Of Apples and Oranges

By ThatOnePairofGlasses

477 43 36

Aurum Creste is an thirteen-year-old girl who is transferring from Beauxbatons to Hogwarts in her second year... More

I: i: Lycanthrope
I: ii: Neighbor
I: iii: Sister
I: iv: New Friend
I: v: A Shoulder to Lean On
I: vi: Potions Apprentice
I: vii: Quarterblood
I: viii: Traitor
I: ix: Love Interest
I: x: Dangerous
I: xi: Secretive
II: i: Bus Rider
II: ii: Waffle Cooker Extraordinaire
II: iii: Savior of Muggles
II: iv: Frenemy
II: v: Fearless
II: vi: Hippogriff Advocate
II: vii: Teacher's Pet
II: viii: Harry Potter Fan
II: ix: Frazzled
II: x: The Great Compromiser
II: xi: Rebel
II: xii: Delinquent
III: i: Fireworks Enthusiast
III: ii: Anti-Death Eaters
III: iii: Ex-Friend
III: iv: Old Friend
III: v: Jealous
III: vi: Not the Object of Attention
III: vii: Someone Else's Crush
III: viii: Dancing Queen
III: ix: Professional Secretkeeper
III: x: In the Arms of a Gryffindor
III: xi: Tea Buddy
III: xii: Sister of a Death Eater
III: xiii: Liar
Thirty-Five Facts About OAAO
IV: i: Bridesmaid
IV: ii: Skeptical
IV: iii: Heartbroken
IV: iv: Prefect
IV: v: Believing in Voldemort
IV: vi: Detentionaire
IV: vii: A Slightly Worried Girlfriend
IV: ix: Chaser

IV: viii: Betrayed

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By ThatOnePairofGlasses

Aurum sat down on the black leather couch next to Draco in front of the fire. He was draped in a blanket like a lot of students usually were since it was so cold down in the dungeons. She had just returned from the date she had with Anthony.

She presented him with a mug of butterbeer from The Three Broomsticks which she had gotten just for him. He accepted it hesitantly and then drank like he never had before.

"What happened?" Aurum asked, putting an arm around Draco's shoulder. "That wasn't you, Draco."

He wiped off the drink trailing his chin. He got a good breath and began by saying, "Ah, I lied."

Aurum was shocked. "Lied? About what? Draco, we never lie to each other."

"I didn't really talk to Granger. I was too nervous to confront her myself. You know she wouldn't like me anyway. Besides, I couldn't even talk to her without Potter getting in my business." Draco buried his nose in the butterbeer along with his mouth.

"Draco..." Aurum leaned back on the couch. So much so that she put her legs in Draco's lap. She put a hand on her forehead. "Secrets, Draco. They split us apart. I thought we learned that already."

"I know, I know. I just wanted—I thought it would make you happy if I was—if you thought I was happy." Draco threw up his hands, dropping his butterbeer. He stood immediately, cursing.

Aurum sat up, concerned. "Draco—"

"Something's bothered me, Aurum." Draco massaged his temples. "When that Quill guy looked at me... all of my demons came out. They were all coming to the front."

"What did he show you?" Aurum asked.

"It's just something I never want to think about again." Draco waved her away, beginning to pace in front of the fireplace.

"Draco, you can tell me anything." she held out her hand. Draco looked at it miserably, his lip twitching. "Slytherin Duo?" Aurum asked cheekily.

"Yeah," Draco held her hand with a tight grip. "Slytherin Duo." he agreed.

Aurum broke away, hopping up and down excitedly. "Okay, you can't back out now!" she exclaimed.

"I can't back out now?" Draco mocked her tone and expression.

"Yeah buddy, we tell each other everything." Aurum nodded with vigor.

"Well, then can I just say I am sorry for dropping the butterbeer, my bad." Draco put his hands up innocently.

"You don't have to apologize," Aurum rolled her eyes.

"I thought we told each other everything?"

"Yeah, man." Aurum brushed her hair out of her eyes with a sigh.

"You know time when we fought because I called you a 'dirtblood'?" Draco laughed at the past. Aurum nodded, laughing as well. "Vincent and I... we did a lot of talking. When that assistant brought it up, it reminded me of how much of a prat I was."

"We all have those days, Draco." Aurum shrugged and hugged him. "Just forget it, man."

She expected him to laugh with her. She didn't expect him to start sniffling. She leaned back and looked into Draco's wavering silver eyes.

"I'm everything Potter says I am." Draco covered his mouth. "I'm a prat, a prick, a pretentious bodyguard. I'm cunning, a sneak. I'm a purist."

"That's not true," Aurum said slowly, slipping away from her friend. "You're none of those things. You're just my best friend."

"I think about it all the time. How nasty I was back then. I still say those things when I'm with Vincent." Draco looked into the fire with an uneasy expression.

"You're with Vincent? But—"

"What do you think I did when you were hanging out with Chantelle? Or when you're with Anthony? When I said I got with Granger, I was lying, Aurum. I was with Vincent. There's things I have to tell him—things I'm not proud of—to stay with him. If I don't, I can't stay with him or Goyle." Draco's eyes watered. He wiped his eyes rapidly, barely leaving time in a second for breathing.

"I don't care, you don't mean it." Aurum shook her head. "I just wish I could..." she rubbed her right hand with a vacant expression.

"They want me to cut ties."

Aurum's heart was in her throat. Immediately she was taken back to when Gregory told her that he couldn't be friends with her anymore. It made her recall when Harry made his speech atop the stairs at Grimmauld Place.

So this was when Draco was leaving her.

Aurum sighed and made for the painting door, brushing the hair out of her eyes which were now welling up with tears.

"Aurum? Where are you going? Remember, you have to tell me everything." Draco pointed out cheekily.

Aurum spun on her heel. "Actually, Draco, I don't. Because you didn't. You didn't tell me about all this before. I'm not telling you where I'm going." she kicked her way out of the common room even though Draco was shouting for her to come back, apologizing profusely.

Aurum had enough.

Seeking some kind of shoulder to lean on, Aurum sped off to find Anthony. She knew there was no way she was getting into his common room at this time of night, but she was determined and the full moon was guiding her. On her way, she encountered the boy himself. She ended up bumping into his back, startling only her. He kept his cool and turned around to face her with a dimpled smile. He smoothed his golden blonde hair back and held out a hand.

"So how do two prefects just so happen to meet in the middle of the night? I don't think we're setting a good example for the first years, Aurum." Anthony joked. He was quick to notice her begin to cry. He put his arms around her, rocking her as she cried on his chest.

"Draco betrayed me, Tony. He gets to enjoy Vincent and–and Gregory... What do I get?" Aurum sighed, looking up at Anthony. "Well, I suppose I do have an amazing boyfriend." Aurum smiled.

Anthony nodded. He wiped the tears out of her eyes. "Yeah, I guess you're right about that. Still, I know it must be hard to go through friendship drama. If Draco Malfoy really knows what he has, he'll come back. You're going to tell me what happened, right?"


There was a bout of silence. "Whenever you're ready."

They held onto each other and rocked until their shifts were over, holding this more important than some kids slipping out past curfew. It was their job to ensure the safety of other students, and right now, all Anthony seemed to care about was Aurum's well-being. She didn't know what she did to deserve Anthony.

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