Someone Else's Not So Good Fa...

By KayleighMayBieb

7.5K 128 42

This is just another story that is about a beautiful teenager girl called Fatime Orbán that falls in love wit... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty - Two
Chapter Twenty - Three.
Chapter Twenty - Four.
Chapter Twenty - Five.
Chapter Twenty - Six

Chapter Twenty - One.

50 1 0
By KayleighMayBieb

Re - cap:

After driving for a while, we arrived at the old warehouse, where the van was parked at. The van was the best and easiest way to kidnap and trap Fatime without anyone recognising or thinking anything is suspicious as the van looked like a simple black works van. I decided that we needed to get the plan into motion, so we got out the car and into the transit van. I drove back near the hospital and there was a park nearby. We stopped the car and Selena to complete phase one but little did she know is that I am going to be calling Justin but framing Selena for it all. That bitch wasn't good with anything we did. She is just here because she is pretty, not for her brains.

Dumb Bitch!

Soon as we have done with this plan she is out. I will find a new person maybe, or just keep it all to myself I like it better like.

Will Selena find out the inside details before it too late?

Back to the story;

Selena's POV

Fatime was so easy to kidnap. Placing the bag over her head I think made her blacked out. Good I didn't want her to know where I was taking her. She wasn't easy to get to the van but when I reached the end of the road, Daniel was waiting in the van. I looked to see him talking on the phone.

"Hey Daniel, how about helping?"

"Come on Selena, she can't be that heavy" he laughed

"Just open the damn door. I hate holding this bitch"

He did. I shoved her inside it. The bag still on her face. But I did check if she was sleeping.

"Where we going to take her?" I asked Daniel.

"Back to the warehouse. It's better there"

He started driving. As we passed the park, I saw Justin looking around, with his phone in his hand. Suddenly Fatime's phone rings.

"Don't answer it" Daniel tells me.

"I wasn't going to" I said back "just hurry. I want this bitch out of my way so I can have Justin."

"Don't call her a bitch! She's mine"


It took Daniel like twenty minutes to get to the warehouse. He helped carry Fatime inside.

"Is it safe here? We won't get caught or found?" I asked Daniel.

Who knows what his got planned. I better stay guarded.

"We're fine. No one will be able to find where we are going"

"We ain't stopping just inside?" I asked

"No, now follow me. I want this plan to work" Daniel said.

I followed him.......

Fatime's POV.

Realising that maybe getting up from the bushes was going to be a bad idea as someone has a knife around my neck and a bag covering my head! I did as I was told and was grabbed and thrown into a back of the van if I was correct, I was just going on my gut feeling.

Who could possibly want me dead, what have I ever done to anyone?

Is someone trying to get back at me because of the situation with Justin and I in the hospital earlier today?

Hearing that the van was starting up I tried to move but I couldn't because before I was able to do that, I blacked out. I wish I could go back to the moment of Justin in my arms and we didn't care about anything or anyone in that moment. We were just glad we could be together. I miss you Justin.

What felt like forever, I was able to make myself awaken from the black out and l looked around and realised that the transit van had stopped. I heard some noises and voices outside the van so I moved nearest to the door and the just leaned against the door so I was able to hear what the people where saying. After a few minutes of listening I could hear that it was Daniel and Selena talking about something that I didn't understand. I hear footsteps coming towards the door so I just quickly laid back on the horrible and uncomfortable floor of the van so they didn't realised I was sleeping from the blackout.

Before I knew what was happening I was grabbed and thrown over someone shoulder. I opened my eyes to see that it was Daniel that has me over his shoulder. I turned my head only the slightest to see that Selena was with him. I had a funny feeling that she would be apart of this part.


In progress of them walking to there destination they set taking me too, I was able to listen to there conversation they were trying to have but failing at because all they were doing was swearing and shouting at each other. Can't they talk like normal people. I take that as a no. After a few minutes we arrived to there wonderful destination. Well if you think a dirty old mattress and smells that could knock someone out just by walking in wonderful then you are the perfect place. I closed my eyes and within that moment of doing so I was thrown into the wall instead of the mattress. Oh what a joy. Daniels aim was never very good. I stayed like that until I heard that the voices and footsteps were getting quieter and quieter. When I heard the door close to the hell hole, I got all the strength I had left in me to try moving or even getting up.

It took me a few tries before I was able to stand with the help of the wall. Looking all around the place I could see that there was a small window with the smallest piece of sunlight coming into the room. I slowly looked over to the window to see that it was bolted and locked. Brilliant. That plan is a dead one. I had lost all strength I had left by this point so I just collapsed to the floor and laid there until I was able to have enough strength again to get back to where I was thrown in by that bastard Daniel!

Feeling like it had been forever since all the walking I did to get over here I tried again and this time I was successful. The pain was getting unbearable to take at this point so I got to the mattress and just didn't move. All of those horrible flashbacks and thought were slowly coming into my brain and this time I don't think I am going to be able to stop them.

Justin's POV

As soon I get my hands on that bastard with will made him pay for every single piece of pain he has inflicted on my girl. I need to get my girl back. I need some help with finding Fatime and as soon as possible. I got out my iPhone again and opened up my speed dial and click number 4. Scooter will know what to do and if he doesn't he will know who will be able to help me find her.

"Scooter, I need your help now, bro please?"

"Woaah, Justin slow down buddy. What's up?"

"I can't find Fatime after our argument at the hospital. I found her iPhone in the park near the hospital. Scooter, I don't know what to do.

"Okay, where are you now, I thought you were in the hospital Justin?"

"I'm in the park near the hospital."

"On my way. We will find your girl buddy."

" Thanks man!"

"Anytime Justin."

I quickly ended the call with Scooter and waited. It felt like it was ages until I saw a black convertible drive up towards the park. A few seconds later Scooter gets out of the car and then sees me sitting on the bench and walks over. He sits with me and I try and explain everything that has happened with Fatime and Daniel including the situation that happened today between Fatime and myself. It takes a while to get everything worked out but after it was all said and done Scooter and I had come up with a plan to get my girl back and in my arms.

Daniel's POV.

The satisfaction on my face when this is all said and done will be priceless and Fatime and her lover boy can't do shit about it. Phase one was complete to Selena's knowledge but there is still parts to be completed in my book. Fatime will be all mine and no one else's!

I decided to use the old warehouse that I and Selena use to use when we were together making crimes. Its just outside of Canada, so that bastard of hers wouldn't have a clue where to look to save his little girl. After we had discarded of Fatime in the warehouse, I decided to get Selena working on phase two of the plan so I am able to complete phase one. She has no idea what she is going to be causing... Locking and keeping Fatime in the warehouse is the easy part of the plan. Fatime will never change she will always be mine even if she is someone else's arms. He will never be able to have my girl again in his arms. As Selena went out for phase two, i thought it was time to finished what was meant to be done in the first place. Take Fatime, not just in as herself.

Unlocking and opening the warehouse door the light shown on her beautiful body.

Wait a minute why am I doing this for...?

Why I am I hurting the girl I love...?

Shaking those thoughts out of my mind and back to the plan of getting my girl back and getting rid of that bastard that took my girl in the first place. I walked over to the mattress and the body of Fatime that was laying there lifeless. That bitch better now disobey me or she will get it. I moved her over so that she was in the correct position so she wont be able to move during our little fun....

Selena's POV.

I followed Daniel into the warehouse, before the closing of the door there was a massive thud. I looked over to see that Daniel had thrown Fatime at the mattress but missed and she smashed into the wall. He still has the same aim. rubbish! When that was done, I thought to myself do I need to start phase two of this plan? I could see Daniel was walking out of the warehouse door so followed and caughted up with him. We got back into the horrible van and I needed to ask Daniel about the next part of the plan.

"What's next then?"

"You need to go and get some supplies for the rest of the plan. Here's a list of the supplies I need. Selena, you take you time, as we wont need them until tomorrow, so you can collect the supplies and then head home. Thats all we can do for now!"

"Okay!" What's he problem, Daniel is never this happy. I need to found out why he is acting this way"

As we finished the conversation Daniel got out of the van and stay at the warehouse for some reason. Have no clue why but I will find out one way or the other. I started he engine to the van and drove to the supply store for Daniel. Can't he just be satisfied with just Fatime without all of this stupid supplies. I got to the supply store in about 15 to 20 minutes and I parked the car. Walking into the store was the easy part finding all those supplies and getting dirty looks from working employers is annoying. I got everything after a while of looking that was on the list and some extra things for my side of the plan.

Fatime's pov

I was at the point of just giving in to whatever Daniel and Selena, just so I am able to be Justin's arms one more time. There was a small noise but I couldn't get what it was. I fell back into the slumber I am in and into a horrible sleep of thoughts and nightmares. I just wish all of this pain and torture would just leave me alone...

As I slowly opened my eyes , I somehow was able to feel the weight of someone on too of me as kissing me and my neck. then all of a sudden I remembered where I was and with the people I'm with. I started to panic!

"No! Get off me, you sick twisted bastard!" I screamed at Daniel as I tried to punch, kick and push him off me.

"Stay quit ,you little bitch! Your mine!

You don't want anyone special to get hurt now, do ya!" He said as he kissed me lower and lower. This can't happen! I don't want me Justin! Please...

There was no way I was able to move that horrible human being off even if I had tried my hardest, there is just too much pain to take.

After he was done with me, he just smirked and got up and left. I finally lost against him. I lost...

I feel so numb and dirty. I hate this.

After he went out of the warehouse door, he was stupid enough that he didn't close the door. This is my chance! I got up as fast as I could with this pain from everything that has happened and run out of the room, out of the warehouse. No matter where it was I just need to away from here and that sick bastard! I need my Justin. I didn't know where I was. I need anyone to show me the way to go. Any little detail would be lovely.

After running for what felt like a lifetime, I stopped and turned all around to see if I was able to notice anything that could be important. Still didn't have a clue where I was, or going for that matter. This pain is just getting to much to bear now. I caught a glimpse on a seat on the other said of the road I thought that would be a good idea, so I could just get everything together with myself and gather my thoughts together. I slowly but surely started to walk across the road, I was about half way when I was trying to think of any thoughts that I had but I couldn't, it was just my mind has been blanked from everything. Before I knew what was happening I could some lights speeding towards me. The next step I took never thought it would be my last. Everything was gone into darkness including me...

Justin's POV.

After speaking to Scooter, he suggests that I should drive around by the warehouses as Daniel always hides in one, while he looks around in the woods and the surrounding areas that Daniel could be. I am so worried about my baby. I need her here with me and safe in my arms. I have been driving around and round for hours and have found nothing, I turned the last corner of the road before going down the main street back to Scooters, to see what he had found. As I was driving I saw a girl on the street , but I couldn't see her face or any facial features as she was too far away to see anything that I could recognise. But I could see her clothes and her hair.

Is that Fatime?

I quickly jumped out of my car, not caring about it and started and ran to my girl. As soon as I started to run another car was coming passing by. It looked like they wasn't going to stop, i looked straight over at Fatime that was collapsed in the middle of the road and then looked back at the car to see thats the driver was Daniel!

NOOOOOOO! He is speeding up...

"Fatime! Baby! Watch out!!" I screamed.

Just as the car made contact to Fatime, I grabbed her lifeless body and wrapped around me so all of the contact of the car would hit me, but it was too late. He made the car have more contact than me. No..! My baby... A few seconds of looking over at my girl's lifeless body, everything went black and into pure darkness.

Unknown's POV

A short amount of time after the car altercation from Daniel, two lifeless bodies lay in the middle of the road with other things spread around the road like rubbish, but little did they know that someone had seen the whole situation go down but who was it and why didn't they try and stop it.

Looking through all of the rubbish from the car altercation and from the two bodies that was harmed in the attack, there wasn't much to see and to tell that this wasn't an accident. When they was just about finished looking, there was a buzzing sound coming from somewhere. looked around and found what it was. It was an iPhone, with a call coming through from Pattie. Was or is it too late to save her son...?

Justin's POV.

I heard a speeding vehicle leave the scene. It was that sick bastard just driving away. I will kill him if its the last thing I do.

"Baby... Please open your eyes! I love you, your my everything. Your my life, I can't breathe without you in my life. You're perfect in every single way imaginable, even you don't think you are. You can't leave me here alone, we have our future to plan together, having you become my wife; Mrs Bieber! Please beautiful?" I begged as my tears were falling. I need to call an ambulance! I try and find my phone but its no where to be found and I am running out of time to save my girl....

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