone tall* Don't mind me...

Confronted by an Animatronic

Mike: fuckinG FURRY *throws desk across room*

Jeremy: gotta blAST *dives into vent*

Vincent: *is about to be captured* Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Jesus Christ??? *beats the shit out of them with a bible*

Fritz: *puts head in Foxy's mouth* don't mind me...

Scott: *uses Balloon Boy as a weapon*

You: john cENA *flies over desk and choke slams that bitch*

Solving a Rubix Cube

Mike: *Mike.exe has stopped working*


Vincent: *taking off the stickers and putting them in the right spots*

Fritz: *solves it in five seconds cause he a smart bby*

Scott: shove this uP MY ASS *chucks it across the room*

You: *no attempt whatsoever*

Physical Education

Mike: *Jock that everyone hates cause he's a cocky lil fuck*

Jeremy: *stays in the back and avoids everyone*

Vincent: *acts like a jock but gets a dodgeball to the face and cries*

Fritz: I'm allergic to exercise...

Scott: *is only good at basketball because of his height*

You: remember that one time you crossed me, revenge bitch *kicks ball into someone's face and gets suspended*


Mike: *flirts with a cute girl only for them to turn around and oh shit that's Jeremy lol no homo*

Jeremy: *keeps his shirt and trunks on because he's self-conscious about himself, but swims in the shallow end*

Vincent: cannonBALL FUCKERS *splashes everyone within a mile radius*

Fritz: *is sunburnt in literally five minutes*

Scott: *put sun lotion on Mike's back in the shape of penises so when he burns there are just pale spots in the shape of a dick*

You: I'm a majESTIC DOLPHIN *almost jumps in atop a child*

So the the 'You' in this most likely won't apply to many of you but I tried

I am so sorry that I haven't updated in a long time but I have been busy with my other account (even though I have only 2 followers there and the one story I posted has 109 views) I hate to inform you all of this, but the reason I haven't updated in a while is because I have mostly fallen out of this fandom. I have been here since I was 14, so 2 years of being here and 16 year old me has currently moved on, this was my first ever fandom and I can seriously say it was the wildest experience yet. Recently the fandom has fallen to complete and utter shit, I'm not sugar coating it guys, we have fallen apart as a group. So many fights break out over gender roles of the animatronics and the story line (which Scott has purposely built to be confusing and it seems without a conclusion), we fight more than we come together, I have had many problems with readers coming to me about my opinion on how the genders are and that my view on Vincent is incorrect, it's tarnished my love for this fandom in it's wake. I seriously don't want to abandon this book but I have no more passion for it, I've found a new fandom that is loving of one another and supportive of things such as the LGBT community and they are united as one, I love you all so much and I know many of you reading this are not responsible for the dilemmas, but I'm afraid my opinions are unchanged. I love the games along with the possibly upcoming movie, but the fandom is a complete and utter mess, I no longer wish to be part of this group that harasses and degrades people because of their opinions and views, it is not right. So to those who have harassed me and anyone else in this book, go fuck yourself, because you have ruined this for everyone else. To anyone who has been harassed due to this book I am so sorry you've had to deal with that, all I've wanted to do was bring us together, but I have failed to do so as a writer. Message me for details on this new fandom or my new account, I am not sure if this story will be updated after this nor the sequel, once again I am very sorry to those who have done no wrong.


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