The Second Potter

By topaztiger15

66K 1.5K 715

What if James and Lily Potter were hiding something about Lily's pregnancy? What if Harry had a twin that no... More

A Rather Dramatic Entrance
Talks In The Hallways
Umbridge Takes Over
Her Favorite Spot
A Trip to Malfoy Manor
When Your Mom is More Popular than You...
Teacher's Pet
Summer Magic Tricks
Secret Meetings
Secret Meetings Pt 2
Three Weeks Later
Celebrations and CONFRINGO!
A New Year with New Secrets
Battles of Inner Thoughts
Stuck at Home with Polyjuice
Misinterpreted Feelings
Hidden in the Closet
Finally Free
Save Me from Myself
Not Over
Thank You!
New Book!

Awkward Interactions

2.3K 64 42
By topaztiger15

Spells used in this chapter:

Accio (AK-ee-oh) - This charm summons an object to the caster, potentially over a significant distance. It can be used in two ways; either by casting the charm and then naming the object desired, or by pointing your at the desired object during or immediately following the to "pull" the target toward the caster; in either case, the caster must concentrate on the object they wish to summon in order for the charm to succeed. The caster doesn't necessarily need to know the location of the target if they say the name of the object to be summoned.

Arresto Momentum (ah-REST-oh mo-MEN-tum) - Used to decrease the velocity of a moving target; it should be noted that it can be used on multiple targets, as well as on the caster himself.

Arrow Shooting Spell (NO INCANTATION KNOWN) - Shoots arrows from the caster's wand.

Ascendio (ah-SEN-dee-oh) - Lifts the caster higher into the air.

Episky (ee-PISS-key) - used to heal minor injuries like broken bones and repairing cartilage.

        Expecto Patronum - (ecks- PECK-toh pah-TROH-numb) - This charm is a defensive spell which will conjure a spirit-like incarnation of their positive emotions to defend against dark creatures; it can also send messages to other witches or wizards. It seems one's Patronus will take the form of something important to the caster, and can change when one has undergone a period of heightened emotion.

Expelliarmus (ecks-PELL-ee-are-mus) - Causes whatever the target is holding to fly out of their hand.

Hover Charm (NO INCANTATION KNOWN) - Causes the target to float in mid-air for a brief period of time.

Immoblus (eem-oh-bue-les) - Renders living targets immobile.

Impedimenta (im-ped-ih-MEN-tah) - This jinx is capable of tripping, freezing, binding, knocking back and generally impeding the target's progress towards the caster. The extent to which the spell's specific action can be controlled by the caster is unclear.

Mobilicorpus (MO-bil-ee-COR-pus) - Levitates and moves bodies.

        Phoenix rolled out of bed with an excited grin plastered on her face. She was the first one awake and got dressed quickly, wanting to get the day over with so that she could go home with Harry. "Why are you so chipper?" Elsa asked in a state of dazed sleep.

          "I'm going home with Harry for the summer and we're going to play pranks on our aunt and uncle." Phoenix said, bouncing slightly.

          Elsa smiled and shut her eyes again. "Good for you, Phoenix." Phoenix grinned and bounded down the hallway into the common room. She sighed happily and hurried out the Slytherin dorm. Incidentally, she ran into Professor Snape.

        "Professor, I apologize. I wasn't watching where I was going." Phoenix said smiling.

        "You seem to be in a good mood," Professor Snape pointed out, "did Harry say that you were able to stay with him?" Phoenix nodded happily. "I'm glad to hear it. But my offer still stands. If being with the Dursley's doesn't work out, send me an owl." Snape said.

        Phoenix nodded, "Well, I better be off to the library. I need to pick something up before breakfast." Snape nodded and stepped aside so Phoenix could get past.

        As she ran down the hall, Snape sighed and muttered, "She'll be alright, Lily." When Phoenix got to the library, she opened the doors and saw Draco sitting at one of the tables, reading a book. She hesitated before walking in but accidentally crashed into one of the tables. Draco's head whipped around, thinking it was a teacher, but saw Phoenix clutching her hip and grimacing from running into the table.

        "Are you alright?" He asked softly. Phoenix nodded and continued walking towards the book shelves.

        Last night, Harry said that he had talked with Remus, and Remus told Harry to "Tell Phoenix to go to the library, find a book called Grim Wolves: The Untimely Tail, and turn to the 127th page. There she will find something that I'd been meaning to give her for a while." Harry was supposed to meet her here soon, but she didn't know if he'd gotten away without people noticing.

        Phoenix walked to the section of magical creatures and looked for the 'G' books. While she was looking, she heard someone whisper. "Psst, Phoenix." She looked around but never found who said her name. Suddenly, a cloth-like material went over her face and Phoenix thought she was being kidnapped so she elbowed the person behind her in the stomach. "Phoenix," It was then she realized who it was. "What the bloody hell was that for?"

        She looked into her brother's pained face and smiled, "I thought you were someone trying to kidnap me." Harry rolled his eyes as Phoenix looked around the cloak. "Is this the Invisibility Cloak?" Harry nodded. "Who gave it to you?"

        "Dumbledore," Harry said, wondering how his sister knew what it was.

        "Dumbledore had the Invisibility Cloak?!" She whispered, surprised.

        Harry nodded but then changed his answer, "Well, Dumbledore held onto it for someone and then gave it to me in my first year."

        "What," She was baffled, "who was the person that had Dumbledore hang onto it?"

        "Dad," Harry said nonchalantly.

        "DAD?!" Phoenix shouted in disbelief.

        Harry covered her mouth, "Keep your voice down! Malfoy is still in here you know."

        Phoenix nodded as Harry took his hand off her mouth. "Let's look for the book now." Phoenix said. Harry nodded and took off the Invisibility Cloak. They started sorting through the shelves and couldn't find anything, but then a voice behind them, halted their search.

        "Looking for this?" They whipped their heads around and saw Draco Malfoy holding Grim Wolves: The Untimely Tail. Harry glared at him thinking that he was doing this on purpose but Phoenix just remained calm...Kind of.

        "Yes, actually. Where'd you find it?" Phoenix asked.

        Draco pointed behind them, "I was looking for a book on Grim Wolves, so that I could try to learn more about how you shift and different information like that." He flipped the book over and rubbed the cover. "There was something in it, an envelope."

        Phoenix' eyes widened, "Where's the envelope?"

        "I gave it to Professor Snape," Draco said.

        "Why?!" Harry shrieked.

        "Calm yourself, Potter." Draco smirked, "I didn't know what it was. It could have been something dangerous."

        Phoenix took a deep breath, "What did Professor Snape do with it?"

        "I don't bloody know," Malfoy sneered, "I wanted to get back on his good side, and I guess it worked."

        Phoenix and Harry pushed passed him to look for Snape when Draco's voice stopped him. "Phoenix?" She stopped and turned around. Harry stopped as well and glared at the Slytherin boy. He opened the book and pulled out an envelope and twirled it around his fingers. Harry threw his hands up in exasperation and turned around, putting his hands on his hips.

        Phoenix smirked and ran over to Malfoy, grabbing the envelope. "I could kiss you right now," She muttered, "Thank you Draco!" She ran back to Harry without realizing what she had said until she got back to Harry. She turned around to a smirking Draco.

        She was even more surprised and a bit embarrassed when he replied with, "Then why don't you?" Harry wondered what had just happened, but Phoenix' cheeks gave her away as they walked to the Great Hall.

        "Bloody hell!" Harry yelled.

        Phoenix stopped and looked at her brother's worried face, "What? What's wrong?"

        "I left the Invisibility Cloak!" He explained. Phoenix' eyes widened and stopped Harry when he turned to go back for it.

        "No, I'll get it. I can get past Draco better than you." She said running back to the library. Draco was putting the book about Grim Wolves back on the shelf and turned his head towards the door.

        "Couldn't stay away could you Potter?" He smirked as he leaned against the bookshelf. Phoenix hurried over to the shelf and tried to get past Draco to grab the cloak, but he grabbed her wrist. Phoenix then realized it would be a bit more difficult to get the cloak.

        She glanced at the floor and saw a piece of the cloak overturned. Its silvery silk texture impossible to miss. Draco got tired of Phoenix staring at the ground and grabbed her chin, making her look at him. Phoenix felt butterflies in her stomach as Draco inched closer to her face. She tried to move away, trying to keep focused on the mission at hand.

        Draco pushed himself off the shelf and pinned Phoenix against the book shelf. Then, an idea hit her. She glanced down at the floor again and saw that she was close enough to grab the cloak. She looked back at Draco and pressed her foot against the bookshelf arching her back, and in the process, lifting her hand up to push the book about Grim Wolves back into its place.

        Draco watched her every move. She ducked out of his trapping embrace and kicked up the cloak, holding it in one hand and with the other, dragged her hand across Draco's shoulders. She made sure to take her time, putting the cloak over her in the process. Once the cloak was on completely, she pulled her arm inside the cloak and ran off. Draco turned around and looked for her but she was gone.

        He shook it off and started to walk out of the library. Phoenix quickly ran to Harry and saw he was in the same place that she left him, waiting for her. She grabbed his arm and pulled him down a hallway. He planted his feet and pulled back, stopping Phoenix, and pulled off the hood. "What's wrong?" He asked. She took off the cloak and handed it to him.

        "Take this back to Gryffindor Tower and put it back in your room. Go now!" She said quickly.

        Harry put the cloak over himself and right when she was about to leave, grabbed her wrist and pulled Phoenix under the cloak with him. "You're coming with me," He said, hurrying to Gryffindor Tower. "What happened?"

        Phoenix debated telling her twin what had just happened, but decided against it. "That's not important. I can't go to Gryffindor Tower, I'm not in Gryffindor."

        "You can stay outside if you'd like, but don't try to change the subject." Harry said as they ran up the stairs to get to Gryffindor Tower.

        When they reached the door, Harry took the cloak and opened the door where the portrait of the Fat Lady was and turned back to his twin for an answer. "Draco almost kissed me when I tried to get the cloak." She blurted and pushed her twin into the tower and shut the door before he could respond. She leaned against the wall, waiting for Harry when the Fat Lady interrupted her thoughts.

        "It could be worse darling," She said. "At least that Draco Malfoy is attractive." Phoenix laughed and Harry burst out of the door.

        "Let's go, we'll be late for breakfast." Harry said dragging her down the stairs and into the Great Hall. They made it just in time and ran to their tables. Before sitting down, Harry turned to her and said, "Don't think this conversation is over, we'll be talking about it in Potions." Phoenix laughed and sat down, glancing back at Harry. He winked at her and smirked. They both laughed and turned to the front as Dumbledore stood at the front, ready to give a speech.

        "Your last day of classes." He started. "This has been a good year of learning. Though there have been trials and setbacks, we made it through, victorious." Everyone started whooping and clapping. Dumbledore smiled and raised his arms, telling everyone to calm down. Once the noise died, he said, "Remember, you still have two more classes to get through before you leave."

        No one was paying attention at this point so Dumbledore just introduced the feast and let everyone eat. Phoenix could feel Draco's eyes burning a hole in her skull the whole meal, but decided not to look up at him. When breakfast was over, she grabbed Harry and walked to Potions. They got there and sat down, still talking as class started. "What should I do, Harry?" She asked, lowering her voice so Snape wouldn't get mad.

        "What if you denied it?" He suggested.

        Phoenix shook her head, "How would that ever work?"

        "If he tries to say something, say 'I don't know what you're talking about' or 'You're losing it'. I don't know, just say something if you're not ready to do anything about it," Harry explained.

        "Well, it's not like I don't have feelings for him, it's just complicated and-"

        "Ms. Potter," Professor Snape called. Everyone in the class turned their heads to Phoenix. "I understand that today is the last day but that is no excuse to not be paying attention." Phoenix nodded. "Now would you like to tell the class what was so important that you had to disrupt my class and tell Mr. Potter immediately?"

        "Not particularly, no." Phoenix replied.

        Professor Snape nodded and said, "Then maybe you'll prefer answering a few questions in front of the class." Phoenix gulped, panicking. Potions was not her best subject. "Tell me, what are the ingredients in the Antidote to Uncommon Poisons?"

        Phoenix thought about it for a second before answering. "Fire seeds, powdered graphorn horn, Billywig stings, and Chizpurfle carapaces."

        Professor Snape nodded, "Very good, Ms. Potter."

        "Professor, that's from the third year! That's easy stuff!" One of the students called. The professor thought about it for a second and nodded in agreement.

        "You're quite right," He said. "What is the formal name for Liquid Luck?"

        Phoenix knew this one and answered right away, "Felix Felicis."

        "Ashwinder eggs, rose thorns, peppermint, powdered moonstone, and pearl dust are all ingredients for which potion?"

        "A Love Potion."

        "True or False. It is Lamb' Brain that is used in Draught of Living Death."


        "Which animal is it?"

        "Sloth Brain."

        "Name the complete characteristics of Polyjuice Potion."

        Phoenix thought about it and then started listing, "Polyjuice potions allows the drinker to change into the form of another person or animal for a short amount of time. It takes one month to brew. The ingredients are: Lacewing Flies, which have to brew for 21 days; Leeches; Powdered Bicorn Horn, Knotgrass; Fluxweed, which has to be picked at the full moon; Shredded Boomslang Skin; and a bit of the person you want to change into, preferably hair." Everyone was stunned as Phoenix finished her description of Polyjuice Potion.

        Phoenix could've sworn that she saw Snape's lips pull into a smile, but she couldn't be sure. "Well done Ms. Potter," He winked so only she could see and then turned to the rest of the class. "Everyone should learn from Ms. Potter; she knew facts about potions beyond her grade level. I haven't seen anything like that since Ms. Granger in her first year." A timer on Snape's desk rang, signaling the end of class and Snape released everyone to go to their last class.

        Draco caught up with her and wrapped his arm around her and walked with her. Phoenix took his arm off of her shoulders and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He looked at her strangely and stopped walking for a second, but then continued. Phoenix knew she had to get him off the trail for the time being, but that didn't mean she felt good about doing so. "What's the matter?"

        "Why did you put your arm around me, Draco?" Phoenix asked.

        "Well because, you know...What happened in the library." He smirked.

        Phoenix sighed, wondering what to say. "Look, I thought you couldn't hear me and I was just excited that I didn't have to ask Professor Snape for a suspicious envelope."

        Draco laughed, "No, not that. I'm talking about the other thing."

        "What other thing?"

        "When you came back into the library."

        Phoenix sighed, "I didn't come back, I left with Harry to go to the Great Hall."

        Draco shook his head. "No," He laughed, "no. You came back and I grabbed your wrist and then-"

        "Draco," Phoenix said as they walked into Care of Magical Creatures and walked to get their presentation. "I think you were hallucinating from lack of sleep or something." She said, her voice faltering as her plan started to fall apart. Draco was seeing right through her lie. He glared at her and sat down, not wanting to talk to her as Professor Hagrid walked in and sat behind his desk.

        "Good morning class," He said, addressing the class with a smile, "so, I know that I said we would present your final projects, but I've had a change of heart and a lot of butter beer." The class snickered. "So with that being said, bring yer projects up and put them on my desk, and then you may go back to yer rooms and finish packing up the last of yer stuff." Everyone cheered and brought the professor their projects and then went back to their dorms.

        Phoenix practically ran to her dorm and flopped on her bed, smiling. Crystal was sitting on her bed reading and looked at Phoenix. "Why are you so happy?"

        Phoenix rolled onto her stomach and her hair fell into her face. She brushed it back and smiled. "There's only a half hour left before I get to go home with Harry!" She beamed.

        "You're happy about going to that horrid Muggle house?" Crystal asked sarcastically.

        Phoenix nodded, "We're going to play jokes on them." Crystal nodded and Phoenix stood up, pulling her wand out of her boot. She laid on her back again and lifted her wand, pointing it at the canopy part of her bed. "Expecto Patronum!" Her wolf Patronus started dancing around her room, lifting it's head and howling occasionally. Phoenix smiled and stood up as her Patronus dissipated. She put her wand in her boot and smiled at Crystal, who was nose deep in her book.

        She walked out of her room and traveled into the common room with a smile on her face and her hands in her pockets. "Impedimenta!" A familiar female voice said from behind Phoenix. Phoenix was thrown against the wall of the common room and crashed to the floor. She tried to push herself up, but all she could do was see who it was; Bellatrix Lestrange.

        "Bellatrix?" Phoenix asked, dazed. "How did you get in here?" She panted. Being thrown against the wall knocked the wind out of her.

        Bellatrix walked over to Phoenix and grabbed her hair. She yanked her head up and made Phoenix face her. "Hello darling," Phoenix grimaced as Bellatrix kept a firm grip on her hair. "Did you miss me?" Phoenix tried to wriggle free and get out of Bellatrix' hold, but all that did was anger the witch even more. "You're coming with me." Bellatrix pulled Phoenix to her feet by her hair and dragged her out of the Slytherin house common room.

        Phoenix opened her mouth to call for help but Bellatrix yanked her hair and pushed her against a wall, pinning her and covering her mouth. "If you utter even one syllable calling for help, I will make sure Harry doesn't make it through the last 30 minutes. And then I'll go after Remus, just like I did Sirius." Bellatrix threatened. Phoenix had tears in her eyes, but she nodded. Bellatrix took her hand off of her mouth and yanked Phoenix' hair again.

        "Bellatrix, why are you doing this?" Phoenix asked, trying not to cry from the pain that was being inflicted.

        In response, Bellatrix threw Phoenix to the ground. "I have a bone to pick with you, Missy!" She pointed her wand at the young witch and performed the Arrow Shooting Spell. Phoenix was hit in the right shoulder and tried not to scream. She winced in pain as tears started falling down her face. No sound came out of her mouth, just a few whimpers.

        From down the hall, there was a crash. Bellatrix yanked Phoenix' hair again and helped her stand up and were on their way. Phoenix looked towards the origin of the noise and thought she saw Professor Snape hiding behind a suit of armor. Phoenix tried to pull away but Bellatrix yanked her hair again, making Phoenix off balance and knocking her to the floor. Phoenix fell on the spot where the arrow hit and she cried out in pain, only to have her mouth covered by Bellatrix.

        Bellatrix slapped her across the face, her nails scratching her and causing her cheek and lip to bleed. "You're so loud, child!" Bellatrix stood there for a moment before pointing her wand at Phoenix and muttering, "Immobulus!" Phoenix' body froze instantly. "That's better," Bellatrix smirked and used the hover charm to lift Phoenix' body off the ground. "Mobilicorpus!" She said walking out to the Quidditch field with Phoenix' body hovering behind her.

        "Bellatrix!" Someone yelled from behind them. Bellatrix, spells wore off by now and Phoenix dropped to the ground. She screamed in pain and looked at the person who distracted Bellatrix.

        "Professor Snape?" Phoenix asked. Snape had an angry look in his eyes as Bellatrix put her hands on her hips and grinned, opening her arms.

        "Severus! It's great to see you again!" She said over enthusiastically.

        Snape glared at her, and through gritted teeth said, "Why are you here Lestrange?"

        "To pay a visit to my lovely niece of course."

        "Piss off!" Phoenix snarled. Bellatrix whipped her head around and glared at her.

        "You know what Phoenix, darling? You're going to take a little trip with me." She said, helping her stand and holding her in her arms. "Ascendio!" She shouted and rose high above the clouds.

        "Lestrange!" Snape yelled from the ground.

        "Expelliarmus!" Bellatrix yelled at Snape, disarming him as he raised his wand. Snape searched for his wand while the two witches rose higher in the air. When they finally stopped, Bellatrix evaporated her legs into her Death Eater form so she could stand. Phoenix struggled against her grip. "I wouldn't do that darling, I will drop you." Bellatrix smirked.

        "Why are you doing this, Bellatrix?" Phoenix whimpered.

        Bellatrix scowled and glared at Phoenix. She grabbed the arrow shaft sticking out of Phoenix' shoulder and yanked it out. Phoenix screamed in pain as Bellatrix dropped the arrow. "You are a nuisance that needs to be removed from the equation! The Dark Lord cannot complete his plan until you and your blasted brother are gone!" She shrieked with a mad glint in her eyes.

        Phoenix reached for her wand and grabbed it, only to have Bellatrix disarm her with Expelliarmus. Phoenix' wand fell to the ground. Bellatrix cupped Phoenix' face in her hand and squeezed her skull. Her long nails dug into Phoenix' skin and she started bleeding. Phoenix had enough and freed an arm. She lifted her arm and scratched the estranged witch across the face. Bellatrix let go of Phoenix and clutched her face as Phoenix fell.

        Phoenix screamed as she fell, so close to falling into unconsciousness. "Arresto Momentum!" Snape yelled from the ground. He had finally found and retrieved his wand and pointed it at a plummeting Phoenix. Phoenix' body slowed down as she neared the ground. Snape ran to meet Phoenix as her body landed gracefully on the Quidditch field. Snape dropped to his knees and checked Phoenix for serious injuries. "Phoenix, are you alright?" Snape asked frantically. He brought out his wand and pointed it at her. "Episky!"

        Phoenix' injuries soon started to heal, but she was completely unconscious at this point. Professor Snape opened her jacket and pulled it off of one shoulder to make sure her arrow wound was healing. He saw that the hole wasn't closing up; it was being clocked by something. Snape looked at into the hole and saw the arrowhead stuck in there. "Accio Arrowhead!" The arrowhead flew right out and landed in Snape's hand. He threw it to the side and watched as the hole started closing up.

        He breathed a sigh of relief and sat for a second before scooping Phoenix up in his arms bridal style and started carrying her back to the Hogwarts castle. He watched as her head lolled with every movement. Blood and dirt caked her face and she looked somewhat like she did the first night she arrived at Hogwarts. Snape brushed Phoenix' hair out of her face and felt her pulse; it was steady.

        "You'll be alright, Phoenix." He whispered. "Everything will be alright." They arrived at the castle and he took an alternate route to the Slytherin house dorms. He didn't want people asking questions. He stopped in front of the entrance to the Slytherin dorm. "You need your brother right now." He muttered. The professor conjured a broomstick and held her as he flew up to Gryffindor Tower.

        Snape peeked into Harry's room, checking to make sure he was the only one there, and he was. Snape flew in through the window, startling Harry and knocking him on his bum. "Professor Snape? What are you do-" When Harry saw who Snape was holding, he scrambled to his feet and helped the professor carry his twin to his bed. "Set her here." He said, clearing a space for her.

        Professor Snape set Phoenix down on Harry's bed gently and sighed. "What happened Professor?" Harry asked as he brought over a wash cloth and a bowl filled with water. Harry started cleaning the blood off of his twin's body as Professor Snape leaned against the wall.

        "Bellatrix Lestrange happened."

        Harry looked up at the professor, "What? How did she get in?"

        "I haven't the slightest idea, but she came for Phoenix." Snape said. He turned to fly out the window again but Harry's voice stopped him.

        "Professor," Snape turned, "thank you for saving my sister."

        Professor Snape nodded, "I made a promise to your mother that I would keep her safe, I'm just doing my job. Have a good summer, Potter." He mounted his broom and flew out the window. Harry sat next to his twin and washed all of the blood off and set the rag in the bowl of water as he finished packing.


        Phoenix groggily opened her eyes and saw Harry sitting across from her. There was distant chatting and the rumbling of wheels on a track. She bolted up and startled Harry. "You're awake!" He said, tackling her in a hug.

        "Are we on the train?" She asked, still dazed as Harry let go of her.

        "Yeah, we got your stuff so don't worry. We're almost to King's Cross Station though. You were unconscious the whole ride." Harry explained. Phoenix nodded as Ginny came in.

        "Phoenix! You're awake!" Ginny said, smiling. Phoenix smiled at her and then stood up, leaving the compartment.

        "I'll tell you about what happened later Harry," She said and closed the door. Before she walked away, she mouthed to him, "Go get her!" Harry shook his head and smiled before turning to Ginny.

        "Phoenix!" A voice called from behind her. Phoenix turned and saw Draco walking up to her. "Can I talk to you?" He whispered. Phoenix nodded and followed him to his compartment. He opened the door and she walked in. He closed the door after walking in and sat across form Phoenix.

        "I heard about what happened, are you alright?" Draco asked with a concerned look on his face. Phoenix nodded and smiled. He smiled as well and they stayed in an awkward silence for a second or two before Draco spoke again. "I know you're lying." Phoenix gulped. "You know that I'm not delusional and you were there in the library for a second time."


        "Don't Draco me!" He interrupted, slightly raising his voice. "On top of this, the little stunt you pulled in Potions today, real smooth. You really are the Teacher's Pet."

        "What are you talking about, Draco?" Phoenix asked, clearly annoyed.

        Draco rolled his eyes and laughed, "That little wink that Snape gave you. I saw it! What was that? A stunt? To make you more popular?"

        "No!" Phoenix yelled, appalled. "I got tough questions right, he was congratulating me!"


        Phoenix laughed and crossed her arms over her chest. "You know Draco, some people actually know the answers to things. Just because you're upset about being reprimanded for once in your life, doesn't mean you have to take it out on me!" She retorted.

        "Oh you're such a Teacher's Pet!" Draco threw his arms up in exasperation.

        "What are you going to do about it then, Malfoy?!"

        Draco opened his mouth to say something, but hesitated and sighed. "I'm sorry." He said as the train pulled into platform nine and three-quarters.

        Phoenix rolled her eyes. "Yeah, me too." She sneered and stood up as the train came to a halt. She opened the door and was about to walk out when Draco spoke.

        "Phoenix," She turned and he grabbed her wrist. He stood and pulled her closer to him. Draco cupped Phoenix' face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers. At that moment, everything that Phoenix was angry about went away as she sighed and closed her eyes, letting herself fall deeper into the kiss. She reached behind her and shut the door. The two Slytherin stayed like that for a few mores seconds, but then pulled away.

        They gazed into each other's eyes and then smiled. Phoenix reached up and grabbed Draco's wrists, pulling them away from her face. Draco brought Phoenix' hand to his lips and kissed the top of it. Phoenix smiled and walked out the door. "See you 'round, Snake." Phoenix winked.

        Draco watched her walk away and grinned before calling out to her, "See you, Paws." She turned around and grinned at him before walking into her original compartment and meeting Harry. The twins walked off the train together and grabbed their trunks and Hedwig's cage and walked to the exit of the platform.

        "Ready?" Harry asked and grabbed Phoenix' hand. She nodded and grinned while squeezing her brother's hand. "Let's go then." They ran into the wall and disappeared from the Wizard World for a few months.

        Draco watched them go and smirked as he clutched his luggage tighter. He was about to go to the exit, but a voice stopped him. "Draco?" He knew that voice. He furrowed his eyebrows and turned around.


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