Stalker; A.F.I

By wildflowercalx

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stalk·er ˈstôkər/ noun 1. a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention. ... More



118 2 1
By wildflowercalx



I wake up to the feeling of lips being pressed on mine. My eyes snap open and I notice Vanessa's kissing me softly.

I smile and kiss her back with my hand sliding down her side. She runs her hair through my hair and separates the kiss. "I don't want you to go, Ash. Please."she whispers. I feel her breath hitting my face and her fingers still tangling themselves in my hair.

"Babe, I have to."I chuckle softly. She shakes her head and frowns. "No, you don't. Please."she whispers.

"Vanessa, there's nothing that you can say that's gonna stop me from going."I say and sit up. She groans of frustration. "Ashton, you don't know my uncle. He's dangerous!"she complains.

"So? Everyone I deal with is dangerous."

I feel her arms snake their way around my shoulders and she rests her head on my shoulder. I place my hands on her arms and smile.

She's really become attached to me, hasn't she? I can't say I feel bad for making her this way because I don't. This is actually all I wanted. For her to want me the way I want her.

" long are you going to be gone though?"she asks. "Only 2 days. No more no less. Unless plans change which isn't happening, pumpkin."I say. "Okay....promise?"she says with a soft tone. "I promise, I'll be home as soon as possible."I smile. She places a soft peck against my cheek and lets it linger for a second or so before departing from me.

She gets up from the bed and stretches her arms out.

I smile at the sight of my beautiful girlfriend. I forgot last night she went to sleep wearing nothing but her underwear and bra- which are both lace. It's amazing how she's a month pregnant and you can't even tell. Wow.

She smiles at me.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom."she says. I nod and watch her walk to the bathroom door and walk in, closing the door.

I stand from my spot on the bed and stretch my arms, releasing all the tension in my shoulders.

I hum a random tune in my head and it occurs to me it's one of the songs that-

never mind.

Well, actually, I guess I should explain.

Last year me and the guys would mess around and whenever we weren't off doings deals we would go to Michael's and play in his basement. I would play the drums, Calum would play on the bass and Luke and Mikey would be on two different guitars. It was really fun but we never really did anything with it. We made a few songs but they aren't really anything good. We don't even wanna be in a band. And I think I'd like to keep it that way, especially how things are now. Plus that was all the way a year ago, I don't even play the drums anymore. I have a family to take care of now. I don't have time for that mess.

The song I'm humming to just happens to be one of the songs we would mess around with. We called it....what was it? I can't remember... oh yeah, it was like English Love Affair or some weird shit? I dunno. It was pretty catchy though.

I find myself mumbling the words to the song.

"When the lights go out
she's all I ever think about,
The picture burning in my brain
Kissing in the rain
I can't forget my english love affair
I'm 7000 miles away
The movie playing in my head
of a king sized bed
I can't-"

I stop when I notice Vanessa smirking at me from across the room with her arms crossed.

"Babe, I didn't know you could sing."she says with a wide smile. I roll my eyes feelings the heat rush to my cheeks.

"I can't."I say and begin walking to my closet. She drops her arms to her side and laughs. "Yes, you can. You sound amazing...what song were you singing? Did you make that?"she asks. "No."I lie. "Then who did?"she urges on. "Not telling."I say and start scanning through my clothes.

"Ash....I love you're voice. I'm not gonna force you to sing but it would be nice to hear it every once in awhile."she says and runs a hand through my hair.

I turn my head to her and see her with a small frown.

"What's wrong?"I ask.

"Nothing."she lies and smiles. I roll my eyes. "Ness-"

"I'm fine, Ash."she laughs and rests her head against the wall. I nod. "Okay. If you say so... I'm gonna get a shower, okay?"I say and pull my clothes out of my closet. She nods and wraps her arms around me.

I smile and kiss her head gently. "I love you, Ashton."she says with a sigh that follows. "I love you more, pumpkin."I smile and rub her back softly. She separates from me and twirls out of my arms.

"Give me these, I'll iron them while you're in the shower."she says, stealing my clothes from my arms. "You don't have to do that-"

"No, but I want to... I want to be the typical housewife for you."she smiles.

"Nothing about you is typical though, and what do you mean by housewife? Wife?"I ask. She shrugs, shifting her feet slightly.

"I meant I wanna do normal things that people like how we are would do things."she nods.

"People like how we are?"I question.

"Yeah. Our relationship."

"Our relationship? Other people live like us?"I chuckle slightly.

"I don't know, you never know. Someone out there might have the type of relationship we have."she says quietly and looks up at me with a small smile.

I narrow my eyes.

"What kind of relationship do we have, Vanessa?"I ask, testing her.

She sighs and puts on a concentrating face. I can tell she's really thinking.

Something about the look in her eyes. I don't know if it's the fact that she's standing in front of me with nothing but lingerie on or if it's the fact that after today I might not see her for another 2-3 days but she looks absolutely sexy to me and I love everything about her right now.

She hums slightly and pulls me out of my thoughts.

"We have a relationship like... Romeo and Juliet. I'd die for you, Ashton,"she pauses.

My heart takes a leap and I feel my throat become knotted up.

"no matter how many people think it's wrong for us to be together... At the end of the day it's just us."she says and wraps her arms around my neck and stands on her toes to barely meet my lips.

I feel myself smiling down at the beautiful girl before me.

"You'd die for me?"I ask. She nods slowly and gazes into my eyes with a bit of sadness. "Would you die for me?"she whispers.

Oh, Ness, you have no idea.

"I would gladly die for you, pumpkin."I whisper. She smiles and softly presses a kiss against my lips. I kiss her back with much force only for her to separate from it abruptly. I look at her with confusion.

"You better get ready. I'll iron your clothes for you."she says softly. Her smile fades slowly. "Okay...what's wrong baby?"I ask and tilt her chin up. "Is it bad?....that's I would die for you?"she asks. I shake my head. "No, pumpkin. It's okay."I say and run a hand through her hair. She looks away and nods.

"I just feel like I'm loosing myself lately. Like I'm not the same person I was when I....when you.... when we met."she says. "Because you aren't. You're a girl who loves me. You used to hate me."I chuckle. She laughs. "Yeah, I know but-"

"Baby, I'm the only one for you. I love you. Nobody will love you like how much I do.... ya know, Vanessa, you're so damn beautiful and amazing."I cut her off before she can start to overthink. I watch as a small smile grows on her face. She giggles and rolls her eyes.

"Shut up and go get in the shower."she blushes and lightly nudges me away. I laugh and press a kiss on her head before walking to the bathroom.


Ashton walks to the bathroom and in 2 minutes I hear the water start running.

I smile and feel my heart still throbbing from the compliment he just gave me.

Ugh, how does he do this to me? Whatever it is, I don't fucking care. He's so warm and gentle with me... and so loving and caring. There really is no one who could love me more than him.

I grab the ironing board from Ashton's closet along with the iron. I can tell there's still water in it from the last time someone used it.

I pick up Ashton's wrinkled shirt and jeans. These jeans look like they haven't been folded in years and the shirt looks like it didn't even look at the iron since it's been bought.

I laugh and lay the shirt across the board after turning it inside out.

The real reason I'm doing this is because I want to prove to Ashton that I'm wife material. I want to show him I'm good enough to be with forever and as long as forever is.

I know it seems completely insane that I'm still even with Ashton but at this point there's no reason to want to go home. Ashton loves me. I love him. I'm pregnant with his baby and we're going to have a family.

"Vanessa, you're brainwashed."she shouts.

I sigh and try to push the memory away.

I refuse to believe I'm brainwashed. What kind of bullshit is that? Why would Ashton lie to me to make me love him? That's ridiculous! I fell in love with him on my own. Plus, Ashton is right. He is the only man who will ever love me like the way he does. Nobody, no man, could ever make me feel the way he does. Ashton's the only one who loves me.

He even said he'd die for me...and being honest I think I'd do the same for him.

I finish ironing his clothes and set them on the bed, neatly folded.

I notice I'm still in my underwear and bra. I smile and walk over to Ashton's closet, scanning through his clothes. I pick one of his white button up shirts. I slide my arms in the sleeves and button it up halfway, noticing it goes down to my mid thigh.

I giggle and twirl in his large shirt that hangs on my tiny frame.

The door creaks behind me causing me to spin around and see Ashton standing there in the doorway with his towel around his waist and a smirk on his face.

"Oh...hi."I say quietly. He chuckles and shakes his head. "You look adorable."he says and makes his way towards me. "Shut up."I say and roll my eyes, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks.

I begin to unbutton the shirt to take it off.

"No, pumpkin, I didn't mean it like that."he sighs and stops me. I look back up at him.

"I like it when you wear my clothes. Especially like this."he says, pointing out the lingerie underneath. I feel a small smile on my face.

He slowly leans down to press a kiss on my lips when his phone starts ringing.

He sighs and separates from me. I look away and laugh.

He lifts the phone to his ear.

"Hello?.....yeah, I was about to get dressed.....okay, that's fine. Could you phone the other guys to see if they could come over?....okay thanks."he hangs up and looks back at me.

"So, a couple of things I should tell you."he says and drop his towel. I feel myself blushing and my eyes dart away from his area. He chuckles.

"Baby, no reason to look away. We've seen each other naked before."he says. I shrug. "Whatever. Go on."I sigh.

"Well, first: Luke and Calum will be staying with you this time. Along with another friend of mine, Scott. You'll meet him later. They girls are coming over too, so you can have some company. Two, you have a doctors appointment tomorrow. Luke is taking you-"

"What? No, can Calum or Rebecca take me?"I interject. He rolls his eyes. "Why are you so against Luke?"he chuckles. "Do you not remember what he did to Jared?"I ask. He sighs and closes his eyes. "Baby, I get that what he did was horrible but you have to learn to put up with him."he says. I groan and roll my eyes.

"Fine. Whatever. Is there anything else?"I ask. "Yes."he sighs and becomes more serious.

"What's wrong?"I ask, worriedly.

"I know I said there's nothing to worry about with the dealer being your uncle but, if something goes wrong, I might have to, uh...."he looks away from me and I can feel my heart crack slightly.

"You'd have to kill him."I finish for him. He nods.

"If he finds out about us, he'll come after you, pumpkin."he says softly. I nod and sigh. "Ash...what do I do if he does find me? What if he comes here to get me?"I ask.

He chews on his bottom lip and sighs with sadness.

"Run. I want you to run, Vanessa."he says.


"If something happens to the guys, run home. To your mom's house. I have someone who lives very close in the area and I'll have them come and get you, okay? But I'm serious. Run, Vanessa."he says.

He stares down into my eyes and I realise he's deadly serious.

"Okay. I'll run."





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