Texas Nights - Book 13 of the...

By TimothyWillard

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Wattys 2018 Longlist Book! Desert Storm had been a disaster for Sergeant Cromwell. Out of the thirty men and... More

First Impressions
My Animal Now
Chips of Ice
The Rod & Gun
A Truck of Crap
Dropping Dimes
Rolling the Dice
A Reminder About Being the Fat Girl
M997 Failure
Gathering Paperwork
Class Five
The Crystal Ball
A Day at the Range
The Easy Way
Unboxing the Past
How Could You?
Appetizers for Body and Mind
Appetizers for Body & Mind (Rewrite)
Real World Opening
A New Actual
If it Ain't Raining...
..It Ain't Training. (Rough Outline Fill Draft)
...It Ain't Training (Rough Draft)
...It Ain't Training (Final)
Ta(l)king it Out
Car Ride
After Action Injury (Rough)
Mud and (Simulated) Blood
Snakes in the Mud
Lessons Learned
Mom, she hit me!
Will You Come With Me?
I Don't Need Friends
All Hallows Eve
Anonymous Tip
Post Combat Confusion
My First Day
My First Day (Rewrite)
Lunch and Vicks
All Clear
Thursday Training Again
Old Ghosts
After Action
Before It's Too Late
Blackbriar Girl
Storm Crow
Staff Meeting
Under the Mask
Warned Thrice
Late Night Discussion
Talking in the Dark
He's So Drunk
Just a Little Mistake
I Will Survive
Dammit, Stillwater
It's Just Training. It's Just Training.
Damn You, Colonel Krait
Just Walk Away
Ignorance is Bliss
Prisoner Exch... OH MY GOD!
317 In Life & Death
Another Betrayal
Stupid Dreams
Site Delta
There Sometimes Are No Words
Old Sins
Meep Meep
She's Momma's Good Girl
I don't want to write this....
Something to Remember Them By
In the End We Only Had Each Other
Author's Note


388 18 5
By TimothyWillard

Room 275
15th FSB Barracks
Fort Hood, Texas
20 December, 1991

The knock was quick and I whipped open the door with a smile. Chuck Steward stood on the other side, grinning at me. His blue eyes sparkled as I squealed with delight, grabbed his wrist, and pulled him into the room. I kicked the door shut as I gathered him up, pulled his head down, and kissed him, pushing my tongue into his mouth hungrily.

"What's with the guy in chair?" he asked me when the kiss broke. I leaned back, holding onto his waist and looking up at him.

I looked over to where some poor bastard from Alpha Company was sitting in a chair against the wall, next to my desk, trying to ignore everything.

"CO and Battalion Commander is making him watch me. I'm a little unstable," I admitted, then smiled widely. On the 'watch me' part I put my arms in a V, my hands down by my crotch, and flexed, bouncing my tits.

"Yeah, your eyes are kinda bright," he said, smiling back.

"We just got back. Kinda lost it in the CO's office," I giggled. "My whole team's considered a risk, so we've all got people who have to watch us."

He threw a mock salute at the guy from Alpha, who was sitting in the chair looking bored in the dark. "Glad your back. Didja have fun?" He asked me.

I laughed, aware of how brittle it sounded. "Oh yeah. Can't talk about it though," I told him.

He just nodded. "Yeah, I figured," he kissed me again and I melted into his arms.

"You know you're naked, right?" he asked me after the kiss broke.

"Yup," I smiled at him. I stepped back then ran my hands down my body, shimmying, which set my fat tits to swaying. He laughed and reached forward to cup my breasts.

"So, you back for awhile?" He asked.

"Less talk, more kissing," I said, grabbing his head and pulling it down. I growled against his lips, tightening my grip around his ribs tight enough I heard his back pop as I pushed my tongue into his mouth. I shifted to grind my crotch against his hip.

The kiss broke and I stared up at him, smiling.

"Have you showered?" he asked me, touching my cheek.

"Yeah," I lied, then giggled uncontrollably.

He looked at the guy from Alpha who shrugged. "I guess. They stood in the rain for about ten minutes out there."

"Snitch," I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Out there?" He looked back at me. "Heather, it's like forty degrees out there."

"Don't care. Liked it," I told him.

"Get some PT's, a towel, and your shampoo and soap," he told me.

I pouted. "Don't wanna. Fuck first."

He shook his head. "You smell bad."

I lifted my fingers up and pushed them in his mouth right as he finished speaking. He hadn't seen my run my fingers up my slit.

"Taste. Gimme," I said, sliding down him. My hands went to is belt but he grabbed my hands.

"Can I take her in and give her a shower?" Chuck asked the guy from Alpha Company.

"I have to go too," he said. He sounded vaguely depressed about it.

"What, you don't want to see my tits all wet?" I asked him. "Gay?" He shook his head. "It's cool if you are. It's cool if you wanna watch too," I pulled a fluffy towel out of my locker and tossed it at him, then tossed a washrag. "Here, catch, you can cum in it if you wanna jack off while you watch me shower."

He turned red and stood up.

"She been like this the whole time?" Chuck asked.

He nodded. "The whole bunch of them is aggressive as hell. That Peel chick had to be sedated because she picked a fight with two of the brothers playing pool in the dayroom, and Cherry had to be sedated for fighting with his room mate. They all were running through the halls naked before they sent a bunch of us up here to start watching them in shifts."

I was digging out my shower kit and some warm fluffy sweats.

"Why?" Chuck asked.

"They didn't say," the guy from Alpha said. "I'm Class-V, a fifty-five bravo, and I know BZ exposure when I see it."

"Chemical weapon?" Chuck said. The Alpha guy nodded. "I should probably stop asking questions right about here," He kind of trailed off on that as the Alpha guy kept nodding.

"Ready!" I exclaimed.

"Gonna get dressed to go to the bathroom?" Chuck asked me.

"Doncha like my butt?" I asked, shaking it.

"Yup," he said, slapping it. "Maybe I don't like other people looking at it."

I giggled and shook it again, going to the door. I looked at Alpha with a big smile. He just shook his head, following as I whipped open the door and jumped out into the hallway.

"CHECK OUT MY TITS, FIFTEENTH!" I yelled, my feet spread and my arms up at a forty-five degree angle.

"HEY CHIEF!" Peel yelled from a few doors down toward the door. She had two guys holding her down with a blanket. She started laughing.

"HI, PEEL!" I waved. Chuck grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the bathroom a door down and across the hall.

"Stop! I'm ticklish!" Peel started laughing as the door shut behind me.

"Haaalooooo," I called out as I moved toward the back of the bathroom. "Big titted fat girl and her escorts coming in!"


I stood next to the shower, looking at all three of the small cube showers. White shower curtains, speckled tile halfway up the wall, simple shower head, two knobs, large soap dish.

My hands started shaking.

Chuck stepped up next to me, putting his hand on my butt. "Heather, are you OK?"

I nodded, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

...just one drink...

"Come on, let's get you in the shower," he said, pulling back the middle shower curtain and smiling at me.

"Don't wanna," I said softly, twisting my foot and staring. Chuck glanced at my eyes.

"Why not?" Chuck asked me, moving behind me, putting his arms around my waist, kissing my neck. "It's a shower."

"Don't wanna," I repeated. I wasn't seeing the shower.

...holding one hand over my own mouth, the other over Cherry's inside the dumpster...

...the world ending hammer blows of artillery pounding around us...

Chuck was kissing the back of my neck, making my insides warm up and go gooey. I purred and  flexed my hips, rubbing my butt against his crotch. It stung a little, the crack of my ass still itchy and burny, but that was just how it was, so I rolled with it.

"Come on," he said, gently leading me into the shower.

"Psst, some guy's watching us," I mock-whispered, pointing not so subtly at the guy from Alpha.

"That's OK," Chuck said. He started to undo my braid and I shivered. My hair fell down to my lower back and he turned me so the hot water coursed through my hair. Shampoo first, then he dug his fingers into my scalp as he massaged, then started washing.

I put my hands against the wall of the shower, shuddering with pleasure as he worked. All that mattered was his fingers against my scalp, against my skull. He used my hairbrush to work the shampoo into my hair, then rinse it out. He took the soap from the Alpha guy when he held it out, washing my skin, using the wet rag to scrub my skin. Sometimes it scrubbed away gray, and the 'tan' washed away to reveal pale skin.

"Need shaved," I moaned, holding onto his neck while he washed out my fat little cunt.

"After the shower," he said. "We'll put some vitamin-E on your muffin, take care of that redness."

"Careful," I hissed when he hit the stitches.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Is stupid," I murmured.

"Tell me," He said, kissing the back of my neck again. I shivered.

"Tried to trim my pubic hair with my knife, hand slipped," I said. "Couldn't stop the bleeding, Peel had to give me stitches." I turned around, putting my arms around him. "Hey, how come you aren't undressed?" My hand dropped to his crotch.

"Because we'd never get you washed," Chuck smiled, kissing me.

"You want to be naked," I said in a sing-song voice, gently squeezing. "You got a hard on..." He turned me around.

"Shh, there's some guy watching us, he might hear," He said in my ear. His hands were soapy and moving under my heavy fat tits. It felt wonderful when he lifted them, taking the weight off my shoulders and back. I sighed in relief and leaned back against him. "Feel good?"

"Uh-huh," I said. "Tendon in my shoulder and neck hurts. The one that attaches to the ligament in my boob on the left side."

"Curse of big ol' titties," He said, keeping them held up. "Bra not helping?"

"Lost my bra when we got overrun," I said.

"Oh," was all he said. He held them up for a little bit longer, then started to wash me down again.

"Hey, does she have pedicure scissors in her bag, man?" Chuck asked. The guy from Alpha looked in my toiletries bag for a minute, then held up the scissors. Chuck reached out, grabbed them, then knelt down.

"You're chafed pretty bad. How much do you want me to leave?" He asked.

"As much as you like," I smiled down at him. "It might need kisses though. That'd make it feel better."

He just smiled and started snipping.

It made me feel better, having that trimmed.

I rinsed off and Chuck helped me out of the shower. I stood there, almost purring while he dried me off. Twice I winked at the guy from Alpha, but he just smiled and acted like I didn't do anything.

So I stuck my tongue out at him.

That impressed him less.

My reflection in the mirror looked strange. My eyes were lavender, bright, and my pupils were dialated. My face was slightly flushed, the scars whiter than the skin around them.

Part of me knew it was the BZ. It changed how your brain worked. We'd had a lot of trace exposure, three times we'd had direct exposure.

BZ was an incapacitating agent. Designed to cause fugue states, ADHD, and other annoyances. Everyone reacted differently though, and tests during Vietnam showed that in soldiers it usually manifested in increased aggression and a desire for high octane adrenaline.

In Vietnam that meant US troops hitting US troops in five out of five tests, back when they thought it would act as a combat enhancer.

I'd learned, in Special Weapons, that combat enhancers always failed.

Could you imagine them jacking someone like Stillwater up on super-soldier combat drugs? Sounds great during a war right? Lower his dopamine till he has zero empathy, increase his endorphins to stave off pain, increase adrenaline production for more strength, endurance, and faster reflexes? Just chemically enhance him to fight the war, sounds easy, right?

Well, what do you do with him after the war?

Kill him?

Chuck wrapped me in the towel, short circuiting my thought process as the warm terrycloth rubbed against my skin. He hugged me and I purred, resting my head against him chest.

"Lets get you in the room," he said.

I looked at Alpha guy. "Coming?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said, standing up straight.

"Figured you'd be breathing hard," I teased, then stuck my tongue out at him.

He just shook his head.

Out of the bathroom, across the hall. I looked over, they'd managed to get Peel into her room.

I'll bet they rolled her up in the blanket and carried her.

Once we were in the room I ran over and flopped on the bed, squirming until I was on it and throwing out my arms and legs. I squirmed a little more, enjoying the feel of my comforter against my skin and sighing.

"She's probably gonna get frisky on me," Chuck was saying.

"Gee, ya think?" Alpha guy shot back.

"You have to stay?" Chuck asked.

"Captain Jane was pretty clear. Constant monitoring," he answered.

"BLOOD FOR LUGUS!  BLOOD FOR CERNUNNOS!!" Peel shrieked from outside the room, the sound of her voice going from right to left. She was laughing at the last part. "I AM THE WINTER QUEEN!"

"I guess," Chuck said, chuckling.

"Yeah, they've tried sedating that one twice," Alpha laughed. "She's a pistol."

"He can watch," I said from the bed, "I don't mind being watched."

Chuck sat down next to me, rubbing my stomach, tracing the scars on it with his finger.

I smiled at him, covering his hand with mine. "At Atlas, you were always watched. Little-Bit watched you through her scope. Aine would watch you because she was curious," I gave him a sad smile. "Stillwater, well, he just knew. He knew everything," I gave a half-sob half-laugh. "I lost my cherry on top of a 6-pack rocket pod of tactical nukes. Left a bloody butt-print that kinda looked like a butterfly," I squeezed his hand. "They're dead now, so I guess it doesn't matter."

I put my hands over my face and started crying. "All of them died. All the boys."

"She'll do that for about five minutes," Alpha boy said, "First time, I tried to comfort her, turned into a wrestling match."

"Yeah, but I'm OK with that," Chuck said. He leaned down, pulling my hands away, and kissed me gently. "Hey, hey, you're here now, it's OK."

The kisses turned savage as I realized he was naked. After a few minutes I slid a condom onto him and tried guiding him in, but every thrust smashed my clitoris and made the stitches pull. I'd sliced myself good, across the clitoral hood and down part of my inner lip. So every thrust was painful.

"It's OK," he said, pulling out gently and rolling off me. "It's a bad cut."

I thought for a moment. I was still really aroused. I needed, craved the intimacy that Chuck was willing to give me. My nerves were jangled, my brain was still partly fried.

"STOP! I'M TICKLISH!" Peel squealed from the hallway. I could hear boots stomping. "DON'T! YOU'LL MAKE ME PEE ALL OVER YOU!"

I giggled, and something popped into my head.

"Wait right there," I told him, getting up.

Alpha watched me as I went over to my wall locker, opened it, and dug around in what was left of my aid bag. After a moment I found it and walked over to the bed. I flopped down on my stomach and lifted my fat butt slightly.

I handed him what I'd pulled out and he looked at me, then at my butt, then at it again before looking at me.

"Really?" He asked.

I grinned. "Never tried it, but a friend of mine used to swear by it," I told him. "Just go slow, I've never done it before and I'm a little sore there too."

"What if it doesn't work?" He asked.

"Then you can titty-fuck me or I'll blow you," I grinned. "I like both of those."

"All right," he told me, sitting up. The tube made a splortch sound as he squirted some on his fingers. "I'll go slow and be gentle."

"Make sure to get plenty on the cheeks on either side of it, I got a big ass," I told him as I reached back, pulled my butt cheeks apart, and bit my lip nervously.

As he smeared the KY on me I shivered and got goosebumps.

I expected it to hurt. But he went slow, listened to me when I told him to wait, and soon he was all the way inside, filling me up with pleasant pressure. Chuck went nice and slow, in and out with long, deep strokes that made me moan with pleasure. I looked over at Alpha Boy several times, knowing my eyes had to be bright lavender, and smiled at him.

He smiled back the last time.

I'd never done it before, but it was good. I liked it a lot.

...anal sex is the gods gift to women...

...thank you, Aine, for your advice...

"CATCH ME! I'M NAKED!" Peel squealed from outside. "HELP! HELP! I'M BEING OPPRESSED!"

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