Unthinkable (Completed)

By Tweetyy95

79.1K 3.8K 1.6K

19 year old Beyonce takes control of her life when she falls in love. Some may think she is doing the Unthink... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Twenty Seven

1.7K 87 58
By Tweetyy95

2 months later

"Come on princess kick for daddy" Shawn was sitting here talking to my stomach trying to get our daughter to kick for him. I told him to stop because once she starts kicking me she doesn't stop.

"Shawn can you stop I am hot and irritated." This summer weather is nothing to be played with while being pregnant. I am currently six months and I am very uncomfortable, I can't wait for this pregnancy to be over with.

"Fine I'll stop but when she start kicking let me know" he walk away and went into the house to do whatever.

These past two months have been exhausting if you ask me. I am tired of being pregnant and talked down upon. Mrs. Gloria still doesn't like me for no reason at all. Last month she threw a barbeque for the fourth of July, of course Shawn invited me to the event. At first I wasn't going to go but he begged and begged me until I said yes. When I went everyone shown me love expect her. She kept making smart comments about me being the "other" baby mama or how Shawn and I will not last once Rosario baby gets here. I didn't want to disrespect her so I kept my mouth shut towards her but I did tell Shawn to put his mother in her place because I am not going to constantly deal with the disrespect. Mrs. Gloria even acts like she doesn't know my name. I am either "lil girl" or any name that start with the letter B. That woman knows my name. Shawn claims she's just being mean towards me because she was close to Rosario. I have told him I don't care how close they are his mother needs to respect me as her granddaughter's mother. Everyone else in his family does so it's not hard for her to do the same.

My mother has been getting on my nerves as well with her giving me the cold shoulder. Hell my father has gotten over being mad about be being pregnant and has been helping me out. Today he is coming over to help build the nursery with Shawn. How the hell can my father come around before my mother is mind blowing to me but hey at least one parent is supporting me now. When I am at work my mother barely speaks to me or she doesn't speak to me at all. Shit is annoying because there are so many things I want to ask her but I can't because all she is going to do is ignore me. Last week I was terribly sick and I had to go to the hospital, the only person I wanted there with me was my mother but she didn't pick up her phone. Shawn called and called her but she didn't answer at all. I left a very rude voice mail telling her to get over herself because in a couple months she will be a grandmother. Her wedding is tomorrow and I am pretty sure she wants me to be there. I am going because unlike her I am not a petty person, I am going to be there and support my mother because I know how happy she is to finally find love again. Hopefully she doesn't annoy me during the reception.

Let me not forget Ms. Rosario, even though she hasn't been acting like a crazy bitch she has been clingy to Shawn lately. She is due soon and she has been calling Shawn for EVERYTHING. I mean I get it she can go into labor any minute but damn give my man a break. I feel like she is doing this on purpose to get him to spend less time with me. She just had her baby shower a couple of weeks ago and let me tell you she had Shawn run around New York for any and everything like she didn't have anybody else to call. During the week of her baby shower I only seen Shawn twice and that wasn't even long. Then on her baby shower day he spent the entire day over there not once calling to check on me or nothing. I was trying to give him space but it irks me to know that he is spending time with her. There is no telling what their families were talking about when they were all together. Probably hoping they would get back together. When he left the baby shower and came to my house I ask him how things went and all he said was everything went smoothly. He didn't go into details or nothing just left it at that. I know I probably sound like a jealous girlfriend but I am not trying to be that I just see right through Rosario bullshit. She know that her baby is coming soon so he will spend even more time with her. That I can't get mad at but I can get mad if she tries anything with my man again.

"Yo Beyoncé your father is here" Shawn said interrupting my thoughts. He help me up from the chair I was sitting in.

Walking into the house I met up with my father who was sitting in the kitchen.

"Hey dad" I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey baby girl how you feeling?" My father ask.

"I been good wish these months will hurry up so that I can be done with being pregnant."

"Don't worry Bey, she will be here soon then you will wishing you could turn back time."

"Naw I don't think I will" I wobble to the fridge and grab some ice cream.

"So are you still going to your mother's wedding?"

I ate a scoop of ice cream "Yea I am"

"Well tell her I said congrats again." I told him I will. "Alright Shawn let's get to this nursery."

"I'm ready Mr. Knowles." The two of them went upstairs to fix up the baby's room as I ate my ice cream. I know soon I will be drifting off to sleep.

"Baby we are all done with the nursery" Shawn said waking me up out my sleep.

Yawning I stretch my arms and got up from the couch. Surprisely that was a great nap I took

because lately it has been hard for me to sleep.

Shawn grab my hand and led me to the baby's room.

"Oh my you guys did a wonderful job!" I exclaimed. I had to fan myself because I was about to cry.

"Don't cry Bey" My father said. He walk over to me and led me around the room. "This is all for my granddaughter. She will be spoil rotten because this isn't even half of her stuff. We got more things to get her."

There were a lot of extra things in this room that I didn't ask for but knowing my father and Shawn they went out and got some of this stuff behind my back. I am not complaining though like my father said she will be spoil rotten.

"You really love it Bey? I know you don't like pink as much and you felt it was too typical for a girl but I think everything came out nice." Shawn said.

I kissed him on the cheek and smiled "It is great babe. You and my father did a great job." As soon as I finish talking the baby kicked me.

"I guess someone is excited to be in their new room." Shawn immediately placed his hand on my stomach.

"Princess really loves it" Shawn comment as this girl kept on kicking me. My father felt my stomach too and comment on how strong her kicks were.

"I don't know how many times I can say it but I really am thankful. This nursery is really beautiful" They both told me that I was welcome and that I didn't have to keep thanking them.

"Well Bey I am going to go head and get out of here. I gotta be up in the morning at the restaurant. You two take care now"

"Okay bye dad" we gave each other a hug. I walk my father out the door then headed back upstairs to finish looking at my daughter's nursery with Shawn.


Wedding Day

Walking onto this yacht I began to feel sea sick. I really can't stand the fact that this wedding is taking place here. The yacht is not going to move at all but just being on here makes me want to vomit.

"Girl you better not throw up. Keep all your food down while we on this boat." Nicki said as we walked further inside the place. She came home last night so that she could be here for the wedding.

"Beyoncé if you don't feel good we can go somewhere else for a while." Shawn was rubbing my back to help me relax.

We had finally found our table and sat down. Thankfully we came early so not too many people was here yet. The wedding starts at 3 pm and it is only 1 so I got time if I had to puke.

"I'm fine baby all I need is some ginger ale to help me" Shawn got up and went to the bar to get me something to drink. Nicki took over and rubbed my back.

"You seriously make pregnancy a non-enjoyable experience. Just watching you makes me not want to get pregnant at all." Nicki stated.

"Then don't. Being pregnant ain't all fun and games. I envy the women who have had or who is having an easy pregnancy."

Shawn and came back over with my ginger ale. I quickly started drinking it down.

"You know your pregnancy will be fun if you would let me throw you a baby shower." Nicki said.

I stop drinking my pop so that I could shake my head no. I have told her many times that I did not want a baby shower at all.

"Nicki who would come? I mean besides you, Shawn and my Dad I have no one else to invite to the shower. I don't want yall filling the party up with strangers so the answer is no for the millionth time" Nicki rolled her eyes and Shawn chuckled, he knew I was going to get irritated quickly.

I was about to say something else to them when I saw Bianca walking up to us.

"Beyoncé your mother wants to see you."

What the hell she wants is what I wanted to say but instead I just got up with the help of Shawn and wobble my way to wherever she was at.

"You are wearing your pregnancy well. I wouldn't have known you were six months pregnant, your beautiful blue dress is hiding it." Bianca compliment.

"Thank you" I knew she was lying but I accept the compliment anyways. I felt stuff in this dress I knew I shouldn't have listen to Nicki when she picked it out.

When I enter my mother's dressing room all eyes were on me and my pregnant stomach. All her friends were side eyeing me or whispering little shady comments. I ignore each of those hypocritical women and spoke to my mother.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Tina you gotta make this quick." Mrs. Evans her childhood best friend said to her.

"I will now yall go" All the ladies were mumbling as they walked out the door.

I went over to my mother and I can admit she look so beautiful in her dress. I can't believe I am about to watch my mother get married to another man.

"So how do I look?" she ask as she stood up and gave me a spin.

"You look beautiful ma. I really am happy for you."

"I know you mean that even with us being rocky for the past months."

"That has been you. I know you are not okay with me being pregnant but honestly I don't know what you want me to do. The baby will be here in three months"

My mother sat back down in her chair "Beyoncé don't you understand that this is happening all too soon for you?"

I sat down in a chair also "Yes I know this is all too soon but ma life doesn't always go according to plan. Dad has come around and accept it, why can't you?"

My mother look as if she was about to cry. She turn her head to the side "I am about to ruin my make up." she took a Kleenex and dab her eyes a little bit.

"Beyoncé I am going to share a story with you that may have you think different of your mother." I didn't say anything. She cleared her throat "When I was about your age I was dating this guy before I got with your father. We both were young and having fun with each other until one day life didn't get fun anymore. I had went to the doctor because I had a feeling I was pregnant. Went to the doctor and it was confirm I was six weeks pregnant."

My mouth drop when my mother reveal she was once pregnant before she had me.

"Wait so you saying that—

"Just listen. It was confirm that I was six weeks pregnant at the age of 20. I didn't know the first thing about being a mother and I knew he wasn't ready for a family as well. However we had strict parents who was not going to allow us to abandon our responsibilities. When I told him I was pregnant of course he tried to deny the baby was his but when he stop acting all foolish he came back around and said that he know that I am carrying his child, but he is not ready to be a father. The both of us was not ready at all so we knew the only decision we had to do."

My mother stop talking kind of giving me the hint on what her and her ex-boyfriend decided to do. I remain quiet waiting on her to finish her story.

"We decided a few days later that abortion was the be- best thing to do." My mother choke on her words "Beyoncé having a child young would have been a terrible mistake for the both us. Neither one of us was ready to handle that kind of responsibility. We didn't have a job or nothing. We damn sure wasn't going to allow our parents to force us to get married so getting rid of the child was the best option we could come up with. After that happen we could no longer be with each other so we went our separate ways. Promising to take this secret to our graves."

"The reason I am telling you this Beyoncé is I didn't want you to be a mother at a young age. You still have your life to live, still have time to date around and meet the man of your dreams. Who's to say Shawn is that one for you. You got yourself into a permanent situation that you now can't get out of. This isn't something I saw in my daughter's future. This is why it is hard for me to accept that you are having a baby. I don't think you are honestly ready for it. I don't think abortions is a great option but I don't regret what I did and I think you would have felt the same way if you were thinking smartly."

My mother tried to reach out and grab my hand but I snatch it away. I can't believe she is telling me that she was too cowardly to have her child at an early age so she got rid of it and expected me to do the same. I am sorry but I am not that cruel. I made my bed and I know for a fact I got to lay in it. Shawn knows it to that is why he step up the minute he found out Rosario and I were pregnant.

"I don't know why I thought we were going to get somewhere. You constantly are pushing me away for no reason at all. I am not sorry that I didn't get rid of my daughter because this wasn't in your plans for me. I am going to have my child and I will be a damn good mother." I lifted myself out the seat "I wish you can just accept the fact that I am having a baby"

I left out of dressing room with tears in my eyes. I really can't believe my mother would ever tell me this story to make me regret keeping my child. I love this baby more than I love anything and I haven't even meet her yet.

I was walking so fast that I didn't even pay attention to me bumping into someone.

"Well damn baby where you going?" I heard none other than Tremaine voice.

I turn to look at him with a mean mug.

"Damn you really is pregnant. I thought yo moms was bullshitting but I see she ain't lying. You let that nigga fuck you raw but wouldn't even show me what you breasts look like" Tremaine said while shaking his head.

I was too heated with my mother to say anything to this bastard. I just walked away to find Nicki and Shawn. They had taken their seats by the altar.

"Did everything go okay?" Shawn ask me. I guess he took a look at my face and notice I was crying.

"Yea everything went fine" I lied.

Nicki gave me a look but she didn't say anything to me. She knew right now I wanted to be left alone.

"We can talk about it later" Shawn pressed. I don't think he understand that I don't want to talk about it at all.

I remain silent for the next thirty minutes. Richard had come over to talk to us but I all I said to him was a congratulations. I really didn't want to be here. After he got done talking to us it was time to for the wedding to start. We all stood up once it was que for the bride to come out.

I watch my mother put on that fake smile and head down to meet her soon to be husband at the altar. When she walked past me she didn't look my way at all. She knew if she saw my face she would break character. Is it bad that I wanted to trip my own mother? Hell I feel like she deserves it for pulling that stunt.

As the services went on I was so ready to go. I was no longer in the mood to stay for the reception. Shawn could tell I was agitated because once they said their "I Dos" I damn near almost jump out of my seat. It took me forever to wait for them to walk down the aisle as Mrs. And Mr. Lawson. I am happy that my mother is remarried, I just am angry at the fact that she can't be happy for me. I mean Tremaine is my fucking stepbrother now but not once did I throw a bitch fit and said that she couldn't date Richard. Nope I put my pride to the side and supported my mother in her decisions. Too bad I can't say she did the same for me.

"I'm ready to go" I said to Shawn as all walked over to where the party was taking place at.

"Babe you don't want to stay and enjoy the party?"

"No I don't I am not in the mood to stay here" I hope we don't have a debate on this.

"Aight fine I see you got an attitude so go get Nicki and we can head out."

I knew Nicki was at the bar getting her something to drink so that is where I went to find her. Of course I was right. This girl had two double shots of tequila.

"Nick lets go" I demanded.

She was flirting with some guy when I came over. She gave me a look like I was fucking up her groove.

"Bey I'm not ready to go at all. Why can't you and Shawn stay for a little while?"

See I am not up for this "Look either you stay and find your ride home or you come now"

Nicki look as if she wanted to say she was staying but she knew damn well she didn't trust anyone to bring her home.

She drunk down the two shots "Fine heifer let's go home. Bye cutie"

It was only 5:25 pm but I didn't care my mother piss me off to the max. I did not want to be around her at all. Not even on her big day. Shawn kept on asking while we was in the car what did my mother say to me to make me mad but I kept telling him I didn't want to talk about it.

"You know holding shit in is never good" he stated when made it to the house. We were in my room taking our stuff off. Instead of answering him I just went into the bathroom to take my make up off.

As I was in the bathroom I heard Shawn's phone ring. He answered it and proceed to talk to whomever was on the other end of the phone.

"Hello Mrs. Dawson is everything okay?"

"What you mean her water broke?!"

"Is she at the hospital?"

"Alright I am on my way right now!"

I walked into the bathroom to see Shawn rushing to put his clothes back on.

"Baby what is going on?" I kind of have a clue that Rosario water broke.

"Rosario is in labor right now. She's at the hospital waiting on me." He finish putting on his clothes and grab his keys "I'll let you know what is going on." He gave me a kiss on the forehead then ran out the door.

I honestly didn't expect my day to go like this at all.

Shawn and Rosario son is finally here 🤗 

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